WELCOME TO BILL'S TIME ! Bill's Time comes in two flavours, a 16-bit and a 32-bit version. Depending on which version you downloaded, you need the following Windows versions: Programname ZIP filename Windows version Bill's Time - BILLTIME.ZIP - Windows 3.1x Bill's Time/32 - BILLT32.ZIP - Windows NT 3.5x/95 To install Bill's Time, unzip the archive name you downloaded to a directory of your choice (eg. C:\BILLTIME) To uninstall (why on earth would you do that?), remove the Bill's Time directory you created during install, and remove BILLTIME.INI from your Windows folder (eg. C:\WINDOWS) Now run BILLTIME.EXE and the main dialogbox should appear. The time will need to be adjusted for your timezone. So Bill's Time can show the right time. Click the systemmenu (upper-left corner), and select Setup... From here, you write in how many hours there is from your location to Redmond, Seattle (-8h GMT). You can also select if it should be shown in normal or mini mode here. Click OK and the configuration will be saved, and your choices will re-configure the program. FEATURES Three different view modes (Normal, Minimized and Mini) Always on top available for normal view mode Random messages in normal view mode On certain dates and times the message is a predefined one (like when Bill reads his e-mail) View mode and coordinates will be saved to the BILLTIME.INI file BUGS Well there isn't any critical bugs in Bill's Time (what I know of), but these things are minor bugs: When a message is shown and for an example the time gets to 10 AM, the message will not change to "Bill is reading his e-mail now". Only when Bill's Time is started up during 10 AM - 11 AM. And when that happens, it won't change the message to a random one, when the time passes 11 AM. Well, enjoy ! In Windows 95 a super version is to place Bill's Time in Mini view mode, right above the time in your (normally) lower-right corner. Bill's Time was developed by Snebjørn Andersen, with a little help from Jacob Munk-Stander) Yours sincerely, Jacob (President of Team Gates) Jacobs home page: http://www.teamgates.com/jacobms/ Team Gates Website: http://www.teamgates.com