Readme file Bugs v2.61 Created by Johnny van der Zwaag and Ydo de Vries (c) 1996, 1997 BUGSOFT This game is shareware. If you register you get: - an even greater game - unlimited selection of cars and levels shareware version only allows selection of 10 or less levels and cars. - no shareware messages - no delay at the end of the program - Hiscores without our names.... So, if you like it please send an equivalent of $20 to Johnny van der Zwaag or: Ydo de Vries 't Bosk 50 Canadezenlaan 1 8731 BM WOMMELS 8454 KP MILDAM The Netherlands The Netherlands E-Mail Registering, how does it work ? Well... just put your money in an envelope and send it to either one of the above adresses. If you put your adress & keycode in an envelope, we'll send you all you need to play this game, with all it's full features. DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE YOUR KEYCODE !!!! (visible in main menu) When you send your registration application to us, make sure you have a backup of your current version of BUGS (with the same keycode you send us!, NOT the version you downloaded). Needed: - XMS driver, Himem.sys or Qemm (needs approx... 3.2Mb) Extra for SB sound and mouse control: - Mouse driver - Blaster environment string System requirements: - fast computer (pref. Pentium, or 486 with PCI video card) - 3 Mb XMS (Bugs works with Himem and Qemm. If the sounds don't work on your system and you're using a different memory manager than Himem then try using Himem. All the sounds are guarantieed to work with Himem. You might also try the command line parameter S (BUGS.EXE S) to enable XMS sharing) - SoundBlaster (Pro or 16) (optional, well... not really) - 100% Compatible VGA card For Editor and Car Editor: - 600 Kb free basememory - A mouse (essential for editors) (prev. 3 buttons) Bugs is a race game for one, two or three players with up to two computer players. It was made with Borland Pascal 7.0 and is intended for use in DOS. Racing with Bugs is easy. Press F1 in the main menu to get some help and click on the small keyboard to see what keys to use. You can race a few different ways: - single player: race a number of laps for the fastest lap time (hiscore is saved). - single player against the computer: race against a computer driver. Race continues untill there is a winner. (Beat the computer player and you're getting good!) - two player: race against another human (see keys with small keyboard). Lot's of fun. - three player: race with 3 human drivers (3 on 1 keyboard or 2 on keyboard and 1 with mouse) - three player, 2 human, 1 computer driver race with 2 human drivers and a computer driver - three player, 1 human, 2 computer drivers race alone against 2 computer players. Features: - Autoshift or manual shift (2 gears) - Jump key, jump over your opponent if he wants to hit you! - Horn (useful for distracting your (human) opponent) - Manual shift: blown engine if you forget to change gears. - Flat tire after a lot of slipping - Oil on the road (drive through it and lose control ...) - Sticky spots on the road - Uphill and downhill roads (shift to low gear!) - Gadgets on the road, like: Spike box (flat tires...), Bomb box and slick box. Also switches which change the road ... when you drive over one! Drop the gadgets with the horn-key. - ... - 20+ different levels - 10+ different cars - cool demo racers (click on level preview) - editor for making new levels (or modify existing levels) - editor for making new cars (or modify existing cars) - uses VGA 320x240 mode In main menu click keyboard for controlkeys (and change them...) Known problems with Bugs: - If the game doesn't run smoothly then use the commandline option H (Forces half framerate, might be neccacery on laptop computers) So type : BUGS H Known problems with editor: - System sometimes crashes after leaving programs: We are aware of that problem......... sorry (solution=reboot) Known problems with careditor: - System sometimes crashes after leaving programs: We are aware of that problem......... sorry Trouble shooting: - If Bugs doesn't run, free base mem and extended mem and try again. - No Sound? Turn sound on or try using Himem instead of Qemm, should fix all sound problems. Use parameter 'S' on commandline to enable XMS sharing. (No not try this with Qemm!!!) Other problems? Please contact us! (Perhaps we know a solution!) Thanks to Ethan Brodsky for his SMIX Soundblaster unit; it's was the base for our own Soundblaster unit. Remember, this game is shareware, so... REGISTER! DISCLAMER: WE ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER FOR DAMAGES OR LOSS OF DATA AS A(N INDIRECT) RESULT OF USING THIS GAME..............................