Product Overview ________________ AUTOS2 has been written to perform automation on the OS2 PM Desktop. This automation can only be performed on PM framed window objects and sub classes. Once a framed window has been identified (or not) AUTOS2 can be used to navigate to a sub class (i.e. an EntryField) and perform actions on it, such as issue keystrokes. Further these activities can be Scheduled to occur at a preset Date/Time/Interval to enable "hands off" automation. This means a task or set of tasks may be performed overnight ready for the next days production activities. Further a monitoring task can be set up to check the existence of a PM window and then take appropriate action. These tasks could be the nightly backup or data download. There are two main entities within which to store these required tasks. Product Information ___________________ AUTOS2 is now freeware ______________________ AUTOS2 can be used by any person with a reasonable knowledge of the OS2 operating system. This product should be seen as an productivity enhancer to the operating of the PM Desktop rather than as an application. Most likely the automation tasks will be set up by the desktop or network supervisor during product installation. Schedules _________ A Schedule consists of a set of commands that are to be executed on a pre-determined Date or within a Date range, also the Time of execution may be preset. The same task may be set to execute at regular intervals for the preset Date/Time. To facilitate non productive periods then non automation dates may be selected, as can particular months. Schedules can run Scripts to enable re-use of fully tested scripts in a scheduled manner. Scripts _______ Each script will normally contain the actions required to conduct a dialogue with a particular window. They can be used to divide up lengthy complex dialogues to allow for easier testing. A Script can be embedded within a Script to facilitate nesting should it be required. Installation ____________ AUTOS2 is a OS/2 PM Task automation/scheduler tool You can Start a task and control it by sending keystrokes to its window classes. You can Schedule tasks to start at a specified Date/Time. You can monitor tasks and react to any change in their window status. To get going with AUTOS: 1. Copy files from diskette into a directory 2. Place DLL's in a libpath entry or make available at runtime 3. Take a copy of AUTOS2.REG as this file identifies a product time limit (30 days). At any point you can restore this file back to the Autos2 install folder to reset product expiry. 4. Type AUTOS2 on command line View the accompanying .INF file first to get familiar with the basics. The examples will show AUTOS2 in action and allow for browsing of the Schedules and Scripts provided. Pre-requisites ______________ OS/2 Warp Some patience Changes History _______________ 2003-Jan-08 - Released as Freeware by its author (see installation step 3). 1996-May-20 Changes migrated for V1.2 28May96: - Allow for User Exits - Allow for Internal Commands Parameter to be substitutable using parm1 parm2 etc - Er.. allow for the Warp wpFolder classname so the Open Folder etc works - Tidy up delete during Script/Schedule icon update, BUT this breaks OS/2 2.1 so this program is now Warp only. 1995-Nov-20 Changes migrated for V1.1 20Nov95: - Load Parameters option added. - Write Parameters option added. - Allow many parameters to be output or pasted using "*". - Allow for a user defined Caption when inputting a runtime parameter. - Add Parameter File edit on Main Menu Files option. About the Author ________________ This software was developed by Robin Whitlock of Squiredeck using VXRexx You can contact him at: