_ _ __ _______ ______ _ __ ______ | ||\ | ||__\ /_______\ /______\ | ||__\ |\ |\ |______\ | || \ | | ___ ___ __ | | ___ | \ | \ | | \ \ | ||___\ \ \ | \ | ||___\ | ||\| | | | | |__\ | | |_____ ___/ / | \____ | |_____ | || | | | |______| |_______\ \____/ \______/ |_______\ |_| \__| | | \| Saved Game Editor -- Shareware Version 1.3 by Doug Winters Within your DSCED13.ZIP or DSCED13.EXE should be the following files: FILE_ID .DIZ 400 01-30-95 01:30am --> short description of DESCEDIT DESC .SDI 400 01-30-95 01:30am --> short description of DESCEDIT DESCEDIT.EXE 33,474 01-30-95 01:30am --> the program DESCEDIT.TXT 17,877 01-30-95 01:30am --> this file (manual & readme) PCXVIEW .EXE 12,314 01-30-95 01:30am --> public domain PCX viewer (used by REGAD.BAT) SHAREWRE.TXT 1,715 01-30-95 01:30am --> description of shareware concept REGAD .BAT 325 01-30-95 01:30am --> ad for registered version PIC1 .PCX 38,541 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC2 .PCX 41,642 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC3 .PCX 48,994 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC4 .PCX 42,037 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC5 .PCX 44,487 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC6 .PCX 52,312 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC7 .PCX 47,059 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC8 .PCX 54,914 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT PIC9 .PCX 44,988 01-30-95 01:30am --> Picture used by REGAD.BAT Copyright and Shareware Notice: This program and the files which it comes with, except for screen shots and PCXVIEW.EXE, are copyrighted (C) 1995 by Doug Winters, the author (me). Because this program is shareware you may distribute this program, as long as it is in its original EXE or ZIP (depending on whether you have the self-extracting version or not) file only. You may not distribute modified, altered, or otherwise disfigured versions of this program or its files. Furthermore, this program's designation as shareware means that you, the user, are not entitled to charge money for this product and if you use this product or intend to use this product for longer than 30 days, you must register your copy. Disclaimers: Firstly: The title Descent does not belong to me, it belongs to the awesome Parallax Software Corporation and/or Interplay Productions, Inc. and I am in no way related to, supported by, or otherwise associated with these companies. Any other trademarks mentioned in this document or DESCEDIT.EXE belong to their respective owners. Also please notice that Parallax has the right to refuse technical assistance to persons playing edited saved games. Secondly: I have worked extremely hard, and tested extensively to verify that this program will always work like it should. However, as with any program there may be bugs. I'd like to think that I'm perfect and that you will never come across a problem but you might. If you ever come across an error which is important to have fixed see the section in this file entitled "Reporting Problems." Please note that I cannot be held responsible for any adverse situation resulting from the use of this program. I also cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information in this document, I'm constantly revising it and the program and may at some point miss something. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well now that I've got all that out of the way here's the useful stuff: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS [I] The Main Menu [I.A] Choose Pilot [I.B] Load Game [I.C] Save Game [I.D] View Game [I.E] Edit Game [I.E.a] Change Saved Game Name [I.E.b] Edit Primary Weapons [I.E.b.1] Activate/Deactivate Laser Cannon [I.E.b.2] Adjust Laser Levelø [I.E.b.3] Activate/Deactivate Quad-Lasers [I.E.b.4] Activate/Deactivate Vulcan Cannon [I.E.b.5] Change Amount of Vulcan Ammo [I.E.b.6] Activate/Deactivate Spreadfire Cannon [I.E.b.7] Activate/Deactivate Plasma Cannon [I.E.b.8] Activate/Deactivate Fusion Cannon [I.E.b.9] Load Cool Settings [I.E.c] Toggle Secondary Weapons (Concussion Missle, Homing Missle, Proximity Bomb, Smart Missle, Mega Missles) [I.E.d] Edit Number of Secondary Weapons (Concussion-Mega) [I.E.e] Toggle Keys (Blue, Red, or Yellow Key) [I.E.f] Edit Specialø [I.E.f.1] Adjust time for Cloakø [I.E.f.2] Adjust time for Invulnerabilityø [I.E.g] Edit Other (Energy, Shields, etc.) [I.E.g.1] Tamper With Scoreø [I.E.g.2] Change Number of Extra Lives [I.E.g.3] Adjust Energy Level [I.E.g.4] Adjust Shield Levelø [I.E.g.5] Select Primary Weapon (Laser, Vulcan, Spread, Plasma, Fusion Cannons) [I.E.g.6] Select Secondary Weapon (Concussion-Mega) [I.E.g.7] Change Skill Level (Trainee, Rookie, Hotshot, Ace, Insane) [I.E.h] Load Personalized Settingsø [I.F] View Order Form [I.G] Change Directoryø [I.H] Quit [II] Understanding the interface [II.A] The main screen [II.B] "Game changed" indicatior [III] Reporting