═══ 1. TrashCan ═══ The TrashCan is an object for storing any objects you want to delete, but with the ability of recovering, like the trashcan in your kitchen. I created this WPS class, because I don't like the shredder originally provided with the operating system. (It became dramatic after shredding some important files... and the UNDELETE feature is ... !) Feel free to test my TrashCan with your shredder! ═══ 2. Shred ═══ Use Shred to permanently delete the selected object. ═══ 3. Restore ═══ Use Restore to recreate the selected object in the folder it was contained before trashing. To get information about the origin of a trash object use Open-> Details of its context menu. Note: This menu item may be not available if the object was trashed using other methods than drag and drop on TrashCan (e.g. move-command on the OS/2 Prompt)! ═══ 4. Empty ═══ Use Empty to permanently delete all objects currently in TrashCan. ═══ 5. Product information ═══ Use Product information to display the ownership information for TrashCan. ═══ 6. Title ═══ You can change the name of TrashCan by typing a new name in the Title field. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Title  Undo  Default ═══ 7. Options ═══ You can adjust settings for the capacity and empty options for TrashCan using this notebook page. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Capacity  Empty trash on system startup  'Delete' support for WPS objects  Confirm on trashcan empty  Confirm on auto delete  Undo  Default ═══ 8. Time ═══ You can adjust the time TrashCan will keep Trashed objects using this notebook page. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Time  Undo  Default ═══ 9. Icons ═══ You can define your own or modify the existing icons for TrashCan using this notebook page. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Icons  Current icon  Create another...  Edit...  Find...  Undo  Default ═══ 10. Drives ═══ You can select the drives to be supported by TrashCan using this notebook page. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Available drives  Supported drives  Add  Remove  Undo  Default ═══ 11. Conflicts ═══ You can select how TrashCan acts in the case that an object is added and it already contains an object of the same title using this notebook page. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Title Conflicts  Undo  Default ═══ 12. Details ═══ Use Details to get more information about the selected object. ═══ 13. Trash Details ═══ This view gives you detailed information about a trash object. Available details are: Object Class Name of the class for the trash object. Origin Name of the folder which contained the trash object before trashing. This is the place where the object will be recreated when you select Restore from its context menu. This information may be missing, if the object was not put into TrashCan using drag and drop. Total Size Amount of Kbytes the trash object uses, including size of objects that may be contained in this trash object, like in folders. Time Stamp Information about date and time the object was trashed. ═══ Register ═══ Use this to register TrashCan. On successful completion all restrictions of the unregistered version will be removed. ═══ 14. Title ═══ The Title field displays the current name of TrashCan. This name is displayed with the icon. Type in this field to change the title. Your new title can be displayed on one or more lines below the icon. Press the Enter key as you type a new title to indicate the start of a new line. You can use any characters, including spaces, except the backslash (\). You also can change the name of the object by typing a new name below the icon. Note: If you select Default , the title is removed and replaced with the predefined name of TrashCan. ═══ 15. Capacity ═══ Select No limit to keep as much trash as possible in TrashCan. Select Limited to to set a limit for the trash to keep in TrashCan. If this limit is reached, you have to empty TrashCan or to shred one or more objects before you can put new trash into it. The icon of TrashCan will change to that defined for the "Full state". Use the spin button to select the capacity you want. It is possible to assign a threshold from 1 Mbyte up to the overall capacity of all drives currently supported by TrashCan. Note: A real limit is always set by the free space on the supported drives! If you select Auto delete on limit reach, TrashCan will delete automatically the oldest objects it contains, on reaching the specified limit. So TrashCan will never be "full". Objects are deleted, beginning with the oldest one, until there is enough space for the new object(s) you want to insert. ═══ 16. Empty trash on startup ═══ Setting a check mark on Empty trash on system startup will destroy all objects in TrashCan, every time you restart your operating system. To prevent this, remove the checkmark. ═══ 17. 'Delete' support ═══ If you set a check mark on 'Delete' support for WPS objects, choosing 'Delete' from the pop-up menu of any object on your desktop will not destroy this object but put it into TrashCan. This also works, if you press the Del key after selecting an object (which generally would destroy the object). Note: This option only effects objects on supported drives. Objects that not reside on a supported drive will be deleted as usual. To really destroy objects when selecting 'Delete', remove the checkmark. ═══ 18. Confirm on trashcan empty ═══ Setting a check mark on Confirm on trashcan empty will show a prompting dialog every time you want to delete the contents of TrashCan. To empty the TrashCan without any confirmation, remove the checkmark. ═══ 19. Confirm on auto delete ═══ Setting a check mark on Confirm on auto delete will show a prompting dialog every time TrashCan wants to delete any objects automatically, in order to adjust it's trash size to the capacity you specified or to remove outdated objects according to the settings on the Time notebook page. To delete objects without any confirmation, remove the check mark. ═══ 20. Time ═══ Select No limit if you want TrashCan to keep Trashed objects for an unlimited time. Select Auto delete objects after if you want to set a limit for the time Trashed objects are kept. TrashCan will automatically destroy Trashed objects which are stored longer than the time limit set. Use the two spin buttons to select the hold time you want. You can assign any value from 1 day up to 51 weeks and 6 days. Select Auto rescan every to let TrashCan periodically look for outdated objects and not only once at system startup. You can adjust the interval for this operation by using the three spin buttons. Values from 1 minute up to 30 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes are possible here. ═══ 21. Title Conflicts ═══ Select Act according to system settings if you want to have the action defined in system settings. The system setting for duplicate titles can be adjusted using the System object located in the System Setup folder. Select Prompt for appropriate action to have the system display a message with choices to determine system behavior for dealing with object title conflicts. Select Auto-rename object to have the system rename the new object by adding a colon and a number next to the original name. Select Replace existing object to have the system replace the existing object with the new one. ═══ 22. Icons ═══ Use the three radio buttons in this field to switch the icon displayed in Current icon. What are the three possible icons? 1. The Empty icon is used, if there are no objects in the TrashCan. 2. The Not empty icon will be used, if there are any objects in the TrashCan. 3. The Full icon you will see, if you selected a limited capacity in the Options notebook page and this limit is reached. ═══ 23. Current icon ═══ The Current icon field shows, which pictures (icons) are used for the different TrashCan states. To switch between the three possible icons use the Icons radio buttons field in this notebook page. To change the icons you can use the push buttons to the right of the Current icon field. Or you can change the icons by dragging and dropping any objects onto the icon in the Current icon field. Initially the icons are determined by TrashCan. ═══ 24. Create another ═══ Select Create another to use the Icon Editor to make a new icon for the currently displayed state of TrashCan. ═══ 25. Edit ═══ Select Edit, if you want to change the icon that is displayed in the Current icon field. ═══ 26. Find ═══ Select Find, if you want to search for a new icon. You may select one from all found icons to change the just displayed in the Current icon field. ═══ 27. Available drives ═══ This box shows a list of supportable, but currently not supported drives. To get support for a drive select it from this list and then select Add. ═══ 28. Supported drives ═══ This box shows a list of drives currently supported by TrashCan. A drive can of course only be supported, if it is available and writable. TrashCan takes care of this for you. All drives in this list marked with an asterix (*) are currently really supported. To exclude a drive from support select it from this list and then select Remove. Note: Only objects located on a supported drive will be stored, all other will be generally destroyed when dropping on TrashCan. But before this you will get a confirmation dialog, where you may cancel the action. ═══ 29. Add ═══ Select Add to set the currently selected drives in Available drives supported. ═══ 30. Remove ═══ Select Remove to exclude the currently selected drives in Supported drives from support. ═══ 31. Undo ═══ Select Undo to change the settings to those that were active before this notebook page was displayed. ═══ 32. Default ═══ Select Default to change the settings to those that were active when you installed TrashCan.