101 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 103 Property Sheet 107 Layer 110 Properties 118 Displays a tip of the day 120 Did you know... 121 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory 122 Trouble reading the tips file 128 TurboTRACE\n\nTurboT\n\n\nTurboTRACE.Document\nTurboT Document 129 TurboTRACE Pro\n\nTurboT\n\n\nTurboTRACE.Document\nTurboT Document 130 FormTRACE\n\nFormT\n\n\nFormTRACE.Document\nFormT Document 156 %1 on %2 4850 TIFF, Uncompressed 4851 BMP, Compressed (Windows Bitmap) 4852 PCX 4853 TARGA 4854 GIF 4855 WPG (Word Pefect Graphics) 4856 WMF (Windows Metafile) 4857 TIFF, Huffman 4858 TIFF, Group 3 Fax 4859 TIFF, LZW 4860 TIFF, Group 4 Fax 4861 DCX (Intel) 4862 BMP, Compressed (Windows Bitmap) 4863 JPEG 4864 EPS (PostScript) 4865 PICT (Macintosh) 4866 TIFF, Packbits 4867 TIFF, 2D 4868 CALS 4869 LaserView (LaserData) 4870 X Bitmap (C-source) 4871 MacPaint 4872 GX2 (ShowPartner) 4873 KOFAX 4874 IOCA (IBM) 4875 ICON (Windows icon) 4876 IFF (Amiga) 4877 CLIP (Windows clipboard) 4878 IMG (GEM) 4879 Brooktrout 4880 MSP (Microsoft Paint) 4881 Cut (HALO) 4882 TARGA 16 4883 CCITT G3 4884 CCITT G4 4885 Pixmap (C-source color) 4886 XWD 4887 Sun Raster 4888 TracTrix hybrid 4890 TIFF JPEG 4891 PhotoShop (Adobe) 4892 Do you want to save the changes in the raster? 4893 No comunication with the TWAIN-driver 4894 All (*.*)|*.*|TIFF (*.tif)|*.tif|CALS (*.cal)|*.cal|BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|PCX (*.pcx)|*.pcx|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Photo CD (*.pcd)|*.pcd|| 17715 Memory allocation error 17716 Not enough memory 17717 Can't read the file 17718 Can't find the file 17719 The file format is not allowed 17720 Can't read files with LZW compression 17721 Internal error %s 17722 Insufficient disk space 17723 Current work 17724 File name: 17725 File size: 17726 Size 17727 Entity properties 17728 Raster properties 17729 DWG properties 17730 Width: 17731 Height: 17732 Number of entities: 17733 Number of layers: 17734 File type: 17735 Resolution: 17736 Number of colors: 17737 Raster size: 17738 Insertion point: 17739 Width in drawing units: 17740 Height in drawing units: 17741 Can't create the output file '%1' 17801 Cannot read the file 17802 17803 There are no settings for this tool 17804 Cannot create temporary files 17805 Memory allocation error, can not commit memory 17806 Cannot write to the temporary file 17807 Cannot read from the temporary file 17808 Memory allocation error. Cannot map enough memory for the temporary file. 17809 Start the rotation 17810 Memory allocation error. The area is to big to be copied to the clipboard 17811 Cannot lock clipboard memory 17812 Cannot open clipboard 17813 Cannot move selected area to the clipboard 17814 There's no 16-bit TWAIN-source 17815 To be able to read this file the internal memory + the page file must add up to at least %ldMB 17816 inch 17817 17818 Save raster as 17819 Save vectors as 17820 Cannot create the file 17821 The current raster has a color depth that is not supported by the selected format 17822 '%1' already exists, replace it? 17823 This file has more then 256 colors and has to be conveted 17824 Should only the selected area be saved? 17825 Paste transparently 17826 Rotate transparently 17827 Properties\nProperties 17829 Main 17830 Main 17831 Raster 17832 Vector 17833 Trace 17834 Trace settings 17835 Should only the selected area be traced? 17836 OK to start tracing? 17837 Trace error "#%d" 17838 Creating contour file 17839 Joining contours 17840 Joining center lines 17841 Joining intersections 17842 Collecting lines 17843 Searching for corners 17844 Operation cancelled by user 17845 The tracing created %s new enitities 17846 Creating vectors 17847 %s entities are selected 17848 Orthogonal adjust vectors 17849 Layer name 17850 Color nr:%d 17851 Can't initiate the DWG-reader 17852 Insert a new raster? 17853 Line width 17854 Color 17855 Pen files (*.pen)|*.pen|| 17856 Erase the selected raster ? 17857 Save only selected entities ? 17858 The setting can't be erased or changed. 17859 Delete the '%s' setting ? 17860 No licences are installed, please install a licence with the LicenceManager! (%1) 17861 The layer is not empty, and therefore it cannot be deleted 17862 Adjust only selected entities ? 17863 Layer name 17864 Selected area 17865 Upper left corner: 17866 Raster area 17867 DWG area 17868 * -- Different layer -- 17869 The default settings will be restored 17870 Break 17871 Insert corner 17872 Locked corner 17873 Altered 17874 View 17875 Rotate 17876 Cancel 17877 Do you want to insert the work into TurboCAD ? 