In this dialog, you can determine which non-PM sessions will be closed automatically during WPS restart or the eXtended Shutdown and which method will be used to close them.

Note that whatever you specify here only applies to non-PM sessions; PM windows will never be closed by the methods you specify here.

"Non-PM sessions" is the term used here for all sessions which are not controlled by Presentation Manager, i.e. OS/2 and DOS text-mode sessions in a VIO window or in full-screen mode as well as Win-OS/2 sessions.

The settings you specify here will override the "Auto-close non-PM sessions" setting on the Desktop settings page.

In order to specify the close method for a certain session, perform the following steps:

  1. Press the "New" button to create a new item, which will initially be titled "???".
  2. Enter the title of the session which you wish to configure in the respective entry field. You must enter the title of the session exactly as it appears in the OS/2 task list (or VIO window title), so the best method to achieve this is to open the session and to reproduce this title in the entry field.

    You may however abbreviate the title, and the session title comparison during Shutdown or WPS restart is NOT case-sensitive.

    Here is an example: if you wish to close the session titled "OS/2 window (CMD.EXE)", you may enter either "OS/2", "os/2 window (cmd.exe)" or "OS/2 WiNdOw". All of these entries will work. You should however enter more than just a few characters, because otherwise XShutdown might apply your settings to a different session which has the same leading characters.

  3. You may then select what XShutdown should do with this session:
Note that neither of the four methods will save the data of the session. If you wish to have the data of a certain session saved, you should not enter its title in this dialog, and you should neither have "Auto-close non-PM sessions" checked on the Desktop settings page.