1 No active drawing found. 2 No root graphic found. 3 Error creating vertex. 4 Out of memory. 5 Unknown error creating graphic. 6 Argument(s) are invalid. 7 Could not append vertex to graphic. 8 Graphic is too small to draw. 9 Graphic must be an arc. 10 Could not find TurboCAD application. 11 Could not open drawing. 12 File not found. 13 Could not close file. 14 Could not save file. 15 Could not print drawing. 16 Failed to find active window. 17 Could not get value of requested property. 18 Could not set value of specified property. 19 Could not undo previous action. 20 Could not redo previous undo. 21 Could not close file. 22 Could not open file. 23 Could not read from file. 24 Could not write to file. 25 No active viewport. 26 No window handle for viewport. 27 No graphics are selected. 28 Selected graphics are read only. 1001 TurboCAD 33992 Bring to Front 38081 Align Left 38082 Align Right 38083 Align Top 38084 Align Bottom 38085 Align Center 38086 Align Middle 38087 Send to Back 40960 Break up a graphic into its constituent parts\nExplode\n\n 40961 Explode (Ungroup to graphics) 40962 Explode (Multiline to segments) 40963 Explode (Insert to graphics) 40964 Explode (Text to multiline) 40965 Explode (Drop Association Links) 40966 Explode (Surface to polygons) 40967 Explode (Mesh to surface) 40976 Create Group 40977 Create Block 40978 Line Single 40979 Line Rectangle 40980 Line Polygon 40981 Line Rotated Rectangle 40982 Line Perdendicular 40983 Line Parallel 40984 Line Arc Tangent Point 40985 Line Tangent to 2 Arcs 40986 Line Multiline 40987 Line Irregular Polygon 40988 Double Line Multiline 40989 Double Line Irregular Polygon 40990 Double Line Single 40991 Double Line Rectangle 40992 Double Line Polygon 40993 Double Line Rotated Rectangle 40994 Double Line Perdendicular 40995 Double Line Parallel 40996 Circle Center And Point 40997 Circle Double Point 40998 Circle Triple Point 40999 Ellipse 41000 Rotated Ellipse 41001 Fixed Ratio Ellipse 41008 Arc Center and Point 41009 Arc Double Point 41010 Arc Triple Point 41018 Curve Spline 41019 Curve Bezier 41020 Point Dot 41021 Point Star 41022 Point Square 41023 Point Cross 41024 Point Circle 41025 Clear All 41026 Clear Selection 41027 Clear All Constructions 41028 Construction Center and Point 41029 Construction Double Point 41030 Construction Triple Point 41031 Construction Angular Line 41032 Construction Horizontal Line 41033 Construction Vertical Line 41034 Text 41035 Scale Selection 41036 Rotate Selection 41037 Move Selection 41038 Linear Dimension 41039 Create Block 41040 Insert Block 41041 Delete Graphic 41042 Create Graphic 41043 Create Hatch