System Requirements...

To run Gold you require the following:

Sound Cards

There are dozens of PC sound cards on the market. Gold will work with any Windows-compatible card, that is one which has drivers for Windows. You will see these in the Drivers section of the Control Panel and be able to select them in the MIDI Mapper in the Control Panel. All modern sound cards are compatible.

Gold works with MIDI and audio data so there are two aspects of the sound card to consider. Most modern sound cards have a set of on-board sounds which can be used to play the MIDI parts. Most cards, too, also support digital audio. In order to work with Gold, the card must have separate drivers for MIDI and audio. Again, all modern ones do.

Some older cards do not support digital audio. They will still work with Gold providing they have Windows drivers but you will not be able to use Gold's digital audio playback facilities. Also, some older cards use the same device driver for both audio and MIDI which will not allow you to play MIDI and audio simultaneously in Gold.