Well, since Farandole 1.00 is a complete rewrite from previous versions (why, yes Bob, I actually re-coded the entire program!), it would be very stupid to list fixes. Instead, I will list new features/changes from .96 that I have noted: * Yes, biggest and most important, the entire program has been re-coded from scratch. I imported/saved any code that I could, and tested it throughouly to make sure it worked ok before putting it in (i'm tired of crashes, aren't you?:) * Switched CTRL-Pageup/CTRL-Pagedn with Pageup/Pagedn (so now the pageup/pgdn) actually flip pages instead of going to the top and bottom first. * Added skip value like in S3M, press ALT-# to change how many rows the cursor moves when you edit something. You can also move that many rows up and down with the ALT-Cursor keys. * Added feature where you can't turn off Num-Lock while in Far, and also added the code to restore the state of your Num-Lock after exit (yea!) * Now the entire program is written in full 100% C (no++), so that the compiler takes care of all lowlevels. Perhaps this will solve the lockup problem (my thoughts anyway). * Found an interesting piece of information.. you cannot use but 254 patterns because of the way the orders work. (Don't think anyone's gonna have probs with this, but then again, IBM didn't expect problems with OS/2's single >2 gig file limitation..hmm..). * Now the directory searches use dynamic memory allocation of a sort, so you can view directories of up to 1024 files (if this is a limitation, tell me and I'll increase it!) * Now FAR actually tells you what it's doing when it's processing files. * Now since FAR is completely C compiled, all code is 286-compatible. That means that (god forbid anyone should try) it will run on 286's. * Now the coder of far has recently ordered a brain, and HAD FAR 1.0 -*THOUGHLY*- tested before releasing to the public. If the beta testers are happy, then generally the public will be too. It's funny how it's easier to hide a bug in a C program than an assembler program. Now I understand why Composd 669 was so bugless.. :) I will soon be PURCHASING a copy of WatCom C, so i intend to port this over to a better, more efficient compiler as soon as I get the chance. I'll make both 32-bit and 16-bit versions available, so that people with nice computers can use more memory. * See ALPHTEST.TXT for other notes during alpha testing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix Release .96 NOTE. Unless anyone asks for any MAJOR features or bugfixes, begs and pleads, this will most likely be the last release for a few months. I would like to drop this beta crap and jump straight up to the full release version of 1.0. It will be at least some time this summer before it's done and I hope that this version, or one of the previous ones will work for you till then. Good luck! Please email me someplace if you have ideas for features or bugfixes you'd like to see in version 1.0. I'd also like you to know, for peace of mind, that anything that screws up in this program (random crashes that is) are not my fault, but the fault of the compiler I'm using. I will probably have WatCom C by next release, so we should see an end to random crashing. - FINALLY fixed the bug where retrigger still sounded when channel was turned off - Added CUSTOM MODE 255 or FF - use this mode if it doesn't work on your SVGA or you don't have an SVGA. See ADDENDUM.DOC for more info! - JsNO's volume ramper was slowing down the music with one of the de- ultraclickers so I tried removing part of it. CLICKS LIKE HELL! I'm just informing you of the problem.. Ideas for fixes please? No preemptive ramp- ing won't work.. Look in ADDENDUM.DOC for the 'bandaid' info. Try it with _1PALFST.FAR (Undoubtably one of the best FAR's I've heard!!:) - Fixed the DELETE key on the sample editing box (infinite save) (lockup!!) - Added support for 669 export for reg users (CTRL-ALT-F12) - Now included the new F2R format specs in FORMATS.DOC. - Fixed another click (optimization in the GF1 causes it) - Added block command keys - Changed the handling of song looping - Changed bar routine..now it ought to look a little smoother. - Made the "BLUE" scheme the default color scheme. I don't know how all you guys lived with that nasty green. Well if you still like it, it's still included so you can use the palette import function on the CFG screen. - Included the "single-shot" sample loading feature - Changed songtext import code so it doesn't accidently junk your scrolltext with a copy of the FAR main screen - Added some new effects (0x).. check ADDENDUM.DOC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix Release .95 NOTE. I have asked everyone not to report a lockup if it's not reproducable. If you can't reproduce it, don't bother. If people continue to bother, I will stop working on the project and this will be the last version of FAR. Now you've been warned. - Added last hope of lockup fixes (If ver .8o worked then this will) - Added an option to reboot for you if it crashes on exit (Saves you a little bit of trouble) - Now +,- on number pad work on all parts of the screen - Now 5 on number pad works on sample edit (for changing vols) - Fixed something where the added stack space may not have taken effect - Fixed bug where a modified palette wasn't loaded until you changed it - Added note offset command (C) - Fixed piano keyboard in the help screen (finally figured out what's wrong!) - You can load palettes from other CFG files now - Now includes several palette files - Fixed spontaneous display of bars while loading files - Updated the FORMATS.DOC file (forgot to do it last time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix Release .94 * Complete release copy including ALL files - Fixed the volume bar overflow on some custom mode sets (fill screen with bars) - Added the NEW VOLUME SLIDE commands (7x, 8x) (see ADDENDUM.DOC) - Added the NEW sustained vibrato command for ease of use of lotsa vibrato - Added the NEW PORT-TO-VOLUME command (Ax) - Fixed a problem where port+/- and vib could not be simultaneous - Most data has been moved to non-far segments (ie might be less crash- likely) - Added stack size (tricked TC into doing it). This ought to help a lot. - Fixed a bug with pasting (not pasting last row) - Fixed almost all UltraClicks (MAJOR THANKS to JsNO) - I've invented an F2R format which chops the size of the average FAR file by a lot. (Ex, 400k -> 320k, 140k->100k, etc). You can save one of these by changing to the pattern edit and pressing CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F12. I can't see much use it in yet, but it's there if you want.. I will probably be releasing an OBJ code player for that format some time here (one for C++ and one for TASM). The normal FAR format is of course still there. - Added the Volume UP/DOWN keys (ALT-Y/H) - Quite probably fixed almost all lockup problems - Fixed: setting custom mode went to wrong row on config screen - Fixed: on some parts hitting ESC changed the main volume up - Added loading for Unis669's JN-669 format - Extended keyboard size (yeah!:) - Fixed: Songtext loading routine has been redesigned. Now extended ASCII should work better, etc. - Finally finished the DO ad :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix Release .93r (unreleased) - Fixed a problem with MOD loading ("Stack Overflow") - Fixed a small problem with MOD saving (>64k samples) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix Release .93 - Fixed a bug in patch loading (only loaded half the file! :) - Fixed a bug where non-looping patches (ex, percussion) were looped anyway Now patches should load (close) to perfect - Fixed the DesqView multitasker switch - Now you can specify a default startup video mode (no switch!:) - Removed the delay after the "FAR.KEY found!" message - Added an option to turn off the loading of names in the load box - Fixed a LARGE bug in MTM loading (instr G->1) - Added support for a LOT of new MTM effect imports (and it now weeds thru protracker combined FX). Unfortunately I do not have these implemented for MOD's yet - Fixed a little bit of the WAAAY upper scales (out of tune). Still trying to figure out how to generate my own new table. I had to guess-timate those values - Fixed buffer pasting (pasted 4 times too much) - Added smart registration - Now the sample box correctly displays all 5 digits of the values - Far now FULLY supports >64k samples! (except graphical editor. Still looking for a good way around what it does now. It still only loads 64k) - So.. MOD's now save with up to 128k samples - (maybe) fixed some crashes on Volume change keys (Scrlck, Pause) - Fixed a problem with the PGDN key in the directory box ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix Release .92 - I've decided to release small, update bug-fixes without the entire package. This facilitates a much faster release time and less bulk movement of data. - Removed all floating point from the vibrato routine (LAME! :). So now it will work on all you guys' 386s :) - Fixed a bug with some directory paths on the config screen - MTM/STM/MOD tempos were STILL too fast! (reduced more!) - Now ambient fine tempo is reset when loading a song - Gravis patch loading now works! It's got some problems.. but getting there! The program loads them as 8 bit because it works more reliably and I can't tell any quality difference really. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I really didn't want to do this.. but last minute fixes for version .91 * Note this is a QUICK lastminute bugfix.. I had some horrible bugs pointed out to me this morning (oops :). - Now the key registration works without exiting - You can actually change the pattern mask now - You don't draw notes on the config screen after entering a new file mask or pattern break now - Added something that might help with lockups on exit - If you still have problems with lockup or reset (harhar) on exit, then use the /a switch, this runs the Borland C panic function to exit :) - Now MTM songnames are displayed on the loading box - MTM/STM/MOD tempos were a little too fast (reduced) - Forgot to mention Ambient Fine Tempo - The fine tempo now stays with you until you change it manually or the song does (use CTRL-4,1 on number pad) - Updated keylist/online help - Now MTM song texts are a loaded correctly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, What's new for version 0.9? (12/16/93)ZIPPEDY DO DA!! It's FINALLY HERE! - CHRISTMAS RELEASE MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR - * Note that I have left the "to be done" list in its entirety underneath this release status so you can see how much I actually accomplish. - MOD saving now works for registered peoples - Fixed a bug in MOD loading (strange tempos) for some ftrk MODs - Fixed a bug in MOD loading (randoming shifting channels).. well sorta random :) - Added switch for turning off the EQ bars (/b) - Starting distributing registration keys to registered users - Added option for registration by keyfile (now anyone who has a key may get an update without specially calling me) - Fixed bug where you can scroll past row FF - Added PageUp/PageDown in both sample and order edit boxes - Removed ALL Borland generated 386 code. C++ is pretty new to 386 code so There's probably still some bugs.. this ought to help a bit with mem managers and networks/etc. - Turned off all code optimization checkboxes (I have known these to screw up good code before, really) - Fixed the rest of the edit keys that moved the edit bar - Now using CTRL-SHIFT-A,B,C,D,E,F work too - Can change drives in the directory boxes (Press D to try it out) - Text importer in the scrolltext box is functional (import ONLY ASCII TEXT!) up to 41 lines of a file. - Fixed a bug that could cause a lockup when loading FARs with binary data files in the scrolltext area (>5544 bytes or one screenful) - Fixed 16th channel bat not falling down - 669 bug fixed... apparently composd supports an octave mine doesn't - this is the only cause i can think of. It now transposes those notes (they are very rare) - Fixed a small bug where the title in the load box was wrong - You can now use ESC on the (Y/N) prompts while exiting - VIBRATO NOW WORKS!!! (Check out effects 5 and 6) - Fixed bug where ALT-W,S created new notes (oops) - Stops song while saving - fixes some lockups - Fixed bug where retrigger was not cancelled when stopping the song - Made it where retrigger is completely silenced while a channel is off - Fixed the LoopTo value when loading 669's - You can now use CTRL-PGUP/PGDOWN to move a whole page with one key in the pattern editor - Added a few new panic keys: ALT-SHIFT-U and ALT-SHIFT-CTRL-`. READ THE DOX BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT NEEDING TO USE THESE. - Fixed a problem where several thousand (joke) different keypresses activated the config editor/saver - CONFIG SCREEN IS NOW THERE!! Check it out! Full context sensitive help! - MTM loading now works (somewhat). You have to understand that this is going from essentially a totally different format. ;) - You can now save/load individual patterns (SHIFT-F11/F12) - STM/MOD/MTM loaders now correct the tempo with fine tempo commands * Things NOT fixed/implemented yet in this version - PSM, S3M loading - 16 bit samples still have a few problems - No SB support (maybe never now that I think about it some more) - Still only saving of MOD format - Ultraclicks are still here and there - No defragment option yet. Easiest way around this is to save a temp song, then reload it. (This kills all unused sample data in UltraSound mem) - Strange tempos are still there. Anyone know why? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, What's new for version 0.8o? (10/31/93) HaLoWeEn ReLeAsE (this is the copy that's so good it's scary :) ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** ** THIS WILL BE THE LAST PUBLIC RELEASE FOR ABOUT 1 MONTH!!!!!!!! ** ** I WILL BE WORKING ON VERSION .9BETA, WHICH WILL TOP OFF ALL ** ** FEATURES THAT YOU EVER WANT!! PLEASE MAIL ME *ALL* FEATURES YOU** ** CAN THINK OF, OR ANY YOU WOULD *LIKE* TO SEE IMPLEMENTED!!!! ** ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** - AHHH!!! Format only allows for 64 samples. (Thanks Mattias!!!) So what I have done to fix this problem is make it where you can only load 64 samples! That's PLENTY isn't it?? :) - Fixed songtext length!!! Very obvious bug!! Now you can do a full page. - Fixed format dox (FORMATS.DOC) to include a LOT of new info on actually PLAYING the file - Included more source. This file (FARTRAK.CPP) has the bug that makes it where tempos above 6 are not correct. Anyone want to fix this for me? :) - Now implemented Port-to-Note (command 0x3x) - Now implemented Retrigger (command 0x4x) - Major 669 effect commands are now imported (port-note, offset). Some of the pitch bend imports still don't work; anyone want to tell me how 669 ports work? - Made the bars run the same speed on all tempos - Added multitasker support (check docs for switches) - Did some general updates on the documentation And what, you may ask, is worth waiting for version .9? - SOUNDBLASTER SUPPORT!!!!!!! - Loading of ULT, S3M, MTM, and PSM file formats - Actual saving of as many formats as I can figure out to the extent that I can also save them, not just load them (registered copy!! :) - Context sensitive, extensive online help (maybe even include an option to view all dox online) - A change drives command (right now you have to shell to DOS) - A real configuration screen built in, to set up a default command line switch for video card, highlight grid resolution, directories, mixer settings, and MANY more options you didn't even know were configurable in this program - More FX - Maybe pulldown menus for people who are really lost without the entire help system-to-be :) - Finish GUS sound system (clicks, problems, etc...) - A defragment option, to remove useless sample data from GUS memory And what's coming in version 1.0? - A built in sample editor by Matt McLelland that includes full FFT, Fourier analysis, allowing shifting of sample frequency, cut/copy/paste, full mouse support. - More stuff; we can't foresee THAT far into the future ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, What's new for version 0.8g? (10/08/93) - Removed some sample pop code; it was causing problems with notes being skipped (sample pop code :( - Now sample and song directories actually WORK! (Try setting them by changing to the directory, then pressing ALT-F10 to save config) - Plans have been made for SB and SBPro support; some work has shown that it is possible without much extra trouble. This feature WILL however, require 1 meg of EMS memory. GUS support will remain unchanged. - Sticky volume has been added. - Fixed format specs and C code (header len and version fields were swapped) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, What's new for version 0.8d? (10/06/93) (not released to public) - Added rudementary pitch bend functions. Really, they only modify the period value, so don't use a BIG value - Fixed that dumb directory bug (PGDN) - Added master volume control keys - Actually started sending out registered copies (SOOOO SORRY!!!) - Now S3M NAMES are displayed in directory listing (still don't load though) - Now set volume block (ALT-V) sets only rows with notes on them - Fixed most of the volume pops, and volume changes should be MUCH smoother now! The only time you will hear a pop is if you DRAMATICALLY change volumes quickly (F-0-F-0). - Fixed most of the sample pops - Bars are now nice and smooth (char redefinition) - Added more video card support (check FAR.DOC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, What's new for version 0.8b? (09/06/93) - Fixed MOD and 669 lockups (stupid mistake :) - Added STM loading support (it's there but sounds awful in my opinion) - Fixed "jump to songtext editor" bug - Now sets 'special' video modes on exit from sample editor - Same as above for shell to DOS - TSENG SUPPORT IS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Centered the text "THIS COPY IS REGISTERED TO NOONE!!!!!!!!!!!" - Added command line mode and video card support - # for Digital Oxygene AND Data Connection in DIF.NFO were wrong!! SORRY!! :) - Included my new internet address (only EMail and usenet, no irc.. sorry :( - Forgot to mention that the ? command was not implemented yet (oops!!:) But...that's not neccessary any more BECAUSE.. - Help with '?' key implemented - "FIXED" equalizer bars - now it doesn't look like a big blob of puek - Equalizer bars now reset after playing a song (eliminate the 'sticky' fx) - Now the equalizer doesn't do channels that aren't on - Eliminated a few pops here and there (probably) - Fixed "sticky" ALT key when saving samples - 16 bit samples now work up to a point; dunno what's wrong now.. - UnLooping now works - enter FFFFF to UNloop the sample - Fixed a few problems with the directory box