Alien Cabal - Shareware Version 1.1 ----------------------------------- When it began few people noticed. A near doubling of UFO sightings over the city. But the local media dismissed them as hoaxes, military tests, or overzealous UFO fanatics. They were wrong. The UFO's were real. Alien's had been visiting for some time, studying mankind and earth's resources. Now they were planning an invasion. After an investigation by secret government agencies a vast alien complex was discovered under the city. Fearing public reaction, an outbreak of a deadly new virus was faked to clear the city of its population. The press and media swarmed near the city. A large scale military attack would be hard to explain and was ruled out. No, what is needed is a one man army. Someone trained in special operations, trained to run on raw courage, to kill without mercy, to eat things that would make a billygoat puke. No, not him, I'm talking about you! Your mission is simple. Find the entrance to the underground complex, exterminate all alien life, and destroy everything else. Don't be fooled by what appear to be government agents. These are clones programmed by the aliens to serve their purposes. Good luck, Now go get them! Compatibility ------------- Alien Cabal is a DOS application. It can be run from a DOS operating system or from a DOS box in Windows 95. System Requirements ------------------- * Pentium processor or equivalent. * A clock speed of 100Mhz or higher is recommended. * MS-DOS 5.0 or higher or Windows 95. * 16MB memory. * 20MB free hard drive space. * Sound Blaster or compatible sound card recommended. * Joystick or mouse is optional. Installation ------------ - Create the ACABAL directory. - Unzip all Alien Cabal files into the ACABAL directory. Setup ----- - In DOS mode (or a DOS box), change to the ACABAL directory. - Type SETUP and press the Enter key. - Change the settings to suit your preference and hardware. Startup ------- - In DOS mode (or a DOS box), Change to the ACABAL directory. - Type ACABAL and press the Enter key. What you get with the full version ---------------------------------- - All 10 levels of the game. - The VEdit level editor to make your own levels. - Cheat codes. - Technical support. See the ORDER.FRM file for information on ordering the full version of Alien Cabal. Thanks for trying out Alien Cabal. QASoft 5520 Ruffin Rd. Suite 203 San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 571-5814 Web: E-Mail: Order line (inside U.S.) 1-800-788-1270 (outside U.S.) 619-571-5814 Visa and MasterCard welcome. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Cabal (c) 1997 QASoft. All rights reserved. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows and the Windows Logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. -----------------------------------------------------------------------