If you have the OS/2 multimedia subsystem (MMPM/2) with any sound card installed, XFolder can introduce new system sounds to your Workplace Shell.

Notes: These new system sounds are disabled per default, because if these malfunction, the whole Workplace Shell might run into trouble. In order to activate this new XFolder function, you will need to execute "SOUND001.CMD" in the INSTALL subdirectory of the XFolder directory. If, on your system, the new system sounds do not work correctly, you can execute "SOUNDOFF.CMD" in the same directory, which will disable sounds again.

With V0.82, sound support has been moved to a separate DLL (SOUND.DLL) to allow XFolder to work on systems where MMPM/2 is not installed too. If you're running into problems with sound support, you can simply delete that DLL.

Please note also that the XFolder system sounds will make your system slower, just as the regular system sounds do too. Even on my Pentium-133 with 32 MB RAM, this is noticeable, even though XFolder uses a separate thread to play its sounds.

Anyway, if the new system sounds are enabled, you will be able to configure these in the "Sound" object, which per default resides both in the "Multimedia" and "System setup" folders.

"Sound" object

Configuring these sounds is not too spectacular: XFolder just adds a few more items to the list box on the left. All the XFolder items start with "XFolder", so you'll be able to view them grouped together. By clicking on one of them, you will be able to select a sound from the list box on the right. XFolder comes with one little sound for the Shutdown and Restart WPS features to get you started. ;-)