Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSERT LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo PROTECT FIXPIFPATH PROTECT ADAPTERTYPECHECK PROTECT PROTECTDRIVE PROTECT CLEARMACINFO \W31STUFF DRIVERSRS ZIPRS C:\TOOLS_31$ JAZRS C:\TOOLS_31$ C:\TOOLS_31$ PROTECT.DLL Times New Roman ZMISC.LIB$ SETUP.EXE PHASE2 ZipInstall> ZipInstall> ZipInstalla SYSTEM.INIa driversa WaveR PHASE2( SETUP.EXE PHASE2 SETUP.EXE $ : PHASE2 ZipInstallb WINGUEST.EXE GUEST.EXE /S LETTER=$ GUEST.EXE /S SETUP.HLP WINHELP.EXE beta.bmpRS beta.bmp SCR640Z.BMP SCR640J.BMP SCR640.BMP SCR800Z.BMP SCR800J.BMP SCR800.BMP SCR1024Z.BMP SCR1024J.BMP SCR1024.BMP SCR1024Z.BMP SCR1024J.BMP SCR1024.BMP Iomegaa Toolsa 5.30a SETUP.EXE welcome.bmp;255,0,255$ EjectWClassa ZIPPOLLa ZTOOLS.LIBRS ZTOOLS.LIBRS ZIPTIPS3.HLPRS ZIPTIPS3.HLPRS ZCOPY.LIBRS ZCOPY.LIBRS APPMOV16.LIBRS APPMOV16.LIBRS ZFIND.LIBRS ZFIND.LIBRS \REGISTER \REGISTER WIN.INIa ZipToolsa ToolsDirR WIN.INIa ZipToolsa ToolsDira base.bmp$ jazreg.bmp$ ZMISC.LIBa ZCOPY.LIBa \APPMOVR APPMOV16.LIBa APPMVSYS.LIBa Tour.bmp$ JazTour.bmp$ ZTOOLS.LIBa ZIPTIPS3.HLPa ZIPTIPS3.HLP Assories.bmp$ jazacces.bmp$ \FINDIT ZFIND.LIBa \TOUR \..\TOUR DELUXE.EXEa DELUXE.EXE! DOSSTUFF! GUEST.EXE GUEST.EXE LETTER=$ LASTDRIVE = b$ WINBK BUFFERS2+ BUFFERSA( ZIPTIPS3.HLP Modifying Windows Desktop... COPYDISK.EXE Modifying Windows Desktop... \APPMOVR% APPMOVER.EXE Modifying Windows Desktop... IOTOOLS.EXE IOTOOLS.EXE /S ZipWatcha ZIPWATCH.EXE SETUP.EXE PHASE2 ZipInstalla \FINDIT FINDIT.EXE EJECT.EXE FINDIT.INI! Path=b [Settings] SHARE.EXE /l:500 /f:5100a PATHBL Fast-PPA( \OPTPPM1.PIF OPTPPM1.ICO DELUXE.EXE \TOUR DELUXE.EXE \JAZTOUR JAZSTART.EXE GUEST.HLP WINHELP.EXE b ZIPTOOLS.HLP WINHELP.EXE b JAZTOOLS.HLP WINHELP.EXE b IOTOOLS.HLP WINHELP.EXE b NOREC( \REGISTER Register Register REGISTER szRegister szRegisterd ITP.EXE zfind.libRS \FINDIT EJECT.EXEa ZIPWATCH.EXEa Fast-PPA( World3.bmp;255,0,255$ \W31STUFF ZIP_TOOL.S__( JAZ_TOOL.S__( APlaceForYourStuff PARTISHN.MAC PARTISHN.MAC! SCSI_DRIVER R SCSI_DRIVERR \DOSSTUFF \..\DOSSTUFF MANUAL.EXEa MANUAL.EXE! IOMEGA.EXE IOMEGA.EXEb Times New Roman C:\TOOLS_31 *.SYSa *.SYS *.ILMa *.ILM GUEST*.*a GUEST*.* README.TXTa README.TXTd MANUAL.EXEa MANUAL.EXE GUEST.EXE GUEST.EXE LETTER=$ LASTDRIVE = b$ WINBK WINGUEST.EXE GUEST.EXE /S LETTER=$ GUEST.EXE /S Startup Zip Tools Zip Tools Install Zip Tools C:\TOOLS_31 Jaz Tools Jaz Tools Install Jaz Tools Tools Tools Install Tools No Aspi Manager Driver (Required) Copy Machine (Disk Copier) Application Mover Tools (Disk and Drive Tools) Findit (Disk Catalog Utility) Tour (Multimedia Zip Overview) Copy Machine Application Mover Zip Tips Tools Tools Startup Disk Watch ZipWatch FindIt Eject Parallel Port Accelerator Zip Tour Jaz Tour Backup Guest Help Tools Help Installing Driver files... Windows NT or 95 detected! This installation is only works under Windows 3.1 & 3.11. Tools requires Windows ENHANCED Mode! Make sure you have a Zip Tools disk correctly inserted in your Zip drive before continuing with the install. Make sure you have a Jaz Tools disk correctly inserted in your Jaz drive before continuing with the install. Setup needs to restart Windows to continue installing your Zip software. If Windows does not shutdown, close all other applications and run SETUP again. Setup needs to restart Windows to continue installing your Jaz software. If Windows does not shutdown, close all other applications and run SETUP again. Make sure you have a Zip Tools disk correctly inserted in your Zip drive before continuing with the install. Make sure you have a Jaz Tools disk correctly inserted in your Jaz drive before continuing with the install. Setup could not find your Zip Tools disk! Press OK for more information. Setup could not find your Jaz Tools disk! Press OK for more information. A necessary program file could not be copied! Setup is incomplete. Installing Copy Machine... Installing Appmover... Installing Tools... Installing FindIt... Copying Zip Tour... Setup was unable to copy Zip Tour! Modifying AUTOEXEC.BAT... Error modifying AUTOEXEC.BAT! Setup is incomplete. Modifying CONFIG.SYS... Modifying Windows Desktop... Could not create FINDIT.INI! Tools Disk not reclaimed. Reclaiming Tools Disk... Your Zip has been assigned drive letter %s Your Jaz has been assigned drive letter %s To accelerate parallel port performance, run Parallel Port Accelerator from the Iomega Zip Tools Group. To accelerate parallel port performance, run Parallel Port Accelerator from the Iomega Jaz Tools Group. Zip Tools Install Complete Jaz Tools Install Complete Congratulations! You have successfully installed Zip Tools. Welcome to the versatile and productive world of zip! Congratulations! You have successfully installed Jaz Tools. Welcome to the versatile and productive world of Jaz! Are you sure you want to cancel the installation? If you cancel now, you may be unable to access your Zip drive. Are you sure you want to cancel the installation? If you cancel now, you may be unable to access your Jaz drive. Setup Internal Error! Could not unprotect Tools Disk! Could not reclaim Tools Disk! Setup has determined that you are using Iomega SCSI. Which will now be updated to the latest version. Changes in Iomega SCSI will take effect after the computer is restarted. Copying Iomega SCSI files... Decompressing Iomega SCSI files... Iomega SCSI updated. Setup was unable to update Iomega SCSI! Online Registration edit( SETUPSTR862R| Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb} _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdFinish! ResultA ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _EWQq 3.00.071