On this page you may set a few WPS settings in CONFIG.SYS.

If the information on this page regarding the different CONFIG.SYS settings is not sufficient for you, you'll find additional explanations in the respective chapters of the OS/2 Online Reference.

Press "Apply" to have the changes you've made written to the CONFIG.SYS file. This will only change the CONFIG.SYS lines which correspond to the settings on this page. The lines corresponding to the other pages in the "OS/2 Kernel" object will not be changed. This button is only active if you have made any changes to the settings on this page. Please note that you will have to restart the computer to let the changes take effect. A WPS restart does not suffice.

Press "Optimize" to have XFolder propose you new settings according to your system characteristics. CONFIG.SYS will only be changed after you press "Apply" also.

Press "Default" to have the OS/2 default settings displayed on the notebook page. CONFIG.SYS will only be changed after you press "Apply" also.

In the "Autostart" group you may set what will be started when your computer is booting up. This corresponds to the SET AUTOSTART=xxx setting in CONFIG.SYS, with "xxx" being:

Per default, all entries are enabled.

In the group "Restart after system startup..." you may determine which objects will be restarted after the WPS has booted. This corresponds to the SET RESTARTOBJECTS=xxx setting in CONFIG.SYS:

With Warp 4, you may also disable the setting "Automatically refresh folders", which is enabled per default. In this case open folders are only refreshed if you perform this manually, because the auto-refresh sometimes costs a lot of time. This setting corresponds to SET AUTOREFRESHFOLDERS=xxx (with xxx = YES or NO).