GraphDraw 3.0 (c) 1992 - 1994, Dragan Petric, Radauseva 11, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia Internet: GraphDraw 3.0 is a function plotting program. Besides of drawing extraordinary high-quality color graphs, it can also find a first derivative of any real function. Integrating, finding zeros and parity of those functions are some other interesting features supported by this program. There are 25 elementary functions available that could be composed and used with 5 operators and two constants. GraphDraw 3.0 is user-friendly program with graphics interface which is easy to understand, so there shouldn't be any problems with getting used to this product. Please notice that this is unregistered version of GraphDraw 3.0, therefore some features will not work as they should. (Saving screen as a PCX image, for instance). If you find this program useful, you will have to register it. By doing that, you'll receive a fully working GraphDraw with no shareware massages, as well as a surprise disk containing some interesting data. To register your version of GraphDraw 3.0 you should send 30 DEM (Europe), or $ 30 (rest of the world) to the following address (cash only): Dragan Petric Radauseva 11 41.000 Zagreb Croatia (Europe) You will receive your software in a small air-mail envelope from beautiful Croatia. Isn't that something for those 30 box you've hadn't know what to spend on? Please allow 3 or 4 weeks for delivery. If you're in a hurry, include an e-mail address, and you'll receive "uuencoded" version of GraphDraw 3.0 the very same day I get your money. Any questions and comments are more than welcome. You can send E-mail massage to me on this address: Thank you for trying GraphDraw. I hope you've enjoyed it.