-------------------------------------------------------- Sim-Fish 1.0 by Psycho Software Inc. 1997 -------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. How to play 2. Object of the game 3. Controls 4. Credits 5. Dedication -------------------------------------------------------- 1. How to play In Sim-Fish, you must manage an everyday household fishtank, as the fishies grow and mature. You have to make them reproduce to make more fishies, and you have to feed them so they don't die. You must also make sure you clean up their poop, and wipe clean their algae-filled bowls. You must do this by clicking on the buttons on the side bar. You can feed them, reproduce them, clean up their poop, clean up their dead bodies, and clean the algae off the bowl. You can also get information on each fish by clicking on it. It will tell you it's age and it's hunger. -------------------------------------------------------- 2. Object of the game There is no real object of the game. It's endless, basically. You just have to maintain a healthy, livable, fishtank. And keep it populated at the same time. -------------------------------------------------------- 3. Controls Use the mouse to control your cursor, and click on any of the buttons to do the appropriate task. Do not overfeed or overpopulate your tank, or fishies will die. -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Credits Graphics: Chris Perry, Steven Chan Gameplay: Chris Perry Sounds: Chris Perry Music: Chris Perry, Europress Software Ideas: Chris Perry -------------------------------------------------------- 5. Dedication I fully dedicate this game to Goldfish Productions, and their head guy, Steven Chan. He's been a great help to P.S.I., and since this involves fish, I thought I'd dedicate it to his company, Goldfish Productions. Thanks Steven! (Sprite) -------------------------------------------------------- Quick note: This game is freeware. You don't have to pay anything for this game. Comments? Questions? E-mail Psycho Software at: psychosoft@juno.com Have fun! --------------------------------------------------------