GrokkSoft inc. HoverRace BETA for Win95/NT4.0 IMPORTANT NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file contains important informations about your HoverRace and you should read it to fully enjoy the game. If you have any question or problem regarading this game, please do not hesitate to write to me: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION When you have unzipped HoverRace you should have restored the stored directory structure. You should have this kind of structure on your hard drive. Parent directory (Disk root any other directory; ex: C:\games ) | +-HoverRace main directory (HoverRace by default) | +-bin (Directory containing all *.exe and *.dll files) | +-tracks (Directory containing all *.trk files) | +-help (Directory containing all *.doc or *.hlp files) | +-HoverRace.lnk (Shortcut to bin\HRace.exe) | +-ReadMe.txt (This file) STARTING HOVERRACE You just need to run the "hrace.exe" program located in the "bin" directory PLAYING ON THE INTERNET Just need to press F2 in the program and you will be automatically connected to our FREE players matching service. You should try the INTERNET mode to enjoy this game at the maximum. To type a message in the Internet Room type in the white box at the bottom of the screen. COMMON ERRORS "ddraw.dll not found" You need to install DirectX on your system. Most new games will soon use DirectX so it is a good idea to install it now. You can found Direct X on GrokkSoft site: "videoservices.dll not found" You have unzipped the installation package with an archiver that do not support long file name. See our site we have a links to good archiver programs. "no track available" You did not restaured the directory structure stored in the installation package. You can reinstall or correct the situation manually. See installation section. "Bad track names" You used an archiver that do not support very long file names. You can rename the files manually or you can use a good archiving program. See our site we have a links to good archiver programs. "You should be connected to the Internet to use this function" or "Unable to connect to server" Server may be temporay out of reach. Retry later. If the situation persist, please contact me: "other error" Please contact me: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright 1996 GrokkSoft inc.