Problems, Errors, Bugs [IV] Chart of some laser levels and weapons they access øThese items/options are not available in the shareware version, only in the registered version. These unavailable options will be marked this way throughout the document. Register your copy. ============================================================================= [I] The Main Menu -- This is where you choose what you want to do. Depending on what has been done, and what games/PLR files are available you have a changing variety of options. For example: when you are in a directory with no saved games in it, you have only three options Change Directoryø, View Order Form, and Quit. [I.A] Choose Pilot -- Use this to change whose saved games are listed in Load Game. If there is only one pilot file (*.PLR) then DESCEDIT will choose the pilot automatically and this option is not available. Keep in mind that when you change the directoryø if this pilot is still available, it will remain chosen. [I.B] Load Game -- After a player/pilot has been selected, use this to load one of this player's saved games. If no player/pilot has been selected yet you will be jumped to the Choose Pilot menu before entering the Load Game menu. [I.C] Save Game -- Saves the loaded saved game. This option is only available when the currently loaded game has been changed. See [II.B] "Game changed" indicatior. This option disappears once the game has been saved. [I.D] View Game -- Displays various information about the saved game currently loaded. If no game is loaded DESCEDIT will go through the Load Game process at which point you will either choose a game to view, or cancel. The left half of the screen displays information about your saved game (see [II.C] Viewing your game) and the right half, a little background/history, etc. about DESCEDIT. [I.E] Edit Game -- Choosing this menu brings you to the main edit menu. [I.E.a] Change Saved Game Name -- This displays a prompt for a new name for your saved game. Allowable characters in the name are those available on the keyboard. To cancel this operation press escape. [I.E.b] Edit Primary Weapons -- Another menu. [I.E.b.1] Activate/Deactivate Laser Cannon -- What it says. To use it just highlight and press Enter (or press its number) [I.E.b.2] Adjust Laser Levelø -- permits you to change what level your laser is set at. Valid values are 1-255. This one's nice because it allows you to access weapons you normally couldn't have (or use in this matter). My favorite is level 19 (Mega Missles), with quads active this baby can take out virtually anything in one shot (even you if you don't have a couple THOUSAND shield points). Regardless of what level your laser is set to, it still drains energy (it's not free, but it also doesn't require anything else (like available missles)). Note: If you run into a laser power-up, levels above 4 will drop down to 4. [I.E.b.3] Activate/Deactivate Quad-Lasers -- SE (self explanitory) [I.E.b.4] Activate/Deactivate Vulcan Cannon -- SE [I.E.b.5] Change Amount of Vulcan Ammo -- Allows you to change the amount of vulcan ammo you have. Valid values are 0-32757 in multiples of about 12 or 13. Values which are not acceptable will be rounded to their nearest acceptable value (1 to 0, 10 to 12, etc.). Be aware that when playing Descent, if you run over a vulcan cannon or vulcan ammo and you are above 10,000 rounds, you will be dropped down to 10,000 rounds. [I.E.b.6] Activate/Deactivate Spreadfire Cannon -- SE [I.E.b.7] Activate/Deactivate Plasma Cannon -- SE [I.E.b.8] Activate/Deactivate Fusion Cannon -- SE [I.E.b.9] Load Cool Settings -- Changes all items in this menu to my personal favorites. (The shareware version will not change items which are not available for editing in the shareware version.) [I.E.c] Toggle Secondary Weapons -- Menu to activate or deactivate secondary weapons. [I.E.d] Edit Number of Secondary Weapons -- Menu for changing the number of secondary weapons. Valid values range from 0 to 32,767 [I.E.e] Toggle Keys (Blue, Red, or Yellow Key) -- SE [I.E.f] Edit Specialø [I.E.f.1] Adjust time for Cloakø -- Allows you to change how much time you have left on your cloaking device. Time is entered in seconds. Valid values range from 0 to 900s. (that's up to 15 minutes.) [I.E.f.2] Adjust time for Invulnerabilityø -- same as Cloak [I.E.g] Edit Other (Energy, Shields, etc.) [I.E.g.1] Tamper With Scoreø -- SE. Values: 0-1,000,000,000 [I.E.g.2] Change Number of Extra Lives -- SE. Values: 0-254 [I.E.g.3] Adjust Energy Level -- Change amount of energy left. Energy is used by laser, spread, plasma, and fusion. [I.E.g.4] Adjust Shield Levelø -- SE [I.E.g.5] Select Primary Weapon -- SE [I.E.g.6] Select Secondary Weapon -- SE [I.E.g.7] Change Skill Level -- SE [I.E.h] Load Personalized Settingsø -- Loads saved game settings stored in DESCEDIT.CFG. These settings may be changed using any straight ASCII text editor. Instructions for modifying these settings are in the DESCEDIT.CFG file. [I.F] View Order Form -- Choose this to view and/or print the order form for the registered version. If you have a printer connected to LPT1 then you may print the order form directly, otherwise you will need to find some other method of putting it on paper. However you do it, just make sure you fill in ALL of the information requested. [I.G] Change Directoryø -- Prompts you for a new directory to look for files in. Just enter the directory name (i.e.: C:\GAMES\DESCENT) and hit Enter or press Esc to cancel operation. [I.H] Quit -- Does just what it says prompting for a save of a changed game and asking for confirmation. [II] Understanding the interface This program is almost completely menu driven. To select an item or whatever, move the highlight bar to that option (up and left arrows move to previous item, down and right to the next) and hit Enter, or press the number corresponding to that item. Note that the Quit option may also be selected using Esc or "Q" and the option may be selected using Esc, "D", or "C". [II.A] The main screen -- This screen (and all others) displays up top the name of the saved game file currently being edited as well as the saved game's title. On the bottom of the screen is the name of the current drive and directory as well as, if available, the name of the PLR file currently selected. [II.B] "Game changed" indicator -- This is what will tell you whether you have made any changes to the game you are editing. (Another indication is the presence of the Save Game option on the main menu.) Under "unchanged" conditions the upper left hand corner of the screen will be a É (part of the border). If the game has been changed then the character in the upper left hand corner will instead be a þ. [III] Reporting Problems, Errors, Bugs Send any error reports and/or "troubled" saved game to SkiBum 3D@aol.com. (note: this is not me, but a friend) To report any errors which were discovered either by loading a saved game or playing a saved please send a copy of the saved game involved along with a description of the error (please make this description as detailed as possible, it will help me correct the problem). To report any other error which is not related to an actual saved game just send me a detailed description of the error and what you did to make it happen. Thanks. [IV] Chart of some laser levels and weapons they access ÉÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºLevel³Weapon Accessed ºLevel³Weapon Accessed º ÌÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÎÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º1 ³Laser Level 1 º26 ³Laser Level 4 (slow) º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º2 ³Laser Level 2 º27 ³Plasma (slow, weak) º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º3 ³Laser Level 3 º28 ³Orange Sphere (slow) º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º4 ³Laser Level 4 º29 ³Mega Missle (weak) º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º5 ³Purple Sphere º30 ³Plasma (slow, powerful) º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º6 ³Orange Sphere º31 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º7 ³Red Sphere º32 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º8 ³ º33 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º9 ³Concussion Missle º34 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º10 ³Flares º35 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º11 ³Laser Level 2 (slow) º36 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º12 ³Vulcan Cannon º37 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º13 ³Spread (slow) º38 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º14 ³Plasma º39 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º15 ³Fusion º40 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º16 ³Homing Missle º41 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º17 ³Proximity Bomb º42 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º18 ³Smart Missle º43 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º19 ³Mega Missle º44 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º20 ³Plasma (slow) º45 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º21 ³Spread º46 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º22 ³Homing Missle (weak) º47 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º23 ³Concussion Missle (slow)º48 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º24 ³Spread (slow) º49 ³ º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º25 ³Laser Level 1 (slow) º50 ³ º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank Nathan Allred for his help with the testing of this program, for making all the screen shots which are included in the shareware version, and for finding out most of the laser levels in the laser level chart. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of file. Copyright (C) 1995 by Doug Winters