_______________________________________________________________________ Workplace Shell TrashCan, Version 2.7.1 (c) Kai Sommerfeld 1993-2000 REGISTRATION INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________________ Workplace Shell TrashCan is Shareware. You are allowed to test and use this program for 30 days. You must register TrashCan if you wish to continue using it after 30 days. The registration fee for WPS TrashCan is from USD 20.00 to USD 30.00, depending on the method of registration you will choose. For further information refer to section 'License Agreement' in TrashCan's on-line book "WPS TrashCan User's Guide" (TrashCan.INF). There are currently three ways to register WPS TrashCan: 1) You can register by contacting the author: Mail Orders To : Kai Sommerfeld Moorburger Elbdeich 401 D-21079 Hamburg Germany E-mail Orders To: kaisommerfeld@yahoo.com ---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ Workplace Shell TrashCan, Version 2.7.1 (c) Kai Sommerfeld 1993-2000 REGISTRATION ORDER FORM _______________________________________________________________________ First Name: _____________________________________________________ Last Name : _____________________________________________________ Company : _____________________________________________________ Address : _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Country : _____________________________________________________ Phone : _____________________________________________________ E-mail : _____________________________________________________ USD DEM EUR - Quantity: _________ x USD 20.00 / DEM 30,00 / EUR 15,00 _______ [ ] [ ] [ ] - For Money Order from outside Germany: + USD 7.00 / DEM 10,00 / EUR 5,00 _______ [ ] [ ] [ ] - For Money Order in other currency than DEM / EUR: + USD 3.00 _______ - For check in other currency than DEM / EUR: + USD 7.00 _______ - Total: _______ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Cash included (easy, fast and cheap method). Note: Any currency - amount equal to DEM 30,00 - accepted! [ ] Check payable to Kai Sommerfeld included. [ ] Money transferred to german bank account: Credit Institute: Deutsche Bank 24 AG KTO : 4108791 BLZ : 20070024 . Date ______________ Signature _________________________ ---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------- 2) You can register by contacting BMT Micro: Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days (800) 672-1672 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro via MSN: bmtmicro Via Prodigy: HNGP66D via Compuserve: 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com http://www.bmtmicro.com We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return reciept requested. We cannot be liable for lost cash sent through the mail. Purchase orders are welcome, subject to approval. The minimum amount is $250.00. ---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ Workplace Shell TrashCan, Version 2.7.1 (c) Kai Sommerfeld 1993-2000 REGISTRATION ORDER FORM FOR BMT MICRO _______________________________________________________________________ First Name: _____________________________________________________ Last Name : _____________________________________________________ Company : _____________________________________________________ Address : _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Country : _____________________________________________________ Phone : _____________________________________________________ Fax : _____________________________________________________ E-Mail : _____________________________________________________ - Quantity: _________ x USD 25.00 = USD _________ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ For credit card payment only: ³ ³ ³ ³ Circle one: [ ] VISA [ ] Mastercard [ ] Discover ³ ³ ³ ³ [ ] American Express [ ] Diners Club ³ ³ ³ ³ [ ] Carte Blanche ³ ³ ³ ³ Credit card number: _____________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ ³ Expiration date: ________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ ³ Authorization signature: ________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Date ______________ Signature _________________________ ---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------- 3) Compuserve users can register using SWREG ( type "GO SWREG" ) and registering #16909. _______________________________________________________________________