Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 14:14:17 PDT --------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy Tactics Help Files Version 1.02 by John Miaso ICQ #8419684 --------------------------------------------- Contents There should be three different files: Part One: Game Walkthrough Part Two: Jobs and Abilities Part Three: Secrets and other Info This file contains Part Two. --------------------------------------------- Table of Contents i. Revision History ii. Where to find these files iii. Introduction iv. Wanted! v. Special Thanks 1. How To Get The Job Classes 2. Job Classes and Abilities 2.1. Squire Classes 2.1.1. Squire 2.1.2. Knight 2.1.3. Archer 2.1.4. Monk 2.1.5. Thief 2.1.6. Geomancer 2.1.7. Lancer 2.1.8. Dancer 2.2. Chemist Classes 2.2.1. Chemist 2.2.2. Priest 2.2.3. Wizard 2.2.4. Oracle 2.2.5. Time Mage 2.2.6. Mediator 2.2.7. Summoner 2.2.8. Bard 2.3. Mixed Classes 2.3.1. Samurai 2.3.2. Ninja 2.3.3. Calculator 2.3.4. Mime 2.4. Special Classes 2.4.1. Squire 2.4.2. Holy Knight 2.4.3. Engineer 2.4.4. Heaven and Hell Knights 2.4.5. Divine Knight 2.4.6. Holy Swordsman 2.4.7. Temple Knight 2.4.8. Holy Dragon 2.4.9. Steel Giant 2.4.10. Dragoner 2.4.11. Soldier --------------------------------------------- i. Revision History 1.02 -- Added a poaching list, edited the Cloud section. 1.01 -- Corrected a couple of typos (the jobs section is actually legible), added the "Where to find these files" section, and the Special Thanks section. 1.00 -- First draft. --------------------------------------------- ii. Where to find these files You can find these files at: Gamefaqs: My page, Station Omega: Exlr8er's RPG Fantasy: --------------------------------------------- iii. Introduction I wrote these files because I have found that there is a certain lack of English written FAQ's and walkthroughs of various games. I figured that many people looking for help on this game would appreciate a FAQ/Walkthrough that was originally written in English. Also, the only help files on Final Fantasy Tactics that I have seen do _not_ include a complete walkthrough, which I have included here. My only hope is to provide you with all the information you need. If any readers of this have things to add, corrections or anything, let me know. E-mail: URL: http:/ ICQ#: 8419684 A notice to players: this file contains many "spoilers" of the storyline, so unless you want the complete walkthrough, don't read through it entirely. I'm just warning you ahead of time. Also, if you wish to use any information contained in any of these files, contact me first. At the very least, give credit where credit is due. --------------------------------------------- iv. Wanted! I would like to include in these files: Game Shark codes Item lists Deep Dungeon info Anything you think should be added. The methods of contacting me are above, please give me any info you can on this. I will credit you with this information by putting your name and e-mail address on these files. --------------------------------------------- v. Special Thanks First, I would like to give a big "thank you" to all of my friends, who helped me immensely with the statistics and many other things. I would like to thank Sergio Lopez ( for correcting some of my data in the jobs section. Thanks to Matt Hobbs ( and Kevin McCullough ( for submitting their poaching list. And, thanks goes to SquareSoft, who has made another incredible game! --------------------------------------------- 1. How To Get The Job Classes Each advanced class is derived from either the Squire or Chemist class. The Squire class leads you toward stronger warrior classes, while the Chemist class will take you more towards magic and other forms of battle. Here is a quick reference for jobs: Name Job Requirement Squire None Knight Lv. 2 Squire Archer Lv. 2 Squire Monk Lv. 2 Knight Thief Lv. 2 Archer Geomancer Lv. 3 Monk Lancer Lv. 3 Thief Dancer (females only) Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer Chemist None Priest Lv. 2 Chemist Wizard Lv. 2 Chemist Oracle Lv. 2 Priest Time Mage Lv. 2 Wizard Mediator Lv. 2 Oracle Summoner Lv. 2 Time Mage Bard (males only) Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner Samurai Lv. 3 Knight, Lv. 4 Monk, Lv. 2 Lancer Ninja Lv. 3 Archer, Lv. 4 Thief, Lv. 2 Geomancer Calculator Lv. 4 Priest, Lv. 4 Wizard, Lv. 3 Time Mage, Lv. 3 Oracle Mime Lv. 8 Squire, Lv. 8 Chemist, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer, Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner 2. Job Classes and Abilities I will include, for each character's skills, the name, a description, amount of MP used, speed and Job Points required. I will also rate each on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being bad and 5 being good. 2.1. Squire Classes All of these classes' abilites consume no MP. 2.1.1. Squire Weapons: Knife, Sword, Axe, Flail Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Basic Skill --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Accumulate Increases physical attack power Now 300 2 by one. Dash Hits target with body; can knock Now 80 1 target back. Throw Stone Throws a stone at enemy. Now 90 4 Heal Cures Darkness, Silence, Poison. Now 150 1 --------------------------------------------- 2.1.2. Knight Needed: Lv. 2 Squire Weapons: Sword, Knight Sword, Can use shield. Helmet: Armored Helmet Armor: Armor, Robe --------------------------------------------- Battle Skill --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Head Break Destroys target's helmet. Now 300 2 Armor Break Destroys target's armor. Now 400 4 Shield Break Destroys target's shield. Now 300 2 Weapon Break Destroys target's weapon. Now 400 5 Magic Break Reduces target's MP by half. Now 250 2 Speed Break Reduces target's speed. Now 250 3 Power Break Reduces target's attack power. Now 250 3 Mind Break Reduces target's magic power. Now 250 2 --------------------------------------------- 2.1.3. Archer Needed: Lv. 2 Squire Weapons: Bow, Crossbow Can use shield, only with crossbow. Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Charge --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Charge +1 Charges attack. -- 100 2 Charge +2 Charges attack. -- 150 2 Charge +3 Charges attack. -- 200 3 Charge +4 Charges attack. -- 250 3 Charge +5 Charges attack. -- 300 4 Charge +7 Charges attack. -- 400 3 Charge +10 Charges attack. -- 600 1 Charge +20 Charges attack. -- 1000 1 --------------------------------------------- 2.1.4. Monk Required: Lv. 2 Knight Weapon: None Helmet: Females can equip a ribbon, males can't equip a helmet. Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Punch Art --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Spin Fist Attacks surrounding enemies. Now 150 2 Repeating Fist Attacks enemy repeatedly. Now 300 3 Wave Fist Attacks from afar. Now 300 5 Earth Slash Attacks all in a straight line. Now 300 5 Secret Fist Adds Death Sentence. Now 600 1 Stigma Magic Cures Petrify, Darkness, Now 400 4 Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act Chakra Restores HP/MP of caster and Now 200 5 surrounding allies/enemies. Revive Resurrects a dead character. Now 350 4 -------------------------------------------- 2.1.5. Thief Needed: Lv. 2 Archer Weapon: Knife Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Steal --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Gil Taking Steals gil from a target. Now 10 1 Steal Heart Charms a monster or enemy of Now 150 4 the opposite sex. Steal Helmet Steals target's helmet. Now 350 3 Steal Armor Steals target's armor. Now 450 3 Steal Shield Steals target's shield. Now 350 3 Steal Weapon Steals target's weapon. Now 600 4 Steal Accessry Steals target's accessory. Now 500 3 Steal Exp Steals target's experience. Now 250 2 --------------------------------------------- 2.1.6. Geomancer Needed: Lv. 3 Monk Weapons: Sword, Axe Can use shield with sword Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Elemental --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Pitfall Adds Don't Move. Now 150 3 Water Ball Adds Frog. Now 150 3 Hell Ivy Adds Stop. Now 150 4 Carve Model Adds Petrify. Now 150 4 Local Quake Adds Confusion. Now 150 3 Kamaitachi Adds Don't Act. Now 150 3 Demon Fire Adds Sleep. Now 150 3 Quicksand Adds Death Sentence. Now 150 2 Sand Storm Adds Darkness. Now 150 2 Blizzard Adds Silence. Now 150 3 Gusty Wind Adds Slow. Now 150 3 Lava Ball Adds Dead. Now 150 3 --------------------------------------------- 2.1.7. Lancer Needed: Lv. 2 Thief Weapon: Spear Can use shield. Helmet: Armored Helmet Armor: Armor, Robe --------------------------------------------- Jump --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Level Jump2 Can jump 2 spaces horizontally. -- 150 2 Level Jump3 Can jump 3 spaces horizontally. -- 300 2 Level Jump4 Can jump 4 spaces horizontally. -- 450 1 Level Jump5 Can jump 5 spaces horizontally. -- 600 1 Level Jump8 Can jump 8 spaces horizontally. -- 900 5 Vertical Jump2 Can jump 2 spaces vertically. -- 100 2 Vertical Jump3 Can jump 3 spaces vertically. -- 200 2 Vertical Jump4 Can jump 4 spaces vertically. -- 300 1 Vertical Jump5 Can jump 5 spaces vertically. -- 400 1 Vertical Jump6 Can jump 6 spaces vertically. -- 500 1 Vertical Jump7 Can jump 7 spaces vertically. -- 600 1 Vertical Jump8 Can jump 8 spaces vertically. -- 900 5 --------------------------------------------- 2.1.7. Dancer Female units only. Needed: Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer Weapon: Knife, Cloth Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Dance --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Witch Hunt MP damage to all enemies. 17 100 1 Wiznaibus HP damage to all enemies. 17 100 2 Slow Dance Lowers all enemies' speed by 1. 13 100 3 Polka Polka Lowers all enemies' physical 13 100 3 attack by 1. Disillusion Lowers all enemies' magic attack 10 100 3 by 1. Nameless Dance Adds Darkness, Confusion, Silence, 10 100 4 Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Sleep to all enemies. Last Dance Lowers all enemies' CT to zero. 5 100 4 --------------------------------------------- 2.2. Chemist Classes 2.2.1. Chemist Weapons: Knife, Gun Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Item --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Potion Adds 30 HP. Now 30 3 Hi-Potion Adds 70 HP. Now 200 3 X-Potion Adds 150 HP. Now 300 4 Ether Adds 20 MP. Now 300 2 Hi-Ether Adds 50 MP. Now 400 3 Elixir Recovers all HP/MP. Now 900 5 Antidote Cures Poison. Now 70 3 Eye Drop Cures Darkness. Now 80 2 Echo Grass Cures Silence. Now 120 3 Maiden's Kiss Cures Frog. Now 200 3 Soft Cures Petrify. Now 250 3 Holy Water Cures Undead, Blood Suck. Now 400 3 Remedy Cures Petrify, Darkness, Now 700 5 Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep. Phoenix Down Revives dead units. Now 90 5 --------------------------------------------- 2.2.2. Priest Needed: Lv. 2 Chemist Weapon: Staff Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- White Magic --------------------------------------------- Name Description MP Speed JP Rating Cure Restores HP (weak). 6 25 50 4 Cure 2 Restores HP (medium). 10 20 180 4 Cure 3 Restores HP (strong). 16 15 400 5 Cure 4 Restores a large amount 20 10 700 3 of HP in a wide area. Raise Revives dead units. 10 25 180 4 Raise 2 Revives dead units and 20 10 500 5 restores all HP. Reraise Casts Raise on unit upon 16 15 800 1 death. Regen Restores HP over time. 8 25 300 2 Protect Raises physical defense. 6 25 70 2 Protect 2 Higher success rate than 24 15 500 2 Protect, larger range. Shell Raises magic defense. 6 25 70 2 Shell 2 Higher success rate than Shell, larger range. 20 25 500 2 Wall Adds Protect and Shell. 24 25 380 3 Esuna Cures Petrify, Darkness, 18 34 280 5 Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act. Holy Holy Elemental attack. 56 17 600 4 --------------------------------------------- 2.2.3. Wizard Needed: Lv. 2 Chemist Weapon: Rod Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Black Magic --------------------------------------------- Name Description MP Speed JP Rating Fire Fire Elemental attack. 6 25 50 4 (weak) Fire 2 Fire Elemental attack. 12 20 200 3 (medium) Fire 3 Fire Elemental attack. 24 15 480 3 (strong) Fire 4 Fire Elemntal attack. 48 10 850 3 (strong, wide range) Bolt Lightning Elemental 6 25 50 4 attack. (weak) Bolt 2 Lightning Elemental 10 20 200 3 attack. (medium) Bolt 3 Lightning Elemental 24 15 480 3 attack. (strong) Bolt 4 Lightning Elemental 48 10 850 3 attack. (strong, wide range) Ice Ice Elemental attack. 6 25 50 4 (weak) Ice 2 Ice Elemental attack. 12 20 200 3 (medium) Ice 3 Ice Elemental attack. 24 15 480 3 (strong) Ice 4 Ice Elemental attack. 48 10 850 3 (strong, wide range) Poison Adds Poison. 6 34 150 2 Frog Adds/removes Frog. 12 20 500 3 Death Kills instantly. 24 10 600 3 Flare Powerful, non-elemental 60 15 900 5 attack. --------------------------------------------- 2.2.4. Oracle Needed: Lv. 2 Priest Weapons: Stick, Rod, Staff, Dictionary Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Yin-Yang Magic --------------------------------------------- Name Description MP Speed JP Rating Blind Adds Darkness. 4 50 100 2 Spell Absorb Absorbs MP from target. 2 50 200 3 Life Drain Absorbs HP from target. 16 50 350 3 Pray Faith Adds Faith. 6 25 400 4 Doubt Faith Adds Innocent. 6 25 400 3 Zombie Adds Zombie. 20 20 300 1 Silence Song Adds Silence. 16 34 170 3 Blind Rage Adds Berserk. 16 20 400 2 Foxbird Lowers target's Brave 20 25 200 4 level. Confusion Song Adds Confusion. 20 20 400 2 Dispel Magic Removes Float, Reraise, 34 34 700 2 Transparent, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste, Faith, Reflect. Paralyze Adds Don't Act. 10 20 100 5 Sleep Adds Sleep. 24 17 350 3 Petrify Petrifies target. 16 12 600 3 --------------------------------------------- 2.2.5. Time Mage Needed: Lv. 2 Wizard Weapon: Staff Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Time Magic --------------------------------------------- Name Description MP Speed JP Rating Haste Adds Haste. 8 50 100 5 Haste 2 Adds Haste. (wider range) 30 15 550 3 Slow Adds Slow. 8 50 80 5 Slow 2 Adds Slow. (wider range) 30 15 520 3 Stop Adds Stop. 14 15 330 4 Don't Move Adds Don't Move. 10 34 100 4 Float Adds Float. 8 50 200 1 Reflect Adds Reflect. 12 50 300 2 Quick Sets target's CT to 100. 24 25 800 4 Demi Does damage equal to 25% 24 17 250 2 of target's max HP. Demi 2 Does damage equal to 50% 50 12 550 2 of target's max HP. Meteor Summons a meteor from the 70 8 1500 3 heavens, it devastates target and surrounding area. --------------------------------------------- 2.2.6. Mediator Needed: Lv. 2 Oracle Weapons: Knife, Gun Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Talk Skill --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Invitation Turns enemy into ally. Now 100 5 Persuade Sets target CT to zero. Now 100 3 Praise Raises target's Brave by 4. Now 200 3 Threaten Lowers target's Brave by 20. Now 200 3 Preach Raises target's Faith by 4. Now 200 5 Solution Lowers target's Faith by 20. Now 200 4 Death Sentence Adds Death Sentence. Now 500 1 Negotiate Receive gil from enemy. Now 100 1 Insult Adds Berserk. Now 300 2 Mimic Daravon Adds Sleep. Now 300 3 --------------------------------------------- 2.2.7. Summoner Needed: Lv. 2 Time Mage Weapons: Rod, Staff Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Summon Magic --------------------------------------------- Name Description MP Speed JP Rating Moogle Restores HP. (weaker) 8 34 110 3 Shiva Ice Elemental attack. 24 15 200 3 Ramuh Lightning Elemental 24 15 200 3 attack. Ifrit Fire Elemental attack. 24 15 200 3 (weaker) Titan Earth Elemental attack. 30 8 220 4 Golem Raises physical evade %. 40 34 500 5 Carbunkle Adds Reflect. 30 25 350 1 Bahamut Powerful non-elemental 60 10 1200 3 attack. Odin Non-elemental attack. 50 12 900 3 Leviathan Water Elemental attack. 48 12 850 3 Salamander Fire Elemental attack. 48 12 820 3 (stronger) Silf Adds Silence. 26 20 400 1 Fairy Restores HP. (stronger) 28 25 460 4 Lich Dark Elemental attack, 40 12 600 2 cuts HP by half. Cyclops Powerful non-elemental 62 12 1000 3 attack. Zodiac Ultimate summon spell. 99 10 -- 4 --------------------------------------------- 2.2.8. Bard Male units only. Needed: Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner Weapon: Harp Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Sing --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Angel Song Restores MP of all allies. 17 100 2 Life Song Restores HP of all allies. 17 100 3 Cheer Song Adds 1 Speed to all allies. 13 100 4 Battle Song Adds 1 to physical attack power 13 100 4 of all allies. Magic Song Adds 1 to magic power of all 10 100 3 allies. Nameless Song Adds Reraise, Regen, Protect, 10 100 3 Shell, Haste. Last Song Raises all allies' CT to 100. 5 100 4 --------------------------------------------- 2.3. Mixed Classes None of these classes' abilities consume MP. 2.3.1. Samurai Needed: Lv. 3 Knight, Lv. 4 Monk, Lv. 2 Lancer Weapon: Katana Helmet: Armored Helmet Armor: Armor, Robe --------------------------------------------- Draw Out --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Asura Knife Causes HP damage in effect area. Now 100 3 Koutetsu Causes HP damage in effect area. Now 180 3 Bizen Boat Causes MP damage in effect area. Now 260 1 Murasame Restores HP to allies in effect Now 340 4 area. Heaven's Cloud Causes HP damage and adds Slow Now 420 3 in effect area. Kiyomori Adds Protect, Shell to allies in Now 500 3 affect area. Muramasa Causes HP damage and adds Now 580 4 Confusion, Death Sentence in effect area. Kikuichimoji Causes damage along a line. Now 660 4 Masamune Adds Regen, Haste to allies in Now 740 4 effect area. Chirijiraden Causes HP damage in effect area. Now 820 4 --------------------------------------------- 2.3.2. Ninja Needed: Lv. 3 Archer, Lv. 4 Thief, Lv. 2 Geomancer Weapons: Knife, Ninja Sword, Flail Can equip a weapon in each hand. Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Throw --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Shuriken Ability to throw Shuriken. Now 50 5 Ball Ability to throw Balls. Now 70 5 Knife Ability to throw Knives. Now 100 2 Sword Ability to throw Swords. Now 100 2 Hammer Ability to throw Hammers. Now 100 2 Katana Ability to throw Katanas. Now 100 3 Ninja Sword Ability to throw Ninja Swords. Now 100 2 Axe Ability to throw Axes. Now 120 2 Spear Ability to throw Spears. Now 100 2 Stick Ability to throw Sticks. Now 100 2 Knight Sword Ability to throw Knight Swords. Now 100 1 Dictionary Ability to throw Dictionaries. Now 100 2 --------------------------------------------- 2.3.3. Calculator Needed: Lv. 4 Priest, Lv. 4 Wizard, Lv. 3 Oracle, Lv. 3 Time Mage Weapons: Stick, Dictionary Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Math Skill --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating CT Start calculation with CT. -- 250 4 Level Start calculation with experience -- 350 5 level. Exp Start calculation with amount of -- 200 5 experience. Height Start calculation with height. -- 250 4 Prime Number Divide with prime numbers. -- 300 4 5 Divide by 5. -- 200 4 4 Divide by 4. -- 400 4 3 Divide by 3. -- 600 5 --------------------------------------------- 2.3.4. Mime Needed: Lv. 8 Squire, Lv. 8 Chemist, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer, Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner Weapon: None Helmet: None Armor: None This character has no abilities, it mimics the actions your other units perform. --------------------------------------------- 2.4. Special Classes These are the classes of special characters, like Agrias and Mustadio. 