1. Here's an unintended, but maybe useful side-effect: Since OS/2 can share its DDE environment with a Win-OS/2 session, NETSCDDE can even pass URLs to a running Win-OS/2 copy of Netscape Navigator. This includes Communicator (Netscape 4). The only thing you have to do is enable WIN_DDE in the Win-OS/2 session settings of your Windows Netscape program object. By specifying your Windows Netscape EXE file with -p <exe> (see above), NETSCDDE.EXE even provides for proper WPS integration of Windows Netscapes.
  2. You can now (V1.1) also specify a .CMD file with -p and -P to have certain commands executed before and after Netscape is actually started. You should specify the -m or -mh options so that no ugly VIO window appears. Here is an example NETSCAPE.CMD:
    @echo off
    rem do some initialization here, e.g. change directory
    cd D:\WebStuff
    rem now call Netscape
    rem now the .cmd file is put to sleep until Netscape is
    rem terminated; subsequent calls to NETSCDDE will contact
    rem this running Netscape instance
    rem after Netscape is terminated, execute this:
    call cleanup.cmd
    rem or whatever you want

    Thanks, Marcus de Geus, for this suggestion.

  3. Here's a trick from Chris Wenham, senior editor of OS/2 e-zine, found in the SmartSuite Mailing List (smartsuite-os2@makelist.com):

    "If you need to change the web browser that Smartsuite apps call when you click one of their Internet buttons (like Organizer's button to go to the Almanack page), or send the URL to the currently running copy of Netscape instead of launching a new instance, you need to do this:

    Launch REGEDIT2.EXE in the /OS2/SYSTEM directory. Expand the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT tree. Scroll down to "http" and expand it all the way down (through "shell" and "open") until you come to "command".

    Right click on the data in the "(Default)" key, pick "Modify", and change the path to the new browser, making sure it's followed with a "%1" (which represents the URL). Close RegEdit.

    You shouldn't need to reboot, but you might need to restart any SS components that are running.

    Chris then states that you can enter NETSCDDE.EXE as your browser in this section.