2 McAfee AntiVirus Console 3 Task 4 Status 5 Last result 6 Activity Log Filename 7 Text files ( *.Txt )|*.TXT|All files ( *.* )|*.*| 8 Alert Properties 9 View Options 10 Unable to connect to %s 11 Disabled 12 Enabled 1071 &Enable 1072 &Disable 1074 Stops the selected task. 1078 Once, %s at %s 1079 Hourly, %d minutes after the hour. 1080 Daily, %s 1081 Weekly, %s 1082 Monthly, %s at %s 1084 No viruses were found. 1085 Scan cancelled by user. 1086 Virus found in memory. 1087 Virus found in boot record. 1088 Virus found in file. 1089 All infected items were cleaned. 1090 Error writing to the activity log file. 1091 Memory allocation error occured. 1092 Items were too long. 1093 Write protected media encountered. 1094 Could not find media to scan. 1095 Invalid scan items defined. 1096 Error accessing file. 1097 Error accessing disk. 1098 Generic system error. 1099 Internal error occured. 1100 Running... 1101 COM EXE SYS 1102 Activity Log File.txt 1103 Please highlight the item on which you would like to take action. 1105 Infected file was cleaned. 1106 Unable to clean infected file. 1107 Infected file was deleted. 1108 Unable to delete the infected file. 1109 Infected file was excluded. 1110 Unable to exclude infected file. 1111 Access to infected file denied. 1112 Infected file was moved. 1113 Unable to move infected file. 1114 &New Task 1115 &Paste Ctrl+V 1118 &Paste Ctrl+V 1123 &Undo Ctrl+Z 1124 &Delete Del 1125 &Copy Ctrl+C 1126 Cu&t Ctrl+X 1127 Select &All 1130 The export file '%s' was not successfully created. Please make sure that the media can be accessed. 1131 Internal error occured. Please contact McAfee Associates. 1132 Select Export File 1133 VirusScan files ( *.Vsc )|*.VSC|Text files ( *.TXT )|*.TXT|All files ( *.* )|*.*| 1134 The export file '%s' was successfully created. 1135 Pr&operties... 1136 &Export... 1137 &Import... 1138 The import file '%s' could not be opened. Please make sure that the file is not corrupted. 1139 The import file '%s' was successfully interpreted. 1140 Select Import File 1141 Unable to launch the application '%s'. Please verify the registry. 1142 Unable to open the clipboard. 1143 Memory could not be allocated. Please free up some resources and try again. 1144 You must select an item before copying to clipboard can be performed. 1145 Unable to copy the information to the clipboard. 1146 The task manager on '%s' is not enabled. Without it, your computer is vulnerable to virus infections. 1150 The McAfee Task Manager service is not running on '%s'. Would you like to start the service now? 1151 Unable to start McAfee Task Manager service on '%s'. 1152 Executing command... 1153 The computer '%s' is not configured correctly. Please re-install. 1154 Unable to launch the Scan Wizard. Please make sure the product is properly installed. 1155 An error occured launching the scan task '%s'. Please make sure the product is properly installed. 1157 &Copy Ctrl+C 1158 &Rename 1159 View &Log... 1160 S&tatistics... 1161 &Start 1162 &Stop 1163 &Delete Del 1164 Scan Menu 1165 Launches the Scan Wizard to easily create, configure, and execute a Scan task. 1166 Use this command to create a new Scan task. 1167 Closes McAfee AntiVirus Console. 1168 Edit Menu 1169 Copies the highlighted task to the Clipboard. 1170 Copies the task from the Clipboard. 1171 Allows you to rename the current selection. 1172 Erases the selected task. 1173 View Menu 1174 Hides or shows the toolbar. 1175 Hides or shows the statusbar. 1176 Export task to VirusScan configuration file format (*.Vsc). 1177 Import task from VirusScan configuration file format (*.Vsc). 1178 Edits properties of the current selection. 1179 Refresh console information. 1180 Customizes console options. 1181 Tools Menu 1182 Displays information on specific viruses and their characteristics. 1183 Launches Event Viewer to view the system and application event log. 1184 Connects to another computer and allows remote monitoring, configuration, and execution of tasks. 1185 Specifies how NetShield issues alerts when it detects a virus. 1186 Help Menu 1187 Opens Help. 1188 Displays pop-up help on the next object clicked within the console window. 1189 Displays NetShield program information. 1190 Unable to launch the activity log viewer. Verify product is properly installed. 1191 Launch at startup. 1192 Launches the Scan Wizard to easily create, configure, and execute a Scan task. 1193 Launches the Scan Wizard to easily create, configure, and execute a Scan task. 1194 Unable to activate help. 1195 Starts the selected task. 1196 Stops the selected task. 1197 Displays run-time statistics of the selected item. 1198 Views the activity log for the selected task, if logging is enabled. 1199 NetShield Notification 1200 Local System 1201 Unable to connect to '%s'. Make sure that this computer is on the network, has remote administration enabled, and that both computers are running the remote registry service. 1202 Connect To Computer 1203 Disconnect From Computer 1204 VirusScan Wizard 1205 Create New Task 1206 Display Properties 1207 Copy 1208 Paste 1209 Delete 1210 Start Task 1211 Stop Task 1212 Specifies how VirusScan issues alerts when it detects a virus. 1213 Event Viewer 1214 Virus List 1215 Use this command to create a new VirusScan task. 1216 Copies the VirusScan task to the Clipboard. 1217 You entered an invalid task name. Verify that the task name is unique and at least one character in length. 1218 You are about to delete this VirusScan task.\n\nAre you sure? 1219 Scan cancelled by user. Infected items found. 1220 Connecting to a remote computer will allow you to control and configure its tasks remotely via the console. 1221 Connect to remote computer 1222 Alert Server 1223 Select computer to alert upon virus detection. 1224 Configure how and when to update the virus definitions. 1225 Unable to launch the update executable. Please verify the product is correctly installed. 1226 Low 1227 Medium 1228 High 1229 Alert Properties 1230 Unable to launch the alert manager. Please verify the product is correctly installed. 1231 You specified events to be logged to a remote computer without specifying a computer. Please correct this before continuing. 1232 You specified a program to be run upon virus infection without specifying a program. Please correct this before continuing. 1233 Programs|*.exe;*.com;*.bat|| 1234 NetShield is disabled without the McAfee Task Manager. To start the task manager, attempt to start NetShield and respond 'Yes' when prompted. 1235 Select program to execute 1236 Inserts a Scan task from the Clipboard. 1237 Erases the selected VirusScan task. 1238 Hides or displays the toolbar. 1239 Hides or displays the statusbar. 1240 VirusScan Notification 1241 VirusScan is disabled without the McAfee Task Manager. To start the task manager, attempt to start VirusScan and respond 'Yes' when prompted. 1242 Erases the selected Scan task. 1243 Refresh the console's task information. 1244 Customize console options. 1245 Displays program information including VirusScan version number, serial number, and the copyright. 1246 Disconnects from the remote computer. 1247 &Options... 1248 Your account does not have sufficient priviledges on this server. Please start the task manager manually. 1249 \n*** CENTRALIZED ALERTING VALIDATION FILE ***\n\nDo not delete this file. It must be present in this directory for \nCentralized Alerting to operate properly.\n\n 1250 Select directory for Centralized Alerting 1251 The Centralized Alerting location cannot be written to. Please select another location. 1252 The Centralized Alerting location is no longer valid. Please select another location. 1253 The on-line virus library is not available. 1254 Use your net browser to connect to the on-line virus library information web page.