Starting with V0.84, XFolder allows you to freely replace a number of default WPS icons. This is an improvement over previous versions, where only the default folder icons could be replaced with new fixed XFolder icons; this can now be done more freely, and for more WPS default icons.

The icon replacements are turned on per default. Icon replacements can be configured as follows:

  1. If you don't want the icons to be replaced at all, uncheck the corresponding setting in the "Workplace Shell" object, page 1.

  2. If you'd like default icons different from the ones that XFolder provides, you need to replace the icons in the /ICONS subdirectory of the XFolder installation directory and rebuild the ICONS.DLL file. This is explained below.
Note: All these changes require a WPS restart because it is impossible to replace icons which are already in use by the WPS.

Now, replacing the default icons with your own favorites is fairly easy. Look into the /ICONS subdirectory of the XFolder installation directory, and you will find a number of icon files:

Replace any of these files with your own favorites and execute the ICONS.CMD script in the same directory. This will create a file ICONS.DLL, which will be copied by XFolder to its /BIN subdirectory at the next WPS restart.

Notes: The script expects the icon file names to be exactly as they are now. Also, you cannot replace ICONS.DLL in /BIN yourself, because once the WPS has started, that DLL is locked. So always use ICONS.CMD.

Third, ICONS.CMD requires RC.EXE to be on your PATH. This little program is shipped with every OS/2 version and should be in your \OS2 directory. If it is not, you must install it using OS/2's "Selective Install". Make sure that "Link object modules" is checked under the "Option System Utilities" group ("More..." button).

The icons which can be replaced are the following:

Known limitations. Some default icons presently cannot be changed. Most notably, PM programs without a built-in icon will always be given some dull default icon for PM programs.

Also, XFolder can only change the icons as they are displayed in folders. Icons of running programs will not be affected, i.e. those in the title bar of a program window or when a program is minimized to the Desktop.

This might improve in a future XFolder release.