Power Audio Database

Power Audio Database enables you to effectively catalogue your audio collection (tapes, home-recorded tapes, CD's and LP's). The program provides a wide range of features - create your own Tape and CD inlays (the example in the picture took about 3 minutes to create), or try a Music Trivia Quiz - you can even create your own Quizzes!

Link Video, Sound and Images to any of your Albums or Songs. View your Albums, Songs, Artists, Musicians etc. in many different ways, including specialized view screens, grid views and reports that you can print out. Excellent search facilities mean you will never again forget a song in your collection, or wonder which Album it's on. You can even search by how a name sounds!

Make sure your Albums never go missing, by recording every time you loan an Album to a friend. Also, easily calculate the value of your entire collection and, for insurance purposes, increase all values in line with inflation in seconds. Power Audio Database has all this, and more! Complete with Online Help with over 450 topics.

This demonstration is supplied with two Catalogues, a Sample catalogue, and a blank catalogue (MyAlbums) to enter your own records - however, this catalogue is limited to 10 Albums and 100 Songs. Almost all the features of the Full Product are working. Power Audio Database is available for ú29.99, plus VAT, plus ú1.50 shipping, total ú36.74. See Ordering Information in the Online Help.