The "Internals" page is inserted by XFolder into every object's settings notebook. On this page you may view information about an object which is not available easily otherwise.

The information is grouped by using a container tree view, which can be used in a way similar to a folder tree view. However, most of the information in this window is read-only, i.e. you cannot change it (except for the "Object ID" item).

The "Object handle" is a five-digit hexadecimal number which uniquely identifies the object on your system. Abstract objects are always given object handles, while file-system objects do not neccessarily have to be assigned one. Note that object handles cannot be used to identify objects on a different system from yours: you cannot, for example, assume that the "Information" folder on your neighbor's computer will have the same object handle as it does on your system. Object handles only reference an object on your computer.

The "Object ID" however might exist on other computers too. Object IDs always have the format <OBJECTID> and are used to reference objects without having to know where they actually reside. For example, the XFolder Configuration Folder always has the object ID <XFOLDER_CONFIG>. Even if you move this folder to somewhere different from where the install program created it, XFolder will still be able to find it.

The "Object ID" field may be changed by clicking on it with the "Alt" key pressed. Be careful however when you change object IDs. Certain programs might rely on certain IDs.

The "Object style" tree shows you WPS-internal object flags. The object style flags determine the WPS behavior only: for example, if the "no copy" flag is enabled, you cannot drag-copy the file from the WPS. Note that these flags are normally independent of file attributes in the file system, i.e. an object can have the "no delete" flag, but can still be deletable from the command line.

The "Object usage" tree shows you additional internal object data. This data is mainly useful for programmers and represents the information returned by the wpFindUseItem method.

For folders, XFolder also adds the "Folder data" tree. This contains flags which represent the data returned by the wpQueryFolderFlags method, for example whether the folder has been populated or not.