Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES; LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE ADVAPI32 OpenSCManagerA ADVAPI32 CreateServiceA ADVAPI32 CloseServiceHandle KERNEL32 GetLastError Kernel32 GetShortPathName Kernel32 GetVersion BWCC32 BWCCRegister BWCC32 BWCCGetVersion User32 EnableWindow User32 ShowWindow User32 GetDlgItem User32 SetWindowText User32 LoadString Kernel32 GetModuleHandle User32 SetFocus User32 GetCurrentTime ns_w32 _NSW32_IsActiveFPW ns_w32 _NSW32_IsActiveFAgent ns_w32 _NSW32_IsActiveGatekeeper ns_w32 _NSW32_TerminateFPW ns_w32 _NSW32_TerminateFAgent ns_w32 _NSW32_NTAgentServiceSetup ns_w32 _NSW32_NTAgentServiceIsInstalled ns_w32 _NSW32_NTAgentServiceIsLoaded ns_w32 _NSW32_TerminateGatekeeper ns_w32 _NSW32_NukeFPWDLLs ns_w32 _NSW32_LoadFAgent ns_w32 _NSW32_LoadGatekeeper ns_w32 _NSW32_FileEncryption ns_w32 _NSW32_BrowseDirectory ns_w32 _NSW32_AppendWindowText ns_w32 _NS_PFCreate ns_w32 _NS_PFDelete ns_w32 _NS_PFEmpty ns_w32 _NS_PFRead ns_w32 _NS_PFWrite ns_w32 _NS_PFGetValue ns_w32 _NS_PFSetValue ns_w32 _NS_PFGetValueInt ns_w32 _NS_PF_SetValueInt ns_w32 _NS_PFGetValueAt ns_w32 _NSW32_DVP95IsLoaded ns_w32 _NSW32_DVP95Load ns_w32 _NSW32_DVP95Terminate ns_w32 _NSW32_SendMessage DFALSU32 DFALSU_InstallSNMPMasterAgent DFALSU32 DFALSU_InstallExtensionAgent DFALSU32 DFALSU_UninstallExtensionAgent ns_w32 _NSW32_DVPNTIsLoaded ns_w32 _NSW32_DVPNTLoad ns_w32 _NSW32_DVPNTTerminate ns_w32 _NSW32_DVPNTCheckRights START Version BWCC Loaded ns_w32.dll! dfalsu32.dll! ns_w32.dlla loaded. ns_w32.dll! Can't load resources from ns_w16.dll. Installation terminates.A Can't load string and dialog resources. Installation terminates.A User has admin rights., User doesn't have admin rights. SETUP.INI Installa Disk1IDR" SETUP.INI Installa Disk2IDR# SETUP.INI Installa Disk3IDR$ SETUP.INI Installa Disk4IDR% SETUP.INI Installa InstallAutoinstFilesToR SETUP.INI Installa InstallAutoinstFilesToa SETUP.INI Installa InstallAutoinstFilesToa &Resume &Stop( ns_w32.dll nsdg_w32.dll bwcc32.dll% Commandline parametersb There are no parametersA Internal error. Program terminates.A SSLDR.DLLR SETUP.INI Installa InstallNet2 User mode installation diskette.! Standalone installation diskette.! Network installation diskette. Get operating system: Windows 95 detected! Get operating system: Windows 3.x detected! Get operating system: Windows NT detected( Get operating system: Windows NT 4 detected! Get operating system: Windows NT 3.x detected( Get operating system: Windows NT 3.51 detected! Get operating system: Windows NT 3.50 detected! Get operating system: Windows minor version = %d.B OS/2A Windows-box in OS/2A Windows 3.xA Windows 95A Windows NTA Didn't identify the operating system.A dfapps.inia dfapps.ini setup.inia setup.ini remove.inia remove.ini f-protw.cfga f-protw.cfg SETUP.INI UserInstalla UserInstallation2 _WelcomeDialogNetWorking(): szGenMessage1 = b( _WelcomeDialogNetWorking(): szGenMessage2 = b) _WelcomeDialogNetWorking(): szGenCaption = b* _WelcomeDialogNetWorking(): szGenButtonText1 = b+ _WelcomeDialogNetWorking(): szGenButtonText2 = b, Welcome network dialog without update option is to be shown WELCNETDAx Welcome network dialog without update option is to be shown WELCNETDAx Welcome network dialog is to be shown WELCNETDAd WELCNETD! Welcome network dialog intialization. WELCNETDb WELCNETD2 WELCNETD2 WELCNETD2 WELCNETD2 WELCNETDAx WELCNETDAx WELCNETDAy WELCNETDAy WELCNETDAz WELCNETDAz WELCNETDA{ Welcome network dialog Exit selected. WELCNETD! WELCNETD$ Welcome network dialog error, installation cancelled. Welcome network dialog: Network installation selected.