MOTO RACER ========== WELCOME TO MOTO RACER ! MOTO RACER, THE LATEST CREATION OF DELPHINE SOFTWARE INT., IS AN ARCADE PERFECT MOTORCYCLE RACING GAME FROM THE MAKERS OF FADE TO BLACK. IMPORTANT! (read below) THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES THE MICROSOFT DIRECTX SOFTWARE INTERFACE. IF YOUR PC DOESN'T HAVE THE LATEST VERSION, PLEASE INSTALL IT BY CLICKING ON DIRECTX 3 (YOU'LL HAVE TO RESTART YOUR PC AFTER THIS HAS INSTALLED). YOU ALSO MAY HAVE TO REINSTALL YOUR VIDEO BOARD DRIVERS AFTER HAVING INSTALLED DIRECTX TO BENEFIT FROM ALL THE SCREEN RESOLUTIONS. System Requirements Windows R 95 Pentium R 90 or better processor 16 MB of RAM CD-ROM Drive (2x recommended) Windows R 95 compatible Mouse Windows R 95 compatible Sound Card DirectX compatible video card (2MB of RAM) Hardware Supported Any Windows 95 compatible joystick Any Windows 95 compatible Gamepad (recommended) 3D Accelerators The MRDEMO includes: Two tracks: 1) Speed Bay (a Grand Prix style, street track) 2) Dirt Arena (a Supercross style, dirt track) Two Bikes: The "average" bike for eack track. Only one bike can be chosen per track. Solo and Link mode Up to eight players can play the demo over a network. Remember, this is only a taste of the real action! The retail Moto Racer GP includes: Eight different tracks take you through the snow capped mountains, scorching desert and even the Great wall of China. Up to 24 fearless opponents. Eight different bikes with adjustable performance variables; Acceleration, Max Speed, Grip, and Brakes. Two different driving modes; Manual and Automatic transmission. Major Internet possibilities: Up to eight different human players can play Moto Racer GP over a LAN, or an Internet (ISP) connection, and two players can race over a modem or serial connection. TO INSTALL MOTO RACER GP DEMO ON YOUR PC: Copy the MRDEMO file to your hard drive or desktop. If you do not have the latest version of DirectX make sure you download it from Microsoft or one of the many other linked websites. TO LAUNCH THE GAME : Just click on the Mracer.exe icon Function Keys: The following keys may be pressed at any time during a race to make changes and access information. F1 Help Screen SHIFT-F1 Display Screen Mode Information F2 Lower Screen Resolution F3 Raise Screen Resolution F4 16/9 Screen Mode ON/OFF F5 Change View F6 1st Person View F7 Counter Type F8 Signals ON/OFF F9 Map Type F11 On Screen Sound Menu ON/OFF F12 On Screen Display Menu ON/OFF Keyboard: ESC Abort the current command TAB Rear View Ctrl-V Voices ON/OFF CTRL-S Sound FX ON/OFF CTRL-J Joystick and Joypad mode CTRL-K Keyboard mode CTRL-F Font Size CTRL-P Pause the gmae A Gear up Z Gear Down Number Pad - Reduce detail level + Increase detail level =============================================================== Moto Racer and the Delphine logo are trademarks of Delphine Software International. BMG Interactive is a trademark or registered trademark in the United States and/or other countries. =============================================================== THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL BMG INTERACTIVE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS BMG INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. BMG INTERACTIVE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS FILE AND TO THE SOFTWARE AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS FILE AND THE SOFTWARE HEREWITH IS COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS FILE OR THE SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, TRANSLATED, OR REDUCED TO ANY ELECTRONIC MEDIUM OR MACHINE-READABLE FORM WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DELPHINE SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT © 1997 - DELPHINE SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL