:Base IPE.HLP>m :Title iPhoto Express Help :Index iPhoto Express On-Line Guide =Guide.hlp :Link Guide.hlp :Link ipe.hlp 1 Getting Started with iPhoto Express 2 The Start Frame -- Placing Photos into iPhoto Express=Getting_Photos@guide.hlp>p 2 The Adjust Frame -- Improving your photo's appearance=Enhance@Guide.hlp>p 2 The Enhance Frame -- Adding special effects and features=Touchup@Guide.hlp>p 2 The Finish Frame -- Delivering your photo to others=Output@Guide.hlp>p 1 Quick projects you can complete in iPhoto Express 2 Creating monthly calendar pages with your photos=Calendar@Guide.hlp>p 2 Using your scanner or digital camera as a copy machine=Copier@Guide.hlp>p 2 Using your scanner or digital camera as a fax machine=Faxing@Guide.hlp>p 2 Creating great looking business cards that attract attention=Business_cards@Guide.hlp>p 2 Creating specialty cards for all occasions=Card@Guide.hlp>p 2 Creating Windows Wallpaper, Screensavers, and Slide Shows from your photos=Screen_art@Guide.hlp>p 2 Printing posters of your photos=Poster@Guide.hlp>p 1 Simple Procedures 2 Starting and finishing 3 Placing images into iPhoto Express=Opening_Pro>p 3 Saving your work=Sav_Pro>p 3 Presenting your work=Printing_Pro>p 3 Quitting iPhoto Express=Quit_Pro>p 2 Fixing up images 3 Recovering from mistakes=Mistake_Pro>p 3 Deleting data=Clear_Pro>p 3 Straightening images=Rot_Line_Pro>p 3 Trimming unwanted edges=Crop_pro>p 3 Joining two images=Stitch_Pro>p 3 Converting images=Conv_Pro>p 2 Working with selection areas 3 Rectangular and elliptical selections=Sel_Shp_Pro>p 3 Moving a selection=Sel_Mov_Pro>p 3 Dragging and Dropping=Drag_and_Drop_Pro>p 3 Blending selections into images=Smooth_Edge_Pro>p 3 Merging a floating selection to the base image=Obj_Ren_Pro>p 2 Transforming 3 Reshaping images=Skewing_Pro>p 3 Resizing images=Res_Pro>p 3 Instant rotating and flipping=Rot_Inst_Pro>p 3 Rotating with the mouse=Rot_drag_pro>p 3 Rotating by degree=Rot_Deg_Pro>p 2 Adding effects 3 Working with the Effect Palette=PP_bas_pro>p 3 Applying filters and effects=Fil_Pro>p 3 Adding borders=Border_Pro>p 3 Creating frames and shadows=Frame_Creat_Pro>p 2 Working with colors 3 Painting=Painting_Pro>p 3 Adding text=Text_Pro>p 3 Color fills=Fill_Col_Pro>p 3 Pattern fills=Fill_Pat_Pro>p 3 Painting an effect=Paint_Eff_Pro>p 2 Customizing up iPhoto Express 3 Adding plug-ins=Plug_Add_Pro>p 3 Customizing how iPhoto Express works=Def_Pro>p 3 Arranging the workspace=wkspc_Arr_Pro>p 3 Calibrating the display=Gamma_Pro>p 3 Managing your computer s memory=Mem_Pro>p 1 Menu Commands 2 File Menu 3 New=File_New_Men 3 Open=Fil_Open_Men 3 Open Template File=file_optem_men_opps 3 Close=File_Close_Men 3 Save=Fil_Sav_Men 3 Acquire=Fil_Acq_Men 3 Import / Export=Fil_Imp_Men_opps 3 Copier=QT_Copier_opps 3 Fax=QT_Fax_opps 3 Print=File_Print_Men 3 Print Preview=File_PPrev_Men 3 Send=Fil_Send_Men 3 Preferences=File_Pref_Men 3 Exit=Fil_Exit_Men 3 Recently Opened Images=Win_Rec_Men 2 Edit Menu 3 Undo Before / Redo To=Edit_Undo_Men 3 Cut=Edit_Cut_Men 3 Copy=Edit_Copy_Men 3 Paste=Edit_Paste_Men 3 Clear=Edit_Clear_Men 3 Select=Edit_Sel_Men_New 3 None=Edit_SelNone_Men 3 All=Edit_SelAll_Men 3 Invert -- Selection=Edit_Invert_Men 3 Make Floating=Edit_GenObj_Men 3 Merge Floating=Edit_Render_Men 3 Properties -- Floating Selection=Obj_Prop_Men 3 Stitch=Edit_Stitch_Men 3 Crop=Edit_Crop_Men 3 Fill=Edit_Fill_Men 3 Rotate & Flip=Edit_RotFlip_Men 3 Free Resize=Edit_Resize_Men_opps 2 View Menu 3 Actual View=View_AV_Men 3 Zoom=View_Zoom_Men 3 Fit In Window=View_FIW_Men 3 Full Screen=View_FS_Men 3 Photo Properties=View_Info_Men 2 PhotoMenu 3 Color Balance=Adj_Bal_Men 3 Lighting=Adj_Color_Men 3 Focus=Adj_Foc_Men 3 Hue & Saturation=Adj_H_S_Men 3 Resize=Adj_Resample_Men 3 Frame & Shadow=Adj_Fr_Sh_Men 3 Convert=conv_men_opps 3 Windows Wallpaper=Eff_SaW_Men 3 Magic -- Turnpage=Remove_Red 3 Camera -- Remove RedEye=Remove_Red 2 Window Menu 3 Cascade=Win_Casc_Men 3 Tile Horizontally & Tile Vertically=Win_Tile_Men 3 Arrange Icons=Win_Arr_Men 3 Show / Hide Effect Palette=muf_pu 3 Tile with iPhotoExpress Explorer=Win_TMPaCI_Men 3 Currently Open Images=Win_OF_Men 2 Help Menu 3 iPhoto Express Tour=Help_PBTour_Men_opps 3 Photo Capture Tour=Help_PCTour_Men_opps 3 Ulead iPhoto Express Help=Help_Cont_Men 3 iPhoto Express Screenbook=ipe_sb_men 3 About Ulead Products=Help_Abt_Ulp_Men 3 Online Registration=On_Line_Registration 3 About iPhoto Express=abt_ipe_men 2 Floating Selection Popup Menu 3 Undo Before / Redo To=Edit_Undo_Men 3 Select Base Image=Select_Base_Image 3 Select Previous Selection=Select_Previous 3 Merge=Edit_Render_Men 3 Duplicate=Duplicate 3 Delete=ipeDelete 3 Add / Remove Shadow=Add_Remove_Shadow 3 Properties -- Selection=Obj_Prop_Men 1 Groups 2 Quick 3 Quick card=Greeting_Card_Task 3 Calendar=Calendar_Tasks_opps 3 Namecard=Business_Card_Task_opps 3 Poster=Poster_Task_opps 3 Screen Art=Screen_Art_Task_opps 3 Fax=QT_Fax_opps 3 Copier=QT_Copier_opps 2 Start 3 Open=Fil_Open_Men 3 Scan=Scan_Task_opps 3 Import=Import_Task_opps 3 New=File_New_Men 3 Paste=Paste_Document_Task_opps 2 Adjust 3 Undo Before / Redo To=Edit_Undo_Men 3 Straighten=Straighten 3 Rotate / Flip=Edit_RotFlip_Men 3 Crop=Edit_Crop_Men 3 Focus=Adj_Foc_Men 3 Lighting=Adj_Color_Men 3 Color=Color_Task_opps 3 Remove Red=Remove_Red 3 Resize=Adj_Resample_Men 2 Enhance 3 Undo Before / Redo To=Edit_Undo_Men 3 Selection=Edit_Sel_Men_New 3 Transform=Transform_Task_Opps 3 Text=Text_Task_opps 3 Paint=Tools_Task_opps 3 Effects=Effect_Palette_Task_opps 3 Fit into photo=Phot_Fit_Task_opps 3 More=More_Task_opps 2 Finish 3 Save=Fil_Sav_Men 3 Calendar=Calendar_Tasks_opps 3 Print=File_Print_Men 3 Screen Art=Screen_Art_Task_opps 3 Export=Fil_Imp_Men_opps 3 Send=Fil_Send_Men 1 Dialog Boxes 2 Acquire Image dialog box -- Destination=Acquire_Dest_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Add Shadow dialog box=Add_Shobj_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Calendar dialog box=Calendar_db>d 2 Color Balance dialog box=AdjCol_white_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Emboss dialog box=vfl_Emboss@IPE.HLP>d 2 Eyedropper dialog box=Eye_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Fat / Thin dialog box=Fat_Thin_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 File dialog box=File_db@db.hlp>d 2 Fill dialog box=Fill_db>d 2 Focus dialog box=AdjFoc_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Frame & Shadow dialog box=Frame_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Gradient Fill dialog box=TxtGrFil_db_opps@IPE.HLP>d 2 Hue & Saturation dialog box=vfl_Hue_Saturation@IPE.HLP>d 2 Lighting dialog box=vfl_Brightness_Contrast@IPE.HLP>d 2 Mosaic dialog box=vfl_Mosaic@IPE.HLP>d 2 New dialog box=Fil_New_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Preferences dialog box=Pref_IE_db>d 2 Print dialog box=Print_db@db.hlp>d 2 Remove Red Eyes dialog box=SmBal_db_opps@IPE.HLP>d 2 Replace Photo dialog box=RepPhoto_db_opps@IPE.HLP>d 2 Resize dialog box=Reasmp_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Ripple dialog box=vfl_Ripple@IPE.HLP>d 2 Send dialog box=Send_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Stitch dialog box=Stitch_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Tile dialog box=Tile_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Title dialog box=PPREV_TIT_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Turnpage dialog box=Turnpage_db>d 2 Wallpaper dialog box=wallp_db_opps@db.hlp>d 2 Warm / Cool dialog box=Warm_Cool_db@IPE.HLP>d 2 Watercolor dialog box=vfl_Watercolor@IPE.HLP>d 2 Wind / Blast dialog box=vfl_Wind@IPE.HLP>d 1 About Computer Imaging 2 About color=Ref_Bkg_Color_Gen 2 About images=Ref_Back_Imag 1 Contacting Ulead 2 Technical support =TS_Cont>p 2 How to contact us =TS_NSAM>p