Private Idaho 2.8b3 (beta) 1/7/97 copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Joel McNamara ( What is it? ----------- This is a new beta release of Private Idaho (a PGP, anonymous remailer, and nym server front-end for Windows). This document updates any information found in the help file. Private Idaho is unsupported freeware, licensed under the GNU General Public License. The licensing agreement is found in the license.txt file, distributed with this application. See: for information on obtaining the source code. 2.8b3 is a bug fix release. It replaces 2.8b2, released 9/26/96. No new features have been added. New 2.8b Features (9/26/96) ------------------ Automatic encrypt/decrypt of PIDAHO.INI, NYMS.TXT, PUBKEYS.OUT Automatic encrypt/decrypt of SECRING.PGP and PUBRING.PGP support Generate key pair command added Load passphrase at startup (in PGP Options) Submit key to MIT server command Get key from MIT server command (must have Net connection) Update remailer info command (must have Net connection) Support for private remailers Get remailer keys command (must have Net connection) X-headers command Remailer newsgroup header command Append on send command Delete nym command Attachment support Update PUBKEYS.OUT command Keys menu added Windows online help replaced by pihelp.htm Font changes New TCP/IP controls for enhanced Net performance Revised help Miscellaneous big fixes (see or the pihelp.htm distribution file for details on the above) NOTE: If you use the new auto encrypt/decrypt features. BACK YOUR FILES UP FIRST! Installation ------------ PI28B3.EXE is a self-extracting .ZIP file. It uncompresses all of the required files to run Private Idaho. You can delete these files after you've installed Private Idaho. You can also choose to run PGP QuickStart from PI-SETUP. This utility will help you download and configure PGP. If you're updating a previous previous of Private Idaho, PI-SETUP will only replace older files. You'll be prompted to replace each existing file. If for some reason you have problems with the installation, you can manually copy the files. Distribution File List ---------------------- cmdialog.vbx - common dialog VBX copied to c:\windows\system http20.vbx - TCP/IP VBX copied to c:\windows\system smtp20.vbx - TCP/IP VBX copied to c:\windows\system pop20.vbx - TCP/IP VBX copied to c:\windows\system netc20.vbx - compression VBX copied to c:\windows\system remailer.htm - remailer info file mixmaste.htm - mixmaster remailer info email.txt - email configuration info nymkeys.txt - nym server keys pcdezip.exe - unzip application for PGP QuickStart pgpquik.exe - PGP QuickStart application pidaho.exe - Private Idaho application pihelp.htm - Private Idaho help file - viewable with Web browser pipgp.pif - PIF file for shelling out to DOS PGP pipgpx.pif - PIF file for shelling out to DOS PGP qsreadme.txt - PGP QuickStart readme file readme.txt - this file rmkeys.txt - remailer public keys pi-setup.exe - install application for Private Idaho urls.txt - list of URLs for Web browsing usenet.txt - email/USENET gateway list license.txt - The GNU General Public License Mixmaster and Private Idaho --------------------------- Mixmaster (or Type II) remailers offer a high level of security (see for complete details). Up until now, Mixmaster has only been available to UNIX users. Mixmaster's author, Lance Cottrell, has recently released a DOS client version of the application that works with Private Idaho 2.7b (and later). Since the Mixmaster client uses export-controlled cryptography, it is not included with Private Idaho. Refer to for information on how to get a copy of MIXMASTE.ZIP (the compressed version of Mixmaster and its support files). Note: Although Lance and I have taken every reasonable precaution to assure that DOS Mixmaster was not exported, it appears that one or more persons unknown to us have exported the DOS version of Mixmaster (in violation of US law). We intend to continue to abide by the letter of US law in this matter, however we will list non-US ftp sites from which Mixmaster may be obtained as a public service: To be able to send messages through Mixmaster remailers you need several files: MIXMASTE.EXE - the Mixmaster client MIXMASTE.CON - a support file PUBRING.MIX - the list of Mixmaster remailer keys TYPE2.LIS - the list of Mixmaster remailers MIXMSTR.TXT - statistics on Mixmaster remailers MIX.PIF - the PIF file for shelling to the DOS application These files are included in the MIXMASTE.ZIP file. Uncompress the files and move them to the directory containing Private Idaho. After you've installed these files, in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file add the following line: SET MIXPATH=C:\PIDAHO with the directory path specifying the Private Idaho directory. Reboot your computer and run Private Idaho. Using Mixmaster remailers with Private Idaho is no different than using Cypherpunk style remailers. Select Mixmaster from the Remailers menu, compose and address your message, select the remailer(s) from the drop-down list box to use, and choose Append info from the Message menu. Private Idaho will shell out to the DOS version of Mixmaster, and prepare the message for sending. You'll need to update information about Mixmaster remailers, just like Cypherpunk remailers. Specifically the PUBRING.MIX, TYPE2.LIS, and MIXMSTR.TXT files. You can do this over the Net with the new update remailer info command. Updated Mixmaster information can be found at: and