( Welcome network dialog: Previous installation branch selected. Welcome network dialog: Continue selected (While Uninstall suggested..).( Welcome network dialog: Continue selected while no-admin-rights reported. WELCNETD Agent has been loaded as service.! Agent has NOT been loaded as service.! Gatekeeper has been enabled.! Gatekeeper has not been enabled.! WELCNETD WELCNETD WELCNETD Admin rights OK branch selected, Network instllatin dialog is to be opened. STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: No previous installation detected.( STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: No-admin-rights -branch executed.... STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: User selected to continue when no-admin-rights-warning was given. WELCNETD STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Network installation dialog is to be opened. STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: User selected to exit when no-admin-rights-warning was given. WELCNETD STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Admin-rights -branch executed.... WELCNETD STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Network installation dialog is to be opened. STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Standalone installation was selected.( STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Previous installation was detected. STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: User selected continue when suggestion to uninstall was given.( STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: No-admin-rights-branch is executed.... STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: user selected to continue when no-admnin-rights-warning was given. WELCNETD STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Agent-service has been installed.! STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Agent-service has NOT been installed.! STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: GAtekeeper has been enabled.! STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Gatekeeper has NOT been enabled.! WELCNETD STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: admin-rights-branch is executed.... WELCNETD STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: Previous installation was NOT detected.( STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: No-admin-rights branch is executed... STR_WELCOME_NETWORK_DIALOG: User has selected to continue when no-admin-rights was given. WELCNETD WELCNETD WELCNETD Welcome Network dialog: Update Selected. WELCNETD" Welcome Network dialog: Gate already installed, new files are to be installed..., Welcome Network dialog: DLG_NT_YESADMIN_UPDATEINST-dialog shown. Welcome Network dialog: User has selected Exit in DLG_NT_WARNNOADMIN_UPDATEINST-dialog. Welcome Network dialog: _InstallDialogUpdateNT()-function is to be called: WELCNETD/ WELCSTADAy WELCSTADAy WELCSTADAe WELCSTAD! _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: INIT. WELCSTADb WELCSTAD2 WELCSTAD2 WELCSTAD2 WELCSTADA WELCSTADA WELCSTADA WELCSTADA WELCSTADA WELCSTAD! _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: ERROR. Exiting WELCSTAD$ WELCSTAD _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Install.( _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Prvious installation branch... _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: User has selected continue when uninstall suggested.( _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: No admin rights branch executed. _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: User has selected to continue when no-admin warning is given. WELCSTAD _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Agent has been installed as service., _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Agent has NOT been installed as service.! _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Gatekeeper has been enabled.! _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Gatekeeper has NOT been enabled.! _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: User installation dialog is to be opened. _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Stand-alone installation dialog is to be opened. WELCSTAD _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Admin rights branch executed. WELCSTAD( _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: User installation dialog is to be opened. _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Stand-alone installation dialog is to be opened. _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: No previous installation is detected.( _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: No admin-rights-branch is executed... _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: User has selected to continue after no-admin-rights warning. WELCSTAD( _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: User installation dialog is to be opened. _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Stand-alone installation dialog is to be opened. WELCSTAD WELCSTAD( _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: User installation dialog is to be opened. _WelcomeDialogStandAlone: Stand-alone installation dialog is to be opened. WELCSTAD, WELCSTAD" WELCSTAD/ INSTNETDA INSTNETD! INSTNETDAh INSTNETDAq INSTNETDAe INSTNETDAf INSTNETDAg INSTNETDAe INSTNETDAf INSTNETDAh INSTNETDAi INSTNETDAq INSTNETDAh INSTNETDAi INSTNETDAq INSTNETD2 INSTNETD2 INSTNETDb INSTNETDAk INSTNETDAk INSTNETDAl INSTNETDAl INSTNETDAe INSTNETD nsdg_w32.dll INSTNETD! INSTNETDAe nsdg_w32.dll INSTNETD! INSTNETDAf The communications path you gave couldn't be found neither it couldn't be created. Please check the path. Install Network Dialog: Installation Selected. User has set: nEnableGateStartup = %d, nLoadAgentStartup= %d, nLoadAgentService = %dB INSTNETD INSTNETD! INSTNETD/ SETUP.INI DNTNOTAD _InstallDialogStandAloneNT(): INIT _InstallDialogStandAloneNT(): EXIT _InstallDialogStandAloneNT(): ERROR _InstallDialogStandAloneNT():START INSTALLATION nEnableGateKeeper=%d, nLoadAgentStartup= %d, nLoadAgentService= %dB _InstallDialogStandAloneNT():b& _InstallDialogStandAloneNT():Installation is to be started _InstallDialogStandAloneNT():Lcak of space detected nsdg_w32.dll SETUP.INI DNTNOTAD _InstallDialogUserNT():INIT UserInstalla DefaultFAgentService2 UserInstalla DefaultEnableGatekeeper2 UserInstalla DefaultsChangeable2 You don't have the privileges to set the configuration defined by F-PROT administrator, the selections are set to the ones you can define. You don't have rights to set the configuration defined by F-PROT administrator, installation terminates.* dummy.dum UserInstalla InstallDirR dummy.dum UserInstalla InstallDirChangeable2 You don't have administrative rights, so you can't overwrite the current settings.A nsdg_w32.dll SETUP.INI DNTNOTAD Update Installation dialog: INIT Update Installation dialog: Gatekeeper has been enabled.! Update Installation dialog: Gatekeeper has NOT been enabled.! Update Installation dialog: Agent has been loaded as service.! Update Installation dialog: Agent has NOT been loaded as service.! Update Installation dialog: Previous intsllation path is b Update Installation dialog: Start Installation is selected ngGateStart=%d, ngAgentStart=%d, ngAgentService=%dB Update Installation dialog: b& Update Installation dialog: Install Complete dialog is to be show -installation is OK. Update Installation dialog: Installation has failed. Update Installation dialog: Lack of space is detected. Return to update dialog. nsdg_w32.dll Update Installation dialog: Cancel is selected. INSTNETDAf INSTNETD! INSTNETDAe INSTNETDAf INSTNETDAg INSTNETDAh INSTNETDAi INSTNETDb INSTNETDAe INSTNETDAf INSTNETD2 INSTNETD2 INSTNETDAk INSTNETDAk INSTNETDAl INSTNETDAl INSTNETDAe INSTNETDAh INSTNETDAh INSTNETDAi INSTNETD nsdg_w32.dll INSTNETD! INSTNETDAe nsdg_w32.dll INSTNETD! INSTNETDAf INSTNETD INSTNETD! INSTNETD/ ProgramFilesDirR Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionb F-PROTNT\ F-PROTNT\ F-PROTNT\ SETUP.INI INSTSTAD UserInstalla DefaultEnableFAgent2 UserInstalla DefaultInstallBoth2 UserInstalla DefaultInstallFPROT2 UserInstalla DefaultInstallGatekeeper2 UserInstalla DefaultEnableGatekeeper2 WELCSTADb UserInstalla DefaultsChangeable2 UserInstalla InstallDirR UserInstalla InstallDirChangeable2 nsdg_w32.dll INSTUPDDAh INSTUPDD! INSTUPDDb INSTUPDDAe INSTUPDDAe INSTUPDDAe INSTUPDDAs INSTUPDDAj INSTUPDDAe fake.txt fake.txt INSTUPDDAe INSTUPDD nsdg_w32.dll INSTUPDD! INSTUPDDAe INSTUPDD! INSTUPDD/ nsdg_w32.dll nsdg_w32.dll setup.bmp local local\tasks local local\bulletin local\infect local\messages local\reports local\repuser local\suspect shared shared\infect shared\reports shared\suspect autoinst local local\bulletin local\infect local\messages local\reports local\repuser local\suspect local\tasks shared shared\infect shared\reports shared\suspect bulletin infect messages reports suspect tasks update update\winnt_up, autoinst SIGN.DEF f-protw.cfg WFILES.ZB GFILES.ZB FFILES.ZB WFILES.ZB GFILES.ZB AFILES.ZB autoinst\2 FFILES.ZB WFILES.ZB GFILES.ZB F-Prot for Windowsa SingleUser2 AFILES.ZB autoinst\2 SpaceEnough: UPDATE_INSTALLATION: Packet a FFILES.Z FFILES.ZB f-protw.cfg F-Prot for Windowsa SingleUser2 f-protw.cfg Administrationa AppendSlash2 FFILES.Z( FFILES.1 Library: $ , File: $ NOSPACEDAj NOSPACED! NOSPACEDAe NOSPACEDAf NOSPACEDAg NOSPACEDAh NOSPACED$ NOSPACED NOSPACED/ INSTCMPDAi INSTCMPD! f-protw.cfg Licencea OwnerOrgR INSTCMPDAg INSTCMPDAg INSTCMPDAf INSTCMPDAg INSTCMPDAh local\ f-protw.cfg F-Prot for Windowsa LocalFProtb Licencea Ownerb Licencea OwnerOrgb Workstationa WorkstationNameb Workstationa UserNameb INSTCMPD$ INSTCMPD INSTCMPD/ SHOWDLGB SHOWDLG! SHOWDLG SHOWDLG/ ONEBUTTDAk ONEBUTTD! ONEBUTTDA ONEBUTTDA ONEBUTTDb ONEBUTTDA ONEBUTTD$ ONEBUTTD ONEBUTTD/ TWOBUTTDAl TWOBUTTD! TWOBUTTDA TWOBUTTDA TWOBUTTDb TWOBUTTDA TWOBUTTDA TWOBUTTD$ TWOBUTTD TWOBUTTD/ THRBUTTDAm THRBUTTD! THRBUTTDA THRBUTTDA THRBUTTDb THRBUTTDA THRBUTTDA THRBUTTDA THRBUTTD$ THRBUTTD THRBUTTD/ STARTWINAs STARTWIN! STARTWINA STARTWINA STARTWINb STARTWIN$ STARTWIN STARTWIN( FPWM.DLLR F-PROTNT.EXER FPWM32.DLLR FPWM32.DLLR gkscan.sysR \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a F-PROTNT.EXER WIN.INIa DFAPPSa WIN.INIa extensionsa F-PROTNT.EXE! _DimButtonA FFILES.Z( FFILES.1 SIGN.DEFa SIGN.DEF MACRO.DEFa MACRO.DEF \local\tasks *.fpta *.fptA REMOVE.INI OS2Removesa programfileB NT95Removesa programfileB Copy NT Sysfiles: .350-version are choosed. Gkfilter.350 Gkrec.350 Gkscan.350, Copy NT Sysfiles: .351-version are choosed. Gkfilter.351 Gkrec.351 Gkscan.351, Copy NT Sysfiles: .400-version are choosed. Gkfilter.400 Gkrec.400 Gkscan.400, Copy NT Sysfiles: .400-version are choosed - WARNING NT4 not explicitely detected!!! Gkfilter.400 Gkrec.400 Gkscan.400 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! gkrec.b Gkrec.b Gkrec.sysb. Copy NT Sysfiles: Target directory = b Copy NT Sysfiles: Source directory = b Gkfilter.sys Gkrec.sys Gkscan.sys This update contains F-PROT Gatekeeper, but you have no rights enough to install it into this workstation. Do you want to continue without installing Gatekeeper? Warning Continue This update installs F-PROT Gatekeeper by default. Do you want to install it (strongly recommended)? Information Continue FPROTFSB FPROTFS! SETUP.INI UserInstalla CommDirR FPROTFSB FPROTFS! FPROTFSB FPROTFS! FPROTFSB FPROTFS! Data Fellowsa F-PROT Professionala 2.26a F-PROTNT.EXEG F-PROTNT.EXE F-PROT ProfessionalA F-PROT Professional! F-AGNTNT.EXE \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runa F-PROT ProfessionalA .FPTa .FPTa FPROTA FPROTa FPROT\shell\open\a command! F-PROTNT.EXE FPROT\shell\open\commanda uninst.exeR UNINST.EXEa UNINST.EXE fpuninst.exe Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a F-PROT Professional$ UninstallStringA \CLSID\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}$ \InProcServer32 \CLSID\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9} FFILES.Za FPSHX.DLLA FFILES.1a FPSHX.DLLA \CLSID\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}P \CLSID\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}Q F-PROT Shell ExtensionA \CLSID\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}$ \InProcServer32P \CLSID\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}$ \InProcServer32$ \FPSHX.DLLQ \CLSID\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}$ \InProcServer32Q ThreadingModelA ApartmentA \*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}P \Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\a& {23814B80-52A2-11d0-BC1A-004095606CB9}P SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent! SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\a F-PROT Professional$ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\a F-PROT Professional$ SettingsA local\TASKS\SCANALLH.FPT F-PROTNT.EXE ProgramA Friendly NameA \Result Codes\Q SuccessA \Result Codes\Q SettingsA local\tasks\SCANNETW.FPT F-PROTNT.EXE ProgramA Friendly NameA \Result Codes\Q SuccessA \Result Codes\Q FPROTFSB FPROTFS! WIN.INI WIN.INIa windowsa F-AGENT.EXE! A-PROT.EXE! F-AGNTNT.EXE! A-PROT.EXE! \A-PROT.EXE F-AGENT.EXE! F-AGENT.EXE \A-PROT.EXE F-AGENT.EXE WIN.INIa windowsa WIN.INIa windowsa loadR A-PROT.EXE! F-AGENT.EXE! A-PROT.EXE! F-AGENT.EXE! WIN.INIa windowsa loadb SETUP.INI Installa InstallGatekeeper2 _NoGateKeeper(): No Gatekeeper is dtetected in SETUP.INI/ Installa GatekeeperMemoryMin2 SETUP.INI Installa InstallFPW2 dvpapir3.dll! GFILES.Zb Couldn't create handle to write profile.A Couldn't read a Profile objectA Couldn't create a Profile objectA Couldn't read a profile object.A Couldn't read a profile object.A Couldn't read a profile object.A Couldn't read a profile object.A BFILES.Za DLLS! StopFAgentService(): F-Agent was running as service - stopped., StopFAgentService(): F-Agent was running as service - STOP failed. DFAPPS.INI DFAPPS.INI DFAPPS.INIR F-Prot for Windowsa LanguageSelected2 Languageb F-Prot for Windowsb DFAPPS.INI Languageb F-Prot for Windowsb F-Prot for Windowsa LanguageSelectedb F-Prot for Windowsa LanguageSelected2 Languageb F-Prot for Windowsb F-PROT Gatekeeper\Options! F-PROT Gatekeeper\Optionsa Failed to create key A F-PROT Gatekeeper\Optionsa LanguageA Failed to write key value A F-PROT Gatekeeper\Optionsa FlagsA Failed to write key value .CFG, on b F-Prot for Windowsa SharedOnNetb F-Prot for Windowsa SharedLocalb F-Prot for Windowsa SharedFProtb F-Prot for Windowsa SingleUsera Administrationa AppendSlasha Administrationa AdminDirb Administrationa NetEnablea Protectiona APEnableda Protectiona APEnableda Administrationa AppendSlasha Administrationa AdminDirb Administrationa NetEnablea f-protw.cfga f-protw.cfg F-Prot for Windowsa SingleUsera Protectiona APEnableda Protectiona APEnableda f-protw.cfga f-protw.cfg F-Prot for Windowsa SingleUsera F-Prot for Windowsa SharedLocalb Protectiona APEnableda Protectiona APEnableda ns_w32.dll bwcc32.dll Can't load a bwcc32.dll$ . Installation terminates. This softaware requires BWCC32.DLL. The problem might be due some other software using a different version of BWCC-library.A Errora> Can't register library (%s) for BWCC. Installation terminates.b ErroraE Can't get the module handle of library (%s). Installation terminates.b Error while generating installation language lists. Installation terminates.A ErroraH Installation language file %s refererred in SETUP.INI couldn't be found.b2 SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa LanguageSelectionInUse2 nsdg_w32.dllA SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa Languageb SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa ShowLanguageSelection2 SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa LanguageSelectionCaptionR SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa LanguageSelectionMessageR SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa LanguageSelectionOKButtonR SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa LanguageSelectionFontR Couldn't read font ! SETUP.INI InstallLanguagesa LanguageSelected2 nsdg_w32.dllA nsdg_w32.dllb File b couldn't be found in _setup.lib. The default language is used.* Error in [InstallLanguages]-section in SETUP.INI. The default language is used.A nsdg_w32.dll nsdg_w32.dll Can't load language support DLL. Installation terminates.A nsdg_w32.dll! LISTBOXDAd ns_w32.dll! LISTBOXD! LISTBOXD! LISTBOXD2 LISTBOXDAd LISTBOXDb LISTBOXDA LISTBOXDAe List of the dialog a LISTBOXD$ couldn't be filled.* LISTBOXD! LISTBOXD$ LISTBOXD LISTBOXD/ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersiona CSDVersion2 Service Pack 2( SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\HOTFIX\Q135707Q141239NTOSKRNLFIXa Valid2 _KernelFix401Installed(): Detected, Installed! _KernelFix401Installed(): Detected, NOT Installed! _KernelFix401Installed(): NOT Detected! An attempt to create log file b failed.* SETUP.INIa SNMPa Install2 SNMP Master agent is NOT installed SETUP.INIa SNMPa InstallMasterByDefault2 SNMP Master is to be installed automatically, A permission to install SNMP Master is asked from the user. There is no SNMP support installed in this system.a Install now?a SNMP Supporta &Yesa User selected to install SNMP Master agent! User selected NOT to install SNMP Master agent! SNMP Master agent is already installed! MSVCRT20.DLLR MSVCRT20.DLLa MSVCRT20.DLL$ MSVCRT20.DLLa copied to $ Install MasterAgent(1), returned %dB FPSNMP32.DLL Data Fellows\F-PROT Professional\SNMP Agent\CurrentVersion! DFALSU_InstallExtensionAgent() returned %dB SNMP Extension Agent is not installed because SNMP Master is not installed. \dummy.dum _PathAvailable():svTmpPath = b- _PathAvailable():Path found! _PathAvailable():Path NOT found" _PathAvailable():Try to create _PathAvailable():Directory created! _PathAvailable():Directory couldn't be created! _PathAvailable():No attempt to create the directory! 3.00.077