2.4.1. Squire Examples: Ramza, Delita (Chapter 1), Algus Weapons: Knife, Sword, Knight Sword, Flail Can use shield. Helmet: Armored Helmet, Hat Armor: Armor, Clothes The Guts skill also includes the all of the abilities in Basic Skill. --------------------------------------------- Guts --------------------------------------------- Name Description MP Speed JP Rating Yell Target's Speed +1. -- Now 200 3 Wish Character loses HP, target -- Now -- 2 gains twice that much HP. Cheer Up Target's Brave +5. -- Now 200 5 Scream Raises character's Brave, -- Now 500 4 Speed, physical and magic attack. Ultima Powerful magic attack. 10 20 -- 5 --------------------------------------------- 2.4.2. Holy Knight Examples: Agrias, Delita (Chapters 2 and 4) Weapons: Sword, Knight Sword Agrias can use Bag. Can equip shield. Helmet: Armored Helmet Agrias can use Ribbon. Armor: Armor, Robe Wiegraf is a non-playable Holy Knight. --------------------------------------------- Holy Sword (Sword or Knight Sword required) --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Stasis Sword Holy Elemental attack. Now 100 3 Adds Stop. Split Punch Holy Elemental attack. Now 400 2 Adds Death Sentence. Crush Punch Holy Elemental attack. Now 500 2 Adds Dead. Lightning Stab Lightning Elemental attack. Now 700 5 Adds Silence. Holy Explosion Holy Elemental attack. Now 800 4 Adds Confusion. --------------------------------------------- 2.4.3. Engineer Example: Mustadio Weapon: Gun Helmet: Hat Armor: Clothes Balk is a non-playable Engineer. --------------------------------------------- Snipe --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Leg Aim Adds Don't Move. Now 200 5 Arm Aim Adds Don't Act. Now 300 5 Seal Evil Adds Petrify. Now 200 3 --------------------------------------------- 2.4.4. Heaven and Hell Knights Example: Rafa (Heaven Knight), Malak (Hell Knight) Weapons: Staff, Stick Rafa can use Bag. Helmet: Hat Rafa can use Ribbon. Armor: Clothes, Robe --------------------------------------------- Truth (Heaven Knight) --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Heaven Thunder Lightning Magic attacks randomly 34 -- 4 in effect range. Asura Fire Magic attacks randomly in 25 200 4 effect range. Diamond Sword Wind Magic attacks randomly in 20 300 3 effect range. Hydragon Pit Water Magic attacks randomly in 17 400 3 effect range. Space Storage Randomly causes status anomalies 20 500 2 in effect range. Adds Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop. Sky Demon Earth Magic attacks randomly in 15 600 3 effect range. --------------------------------------------- Untruth (Hell Knight) --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Heaven Bolt Back Lightning Magic attacks randomly 34 -- 4 in effect range. Asura Back Fire Magic attacks randomly in 25 200 4 effect range. Diamond Sword Back Wind Magic attacks randomly in 20 300 3 effect range. Dragon Pit Back Water Magic attacks randomly in 17 400 3 effect range. Space Storage Back Randomly causes status anomalies 20 500 2 in effect range. Adds Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Sleep. Sky Demon Back Earth Magic attacks randomly in 15 600 3 effect range. --------------------------------------------- 2.4.5. Divine Knight Example: Meliadoul Weapons: Sword, Knight Sword, Crossbow, Spear, Bag Can equip Shield. Helmet: Armored Helmet Armor: Armor, Clothes, Robe Vormav and Rofel are non-playable Divine Knights. --------------------------------------------- Mighty Sword --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Shellbust Stab Does HP damage/destroys armor. Now 200 3 Blastar Punch Does HP damage/destroys helmet. Now 400 2 Hellcry Punch Does HP damage/destroys weapon. Now 500 5 Icewolf Bite Does HP damage/destroys Now 800 3 accessory. --------------------------------------------- 2.4.6. Holy Swordsman Example: Orlandu Weapon: Ninja Sword, Sword, Knight Sword, Katana Can equip shield. Helmet: Armored Helmet, Hat Armor: Armor, Clothes, Robe All Swordskill also includes all of the abilities of Holy and Divine Knights. --------------------------------------------- All Swordskill (Sword or Knight Sword required) --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Dark Sword Absorbs MP from target. Now 500 2 Night Sword Absorbs HP from target. Now 100 5 --------------------------------------------- 2.4.7. Temple Knight --------------------------------------------- Example: Beowulf Weapon: Knife, Sword, Knight Sword Can equip shield. Helmet: Armored Helmet Armor: Armor, Robe --------------------------------------------- Magic Sword (Sword or Knight Sword required) --------------------------------------------- Name Description MP Speed JP Rating Blind Adds Darkness. 6 Now 50 2 Aspel Absorbs MP from target. 2 Now 100 4 Drain Absorbs MP from target. 12 Now 180 4 Faith Adds Faith. 10 Now 200 3 Innocent Adds Innocent. 10 Now 200 3 Zombie Adds Zombie. 14 Now 150 2 Silence Adds Silence. 16 Now 90 3 Berserk Adds Berserk. 16 Now 200 2 Chicken Target's Brave -50. 12 Now 500 5 Confuse Adds Confusion. 14 Now 200 3 Despair Cancels Float, Reraise, 20 Now 300 2 Transparent, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste, Faith, Reflect. Don't Act Adds Don't Act. 14 Now 50 5 Sleep Adds Sleep. 20 Now 170 4 Break Adds Petrify. 24 Now 300 4 Shock! The more damage you have 20 Now 600 2 received, the more damage this deals. --------------------------------------------- 2.4.8. Holy Dragon --------------------------------------------- Example: Reis No equipment. --------------------------------------------- Breath --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Ice Bracelet Ice Elemental attack. Now -- 4 Fire Bracelet Fire Elemental attack. Now -- 4 Thunder Bracelet Lightning Elemental attack. Now -- 4 --------------------------------------------- 2.4.9. Steel Giant --------------------------------------------- Example: Worker 8 No equipment. Steel Giants always have the status anomaly Innocent. Worker 7 is a non-playable Steel Giant. --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Destroy Destroys target. Now -- 4 Compress Adds Dead. Now -- 4 Dispose Attacks all within effect range. Now -- 4 Crush Crushes target. Now -- 4 --------------------------------------------- 2.4.10. Dragoner --------------------------------------------- Example: Reis Weapon: Bag Helmet: Ribbon Armor: None Dragon includes all the abilities of Holy Dragon. --------------------------------------------- Dragon --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Dragon Tame Targets enemy dragons. Adds Now 300 4 Invitation. Dragon Care Restores ally dragon's HP and Now 300 3 status by losing own HP. Cures Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act. Dragon PowerUp Raises ally dragon's Brave, Now 400 3 Speed, physical and magic attack. Dragon LevelUp Raises ally dragon's CT. Now 400 2 Holy Bracelet Holy Elemental; attacks randomly Now 900 4 in effect range. --------------------------------------------- 2.4.11. Soldier --------------------------------------------- Example: Cloud Weapon: Sword Helmet: Hat, Ribbon Armor: Clothes --------------------------------------------- Limit (Materia Blade required) --------------------------------------------- Name Description Speed JP Rating Braver Sword attack. 34 150 3 Cross-Slash Cuts enemies in effect range. 25 200 4 Blade Beam The more damage you have 20 250 2 received, the more damage this inflicts. Climhazzard The more damage target has 15 450 3 received, the more damage this inflicts. Meteorain Attacks with meteor. 10 560 2 Finish Touch Adds Dead, Petrify, Stop 20 670 5 Omnislash Ultimate Limit skill. 7 900 1 Cherry Blossom Most powerful Limit skill. 5 1200 1 --------------------------------------------- --====================987654321_0==_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="Fftsecr.txt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fftsecr.txt" --------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy Tactics Help Files Version 1.02 by John Miaso ICQ #8419684 --------------------------------------------- Contents There should be three different files: Part One: Game Walkthrough Part Two: Jobs and Abilities Part Three: Secrets and other Info This file contains Part Three. --------------------------------------------- Table of Contents i. Revision History ii. Where to find these files iii. Introduction iv. Wanted! v. Special Thanks 1. Secret Abilities 1.1. Ultima 1.1.1. The Assassins 1.1.2. Ultima Demons 1.2. Zodiac 1.2.1. Elidibs 2. Secret Characters 2.1. Beowulf, Reis, and Worker 8 2.1.1. Goug Machine City 2.1.2. Goland Coal City 2.1.3. Lesalia Imperial Capital 2.1.4. Goland Coal City Colliery Underground: Third Floor Colliery Underground: Second Floor Colliery Underground: First Floor Underground Passage in Goland 2.1.5. Goug Machine City 2.1.6. Zeltennia Castle 2.1.7. Nelveska Temple 2.2. Cloud 2.2.1. Zarghidas Trade City 2.2.2. Goug Machine City 2.2.3. Zarghidas Trade City 2.2.4. Bervenia Volcano 3. Poaching list --------------------------------------------- i. Revision History 1.02 -- Added a poaching list, edited the Cloud section. 