═══ 1. Notebook ═══ The Settings Notebook can only be accessed via the Update View Window, by RMB on a command icon and selecting Settings from the context menu. Continued ═══ 1.1. Notebook Settings ═══ There are four Tabs attached to the Settings Notebook: Command Dates Times Days Only the Command Tab is shown if the RMB was on a Script command otherwise all four are available. Command For this page the following entries may be made: Internal Command If an internal command is required to be executed (non OS2 command line entry) then a drop down list can be obtained to be selected from by clicking on the right side down arrow. Select the option required by clicking on it. To jump to the entry required then type in the first few letters into the protected entry field until the correct entry is shown. Repeat An entry can be made here, between 1 and 99, to represent a repetition factor if an internal command had been selected. For instance if Send Control String had been selected then whatever Control is sent will be done so n times depending on the repeat value. If the Wait Period internal command was selected then this would represent the number of seconds to wait. External Command or Internal Parameter This Entry Field will contain either an External OS2 command to be executed or if an Internal command had been selected then this entry will be treated as the parameter. Say for instance the Send Control String internal command had been selected then this could be set to {down} to emulate a down arrow key depression. Dates For this page the following entries may be made: From Date For this entry three fields are provided to contain the Year, Month and Day that the automation for the command is to begin. To Date For this entry three fields are provided to contain the Year, Month and Day that the automation for the command is to end. Times For this page the following entries may be made: From Time For this entry three fields are provided to contain the Hour, Minute and Second that the automation for the command is to begin. To Time For this entry three fields are provided to contain the Hour, Minute and Second that the automation for the command is to end. Interval Time For this entry three fields are provided to contain the Hour, Minute and Second for the interval that is allowed to elapse before the command is repeated. This is handy for monitoring type commands that need to be executed on a regular interval type basis. Days For this page the following entries may be made: Every Within this group are 5 check boxes for the week in the month. If it is checked then the command will be executed this week. Also there a 7 check boxes for the days of the week. If it is checked then the command will be executed on that particular day. In Within this group are 12 check boxes for the months of the year. If it is checked then the command will be executed this month. Date Groups Within this group are two entries: Not On Using the drop down list box a previously created Date group file can be selected to represent the dates that automation is not to take place. Only On Using the drop down list box a previously created Date group file can be selected to represent the dates that automation is only to take place on.