═══ 1. Onlinehelp for the PLEX-CD ═══ Onlinehelp for the PLEX-CD Choose topic of interest: * CD-ROM overview * Programhelp for WK-Shell/2 ═══ 2. CD-ROM overview ═══ CD-ROM overview Choos topic of interest: * The PLEX-CD * What is "Shareware" ? * What is "Public Domain" ? * What is "Freeware" ? * Support for CD * Expression of thanks * Liability + Copyright * Famous BBSs ═══ 3. THE PLEX-CD ═══ WELCOME TO THE "PLEX-CD" All categories are equipped with Files.bbs. Therefore the CD is already prepared for insertion in Bulletin Board Systems. You will find on our PLEX-CDs shareware programs from the following categories: Programmingutilities, Source-Codes, Updates for commercial programs, Clipper-Utilities and Source-Codes, Turbo-Pascal-Sources, Action-Game, Science-Fiction-Games, Jump + Run-Games, Adventures, Cheats, Patches, Solutions, Trainer, Card-Games, Printer-Utilities, File-Utilities, Directory-Utilities, Disk-Utilities, Convert-Utilities, Packer, Network, BBS-Doors, BBS-Online-Games, BBS-Programs, Business, DBase, Terminalprograms, BTX-Utilities, Protocols, Graphic-Utilities and Viewer, Multimedia, ScreenSaver, Player, Editors, Science, Backup-Utilities, Fossil, PM, Icons, Fonts, OS/2 Service-Packs, Texts of Law, Song, Fun-Texts, Linux-Utilities, GIF and FLI and AVI-Files, Drives, Updates for GUS, MID, MOD, WAV, CAD-Programs, Sound-Player, Utilities and Applications for Novell and Network. In order not to lose control over the data amount, we have developed a brand new menu system for you. With all important functions, e.g.: ■ creating a directory on your harddisc ■ copy / decompress data from the CD ■ view texts / printout ■ search programs / search description ■ start programs ■ erase files and lots, lots more are now avaiable to you with our new menu software. ═══ 4. What is "Shareware" ? ═══ SHAREWARE is a software, for which the author when using it regulary, receives a fee in return from the user. The concept for shareware was born in the US and due to this new distribution system becoming very quickly, wide spread and successful also in europ. This is a great advantage for the author due to the many uses obtainable through his program. The minimal costs involved for advertising and distribution allow the programs to be registered with the author for a very small licence fee. For each shareware version, you shouldn`t pay more than 6 $ per disc. In case you do pay more, you should look for a new shareware dealer, other wise they, will possibly become rich at your expenses. The satisfied user is registered with the author, that enables him to pay the lowest possible purchase price. At the same time he will ob- tain a license for the product entitling him to obtain information about improved versions, and possibly advice per telephone. Shareware deals mostly with software, although it is not comparable with commercial software, partly because the program performs substaintially better, but, for a more reasonable price. The shareware-concept functions only when you, as the user, are fair, This will motivate him to maintain the program and pay him regulary for his hard work. This will motivate him to maintain the program an expand it further. ═══ 5. What is "Public Domain" ? ═══ Public Domain are programes that are free to copy. It is the authors intensions that these programs receive a wide distribution. Therefore its desireable that only a small fee is charged for copying the program. PD programs will be copied in case there are no distributors found for them. In some cases the authors are non-commercial or scientific institutions who won't charge any fees. In most cases the author indicates in the program or in the documentation that he would like to have a little finacial support to improve his developments. ═══ 6. What is "Freeware" ? ═══ Freeware are all programs, that on particular conditions, are free to be distributed for license-free exploation use. ═══ 7. Onlinehelp for WK-Shell/2 ═══ Onlinehelp for WK-Shell/2 (C) 1994 by Wolfram KФrner, WБrzburg * About Installation * Customizing WKSLISTE.CMD * Preliminary Remark * Introduction to WK-Shell/2 Program-Guide: * THE TOOLBAR * Exit * Unzip * Open * Search * Delete * Copy * Make Dir * Change Drive * View * Keys Help ═══ 7.1. About installation ═══ DLL-Files WK-Shell/2 can be started directly from CD-ROM. Since the program needs some *.DLL-Files, these files either have to be copied in a directory of your LIBPATH (see CONFIG.SYS) or you have to make sure that the "."