1.01 -- Corrected a couple of typos (the jobs section is actually legible), added the "Where to find these files" section, and the Special Thanks section. 1.00 -- First draft. --------------------------------------------- ii. Where to find these files You can find these help files at: Gamefaqs: My page, Station Omega: Exlr8er's RPG Fantasy: --------------------------------------------- iii. Introduction I wrote these files because I have found that there is a certain lack of English written FAQ's and walkthroughs of various games. I figured that many people looking for help on this game would appreciate a FAQ/Walkthrough that was originally written in English. Also, the only help files on Final Fantasy Tactics that I have seen do _not_ include a complete walkthrough, which I have included here. My only hope is to provide you with all the information you need. If any readers of this have things to add, corrections or anything, let me know. E-mail: URL: http:/ ICQ#: 8419684 A notice to players: this file contains many "spoilers" of the storyline, so unless you want the complete walkthrough, don't read through it entirely. I'm just warning you ahead of time. Also, if you wish to use any information contained in any of these files, contact me first. At the very least, give credit where credit is due. --------------------------------------------- iv. Wanted! I would like to include in these files: Game Shark codes Item lists Deep Dungeon info Anything you think should be added. The methods of contacting me are above, please give me any info you can on this. I will credit you with this information by putting your name and e-mail address on these files. --------------------------------------------- v. Special Thanks First, I would like to give a big "thank you" to all of my friends, who helped me immensely with the statistics and many other things. Sergio Lopez, ( for correcting some of my data in the jobs section. Thanks to Matt Hobbs ( and Kevin McCullough ( for submitting their poaching list. And, thanks goes to SquareSoft, who has made another incredible game! --------------------------------------------- 1. Secret Abilities There are two abilities than you can't learn through ordinary means. One is a Guts ability for Ramza, another is a Summon spell for any summoner you have. To learn these, you must have the spell cast on you, and if it is Ultima, Ramza must be in the Squire job class. If it is Zodiac, your summoner must be in the Summoner job class. 1.1. Ultima You can learn Ultima through two different types of enemies, Assassins and Ultima Demons. Learning these spells is very difficult; you really have to force them to use it. Ramza must be in the Squire job class, have this spell cast on him, and he must survive it. 1.1.1. The Assassins Celia and Lede, whom you fight three times, are the easiest way to learn Ultima. If you equip your characters with Black Costumes to prevent their Shadow Stitch attack and Angel Rings to prevent Stop Bracelet, they will more likely cast Ultima. This is probably best done on the roof of Riovanes castle or at the gate of Limberry Castle. 1.1.2. Ultima Demons You fight Ultima Demons twice, once during the battle with Elmdor, and once at Murond. Ultima Demons will very rarely cast Ultima, for they have much better spells. Typically, the Demons won't cast Ultima until you have a character that can be taken out by it. You really have to have Ramza walk in on the effect range to learn it. 1.2. Zodiac There is only one battle in which you can learn Zodiac, and that is the last battle in the Deep Dungeon, at "End." Elidibs casts this spell, and it usually does about 800 damage, so you need to protect a summoner with Shell and probably use Mind Break on Elidibs. --------------------------------------------- 2. Secret Characters There are four "secret characters." You can only get them near the end of Chapter Four. I have found that the best time to get them is just before you go to Orbonne Monastery. 2.1. Beowulf, Reis and Worker 8 These characters are all part of one sub-quest in this game. This sub-quest starts at Goug Machine City. 2.1.1. Goug Machine City You must have Mustadio to do this. Go to Goug, and you will find that Mustadio's father has found a metal sphere. He sees a symbol on it, and that is your cue to find another Zodiac Stone. Now go to Goland. 2.1.2. Goland Coal City Go to the bar at Goland and listen to all the rumors. Now go to Lesalia. 2.1.3. Lesalia Imperial Capital Here you will enter a bar and hear about a monster uprising in the mines at Goland. Ramza overhears that Goland is recruiting people to stop this uprising. Ramza volunteers for the job, and is approached by Beowulf. If you choose to go with him, he will join your party as a guest. Head back to Goland. 2.1.4. Goland Coal City You will now fight a string of four battles, all with enemies at or above your level. Colliery Underground: Third Floor Here you will fight against five Chemists, who all have Mythril Guns. Try to stick close to them so they can't snipe you to death with their guns. Also, watch out, they can use Hi-Potions, X-Potions and Phoenix Downs, so this could turn out to be a long battle. Colliery Undeground: Second Floor The Chemist here is equipped with the aptly-named Blaze Gun, and there are two Behemoths here. However, the two thieves should be the least of your worries. If you are at high levels, the Behemoths will be too, and they can take out a weak character in one hit, so stay far from them. The King Behemoth is hiding behind the Thief in the front, who is close, so be careful. Colliery Underground: First Floor The two Chemists have the regular Mythril Guns now, so they aren't much of a threat. The Blue Dragons are your biggest worry. Use Orlandu at long range to defeat them. The Uribo doesn't seem to do anything at all in this battle, so ignore it until the very end. Underground Passage in Goland Your objective here is to save the Holy Dragon Reis, who seems quite capable of handling herself. With Orlandu and Ramza, you should not have any trouble with the Archaic Demon and the Ochus. The Plagues have the ability to petrify your characters, so you may want to equip Jade Armlets beforehand. You receive a Zodiac Stone from Beowulf and Reis after this battle, and they will now join as members. Now go back to Goug. 2.1.5. Goug Machine City When you return, the Zodiac Stone will activate the sphere, and Worker 8 will activate. It will join your party now. Mustadio's father will discover another machine that requires another Zodiac Stone, so head to Zeltennia. 2.1.6. Zeltennia Castle As in Goland, go to the bar and listen to new rumors. Nelveska Temple will appear on the map when you leave the bar. 2.1.7. Nelveska Temple Here you will fight against Worker 7, a Steel Giant just like Worker 8. However, the Hyudras and the Cocatoris make this battle rather difficult, so focus just on Worker 7. Rememeber, since Worker 7 has Innocent, he is not affected by magic. After defeating Worker 7, you will receive his Zodiac Stone. 2.2. Cloud This portion of the sub-quest will now allow you to get Cloud. I believe that you can only get him after you have gotten all the other secret characters, and after you have fought the battle with Dycedarg at Igros. First go to Goug, then to Zarghidas. 2.2.1. Zarghidas Trade City If you haven't already, go here. A girl will approach you in the town and sell you a flower. Buy it, then go to Goug. 2.2.2. Goug Machine City The machine that was found will now activate and deposit Cloud Strife into your reality. But, you don't have him yet, as he runs off. He went to Zarghidas, go follow him. 2.2.3. Zarghidas Trade City You will be attacked here, but it is not a problem at all. Beware, though, because Cloud is not equipped with a weapon. Cloud will join your party as a member after this battle, and, to get his Materia Blade, go to Bervenia Volcano. 2.2.4. Bervenia Volcano Equip a character with the Move-Find Item ability, and go to the top of the spire in this level. You will find the Materia Blade there, and with this Materia Blade, Cloud can use his Limit abilities. --------------------------------------------- 3. Poaching list I've noticed that when trying to obtain items through poaching, it's easiest to recruit 1st level monsters (like Dragons, Bull Demons, Hyudras), and then breed them to get higher level monsters. It's easier this way, because if you keep one around, you can always breed more 3rd levels, and you won't have to fight them. You can put them on your side, just whack them with someone with Secret Hunt, and hope they don't counter attack. This list was submitted via e-mail by Matt Hobbs and Kevin McCullough. They also informed me that some of the information may not be correct, so if you see an error, e-mail me and let me know. Enemy Name Common Item Rare Item Commonly found --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocobo Phoenix Down High Potion Everywhere, especially Mandalia Plains Black Chocobo Eye Drop X-Potion Bariaus Hill, Bariaus Valley Red Chocobo Remedy Barrette Finath River, Bariaus Hill --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goblin Potion Hi-Potion Everywhere, especially Mandalia Plains Black Goblin Hi-Potion Antidote Everywhere, especially Sweegy Woods Gobbledeguck Mage Masher Ancient Sword Bariaus Valley, Dolbodar Swamp --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Panther Antidote Battle Boots Everywhere, especially Mandalia Plains Cuar Soft Germinas Boots Everywhere, especially Germinas Peak Vampire Holy Water C Bag Zirekile Falls, Germinas Peak --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb Fire Ball Flame Rod Everywhere, especially Sweegy Woods Grenade Water Ball Flame Whip Bed Desert, Zeklaus Desert Explosive Lightning Ball Flame Shield Bed Desert, Zeklaus Desert --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Holy Water Ether Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp Bone Snatch Hi-Potion Partisan Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp Living Bone Wizard Mantle Elf Mantle Bervenia Volcano, Zeklaus Desert --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghoul Ether Ninja Knife Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp Gust Hi-Potion Main Gauche Araguay Woods, Zigolis Swamp Revnant Hi-Ether Mythril Gun Yuguo Woods --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floatiball Shuriken Platina Dagger Everywhere, especially Fovoham Plains Ahriman Magic Shuriken Air Knife Bervenia Volcano, Fovoham Plains Plague Yagyu Darkness Zorlin Shape Bervenia Volcano, Germinas Peak --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pisco Demon Echo Grass Hi-Potion Zirekile Falls, Fovoham Plains Squidlarkin Small Mantle Sleep Sword Zirekile Falls, Dolbodar Swamp Mindflare Hi-Ether Dracula Mantle Zirekile Falls, Fovoham Plains --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juravis Potion Rubber Shoes Zeklaus Desert, Fovoham Plains Steel Hawk Phoenix Down Hunting Bow Zeklaus Desert, Germinas Peak Cocatoris Soft Feather Mantle Zeklaus Desert, BRIDGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bull Demon Battle Axe Giant Axe Zeklaus Desert, Bariaus Hill Minitaurus Coral Sword Slasher Zeklaus Desert, Bariaus Hill Sacred Holy Lance Ivory Rod Zeklaus Desert, BRIDGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morbol Platina Dagger Ice Shield Araguay Woods Ochu N-Kai Armlet Chameleon Robe Finath River Great Morbol Elixir Madelgelm VOYAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woodman Eye Drop Healing Staff Araguay Woods, MLAPAN Trent Gold Staff Fairy Harp Araguay Woods, MLAPAN Taiju Defense Ring Defender MLAPAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Jade Armlet H Bag Bed Desert, VOYAGE, HORROR Blue Dragon Cashmere Dragon Rod Dolbodar Swamp, HORROR Red Dragon Salty Rage Dragon Whisker Bed Desert, VOYAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behemoth Defense Armlet P Bag Poeskas Lake, VOYAGE King Behemoth Ultimus Bow Cherche Poeskas Lake, VOYAGE Dark Behemoth Wizard Rod Stone Gun VOYAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyudra Blood Sword Scorpion Tail VOYAGE Hydra Setiemson Rubber Costume VOYAGE Tiamat Whale Whisker Ryozan Silk END --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uribo Maiden's Kiss Cachusha END Porky Chantage Nagra Rock END Wildbow Ribbon FS Bag (can only be bred) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The names in capital letters are Deep Dungeon levels. They are, in order: Floor 1 - NOGIAS (Saigon spelled backwards) Floor 2 - TERMINATE Floor 3 - DELTA Floor 4 - VALKYRIES Floor 5 - MLAPAN (Napalm spelled backwards) Floor 6 - TIGER Floor 7 - BRIDGE Floor 8 - VOYAGE Floor 9 - HORROR Floor 10 - END --====================987654321_0==_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="Fftwalk.txt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fftwalk.txt" --------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy Tactics Help Files Version 1.02 by John Miaso ICQ #8419684 --------------------------------------------- Contents There should be three different files: Part One: Game Walkthrough Part Two: Jobs and Abilities Part Three: Secrets and other Info This file contains Part One. --------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Final Fantasy Tactics Complete Walkthrough i. Revision History ii. Where to find these files iii. Introduction iv. Wanted! v. Special Thanks 1. Chapter One: The Meager 1.1. Orbonne Monastery 1.2. Magic City Gariland 1.3. Mandalia Plains 1.4. Sweegy Woods 1.5. Dorter Trade City 1.6. Zeklaus Desert 1.7. Thieves' Fort 1.8. Lenalia Plateau 1.9. Fovoham Plains 1.10. Fort Zeakden 2. Chapter Two: The Manipulator and the Subservient 2.1. Dorter Trade City 2.2. Araguay Woods 2.3. Zirekile Falls 2.4. Zaland Fort City 2.5. Baraius Hill 2.6. Zigolis Swamp 2.7. Goug Machine City 2.8. Baraius Valley 2.9. Golgorand Execution Site 2.10. Lionel Castle 2.10.1. The Gate of Lionel Castle 2.10.2. Inside Lionel Castle 3. Chapter Three: The Valiant 3.1. Goland Coal City 3.2. Back Gate of Lesalia Castle 3.3. Orbonne Monastery 3.3.1. Underground Book Storage: Second Floor 3.3.2. Underground Book Storage: Third Floor 3.3.3. Underground Book Storage: First Floor 3.4. Grog Hill 3.5. Yardow Fort City 3.6. Yuguo Woods 3.7. Riovanes Castle 3.7.1. The Gate of Riovanes Castle 3.7.2. Inside Riovanes Castle Wiegraf Velius 3.7.3. The Roof of Riovanes Castle 4. Chapter Four: Someone to Love 4.1. Doguola Pass 4.2. Bervenia Free City 4.3. Finath River 4.4. Church outside Zeltennia Castle 4.5. Bed Desert 4.6. Bethla Garrison 4.6.1. North Wall of Bethla Garrison 4.6.2. South Wall of Bethla Garrison 4.6.3. In Front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice 4.7. Zarghidas Trade City 4.8. Germinas Peak 4.9. Poeskas Lake 4.10. Limberry Castle 4.10.1. The Gate of Limberry Castle 4.10.2. Inside Limberry Castle 4.10.3. Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle 4.11. Igros Castle 4.11.1. Dycedarg 4.11.2. Adramelk 4.12. Murond Holy Place 4.12.1. St. Murond Temple 4.12.2. Hall of St. Murond Temple 4.12.3. Chapel of St. Murond Temple 4.13. Orbonne Monastery 4.13.1. Underground Book Storage: Fourth Floor 4.13.2. Underground Book Storage: Fifth Floor 4.13.3. Murond Death City 4.13.4. Lost Sacred Precincts 4.13.5. Graveyard of Airships ------------------------------------------------- i. Revision History 1.02 -- Added a poaching list, edited the Cloud section. 1.01 -- Corrected a couple of typos (the jobs section is actually legible), added the "Where to find these files" section, and the Special Thanks section. 1.00 -- First draft. --------------------------------------------- ii. Where to find these files You can find these help files at: Gamefaqs: My page, Station Omega: Exlr8er's RPG Fantasy: --------------------------------------------- iii. Introduction I wrote these files because I have found that there is a certain lack of English written FAQ's and walkthroughs of various games. I figured that many people looking for help on this game would appreciate a FAQ/Walkthrough that was originally written in English. Also, the only help files on Final Fantasy Tactics that I have seen do _not_ include a complete walkthrough, which I have included here. My only hope is to provide you with all the information you need. If any readers of this have things to add, corrections, or anything, let me know. E-mail: URL: http:/ ICQ#: 8419684 A notice to players: this file contains many "spoilers" of the storyline, so unless you want the complete walkthrough, don't read through it entirely. I'm just warning you ahead of time. Also, if you wish to use any information contained in any of these files, contact me first. At the very least, give credit where credit is due. --------------------------------------------- iv. Wanted! I would like to include in these files: Game Shark codes Item lists Deep Dungeon info Anything you think should be added. The methods of contacting me are above, please give me any info you can on this. I will credit you with this information by putting your name and e-mail address on these files. ------------------------------------------------- v. Special Thanks First, I would like to give a big "thank you" to all of my friends, who helped me immensely with the statistics and many other things. I would like to thank Sergio Lopez ( for correcting some of my data in the jobs section. Thanks to Matt Hobbs ( and Kevin McCullough ( for submitting their poaching list. And, thanks goes to SquareSoft, who has made another incredible game! ------------------------------------------------- 1. Chapter One: The Meager ------------------------------------------------- 1.1. Orbonne Monastery This battle is very simple, since you only control one character, that of Ramza. Your allies (who are considered "guests" in this battle) are more than capable of dispatching your enemy, so you will not need to worry about this battle at all. The purpose of this battle is to get you acquainted with the battle format of Final Fantasy Tactics. 1.2. Magic City Gariland Now, you control all but one character. This is a big jump from the battle at Orbonne, so you will need to adjust rather quickly. Your enemy is a small group, that of four squires and a chemist. The chemist has the ability to heal his allies, so he can become a nuisance easily in this battle. The squire leader of this group has a stronger sword than the others, so it would be best to defeat him first. Make sure you bring one or two chemists along for this battle, in case your characters need healing. 1.3. Mandalia Plains In this battle you are first prompted with an option. It is better to pick "Destroy the Death Corps," because you will not need to keep Algus alive. If you pick "Save Algus!" instead, you will have to keep him alive. You will have your first encounter with a monster, and it will be a Red Panther. Monsters are not as versatile as humans are, but they make up for it in brute strength and varying attacks. The thief in this battle has the ability to charm one of your players, so be aware of this. Also, it would be a good idea to keep a chemist with you in this battle, as you will definitely need him/her. After you have one this battle, you will be able to build levels and explore the different jobs by fighting random battles here. 1.4. Sweegy Woods This battle pits you against a force of monsters. The Bombs have the ability to self-destruct, which will destroy them but also do a good amount of damage to your characters and soak them with oil. You will have both Algus and Delita fighting with you as guests in this battle, so you have a good force going into this battle, and there should be no real difficulty. 