XFolder can replace the default WPS sort functions. See the XFolder Online Reference for an overview of these features.

The following sort criteria are available:

The XFolder Extended Sort functions are configured via "Sort" settings pages. This page appears in two different locations:
  1. It is always visible in the "Workplace Shell" object, right after the XFolder Global Settings pages. Here you can enable the Extended Sort functions of XFolder and, if enabled, set global sort settings, which apply to all folders, unless you specify something different for a certain folder.
  2. If the Extended Sort functions have been enabled this way, XFolder replaces the default OS/2 "Sort" page in every folder Settings notebook also. On this page you may override the default settings which you have specified in the "Workplace Shell" object.
The list box on the "Sort" settings page lets you select the default sort criterion for a certain folder (or, in the "System" notebook, for all folders). The default sort criterion determines the sort method if "Always maintain sort order" is enabled and also the default submenu item in a folder's "Sort" context submenu.

Note that you can also quickly change the default sort criterion for a certain folder by holding down the "Shift" key while selecting an item in a folder's "Sort" context submenu.