32771 Save the vectors of the current work 32772 Save the raster of the current work 32773 Delete selected entities\nDelete 32774 Gray out the raster so that vectors are easier to see 32775 Hides and shows the raster\nShow raster 32776 Hides and shows the vectors\nShow vectors 32777 Show all filled areas with there respective colors\nPreview 32778 Zoom in on an area\nZoom in 32779 Returns to the previous zoom\nZoom out 32780 Shows entire image\nZoom all 32781 Hide or show the raster toolbar 32782 Hide or show the vector toolbar 32783 Invert the current works raster 32785 Raster functions 32786 Orthogonal adjustment on the current works vectors\nOrthogonal adjustment 32787 Shows detailed information about the vectors 32788 Rotate the current work 32789 Program settings 32790 Select TWAIN source 32792 Acquire an image from a TWAIN source 32793 Starts the tracing of the selected area\nStart 32794 Change the trace settings\nSettings 32795 Select rectangular area\nSelect area 32796 Magic wand, select area of similar color\nSelect area 32797 Raster pen\nRaster pen 32798 Raster eraser\nRaster eraser 32799 Raster lines\nRaster lines 32800 Vector editing\nVector editing 32801 Add new vector points on an existing vector\nNew point 32802 Draw vector line\nVector line 32803 Draw vector circle\nVector circle 32804 Draw vector arc\nVector arc 32805 Draw vector bezier\nVector bezier 32806 Select a trace setting\nSelect setting 32807 Shows work progress\nProgress bar 32808 Invert selection, i.e. select non-selected objects and de-select selected objects\nInvert selection 32809 Change settings for current tool or selected entities 32810 Change attribute for selected vectors 32811 Rotate all or selected parts of the raster\nRotation 32812 Move selected area 32813 Start rotation of the drawing or the selected area 32815 Should the area be pasted transparently? 32816 Rotate the area and paste it transparently 32817 Current layer\nCurrent layer 32818 Current color, L means layer color\nCurrent color 32819 Mouse coordinates\nMouse coordinates 32820 Change current, delete and add layers\nLayer list 32821 Change current color\nColor table 32824 Hide or show the trace toolbar 32825 Pan the image\nPan 32826 Invert the raster in the current job 32828 Mirror the raster horizontally 32829 Mirror the raster vertically 32830 32831 32832 Insert a raster in the current work 32833 32834 32835 Insert a new raster in the current work 32836 Insert existing raster in the current work 32837 Close the raster in the current work\nClose raster 32838 Close the DWG in the current work 32839 Adjust vectors horizontally 32840 Adjust vectors vertically 32841 Thinning out and remove garbage\nThinning 32850 Fill out white dots in black regions\nFill 32874 Change the size and resolution of the raster 32875 Erase black dots in white areas 32879 32881 32882 Show detail information about current work 32883 Move the raster according to the vectors\nMove raster 32884 32886 Horizontally adjust the selected vectors\nHorizontal adjustment 32887 Vertically adjust the selected vectors\nVertical adjustment 32888 Crop according to the selected area 32891 Insert text\nText 32892 Change the number of used colors 32893 Rotate selected entities 32894 Break a polyline in the selected corner 32895 Break the entity in the selected point 32896 Insert a corner in the selected point 32899 Lock or unlock the selected corner 32900 Convert the selected line to an arc 32901 Convert the selected line to a bezier 32902 Convert the selected arc to a line 32903 Convert the selected arc to a bezier 32904 Convert the selected bezier to a line 32905 Convert the selected bezier to an arc 32906 Convert the selected circle to an arc 32913 Hide or show the view toolbar 32915 Turn on modelspace and use EXTMIN and EXTMAX as drawing extents 32916 Turn on modelspace and use LIMMIN and LIMMAX as drawing extents 32917 Turn on paperspace 32919 Vertically or horizontally adjust the selected vectors\nVertical/Horizontal adjustment 32920 Insert the current work into FormTool\nSave & exit 57344 TracTrix 57345 For help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new work\nNew 57601 Open a saved work, raster file, DWG or DXF file\nOpen 57602 Insert the current work into TurboCAD\nSave & exit 57603 Save the current work\nSave 57604 Save the current work, using a new name 57605 Change page settings\nPage setup 57606 Change printer and printer settings 57607 Print the current work\nPrint (Ctrl+P) 57609 Preview the current work\nPreview (Ctrl+F2) 57610 Update the source document and display changes\nUpdate 57611 Save a copy of the current work, using a new name\nSave copy 57612 Send the current work using e-mail 57616 Open this work 57617 Open this work 57618 Open this work 57619 Open this work 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy selected entities and place them on the clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut selected area and place it on the clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Paste in contents of the clipboard\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select entire work 57643 Undo the last editing\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57648 Opens a new window for the current work 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window 57650 Arrange windows so that they cascade 57651 Arrange windows so they tile horizontally 57652 Arrange windows so that they tile vertically 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Show program information\nAbout 57665 Exit the program without saving the work 57666 Open the help file and a certain index 57668 Explains how to use the help system 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp 57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Hide or show the main toolbar 59393 Hide or show the status bar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview