[General] Exit = "Exit the installation program ?" OKExit = "Press to exit" CancelExit = "Press to exit" OKRetry = "Press to retry" OKContinue = "Press to continue" Abort = "Aborting installation !!!" Completed = "Installation completed successfully" Readme = "See README.TXT for more information" [Buttons] Cancel = "~C~ancel" OK = "~O~K" Install = "~I~nstall" [Bar] Installing = "<<< Installing ... >>>" Copied = "Copied:" File = "File:" [CDRom] CDRom = "CD-ROM drive" NotInstall = "not installed properly !" NotInDrive = "CD-ROM not in drive !" MSCDEX1 = "MSCDEX version must be 2.00 and above" MSCDEX2 = "for multiple CD-ROM drives !" [FreeSpace] FreeSpace = "Not enough free disk space," OnDrive = "on selected drive." Select = "Please select another drive !" [InstDlg.CPP] SpaceRunner = "<<< Surface Tension DEMO >>>" StartUp = "Please wait for start up ..." Notice1 = "Notice: A minimum of 6.8MB RAM needed" Notice2 = " (total of low and extended) " Header = "<<< Surface Tension DEMO installation >>>" ScreenMode = "Select screen mode:" TC = " 640 x 480 - ~T~rue-color (32K/64K colors)" HiRes = " 640 x 480 - ~H~i-res 256 colors" Method = "<<< Installation method >>>" SelectMethod = "Select Installation method:" Minimal = " ~M~inimal - Slowest loading (14MB on hard disk)" Partial = " ~P~artial - Faster loading (40MB on hard disk)" Full = " ~F~ull - Fastest loading (48MB on hard disk)" Program = "<<< Installation Program >>>" Where = "~W~here to install: (%dMB needed)" Drives = "~A~vailable Drives:" Directory = "Installing in directory" Full1 = "Please enter a full path name," Full2 = "including a drive letter !" Full3 = "(e.g: C:\\MYDIR)" Target = "Target directory already exists:" Overwrite = "Do you wish to overwrite ?" Create1 = "Can not create directory " Create2 = "Please make sure the drive" Create3 = "exists and is writeable" Open = "Can not open" Free = "MB free" [SPRF.CPP] CheckIn = "Please check if the CD is in drive" CheckFull = "Please check if disk is full" Write = "Cannot write file" Read = "Cannot read file" [InstMan.CPP] Floppy = "Floppy" Hard = "Hard" Network = "Network" CD = "CD" None = "None" Menu = "1996(c) Compro Games Inc." Greeting = "~G~reeting..." Exiting = "E~x~it" Controls = "Controls: next field - previous field - abort" NoCD = "No available CD-ROM"