0 WRITE.EXE 2 Unable to locate WordPad \n 3 No help is available for that topic \n 5 Sun 6 Mon 7 Tue 8 Wed 9 Thu 10 Fri 11 Sat 12 Intl 13 iDate 14 iTime 15 sDate 16 sTime 17 -/ 18 \nInvalid time \n 19 Enter new time: 20 Current time is %s \n 21 \nInvalid date \n 22 Enter new date (%s): 23 Current date is %s \n 24 Unable to open source file \n 25 File not found \n 26 Invalid parameter \n 27 Invalid switch \n 28 Syntax error \n 29 Unable to read source files \n 30 Out of memory \n 31 Unable to create %s \n 32 Unable to read %s \n 33 %s \n 34 Disk full \n 35 File not found - %s \n 36 %d file(s) copied \n 37 File cannot be copied onto itself \n 38 Content of destination lost before copy \n 39 DPMI is not present, or DPMI failure \n 40 Invalid drive specification \n 41 Drive in use \n 42 Drive is not a SUBSTed drive \n 43 Invalid directory \n 44 Drive already SUBSTed \n 45 Drive alread mapped \n 46 Cant open file %s \n 47 Moving %s to %s \n 48 Unable to create directory %s \n 49 %d file(s) moved \n 50 Error changing file attribute \n 51 Invalid file attribute \n 52 $n$g 53 Bad command or filename \n 54 Exceeded nested batch file limit \n 55 Too many command line parameters \n 56 Label not found \n 57 Terminate batch job (Y/N)? 58 Unable to open batch file %s \n 59 %s, Delete (Y/N)? 60 Unable to delete %s \n 61 Unable to delete files in %s \n 62 Unable to read sub-directories \n 63 Can't remove parent directories of the current directory \n 64 All files in directory (and all sub-directories) will be deleted! \n 65 All files in directory will be deleted! \n 66 Are you sure (Y/N)? 75 Windows 95. [%d.%02d] 76 Windows version: %d.%d 83 Yes 84 No 88 ECHO is on \n 89 ECHO is off \n 90 Invalid path, not directory, \nor directory not empty \n 91 Press any key to continue... \n 92 Volume in drive %c is %s \n 93 Volume in drive %c has no label \n 94 Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)? 95 Delete current volume label (Y/N)? 96 Y 97 N 98 %s (Y/N)? 99 Reading source file(s)... \n 100 Writing %s \n 101 Error reading %s \n 102 Error reading source file \n 103 Cannot perform a cyclic copy \n 104 Does %s specify a file name \nor directory name on the target \n(F = file, D = directory)? 105 F 106 D 107 Press any key to begin copying file(s) 108 %d file(s) copied \n 109 Unable to rename directory \n 110 Unable to rename file \n 111 %9d dir(s) %12lu bytes free \n 112 Press any key 113 %sDirectory of %s \n 114 Ok 115 Cancel 117 it 121 EXEC error %d \n 122 %9d file(s) %12lu bytes \n 123 \nTotal files listed: \n 124 windows 125 device 126 devices 127 Dashboard 128 Unable to open device for output \n 129 Unable to open device for input \n 134 Invalid sort option \n 135 Missing search string \n 136 Error reading from device \n 137 Disk write-protected \n 138 Unknown unit \n 139 Drive not ready \n 140 Unknown command \n 141 CRC data error \n 142 Bad request structure length \n 143 Seek error \n 144 Unknown media type \n 145 Sector not found \n 146 Printer out of paper \n 147 Write fault \n 148 Read fault \n 149 General failure \n 150 Sharing violation \n 151 Lock violation \n 152 Invalid disk change \n 153 Abort, Retry, Ignore? 154 A 155 R 156 I 157 Unable to set label \n 159 Error writing %s \n 160 Volume Serial Number is %s \n 161 Disk Error 162 &Retry 164 Access denied \n 165 Not resetting hidden file %s \n 166 Parameter format not correct - %s \n(Error occurred in environment variable) \n 167 Cannot label a network drive \n 168 Cannot label a JOINed, SUBSTed or ASSIGNed drive \n 169 Too many characters \n 170 Invalid characters \n 171 No Path \n 172 PATH=%s \n 173 Cannot find association for %s \n 174 Path not found \n 175 Warning: /V switch ignored \n 177 Line number: 178 This command is not supported: %s \n 179 File Name Size Allocated Modified Accessed Attrib \n 180 %9d dir(s) %12lu bytes allocated \n 181 %30lu bytes free \n 182 %30lu bytes total disk space, %02lu%% in use \n 183 EXPLORER.EXE 200 Invalid control id.