1.5. Dorter Trade City This is the first real test of this game. If you have not built levels since coming out of Igros Castle, you will probably lose this battle. There are three archers, one of which can attack your characters immediately because he is on of the rooftops. The Wizards can cast powerful spells that will do quite a bit of damage, so you need to be wary of them as well. I suggest that you bring either a priest or a wizard into this battle, and possibly an archer. Try to help Delita and Algus take care of the archer on the rooftop, and then focus on the knight and the wizards. 1.6. Zeklaus Desert Your enemy uses yet another new class of fighter against you: the monk. He and the archers are the greatest threat. I suggest using a well-equipped knight at entrance by all of the enemy knights, while having a wizard and/or an archer sniping at the knights at the same time. You can bring your other fighters in from behind and dispatch them easily. 1.7. Thieves' Fort Your objective here is to defeat the female knight Miluda, and not to defeat all of your enemies. Here again are some thieves, who also have the ability to charm you, so be careful. The priests will be able to heal Miluda and her allies, but they are not much of a problem. Chances are that Miluda will not come out at first, so concentrate on defeating the priests and thieves first. 1.8. Lenalia Plateau You will fight Miluda again here, and this time she has wizards and a time mage with her. The wizards will cast powerful spells on you while the time mage hastens Miluda and her allies, or slows your characters down. The enemy units will probably stay grouped for most of the battle, so it is best to take a wizard and cast Fire, Bolt, or Ice on them since those spells can target multiple characters. The wizards and the time mage can't take a lot of damage, so it is best to attack them physically, as long as the knights are kept at bay. 1.9. Fovoham Plains Here you will fight the White Knight Wiegraf for the first time. He has some rather powerful Holy Sword attacks that can do a fair amount of damage to your party. It is best to have a well-trained thief by now, so he/she can use Steal Heart on the powerful monks or Steal Weapon on Wiegraf so he can stop using his Holy Sword attacks. The Chocobo, although a lesser threat, can still heal the enemies, so be vigilant of it. Your objective is to defeat Wiegraf, so you can use an archer's Charge ability to take him out rather quickly. 1.10. Fort Zeakden This is a very tough battle if you don't play it right. Algus, who recently left you, is your target in this battle. Stick to him, or you will get burned by the wizards in the back. They are much more powerful than usual and will do quite a bit of damage to your characters. Plus, you have two characters on the other side of the fort, who will not be able to reach Algus for a few turns. Focus all of your attacks on Algus, and you will win. Don't waver from this. ------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: The Manipulator and the Subservient ------------------------------------------------- 2.1. Dorter Trade City Upon your return to Dorter from Orbonne Monastery, you will be attacked by a small force that is being paid to kill you. This group consists of two thieves, two archers, and two wizards. The archers, since they are elevated, have the ability to target your characters immediately, so be careful and ready to heal if necessary. The wizards are the largest threat, so take them out first while Gafgarion and Agrias attack who they want to with their powerful attacks. 2.2. Araguay Woods Again you will be prompted with two choices, the choice to either save the Chocobo or to ignore it. If you choose to ignore it, you won't have to save it, but I've heard that this option also reduces your bravery. You will be fighting against one black goblin and five goblins, so bring a wizard that has Ice or Ice 2 learned. Goblins are very susceptible to this spell, so you will find it very useful in this battle. 2.3. Zirekile Falls I suggest that you de-equip Gafgarion before this battle, as he will betray you at the start of this battle. You are up against five knights and Gafgarion, and you must protect Ovelia. This not really difficult, since she casts MBarrier on her, which gives her just about every defense spell there is, and she runs to the safest position. You will also have Delita's help once again, and his attacks are like Agrias' Holy Sword attacks. You should first use all of your controllable characters to attack Gafgarion and defeat him quickly, as he can deliver a lot of damage. You can rely on Delita to take out one or two knights before you can get to them, so don't be very worried about keeping Ovelia alive. 2.4. Zaland Fort City Here you will have to save a man in the Engineer job class, Mustadio. He has the ability to snipe at his enemies, either preventing them from moving or acting. The wizards here are very powerful and are equipped with the Fire 3 spell, so it is a good idea to use a priest and cast Shell on him, and Protect if the archers get to him. Have your priest keep him healthy, and try to get an archer to the top of the front wall so he/she can attack your enemy easily. Agrias will take a while to get involved, so don't rely on her. 2.5. Baraius Hill This battle has some powerful new mages, summoners. There are two archers near the top of the hill and two summoners on the sides. Mustadio will probably attack the summoner on the left side at first, but don't rely on him to defeat her. Use a wizard to burn either the archers or the summoners, don't really worry about the knights. You should have Ramza and another character take care of them. 2.6. Zigolis Swamp This probably some of the most difficult terrain you will ever encounter. If you leave a character immersed in the swamp water for a turn, he/she will be poisoned, so be careful. Also, there are some places you can't even go at all, so try to find a path that you can use. The ghouls here possess an advantage in their teleporting; they don't have to worry about the map restrictions. If you kill one of them or the skeletons, dispatch the other enemies quickly, for they will usually return to life when their death counter passes zero. Mustadio's Seal Evil ability can petrify one the Ghouls or Skeletons, so he can be of great help in this battle. 2.7. Goug Machine City You can go here and purchase a few guns for your chemists or mediators, be sure to do so. It might be a good idea to change one of your characters to a chemist or mediator, for the gun has a very long range. There are, again, summoners in this battle, so you will need to focus on them first. The thieves can also Steal Heart one your characters, so be wary of this. Also the archers are elevated again, so they can hit one of your characters early on, so focus on them after you take care of the summoners. 2.8. Baraius Valley This is another tricky map to work with, as it is very difficult to cross from one side of land to the other. Agrias is more than capable of holding her own, so you need not worry about her immediately. The wizards might be able to do a fair amount of damage to her, so take care of them first. Use Mustadio's ability to seal commands to stop some of your enemies, or use a Time Mage or Oracle to do so. Once this battle is over, Agrias will join your party as a normal character, and not a guest. Her Holy Sword abilities are very powerful, so make sure to make good use of her. 2.9. Golgorand Execution Site This is one of the toughest battles that you will fight. Your troops will be divided from each other, and the second group will be right next to Gafgarion. You can use a knight's ability to destroy Gafgarion's sword, this will severely hamper his attack. You are also rather outnumbered in this battle, but the time magi are not a real problem; all they can do is Haste your enemy or Slow you, and these spells have a low success rate. I suggest you put a knight and Agrias in your second group, as they will be within striking range of Gafgarion right from the start. 2.10. Lionel Castle Here you will be fighting two straight battles in a row, so stock up on the latest equipment and potions. Build up your characters experience if you think you need to (this depends on how well you did at Golgorand). 2.10.1. The Gate of Lionel Castle Gafgarion has set another trap for you, and this time he has singled out Ramza. Your other fighters will be surrounded by three knights, two archers and a summoner, so be prepared. The summoner will obviously be your greatest threat, so try to spread out your party so the summoner can't hit more than one character with a spell. If Ramza is having a tough time with Gafgarion, he can open the gate by moving to the panel in front of the switch on the inside of the wall, and your other characters can help dispatch him. 2.10.2. Inside Lionel Castle You now have to defeat the first Zodiac Monster, Queklain, the Impure King. Before the battle, set your players in a position so they are spread out, because Queklain can put as many as four of your characters to sleep if they are clumped together. This is a rather easy battle, so just have a couple of strong fighters hack away at Queklain and have a wizard or a summoner burn away at him, and he will be defeated quicker than you think. ------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three: The Valiant ------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Goland Coal City The first battle of Chapter Three is an interesting one. You are trying to save Olan, an Astronomist who has the incredibly powerful Galaxy Stop spell, which he can use to stop all of the enemies. There are three thieves here who can use Steal Heart, so be careful again. The chemists are equipped with Mythril Guns, which would be nice to steal and use as your own for your chemists, mediators, or Mustadio. 3.2. Back Gate of Lesalia Castle In this battle you will have Ramza's sister Alma, who has the same spells Ovelia did when you saved her. You only have to defeat the Holy Priest Zalmo, but he has various spells that can heal and protect himself and his allies. You are also fighting two monks and three knights, which are all strong, physical characters. Either use a summoner or a wizard to defeat Zalmo, since his Faith is rather high. 3.3. Orbonne Monastery You are going to be fighting three battles in a row here, and two of them are rather difficult. I suggest building up to around level 30. 3.3.1. Underground Book Storage: Second Floor This battle puts you against a couple of lancers, but their jump attack is not very useful at this point in the game; it's very limited and takes too long. You should take out the chemist first, as he will restore his allies' life and possibly even use Phoenix Down on fallen enemies. The time magi again are just a source of annoyance and you really don't need to worry about them. Use Ramza and another strong physical character to take care of the lancers and an archer and a summoner to defeat the chemist and to help to defeat the lancers. 3.3.2. Underground Book Storage: Third Floor Your objective here is to defeat Izlude, which is, by no means, and easy task. He uses a full-ranged jump attack, which can take out your summoner or wizard rather easily. Also, there is an enemy summoner whom you many not be able to reach early on, but you need to defeat him first. It's very possible that you need to defeat the archers as well before you can get to Izlude. Once he gets close enough to you, though, he will typically stop using his jump attack. 3.3.3. Underground Book Storage: First Floor You will fight Wiegraf a second time in this battle. He may come out from behind the wall early, if he does this, the battle will be much easier. If he doesn't, you will have to fight through the archers and the knights that come through the openings. Use a summoner to deal a lot of damage to Wiegraf, and a character with a long range attack to finish him off. 3.4. Grog Hill This battle is certainly easier than the latest at Orbonne. The chemists will have Mythril Guns and the Thief will have Steal Heart, but those are your only large threats. The archer can attack from his elevated position, and the squire seems useless. You shouldn't have any problem here. 3.5. Yardow Fort City This battle contains an enemy force with some strong physical power in three Ninjas. There are also two summoners, so protecting Rafa might be difficult here. You should defeat the Ninjas first, since their double weapon attack can decimate one of your weaker characters that wandered too close. Malak's spells are not that powerful, and they will not often hit your characters. The summoners start in the back, so don't let them come out too far. 3.6. Yuguo Woods This battle has a mix of monsters with two time magi and two wizards. These enemies don't have a lot of hit points, so there should not be a real problem defeating them. However, the Ghoul's Sleep Touch can put one of your characters to sleep, and the Revnant's Drain Touch will replenish its own life while depleting yours. These are the only problems here, and you could probably kill the wizards in one turn with a Ninja or a Samurai with Two Hands equipped. 3.7. Riovanes Castle Here you will have to fight three battles in a row, the second and third being very difficult. Build up to about level 40 and use the latest equipment. It would be a good idea to give some of your characters the Hi-Potion and/or X-Potion ability. 3.7.1. The Gate of Riovanes Castle You will be fighting against Malak this time, but the real threat is the three archers on top of the gate. An easy (and rather cheap) way to take care of them is to have a Samurai or Ninja equipped with the Ignore Height ability and defeat the three archers easily. There is also a knight hidden inside a small cut in between the two walls near the center, don't forget him when you plan your attack. Keep in mind that as soon as you defeat Malak, he will teleport away and Rafa will follow. 3.7.2. Inside Riovanes Castle The second part of this battle is probably one of the most difficult battles in this game. Make sure Ramza is well equipped, as he will go one-on-one with Wiegraf in this first part of this battle. Wiegraf Ramza will have a duel with Wiegraf, and remember that you will not be able to steal nor break his weapon since he has the maintenance ability equipped. Wiegraf will almost always use the Lightning Stab ability, which can do 70-140 damage, so Ramza will need to have the X-Potion ability and several X-Potions to use. I suggest using the jump ability to defeat Wiegraf. Velius Wiegraf will transform into another Zodiac Monster, Velius after you defeat him with Ramza, and he will also summon three Archaic Demons to help him. Velius has the ability to cast Cyclops, a very powerful summon spell that has a very wide effect range and can do 250+ damage. The Demons have attacks like Giga Flare and Dark Holy that can do anywhere from 70-140 damage to your characters. A good idea is to use one or two Ninjas, Agrias, and either a Monk or a Lancer and focus all of them on Velius. Velius has about 1000 HP, so you will need characters that can do a lot of damage. 3.7.3. The Roof of Riovanes Castle Since there are only three enemies here, this may seem like an easy battle. After a full turn, however, you will change your mind. Elmdor has the ability to draw out Samurai Swords (he mainly uses Muramasa), and the assassins can kill with a hit and have the ability to stop of your characters at long range. You have to protect Rafa in this battle, but you only need to defeat one of the characters to end the battle. ------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four: Someone to Love ------------------------------------------------- 4.1. Doguola Pass Here, the wizards are rather strong and need to be defeated quickly. A character equipped with the Two Swords or Two Hands abilities can easily take out of them. Here the lancers have some strength and will be able to jump your characters, so be careful. The knight and the archer are of lesser peril, so defeat them last. 4.2. Bervenia Free City You will want to have a character with the Steal Weapon and Steal Accessory ability here, for Meliadoul has a rare weapon (Defender) and a rare accessory (Chantage). Stealing Meliadoul's weapon has a double purpose: you can get the rare Defender and prevent her from using her Mighty Sword attacks. Since you only have to defeat Meliadoul to win this battle, you should be able to defeat her easily with a Ninja or Samurai. 4.3. Finath River This can be an easy or a difficult battle, depending on what type of chocobos show up. Red and Black Chocobos have long range attacks, while the Yellow kind has healing. If you run into a lot of Red or Black Chocobos, try to keep your life up and target the red ones first. If there are Yellow ones, make sure you kill an enemy that you attack, or the Yellow Chocobo will walk up and heal it. 4.4. Church Outside Zeltennia Castle Delita will join you once again and he will have the more powerful Holy Sword attacks. If you have a strong character with Ignore Height, you can put it to good use in this battle, as your objective is just to defeat Zalmo. If you damage Zalmo, chances are that on his next turn he will heal himself, so make sure you finish the job. 4.5. Bed Desert The Engineer Balk has a rare gun, the Blaze Gun (which happens to shoot ice bullets), so you will want a character with Steal Weapon. All of your characters are poisoned in the beginning of the battle, so have one of your characters equipped with either White Magic or a strong Math Skill and cast Esuna on your characters before they are damaged severely. You only have to defeat Balk, so focus a Ninja or a Samurai on him. 4.6. Bethla Garrison You have a choice to either go to the North Wall or the South Wall of Bethla Garrison. I can't really say that one battle is more difficult than the other, so judge for yourself: South Wall: 3 Knights, 2 Archers (at elevation), 1 Ninja, 1 Thief North Wall: 2 Archers (at high elevation), 1 Monk, 1 Summoner, 2 Lancers 4.6.1. North Wall of Bethla Garrison Here the Ignore Height ability will come in handy again, and by using it you can get easy access to the archers atop the tower. There is a monk rather close to your party's starting position, don't miss him. The summoner has the usual Moogle, Ifrit and Shiva, so he isn't much of a threat if your characters have a lot of life. 4.6.2. South Wall of Bethla Garrison In this battle the enemy is more spread out, which will give you a smaller advantage. You can easily take care of the archer and the thief, so they aren't much to worry about. However, the Ninja has the ability to attack with two weapons, and the Knights are well equipped. 