FunkTracker 1.08a - Release Notes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - This version is just some minor bug fixes from 1.07. A small bug in the editor spoiled the 1.07 version, which was introduced when adding MPU-401 support. It has been fixed now. You probably couldn't run it anyway, as it was compiled incorrectly. 1.08 fixes all these problems. - Also, the interface with demos has been improved, so that you can now have multiple modules in memory and play them. Also, I have created a FUNKOBJ interface, so you're not forced to use my coding reference which is IDEAL mode TASM!. With the new features of DOS32 now, it's even possible to link my player code (which runs in 386 Protected Mode) to a real mode programs. - I've tried to add MIDI keyboard support for the PAS16, but failed. Next version perhaps (when i can figure out exactly what the PAS16 card supports). - MIDI support has been delayed for the GUS card. I as yet, can't get hold of the freeware Gravis Software Developers Kit. When i eventually do, I will include this support. - Adam's extremely powerful DOS32 extender has also been included in this release (DOS32v30.ZIP). You can link p-mode programs to p-mode programs, r-mode programs to p-mode programs, and p-mode programs to r-mode programs. Has it's own linker which foils Borlands and Microsofts linker. It can create very large executable files, with compression. It also has a full screen debugger, full ANSI C library, examples and more. see ya :Jason Nunn SuperReal UPLOAD SITES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ BBS Sites ========= Site Place Number Fido -------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Retreat Darwin, NT (61)(089)451516 3:850/105 Shady's ditto (61)(089)321497 3:850/106 17 Mile ditto (61)(089)831783 Announcements ============= þ International "CHIPSMAG" fido echo þ Australian "ZONE 3 GAMES" fido echo þ usenet groups: "apana.general" WHATS NEW ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Support ³ MIDI ³ 16bit ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SB1.X ³ ³ SB2.0 ³ ³ SBPRO ³ ³ SB16 ³ X ³ PAS16 ³ ³ (NB/ no luck yet supporting MPU-401 for PAS16) GUS ³ ³ Midi Support ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To use this feature, you're first going to have to worry about the connection between your MIDI board and your soundcard... The piece of equipment you're going to have to make or buy is called a 'MIDI Breakout box'. If you can adjustify paying $100 for a $10 piece of circuitry, then you may want to go out a buy one from an electronics store. If you have a soldering iron, a couple of wires and a bread board, then you can make your own. Below is a derivative of a circuit found in "Electronics Australia" (Feb 1994). I didn't have all the components, so i reduced it slightly. It's feral, but it does the trick (even with lightly shielded wires, next to a monitor!). ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ P1,9,8 Joystick socket ³ C1 (NB/ If you don't think you ÃÄÄ×ÄÄÂÄÄÄÄ P4,5 " " can make this, then ³ D1³ don't!. I wouldn't want ÃÄÃÂijÄÄÄÄ P15 " " you to cook your sound ³  ³ ³ card now). ³ ³ ³ ÚÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÁÄÁÄÁÄÁ¿ ³³C1 = Approx 10æF³³ ³ IC1³ ³³D1 = LED ³³ ³þ ³ ³³IC1 = 6N138 ³³ ÀÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÙ ÀÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÙ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ P5 of MIDI DIN socket ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ P4 " " " " The above circuit only has MIDI-in abilities, which is enough for the moment. Seen's that FunkTracker is a module editor and not a MIDI editor, there is no point in having a MIDI out (unless for cosmetic purposes).. Later on I may include it. if you want a full blowen circuit, then go to your local library and grab a photocopy of Electronics Australia February 1994 (i've forgotten the pages). You can find the same circuit on P219 of the 1994/95 Dick Smiths Catalogue. There is also some circuitry in the "Ultimate SoundBlaster" book. My software will talk to "MPU-401" MIDI hardware that is on the SB16. To activate, just type in "Alt-K". Hit it again if you want to switch it off. Use "Alt-Q" to switch chord mode on and off. MUSTDO'S: - instant SMP or WAV player when searching for samples - Intergrate MOD2FNK into Funktracker so that you can load up MOD's. Also, a FNK2MOD converter as well. - Adam Seychell is working on a sample editor that will be linked into funktracker at a later version. You will be able to do all types of shit with in. DONE: þ 1.08a: (July 1995) - ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!, an introduced bug in the FUNK.ASM file. A misplaced register value when pressing the note keys on the keypad of the keyboard to play a note :(... fixed now. - The minor PAS16 click bug has now finally been fixed!. When you played at any pattern (F6), and the code would track to the pattern with the backround code masked. This would starve the ISR for too long. - Poly key (for none-MIDI keyboard users) (just use the MIDI quantise mode key- "Alt-Q" to toggle). - Made the tracker read music via pointers etc, for more practical usage (as suggested by Adam). - FUNKOBJ created - OS/2 friendly (i think) þ 1.07: (Monday 5th June 95) - chksum checking has been removed. the "LZH_Checksum" field is now used for channel info (the chksum wasn't tested anyway). - Unsigned SND loading support - The very faint SB16 and PAS16 click bugs (when used in excess of any hour) have been fixed. - MPU-401 (MIDI keyboard) for SB16 - soundcard autodetection - configurable memory parameters þ 1.06: (17th May 95) - DOS32 update. Now uses V3.01à. ..the dosshell works. - A have now, once and for all made a 256 point, perfectly linear GUS table that doesn't lagg. GUSTABLE.INC has been abolished. - added badly needed re-sampler. Now you can tune your WAV samples in perfectly :). - display directories are now sorted - Reintroduced full PAS16 support. PAS support currently uses MVSOUND.SYS.the p-mode environment will from time to time be a problem. (NB/ excessive sampling rates >22050 will sometimes cause clicking to occur) - SB16 support :) - oooppsss :).... RLO's (Reload Sample Attr's). 1.05 accidently reloads a samples frequency into the channel. This is NOT in the RLO defination. This means that Command C would instantly cut out when using RLO's. ..This is been fixed so it doesn't do it any more. þ 1.05: (23rd April 95) - First public release (just wanted to release the thing) - The GUS volume table sucks - OS/2 Unfriendly - DosShell doesn't work very well (DOS32 3.00à bug) þ 1.00 - 1.04: (July 94 - March 95) - development, testing, and minor modifications (used to have PAS support in these versions, but experenced major problems) - Big thankyou's go to Tom Verbeure/Synergy for improving my DAC routines, and By Adam Seychell for being "on tap" when problems cropped up regarding P-mode, and Dickydick, 30SC, Snowman, Brandon Williamson, 30SC, Jase/Enigma and everybody else for beta testing.