:Base viruscan.hlp>main :Title McAfee Scan Help :Index McAfee Scan Help=VIRUSCAN.HLP 1 Introduction 2 About Scan=IDH_ABOUT_SCAN 2 What is a computer virus?=IDH_WHATS_AVIRUS 2 Why do I need to scan for viruses?=IDH_WHY_SCAN 1 How To... 2 Set options 3 Configure a Scan=IDH_SEL_WHAT>proc4 3 Select Actions=IDH_SEL_ACTIONS>proc4 3 Report Scan Results=IDH_SEL_REPORTS>proc4 2 Start Scanning 3 From the main window=IDH_START_MAIN>proc4 3 From the context menu=IDH_START_CONTEXT>proc4 3 From the Startup Folder=IDH_START_STARTFLDR>proc4 2 Clean Files 3 Automatically=IDH_CLEAN_AUTO>proc4 3 From the Prompt=IDH_CLEAN_PROMPT>proc4 2 Contact McAfee 3 About McAfee=IDH_ABOUT_MCAFEE 3 Before you contact McAfee=IDH_BEFORE_CONTACT 3 Contacting McAfee=IDH_CONTACT_MCAFEE 1 Tips and Tricks 2 Preventing viruses=IDH_PREV_VIR 2 Making regular backups=IDH_REG_BCKP 2 Saving Scan Settings=IDH_TIPS_SAVESET>proc4 2 Viewing Log File=IDH_TIPS_VIEWLOG>proc4 1 Troubleshooting 2 What to do if... 3 Scan found a virus=IDH_WTD_VIRFILE>proc4 3 Scan deleted infected file=IDH_WTD_DELFILE>proc4 1 Reference 2 Command line options=IDH_COMMLINE