XFolder displays this message when you open a folder's context menu and the XFolder configuration folder cannot be found.


Press "Empty" in the message box to have a new configuration folder created on the desktop. This one will be empty though. You will have to recreate the objects by yourself.

Press "Default" to have XFolder recreate the default Configuration Folder which was also created after XFolder had been initially installed.

Detailed explanation:

Losing your configuration folder can be due to the following reasons (as far as I can imagine):

  1. You have deleted the whole configuration folder.
  2. You have moved the configuration folder away from where it was placed by the installation program and did not shut down OS/2 properly.
  3. You have moved the configuration folder away from where it was placed by the installation program and OS/2 crashed before the Workplace Shell could save its new location.
XFolder's configuration folder has the object ID "<XFOLDER_CONFIG>". Every time you open a folder's context menu, XFolder searches for a folder with this ID. If no folder with this ID exists, you see this error message. After pressing OK, XFolder will create a new folder with the proper ID.

In the second and third situations described above, the following has happened: The WPS saves all object ID's for your system in your OS2.INI file. This file is kept in memory and written to disk only from time to time. If you move the configuration folder to a different location, the WPS does update the OS2.INI file in memory properly; however, if OS/2 crashes or you don't shut down OS/2 properly, the OS2.INI might not be written to disk. As a result, after the next reboot, the OS2.INI entry for "<XFOLDER_CONFIG>" still points to the old location, which is not valid any more.