4.6.3. In Front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice You have to open the floodgate, and Ramza can only do this after the knights on top of it have died. There are eight enemies here, but only six of them actually fight you. The two guarding the switches can only use Throw Stone to damage your characters, and this isn't much. There are two wizards, who can cast some powerful spells, but as in the past, they can be taken out with Two Swords. Defeat the two loose knights, the wizards and the archers first, then concentrate on the two stationary knights. The incredibly powerful T.G. Cid (Orlandu) will join your party after this battle. 4.7. Zarghidas Trade City When you get to Zarghidas, a girl will approach you and ask you to buy a flower. Do so; this is critical to getting Cloud later. 4.8. Germinas Peak With the power of Orlandu, the battles from here will become much easier, as many of his attacks can slay an enemy in one hit. It is imperative that you learn his Lightning Stab as quickly as possible. Try to use him to defeat the Ninja first, then take care of the long-range archers. Be careful after this battle, however, for the random battles here can be tough. 4.9. Poeskas Lake Use Orlandu to defeat the summoner first, then the Oracle. Use your other characters to defeat the Revnants and then the ghosts. Do be careful not to let your enemy get too many attacks, as the Oracle can inflict several status ailments on your party and the archer is in a prime position to attack. 4.10. Limberry Castle This area has three battles, the first two being very difficult. You should equip most of your characters with Black Costumes for both of the first two battles. You will run into the Assassins again, and Elmdor in the second battle. Before you go here, buy at least three Black Costumes, Angel Rings and 108 Gems, and stock up on potions and the best equipment. Make sure Orlandu has most of his attacks, and you have at least one character with all of the equipment stealing abilities. A Calculator with most of the spells is strongly recommended as well. 4.10.1. The Gate of Limberry Castle Celia and Lede, the assassins, will show up here with a trap for Ramza, along with 4 Apandas. Before this, equip most of your characters with Black Costumes (to prevent Shadow Stitch) and Angel Rings (to prevent Stop Bracelet). With this equipment, this battle should be rather easy. This is also a good time to learn Ultima. You only need to defeat one assassin to end the battle. 4.10.2. Inside Limberry Castle This is a very tough battle, about as tough (maybe more) than your battle with Velius. Elmdor has the ability to Teleport just about anywhere, and often draws out the Muramasa sword. He also can Blood Suck, and to prevent this, you need the 108 Gems accessory. You might be able to kill both of the assassins with Orlandu at first, and after they are killed, they will become Ultima Demons. If you look at Elmdor's equipment, you will see five items that are unattainable anywhere else. The Masamune Sword is one of the best Samurai swords that you can use, and the Genji equipment is very good. Although the stealing rate is low, you can increase it using the knight's Speed Break ability, which will also slow down Elmdor. It's a long and difficult process to get all of his equipment, but it is well worth it. 4.10.3. Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle You can now remove the Black Costumes and the 108 Gems equipment, you will no longer need them, use better equipment. Elmdor will use his Zodiac Stone to turn into the Zodiac Monster Zalera, the Angel of Death. Zalera has the Nightmare attack (the one that Queklain used back in Chapter 2), so spread your characters out. Meliadoul will join you for this battle as well. Zalera will summon two knights and all three types of skeletons for this battle, but you don't need to worry about them. Concentrate on Zalera and you can end the battle very quickly. Meliadoul will join your party as a character after this battle. 4.11. Igros Castle Here you will fight Dycedarg, Ramza's elder brother in Igros. Zalbag will be a guest in this battle, and will be in prime position. It is best that you have a thief with Steal Weapon and Orlandu with Lightning Stab. 4.11.1. Dycedarg This battle is not very difficult with Orlandu, because (with a little luck) you may be able to take out the two knights behind Zalbag with a single Lightning Stab. It is difficult, especially since there is not much level ground, to steal Dycedarg's Defender, but it is worth a few tries. There are only five knights and Dycedarg, so this is not very difficult. 4.11.2. Adramelk After you defeat Dycedarg, he will transform into the Zodiac Monster Adramelk. Adramelk has spells that inflict status ailments and also high level summon spells, like Bahamut and Leviathan. This part of the battle is also not very difficult, as straight fighting should slay Adramelk very quickly. 4.12. Murond Holy Place At Murond you will fight three more consecutive battles, the third probably being the toughest. The first battle consists of a priest, two geomancers, a summoner and two mediators. The second has three special characters, Vormav, a Divine Knight, Rofel, also a Divine Knight, and Kletian, a Sorceror. In the third you will fight against Zalbag, two Archaic Demons and an Ultima Demon. 4.12.1. St. Murond Temple Make sure you place Orlandu in the second party formation for this battle. Also, if you are interested in good rods, you can steal the rare Dragon Rod from the summoner. The priest at the top is more annoying than a worry, so focus on him last. The summoner has the usual low level spells, and the geomancers are rather weak. The mediators can reduce your faith or brave, so be careful of them. If you put Orlandu in the second party, you might be able to defeat the mediators on the first turn. 4.12.2. Hall of St. Murond Temple If Orlandu is at a low level, then you might want to bring Meliadoul to this battle (make sure she has Hellcry Punch). With Orlandu and Meliadoul using Hellcry Punch, you can destroy both of the Divine Knights' swords and prevent them from using their Mighty Sword attack. You only need to defeat one of these characters to make them all retreat. 4.12.3. Chapel of St. Murond Temple Equip everyone with the 108 Gems accessory before proceeding into this battle, as Zalbag can use the Blood Suck ability. Try to focus on the Ultima Demon first, as he is definitely the most powerful of the four enemies. Zalbag has around 550 HP, so he will not be defeated quickly. Keep your life up and subdue the demons, and you will handle this easily. 4.13. Orbonne Monastery The game starts here and ends here. Only go here if you don't want to return to the map to do anything (getting Cloud, venturing into the Deep Dungeon, etc.). There will be five straight battles, and I suggest you build up past level 60, or you will have trouble. 4.13.1. Underground Book Storage: Fourth Floor The knights here have equpiment destruction abilities, so equip Maintenance or just be careful. This is an easy battle and the last one where you have to defeat all of the enemies in the battle. 4.13.2. Underground Book Storage: Fifth Floor Here you will fight Rofel, who comes with a whole slew of magi. It will be important for you to use Meliadoul or Orlandu's Hellcry Punch to destroy his Save the Queen sword, as it gives a protection bonus and allows him to use his Mighty Sword attacks. After doing this, it should be easy to dispatch Rofel. 4.13.3. Murond Death City Kletian is your target now, and he starts in front of his troops. He leads a rather powerful force of two ninjas, two samurai and two time magi. If you can get to Kletian before he moves behind his troops, you will have a much easier time defeating him. However, if he does manage to get back, use Meliadoul and Orlandu's Hellcry Punch to weaken the samurai and ninjas. 4.13.4. Lost Sacred Precincts This battle is not easy. Your target is Balk, but you must fight through a chemist with a Glacier Gun, a Hyudra, a Hydra and a Tiamat. The Dark Behemoth is so far away that it should not be a problem. Be very careful of the Hydras, as their triple attacks can probably kill your strongest character. Defeat the chemist, then go after Balk. 4.13.5. Graveyard of Airships Space your troops widely apart; this is the last battle. There are three parts, defeating Hashmalum, Altima the Holy Angel, then Altima the Arch Angel. Hashmalum is not very difficult, just swarm your characters like you did against Queklain and Adramelk. After defeating Queklain, you will go back to the formation screen and then come back. Alma will now become the evil St. Ajora, who will turn into the Holy Angel Altima. Altima will summon four Ultima Demons, but they seemed to be too slow to even attack when I played (at lv. 55), and I defeated the Holy Angel before they even moved, so don't worry. The Arch Angel can do quite a bit of damage, so be careful. If you have Cloud, this would be a great time to use his Climhazzard Limit Break. This isn't as tough as you think, and is yet another disappointment for a final boss in a Final Fantasy Game. --====================987654321_0==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" --====================987654321_0==_--