System Requirements...

This program requires an IBM compatible computer. It requires Windows 3.1 or later. Both 16 and 32bit versions are on this CD and the CD Interface will automatically install the appropriate version for your Operating System.

As long as your computer can run with Windows and 4Mb RAM minimum, this program will probably run on it. However, with a 486 25Mhz, 8M RAM some operations will take some time.

A hard drive is required. The program and associated data files together with a small database will take a minimum of about 3 megabytes of hard drive space.

A minimum of 4M of RAM (Memory) is required. 8M RAM or more is suggested.

Since this is a Windows program, your printer will be supported through Windows if it works with other Windows software and you have your printer driver installed. Please refer to your printer and Windows manuals to install your printer driver.

The windows in Cumberland Family Tree generally use the System or Arial True Type font. The reports use the Lund-Sans and Lund-SansNarrow fonts which come with the program. If reports print with overlapping text, in all likelihood you are missing the Lund-Sans and/or Lund-SansNarrow fonts and you may need to re-install the program or these fonts.