PM Assistant 1.0 Demonstration Version Notes, May 07, 1991 This file contains the latest information about PM Assistant. Contents: 0. About the demonstration version of PM Assistant. 1. Hot-keys priority vs. Accelerator keys priority. 2. OS/2 version 1.30 and the MOUSE.SYS device driver. 3. OS/2 version 2.0 not yet supported. 4. Customize Menu macros and Microsoft Excel and Word. 5. The Keyboard.exe program. 0. About the demonstration version of PM Assistant. --------------------------------------------------- This demonstration version of PM Assistant is identical to the retail version except that the File Save menu commands and the Save buttons are disabled. This prevents you from saving macro lists to files and saving your Password Protection, Screen Saver, and Macro Options to the OS2.INI file. You may distribute this demonstration version as shareware. The text of the PM Assistant User's Guide is included in ASCII in PMASST.TXT. When you purchase the retail version you receive a professionally printed version of this manual. To install PM Assistant from a .zip file, unzip the files into a directory (we suggest C:\PMASST) and run the install.exe program. When it asks for the destination directory, enter the same directory where you unzipped the files. The install.exe program will not re-copy the files, but will place the PMASST.DLL file in a directory on your LIBPATH, and will install a MOUSE.SYS file if necessary (see item 2. below). To purchase a retail version of PM Assistant please call 1-800-745-7757, or write: Utilis Inc. P.O. Box 15905 Seattle, WA 98115 1. Hot-keys priority vs. Accelerator keys priority. --------------------------------------------------- In OS/2 version 1.10 Hot-keys always take priority over accelerator keys. That is, if you have Ctrl+O as a hot-key to execute a certain macro, and you are working with a program which uses Ctrl+O as an accelerator key for a menu command, then in OS/2 version 1.10 typeing the hot-key will execute the macro and NOT the application's menu command. In OS/2 versions 1.20 and greater, however, accelerator keys take priority over hot-keys. So, if you are in the same situation described above but running in OS/2 version 1.20 or greater, then typeing Ctrl+O will execute the applications menu command and NOT the macro. 2. OS/2 version 1.30 and the MOUSE.SYS device driver. ----------------------------------------------------- If you are running OS/2 version 1.30 the install program will replace your MOUSE.SYS device driver which was provided with OS/2 1.30 with the one contained on the distribution disk. It will first rename your MOUSE.SYS MOUSE130.SYS to save it as a backup. If the install program cannot find you MOUSE.SYS file, or if you do not use the install program, then you must install the provided MOUSE.SYS yourself. To do this: 1. Copy MOUSE.SYS to MOUSE130.SYS to save it as a backup. 2. Insert the PM Assistant distribution disk in drive A: 3. Copy A:\MOUSE.SYS to C:\OS2 (or whereever your MOUSE.SYS file was). 4. Reboot OS/2. NOTICE that you must reboot OS/2 before the new MOUSE.SYS file can take effect. 3. OS/2 version 2.0 not yet supported -------------------------------------- PM Assistant does not yet run correctly on Beta versions of OS/2 2.0. 4. Customize Menu macros and Microsoft Excel and Word. ------------------------------------------------------ You cannot set the accelerator keys of menu commands in Microsoft Excel and Word with PM Assistant Customize Menu macros. In these applications you can use their Macro menu commands to set accelerator keys of their menu commands. You can, however, rearrange the menus of these applications with PM Assistant Customize Menu macros. 5. Keyboard.exe program. ------------------------ Included with PM Assistant is keyboard.exe. This is a small program with which you can set the typeamatic rate of your keyboard under OS/2. Run keyboard.exe and it will prompt you for the typeamatic delay and repeat values. To set the rate automatically at boot time, put the delay and rate values in a file (such as, and put the following line in your startup.cmd file: keyboard <