-directory is in your LIBPATH. This is a "feature" of OS/2 and can not be avoided. E.g. your LIBPATH should look like this: LIBPATH=.;C:\OS2\DLL;C:\OS2\MDOS; The COMSPEC-Variable WK-Shell/2 needs a command-processor to run external programs (like UNZIP.EXE). If you receive an error message, make sure your COMSPEC-variable is set correctly in CONFIG.SYS. The TEMP-variable If you want to view files in ZIP-archives, WK-Shell/2 has to expand these files to a temporary directory. Make sure the environment-variable TMP or TEMP point to an existing directory for these files. If neither TMP nor TEMP are set in CONFIG.SYS, WK-Shell/2 creates a directory for temporary files: "C:\WKS_TEMP". Installation on harddisk WK-Shell/2 can be started directly from your CD-drive. However, you can also install the program on your harddisk - either manually or with the INSTENG.CMD REXX-program. If WK-Shell/2 is not run from the CD-ROM, you have to tell the program what driveletter the CD-ROM-drive has. If the CD is in drive F: then run the program like this: WKSHELLE.EXE F: The program needs UNZIP.EXE and WKSLISTE.CMD in its own directory !! If you have installed WK-Shell/2 on your harddisk, you can customize WKSLISTE.CMD.. So you can specify your own viewers for different types of files. ═══ 7.2. Customizing WKSLISTE.CMD ═══ All files are viewed by the REXX-program WKSLISTE.CMD. You can specify your own viewers for textfiles, pictures and music etc. Since the files on the CD-ROM are not editable, you have to install the program WK-Shell/2 on your harddisk first. You can edit WKSLISTE.CMD with any text-editor (like EPM.EXE, E.EXE ...). WKSLISTE.CMD takes the file-extension (the last three letters after the period) to decide which viewer to take for a special file. Take a look at the REXX-file to find out how to expand the viewer-database. WK-Shell/2 has to use shareware-programs that may not be installed on your PC to be able to listen to Amiga-Soundmodules (*.MOD) or to view Bitmapgraphics. Look through this CD-ROM to find DMPLAYER (for *.MOD) and PMJPEG (for *.GIF, *.TIF, *.PCX...) If you expand the database of the view-programs in WKSLISTE.CMD, make sure to increase the total number of viewers in the line "Extension.0=....". You can even change the default viewer "E.EXE" if you like. Just change the line "Viewer="e.exe" to your needs. ═══ 7.3. Preliminary Remark ═══ Please notice that all the programs contained on the CD-ROM are not able to run directly on the CD-ROM drive. All programes are avaiable in a compressed form and are decompressed during the copy process. Furthermore, most of the programes need information about their hardware and sofware environment, therefore they should be installed first. This is not possible on a CD-ROM drive. We have developed a comfortable menu system to simplify installation and copying. This menu system will help you to copy the programes on your hard disc or floppy disc. ═══ 7.4. Introduction to WK-Shell/2 ═══ After the program has been started it has to read the index first. This can take a while because the index is quite large. Level 1 : Choose a directory After the index has been read, you have to choose a directory of interest. You can do this by selecting it with the cursorkeys or with the mouse. (mouseusers have to make a doubleclick). You can also press the "Open"-Button or press F3 or select the Menu: "File|Open". You will now enter level 2. Level 2 : Choose a ZIP-archive Now you can see the files (mostly: ZIP-files) in the directory. You can copy one (or more!) of these files from CD-ROM to another drive or you can enter a ZIP-archive by doubleclicking it with the mouse or by pressing ENTER. You can even unzip the whole archive by choosing the UNZIP-Command. If you want to go back to level 1, press the ESCape-key or select the first directory : the "<..> parent directory" with a doubleclick or with ENTER. Please note that the UNZIP-command is only selectable if not more than one ZIP-archive is selected. Level 3 : Files in an archive In this level you are in the ZIP-archive you have chosen in Level 2. On the right you can see the current directory of your harddisk. Here you can browse through your drives. You can delete files and empty subdirectories and you can make new subdirectories : Make directory , Delete files You can even view each file displayed in the right window. On the left you can see the contents of your ZIP-archive. You can view each file by doubleclicking it or by selecting the "File|Open" command. Or by pressing the ENTER-key. Which viewer is taken to display the file, is defined in the customizeable REXX-script WKSLISTE.CMD. See Customize WKSLISTE.CMD. If you want to go back to level 2, press the ESCape-key or select the first directory : the "parent directory" with a doubleclick or with ENTER. ═══ 7.5. THE TOOLBAR ═══ "The Toolbar" Below the normal Menubar you can find the toolbar: "Unzip": Extract a ZIP. "Open": Open/View Dir/file "Search": Scan CD-ROM for keyword "Delete": Delete files/empty dirs "Copy": Copy selected files "MkDir": Create a new subdirectory "Change": Change current drive "Help": View THIS online-help "Exit": Quit WK-Shell/2 If the toolbar is active, you can leave it by keystrokes: first press the ESCape-key and then one of the following keys afterwards: ESCape or TAB or Cursor-down. ═══ 7.6. Exit ═══ "Exit" You can terminate the program WK-Shell/2 with this command. All temporary files will be deleted. ═══ 7.7. Unzip ═══ "Unzip (Extract)" You have chosen a ZIP-archive and you are now going to decompress it to a directory on one of your harddisks. "Destinationpath". Here you specify where all the decompressed files should go to. "OK". Start decompressing. If the destinationpath is not existing, it will be created automatically "Cancel". Press this button if you DO NOT want to decompress the ZIP. ═══ 7.8. Open ═══ "Open/View" This command opens a directory/ZIP or loads a file into one of the view-programs. ═══ 7.9. Search ═══ "Search" You have chosen the command "Search". Now you can search the whole CD-ROM for a special keyword. The search is NOT case-sensitive. All filenames and the descriptions are scanned for your keyword. The matching files will be displayed after the search. "OK". starts the search. "Cancel". closes the dialog-box without searching ATTENTION ! The "Searchpattern" has to be a regular expression. The characters ? . * + ^ $ [ ] ( ) | and \ have special meanings in regular expressions: ? none ore one char . exactly one char * none ore more chars + one ore more chars ^ start of line $ end of line | alternative \ "Quote" the following character [] a character-group () joinig alternatives Examples s?nd finds "snd" "Sand" ... s.nd finds "Sand" "sind"... s*nd finds "snd" "Sand" "Strand"... s+nd finds "Sand" "Strand" "Schund"... VOC|WAV finds VOC and WAV in descriptions \? finds the character "?" \$ finds the character "$" C\+\+ finds "C++" C++ finds "CPP" "C Plus Plus" "C++" "Canaster" [HBS]and finds "Hand" "Band" und "Sand" [A-D]and finds "Aand" "Band" "Cand" "Dand" ═══ 7.10. Delete ═══ "Delete" The command "Delete" erases selected files/dirs from your harddisks/ floppy-drives. For security reasons only empty subdirectories can be deleted. Before the delete action is started, you have to answer "YES" to a security question. The "Delete"-command is only selectable if you are in level 3 (see Introduction) in the right window of the WK-Shell/2 ═══ 7.11. Copy ═══ "Copy" You have chosen the command "Copy". Now you can copy the selcted files from your CD-ROM to your harddisk. The destination directory has to be existant! You can create new subdirectories with "MkDir" "OK". Press this button to start copying. "Cancel". Press this button to leave without copying. Remark: Normally OS/2 keeps the "R"eadonly attribute of files which are copied from a CD-ROM. Since most of the times this turns out to be a disadvantage (e.g. if you decide to delete this file one day from your harddisk). Therefore WK-Shell/2 resets the R-attribute of all files copied from the CD-ROM. ═══ 7.12. MkDir (Create a directory) ═══ "Create a directory" With this command you can create new subdirectories on your harddisk. Just enter the name for the new subdirectory and press the OK-Button The "MkDir"-command is only selectable if you are in level 3 (see Introduction) in the right window of the WK-Shell/2 ═══ 7.13. Change drive ═══ "Change drive" Immediately after the programstart you can see in the right window of level 3 (see Introduction) the contents of your TEMP-directory. You can change the current drive by this command. Choose a legal drive from the drop-down-list and press OK. The "Change"-command is only selectable if you are in level 3 (see Introduction) in the right window of the WK-SHell/2 ═══ 7.14. View ═══ By these menu choices you can switch between details and icon view. Detailsview: In this view every object is followed by extra information, such as file size in bytes, short description. But every object needs one line and therefore just a few objects fit in the window. Select the iconview to see more objects ! Iconview: With this view you will get more objects but less information on each of them. Remark: The options menu is turned off at the resulution of 640 by 480 pixels. This is since there where some problems reported with the view change and IBM graphic device drivers at this resolution. So if you have a 640 by 480 display driver running and you want to try if there are problems with your device driver, too, start WK-Shell/2 like this to turn on the options menu : WKSHELLE.EXE /O ═══ 7.15. Keys help ═══ Controlling WK-Shell/2 by keyboard: ENTER opens a directory / views a file ESCape one level up TAB changes between windows (Level 3) Cursorkeys select an object + select ALL objects (Level 2, 3-right) - deselect ALL objects (Level 2, 3-right) ----- F1 Online help for dialog boxes, menus, buttons F2 Change drive (Level 3-right) F3 View file/open directory F5 Copy file(s) (Level 2) F6 Unzip archive (Level 2,3-left) F7 Make directory (Level 3-right) F8 Delete file/directory (Level 3-right) F9 Search - through the CD-ROM (Level 1) F10 Exit WK-Shell/2 ----- Alt-F opens the File Menu Alt-D opens the Drive Menu Alt-O opens the Options Menu Alt-H opens the Help Menu In level 2 and in the right window of level 3 multiple-selections are possible. You can do this by keeping the Control-Key (CTRL) pressed and selecting more files. Or you can mark the first, press Shift and mark a second, and all files in between will be selected, too. ═══ 8. Support ═══ Dear CD client, if you have any questions or improvements on the next PLEX-CD, please do not hestiate to contact us: Firma Rockenstein Abt. PLEX-CD An der Pleichach 5 D-97078 WБrzburg Germany ■ Phone: 49 - 9365 - 800166 (Mo-Fr, 10.00-16.00) ■ Fax: 49 - 9365 - 3834 ■ BBS: 49 - 931 - 29418 (13 Lines) ■ Fidonet: Christoph Rockenstein, 2:2490/5070 ■ Internet: rocky@hrb.mayn.sub.de MEDIAPLEX CD-ROM Software GmbH Abt.: "PLEX CD" Dieselstraсe 5 D-61476 Kronberg ■ Tel.: 49 - 6173 -9359 - 0 ■ Fax.: 49 - 6173 -9359 - 59 ■ BBS.: 49 - 6173 -935 - 935 (MEDIAPLEX-Support) ■ CIS : 100125,3201 ■ FIDONET: 2:244/1550 (Switchboard BBS) ═══ 9. Credits ═══ Dear CD client, At this point we would like to thank all the people involved. Please consider, what shareware deals with. Should you have any enquiries, please contact the appropriate author for registration. Then, and only then the program can be expanded/supplied. Very special thanks to ■ Michael Heinbockel ■ Wolfram Koerner ■ Frank Mueller ■ Frauke Wiesenhuetter - and to all shareware-programmers ═══ 10. Liability + Copyright ═══ Liability We guarantee that the complete contents of this CD have been tested with the latest virus scanners, and was found virus-free. Naturally, we cannot assume liability for the workability and function of the software, when not used with the appropriate hardware. We are not liable for any damage, caused directly or indirectly, through the use of this CD. Should you find a program on this CD-ROM that doesn't fall under the distribution-concept of shareware, Public Domain, or Freeware, please inform us. COPYRIGHT Please notice the authors' registration conditions. Copyright 1994 by Christoph Rockenstein. All rights reserved. We have the copyright (c) for the structure and organization of CD-ROM, the German descriptions of the programs and the menu system. The program WK-Shell/2 is (C) 1994 by Wolfram Koerner. The price of the CD is made up by production, the costs of the CRShell, Wk-Shell/2, the collection and selection of the files and the creation of the German file descriptions. The shareware-programs themself are given to you for free. ═══ 11. Bulletin Board Systems ═══ ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║█▓▒░ ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ HAPPY ROCKY BOX WUERZBURG ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ Fidonet 2:2490/5070-5079 ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ RockyNet/VirNet/GerNet/Internet ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ Line 1-10 49-931-29418 -28400B ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ Line 11 49-931-250015-1 ISDN1 ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ Line 12 49-931-250015-4 ISDN2 ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ Line 13 49-931-250038-1 ISDN3 ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ More than 10 Gigabyte available ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ IBM * AMIGA * ATARI * MAC * UNIX ░▒▓█║ ║█▓▒░ GIFS * MODS * TEXTE * FILENETs.. ░▒▓█║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝ ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║░░▒▒▒▓▓▓ SWITCHBOARD BBS Kronberg ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░║ ╠══════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║■ Line 1: ++49-6173-935935 V32b/V42b ║ ║■ Line 2: ++49-6173-935936 V32b/V42b ║ ║■ Line 3: ++49-6173-935938 ISDN X.75 ║ ║■ Line 4: ++49-6173-935937 V32b/V42b terbo║ ║■ Line 5: ++49-6173-935931 V32b/V42b terbo║ ║******************************************║ ║Support-Mailbox: MEDIAPLEX CD-ROM Produkte║ ║ PC-SHOPPING Magazin ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝ ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ ║░ ░║ ║░ nightmare systems hamburg ░║ ║░ node #1 +49-40-8902301 V.32b ░║ ║░Ringdown ->┌─ node #2 +49-40-8100083 V.32b ░║ ║░ │ node #3 +49-40-8905407 V.32b ░║ ║░Ringdown ->├─ node #4 +49-40-8100014 V.32b ░║ ║░ │ node #5 +49-40-89962626 isdn ░║ ║░Ringdown ->└─ node #6 +49-40-8100944 V.32b ░║ ║░ fax +49-40-8905407 ░║ ║░ fido 2:240/5328 29 30 51 52░║ ║░ rockynet 2:34/0 22:34/1░║ ║░ b'n'b net 217:777/3░║ ║░ BTX *711#*93333382900#░║ ║░ internet zoul@nightmare.sh.sub.org░║ ║░ ibm and Macintosh files░║ ║░ ░║ ║░ home of [яightsoЇt]░║ ║░ ezfam, ot and ezycom beta site░║ ║░ ░║ ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ■ WEST-END-BOX: 49-9365-3834 V32bis ■ SOLI-BOX: 49-711-464033 V32bis Call if you want... ═══ 12. WK-Shell/2-Copyright ═══ WK-Shell/2 (C) 1994 by Wolfram KФrner Friedenstraсe 5a D-97072 WБrzburg