; ; This is the source for the XFolder message file (XFLDR001.MSG). ; This is used for messages which might turn out to be longer ; than 256 characters and might thus not fit into the STRINGTABLE ; resources. These are loaded by cmnGetMessage (in common.c) and ; appear mostly in the new XFolder message boxes (cmnMessageBox in ; common.c also). ; Required changes: Look at each line after the "XFLDxxxxP:" ; identifier and translate only that part. ; ; Do not change the beginning of each line, and do not insert ; additional line breaks, because these will confuse XFolder. ; ; Use MKMSGF.EXE from the OS/2 Warp Toolkit to create a .MSG file from this file. ; This is automatically done by the makefile in this directory also. ; ; Copyright (C) 1997-99 Ulrich M”ller. ; This file is part of the XFolder source package. ; XFolder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ; by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the ; "COPYING" file of the XFolder main distribution. ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; XFL XFL0100P: XFolder: Modify CONFIG.SYS XFL0101P: In order to enable the new settings, XFolder will now modify your CONFIG.SYS file. XFolder will create a backup file under the name CONFIG.001 (or a higher numerical extension, if neccessary). Are you sure you wish to change your CONFIG.SYS file? XFL0102P: XFolder: Language Changed XFL0103P: XFolder's language has now been changed. The "Workplace Shell" object will now be closed. When you open it the next time, the language will have changed. XFL0104P: XFolder: Error XFL0105P: XFolder was unable to create the Startup Folder on the Desktop. Most probably the WPS class XFldStartup has not been properly installed. XFL0106P: XFolder was unable to create the XShutdown Folder on the Desktop. Most probably the WPS class XFldShutdown has not been properly installed. XFL0107P: Change WPS Object ID XFL0108P: You have entered an invalid WPS object ID. These IDs must always have the form "". The old ID will be restored. XFL0109P: Are you sure you want to change this WPS object ID? XFL0110P: XShutdown: Error XFL0111P: An error occured saving the INI files. There is a possibility that the Workplace Shell might be damaged at the next reboot. Instead of continuing the eXtended Shutdown, you can now restart the WPS, disable the eXtended Shutdown, and perform a regular OS/2 shutdown. Do you wish to restart the WPS now? XFL0112P: Select Object Class XFL0113P: Select the object class for which you wish to set status bar information. Classes which do not support this feature appear in the color of WPS shadows. XFL0114P: eXtended Shutdown XFL0115P: There are currently %1 print job(s) in the spooler queues. Shutting down now will terminate these print jobs. Are you sure you still want to shut down your system? XFL0116P: XFolder: Warning XFL0117P: Several users have reported that the function "Show icons" has caused severe crashes on their systems. This seems to be related to bugs in video drivers, especially with the Matrox Millenium. If you experience problems, switch this feature off again. XFL0118P: You have chosen to remove the class "%1" from the WPS class list. You should only alter the WPS class list if you know exactly what you're doing. Deregistering certain classes can lead to severe malfunction of the Workplace Shell and might even require a complete re-installation of OS/2. Are you still sure you wish to deregister this class? XFL0119P: The class "%1" could not be deregistered. XFL0120P: You have chosen to remove the class "%1" from the WPS class list. This class belongs to the XFolder package. All the XFolder classes are designed to work together, and removing only some of them can lead to serious malfunction of the Workplace Shell. Are you still sure you which to deregister this class? XFL0121P: XFolder XFL0122P: The class "%1" has been successfully deregistered. You will need to restart the WPS to see the effects. XFL0123P: Select the object class with which you wish to replace "%1". XFL0124P: Are you sure that you wish to replace the object class "%1" with "%2"? This can only work for classes which were specifically designed for this purpose. Otherwise this procedure might lead to serious malfunction of the Workplace Shell and might even require a complete re-install. Do you wish to replace anyway? XFL0125P: You have chosen to undo the replacement of class "%1" with "%2". This class belongs to the XFolder package. All the XFolder classes are designed to work together, and changing replacements can lead to serious malfunction of the Workplace Shell. Are you still sure you which to un-replace this class? XFL0126P: You have chosen to undo the replacement of class "%1" with "%2". You should only change WPS class replacements if you know exactly what you're doing. Unreplacing certain classes can lead to severe malfunction of the Workplace Shell and might even require a complete re-installation of OS/2. Are you still sure you which to un-replace this class? XFL0127P: The replacement of class "%1" with "%2" has been successfully undone. XFL0128P: Undoing the replacement of class "%1" with "%2" failed. XFL0129P: Class "%1" has been successfully replaced with "%2". Note that this will only have an effect after a WPS restart and that also the WPS class list will only reflect this change then. XFL0130P: Replacing class "%1" with "%2" failed. XFL0131P: The class "%1" was successfully registered. A restart of the WPS is probably not neccessary. XFL0132P: Registering class "%1" failed. XFL0133P: You have chosen to have all folders on your system sorted by default. This will include the Desktop. Do you wish to disable auto-sort for the Desktop? XFL0134P: XFolder could not find the requested help topic. Either you have moved the XFolder help file (XFLDR001.HLP) to a different folder, or the author of XFolder has confused something. Try to reinstall XFolder. XFL0135P: You have opened a submenu which contains no menu items because the corresponding XFolder configuration folder contains no objects. Place objects into the configuration folders to create menu items. XFL0136P: The CONFIG.SYS file has been changed. In order to let the settings take effect, you will need to shut down and reboot your system. A WPS restart will not suffice for this. XFL0137P: XFolder could not find its Online Reference. You have probably deleted the respective object that was created by the installation program. You will find the Online Reference (XFLDR001.INF) in the XFolder directory. XFL0138P: Are you sure you wish to start all objects in this folder? This might lead to problems if programs in this folder are already running. XFL0139P: The class "%1" is currently replaced by the class "%2". You must undo this replacement before this class can be deregistered. XFL0140P: XFolder is free software. The full source code is now available. You are welcome to redistribute and/or modify XFolder under the conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL). XFolder comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY. For details, refer to the "Notices" section of the XFolder Online Reference.