Hi there alphatester! This time I plan to get it right. I'm not going to release a copy until I make sure that it works OK. Obviously, this is not finished (it's just started) but it will have all the features of far .96 and a few more when it's finally released. Hopefully, since this is a complete rewrite, I can avoid many of the problems previously encountered with the older versions of FAR. If it CRASHES, LOCKS UP, does *ANYTHING* weird that you didn't expect, *PLEASE* report it immidiately! I need to know so I can fix it! When you report bugs, please tell me exactly what you were doing at the time, and if applicable, the song you were editing. Remember, that this *IS* an alpha-copy, which means it's in early develop- ment stages. IT WILL HAVE BUGS! This means that you as a composer, ought to save your songs often, under different filenames. There's no telling when something might go wrong. Remember, buggy programs are the mother of backups! In addition, this is NOT a release copy, and is not to be given to anyone under any conditions. This includes me telling you to (because it might be someone pretending to be me:). If anyone needs it, I'll give it to them. All FAR files created and loaded with this version should be completely compatible with older ones although I've changed the interal storage format slightly. Since this *CAN* cause problems, I'd like for people to report anything strange it does related to this especially. Remember that all of it is written in full standard C now, so some parts *MAY* run a bit slower. I have not noticed any significant decrease in speed because of the methods I'm using in my C programming. Of course it has not been fully optimized yet, but, hey that's life. You've got a test copy. Enjoy your test run, and please report *ANY* problems you have! I have included some debug notes on startup, so that if it does crash while loading, you can report where exactly it crashes to me. I am also sending a copy of this copy, along with a normal copy of FAR .96 to all newly registered users. This means that if you ever get fed up with the FAR .96, and don't really need its superb saving features for a short time, you have FAR 1.06 to work with for composing. This is one of the main differences, is that FAR .96 loads/saves many formats while FAR 1.06 only works with two song formats: .FAR and .F2R (this is purely temporary). If you are a lot more satisfied with FAR 1.06alpha, PLEASE spread the public word about how you are more pleased with this one! One more final note, just because this is an alpha copy does not mean you can't release songs made with it. By all means, if you make a song with this copy please release it and brag about how wonderful it is if it's wonderful. If it's not wonderful (crashy, buggy) then don't brag about it yet because that can still be fixed :) Below is a list of features currently supported by this alpha. Daniel Potter/ Digital Infinity * All pattern editing functions should be operational. * All sample editing functions should be operational, except for the graphic- al editor. * All file loading boxes should work (loading/saving patterns, FAR's, USM's, FSM's, and PAT's). * Importing/exporting of MOD's 669's etc DOES NOT WORK YET. * Loading and saving of FAR files works now. (Remember, be careful with these). * CFG files, REG files, etc, *DO* work. Place them in the same directory as FAR.EXE as usual. The Reboot-On-Exit option is automatically disabled, since it does not exist any more, so don't worry if you have it set on yours. * Only command line switch that works is /r .. This is the option to register your copy of far (obviously neccessary :). If you need to set a custom video mode, look it up using the FAR.DOC, or find it in your SVGA manual. It will ask you for a mode. Basically, if something's not on this list, try it and see if it works. If you want to import a file for now, just load up the old FAR and save a FAR file (ya I know...:( ) but it will be in there a little later. Update list. Things that have been fixed since last version. 1.01a 06/06/94 (s'pose that works for europeans too!!;) * BIG problem. I've now re-added the custom video-mode setup. 1.02a 06/07/94 * Now the status line goes away after it's done saving (oooops:) * Finally figured out (thru hacking, that's pathetic) how to expand the stack size in Turbo C. The "Stack Overflow" errors should be toast now. * Now FAR exits in the directory you started in, like it used to. It will still save to the last directory you tried to load from tho. * Since the CFG files are gone temporarily, I have made it where it stores the last used video mode in a file called "FAR.INI". Once you use far once, you can hit D on the vid-select screen and it will use the mode specified in this file (it's binary, not text). FAR will search only the current directory for this file (not the EXE path). * Added the ERASE ALL key (CTRL-F9) * Added the ERASE ALL PATTERNS key (ALT-F9) 1.03a * Added the scrolltext box back * Added a thing showing which sample/pattern is being loaded during load/save 1.04a * Now the shift keys don't make the traker stop updating (weird weird prob) * Now backspace in the scrolltext erases the last char like its supposed to * Added volume ramp toggle key (F9) * Re-added the CFG screen. I hope you like your palette changes a *LOT* because some interesting bug is preventing you from changing them more than once without deleting the CFG file. * Renamed the EXE file because of the way the CFG proggy works * Fixed a small bug in dir display (garbage after long names) 1.05a * Ooooo.. I'm surprised the directory box function worked at all.. since I've fixed about 3 key bugs in it, that should eliminate at least 95% of all the random lockup junk (I'm gonna feel really stupid if that's what was caused the old FAR's to crash). * Now the loading functions all check to see if you're out of memory instead of just ignoring it (before, they would pretend to keep loading, but wouldn't, which caused lockups because they were reading the wrong sample header data). * I'm now allocating about 32k of memory for stack. Show me a damn stack overflow NOW HAR HAR HAR! * FSM saving is now in. * F2R saving is now in for whatever useful purpose it may serve to you guys. It's currently beta-untested. (Seems to work OK) * Heh, heh.. I got bored.. there are now secret pictures of these people so far in the prog: A) Benai (yahoo great goddess) B) Daniel (yahoo great genius =) More will come when I recieve them.. Don't worry, if you can't figure out how to see them I might tell ya eventually.. and you won't be able to rip the pictures either.. they're in my own RLE format =) Big thanks to Jamie Watts (Purple People Eater) for all the REAL feedback (not this "It crashes." bullshit :) and hints on where the problem might be (here's someone who actually has enough memory to remember WHERE it crashed!) Now that I've mended out a lot of the little things, this ought to be the most stable copy of FAR ever!! 1.06a * Oopps... actually put MY picture in there (forgot it before).. * Bugfix: Now when you load a sample, the dir. box goes to the sample dir. * Fixed a small error in the keyboard handler. 1.07a * I added the mouse cursor (yah, there's you guys' stupid mouse pointer, Happy?) I will add more functionality later probably. * Added the STDVGA mode again (80x50), it follows your current view. * Now pressing notes uses the sticky volume to play them * Now pressing keys while tracking doesn't advance the cursor * Added MIDI input from GUS midi port! Yes! And if it get messed up and starts making notes when you LET GO of a key... * Added MIDI-Reset key in case your data stream becomes mis-aligned (common) Midi functions as follows: Set your keyboard to Channel 0 (or 1, whatever the lowest one is) and turn down its volume. Now when you push keys on your MIDI keyboard it exactly emulates what happens when you push keys on your computer keyboard!! (The musical part anyway). * Added functionality to scroll around when in standard VGA mode * Changed 80x50 mode to 80x43 mode so it fits on the screen right * Now if you push keys while tracking, it will not play them double * Included a tentative copy of the BKK format specs * Added reset screen position for 80x43 in dir box and scrtext box * Now if you play with F5 from a blank pattern it won't reset the break loc. If you want the break loc to stick on all patterns, change the 'default break loc' in the config screen (ALT-F10) * Pressing Left-Arrow is not destructive in scrolltext anymore I have discovered what causes MIDI-stream misalignment, and will fix the problem as soon as I can get some god damn dox on how the GUS MIDI IRQ works (the GUS-SDK are *NOT* dox on it). In addition, if you have any STRANGE lockups, press F9 and toggle the volume ramp delay off. It might fix it. (another stupid damn GUS problem) * Added Control-Break handler. This is an amazingly wonderful feature. If FAR for some reason konks on you and you have not saved your work, you are now given the opportunity if it's possible. If FAR crashes for some reason (not likely now) then follow this procedure: A) Push CTRL-ALT-LSHIFT-TAB. At this point your NUM-LOC should go off. If not, you are totally screwed (reboot:). This will also invoke the control break handler, which will change to text mode and give you several choices. B) You are now given two options: 1) Save/Not-save your current song 2) Go-back/Drop-to-DOS This should aid greatly in the unlikely event that it should crash. You can also play with this option if you'd like, it should have no inadvertant effects on the operation of FAR, and in fact if nothing is wrong at all when you return to the program it will place you exactly where you were, doing exactly what you were (unless you're on a secret screen in which case you need to press ESC). 1.08a * Fixed a MAJOR bug where after you stop playing a song none of the sample audition keys worked!! (AHH!:) * Fixed another MAJOR bug related to the above, where the cursor would not advance when you stopped tracking a song. * Re-Added the MOD loader as functional as it was in FAR .96 * Redesigned the tempo conversions in MOD loader so it's more accurate now. * Oh forgot to mention... I removed the wait for keypress in 1.07's intro =) * Fixed the exit-anyway bug (Push N and it would exit anyway) * Renamed the program - Right now it's tentativly called Phoenix Tracker. * Added a preview of WaveDesign - press ? to check it out (no help yet, so hey what the hell! :) 1.09a Many people reported bugs about the keyboard, so i've worked on that. Last time i tried, I continuously pressed all the shiftstate keys (num, caps, scrl) while a song was playing, and no crashes. I worked a lot on eliminating any possible infinite loops. * Added the 'volatile' keyword to all the variables in the keyboard routines which will basically ensure there are no loops anywhere hanging up because of waiting for a key it will never get. * Redesigned the num-loc code in the keyboard handler so that it will timeout while waiting for the keyboard controller. This also ensures that it will not konk in the keyboard routine. * Removed the 'secret key' sections, as these were just taking up memory and quite possibly screwing up the keyboard handler. Find an old copy of FAR if you wanna see pics. * In PHX 1.08, because EXE file had been renamed, it was saving the wrong config file (PHX.CFG). Now the official name of the config file is phx.cfg - rename far.cfg over it. * Removed the 'auto-fine-tempo' on loading of MOD's because it was actually just an annoyance most of the time. * Redesigned the code in the Volume Ramper (if it's on) to exit after a certain length of time, just in case. * Sometimes if you loaded or saved a song with something weird, or it failed somehow, the status line would still say "saving". Fixed. * Added the status lines for loading MOD files now * Re-Added importation of STM, MTM, 669, kludged buggy ULT, and non-S3M * Now the HOME/END keys move scroll the screen in 80x43 mode Always remember the panic key! (CTRL-LSHIFT-ALT-TAB)!! 1.10a * Now when you change the panning with 7-9 keys it actually changes. (oops:) * Added sample auditioning. Load a sample (press space), then use / * Q Z and F8 to test it. * Fixed status line while loading (instead of just "FAR<1.0" it says "Loading FAR<1.0") * Now Saved=FALSE; changes wait until magic verification * Made a few internal changes in the import functions; if they stop working please tell me. * Implemented loading of ST3 samples. You MUST have then named with the STS extension! If this is wrong, please tell me - from what i understand they have an extension based on a checksum of the name. This conflicts with the way the far loader works. * Hmm.. I missed a few piece of the secret picture screen. Fixed. * Added 'out of memory' protection for the newly added import functions * WOW! I renamed it again! We're gonna keep doing this until a good name is agreed on. How about Enigma Tracker? Remember to rename your PHX.CFG to ENG.CFG. * Moved the WaveDesign screen to its destination keystroke (ALT-W from the sample menu) * Thanx to turbo C's stupidity, I have lost the FAR.PRJ file. I recreated it but I don't know if it will all work right at first. Please inform me of problems. * Finally fixed the +/- bug on fine tempo status line * Re-Added the Help command '?'. I think you spiffy-trackers-should-look-neat guys will get a kick out of this one. It also now DYNAMICALLY allocates the help text (unlike the old FAR) using a linked list so it will save mem considerably! * Because of the above I found a few bugs in my screen drawing functions. Those should be fixed now. * Added the 'view release notes' function using the same code as the help box * Added the 'view ANY text file' function " " " " * Changed the method of redefining the timer interrupt. This should prevent a few tracking-related lockups (got one myself :I) * Added the correct pragma options around the KB handler. Might also help. Notes about help files: Since these are normal text files, loaded dynamically from disk during the program, feel free to edit them as you like in DOS, if you want to put in some personal notes, or whatever. However, please do not distribute these modified files. Instead, send me the changes you'd like and if they are a good idea i'll add them in the next version. The help files should ALWAYS be kept WITH the EXE file (like the FAR.KEY, and ENG.CFG, etc).