The default password is LOCK. If you'ld like to contact me, send mail to e-mail: web site: homepage: snail mail: Selom Ofori 144A Woodridge Crescent Nepean, Ontario K2B 7S9 Canada you can also catch me on irc, EFNET servers on the #c or #winprog channel, lurking with the nickname of "_subRosa_" or "subRosa" ABOUT ===== SandTiger is a security application that encrypts multiple files into a single archive. It uses powerful encryption algorithms like CAST-128, Blowfish and Diamond2, along with renouned hashes like SHA-1, MD5 and RIPEM-160. With SandTiger, you have the ability to archive an unlimited number of files, while maintaining their relative directories. You also have the option of enhancing your files by compressing them before encrypting to reduce redundant code. SandTiger supports multiple passwords in a single archive and has the ability to scramble filenames, hiding them from hex viewers. System Requirements ================== Windows95 or Windows NT 3.5/4.0. minimum 386+ processor, pentium 100+ recommended ABOUT SHAREWARE RELEASE ======================= - Only 4 character password limit. The full version has up to 256 chars - Only CAST-128 cipher is avail in the demo. The full version includes CAST-128, Blowfish and Diamond2. - You are limited to MD5 hash, whilst the full version has MD5,SHA-1, and RIPEM-160 FAQ ==== Q- Why 4 char password limit in the DEMO? isn't it unsafe? doesn't it encourage bad passphrases? A- Almost all the shareware apps have some kind of limit on the amount of bits actually used to protect your files. They allow you to enter at least 8 chars but they might only user 3 or 4, after running it through a hash function. I prefer the user know how much protection he has to protect his files. A painful reminder of 4 chars was used because the purpose of this demo is to try it out. The user should either be using the full version or nothing. Any other "in between" version is unsafe for him and unfair to me. Q- What's with the default password A- The default password was used by me to quickly test out the app without having to type in the passphrase everytime I encrypted something. I left it in for people just trying it out to save them from the same tedious job of typing in the password anytime they encrypted something. Q- Why do I get the dialog window saying " - archive not saved"? A- basically when you create a new archive, Sandtiger puts them in a temp file and considers it temporary until you decide to save it. if you double click on an unsaved archive or try to extract from an archive that hasn't been saved, you get that dialog box. Q- How do I know that my copy has been registered? A- The Register menuitem will be disabled if your copy is registered Q- Can I use the unregistered version to decrypt files encrypted with the registered version? A- Well, kind of. If your password was less than or equal to 4 chars, you would be able to decrypt files encrypted with the registered version. Future versions will allow you full keylength during decryption. Q- Scramble filenames? A- By default SandTiger encrypts files, but not their filenames. Anybody who knows his way around computers can use a hex editor to see the filenames. Scrambling filenames would prevent anybody from getting a "clue" as to what kind of files are in the archive. Q- What about me? will I be able to see the encrypted filenames? A- Sure. But only after you enter the correct password. Q- Can the archive password be different from the password of the encrypted files? A- Yup. Remeber that SandTiger can have many passwords in a Single Archive. WHAT'S NEW - SandTiger version 2.0 ================================== - Most of the time was spent on including 'forgiveness'. Eg. if the disk becomes full, it asks to retry or abort and won't destroy or ruin the archive. Memory leaks, debug info and stuff like that has been taken out - This is what I intended to create when I started working on this project It has been polished and is now out of beta. This is the real thing - Newer files will always replace older files in an archive. WHAT'S NEW - SandTiger version 1.6 FULL RELEASE =============================================== - This is a full release. CAST-128, Blowfish and Diamond2. You need a serial key to install sandtiger. - Option included to scramble filenames. - fixed a bug with RIPEMD that caused Sandtiger to refuse to decrypt your files WHAT'S NEW - SandTiger version 1.6 ================================== - CAST-128 has been implemented and is now the default cipher - Sandtiger now sets the file time to the original after extraction - fixed the multiple redraw "feature" in v1.5 - fixed the 1000+ icon resource hog - SandTiger is now released as a demo. 6 character password limit with 3 ciphers CAST-128(default), Blowfish(disabled in demo) and Diamond2(disabled in demo). - compatible with version 1.5 WHAT'S NEW - SandTiger version 1.5 ================================== - Zlib compression with Z_BEST_COMPRESSION flag only. It compresses better than pkzip, but it's much slower. - Diamond2 and Blowfish use an initialization vector. Indentical files won't produce identical ciphers - Temp files aren't used during encryption. IF the file has to be decompressed however, there is no other way than to use temp files( not true for compression).