ExitWin Version 1.0 (FreeWare) ------------------------------ ExitWin is a simple handy little utility that makes up for a function that is not included in Program Manager. Besides being able to Exit Windows you also have a choice of either restarting Windows or safely rebooting the computer. A restart comes in handy after those nasty General Protection Fault messages appear on your screen, as Windows tends to be unpredictable after such an error. A full reboot is also sometimes necessary after a General Protection Fault, but may also be useful to those who are using the Multi Configuration features available in the current versions of DOS to make several very demanding programs run within the available memory (Especially CD-ROM Games). Note: The reboot function is safer than using CTRL-ALT-DEL as it uses the Windows API to close down Windows before rebooting. ExitWin is FreeWare, it comes with no warranty, although it is very safe as it uses only standard Windows API functions. You may freely distribute it via any of the usual methods. Requires: VBRUN300.DLL Author: G.Wood SoftOz Email: gary@bfs1.ballarat.edu.au Mail: PO Box 1611 Ballarat M.C. Victoria Australia 3354. ---------------------------------------------------------------------