PM Assistant User's Guide Version 1.0 Advanced Tools Utilis Utilis Utilis Now ii PM Assistant User's Guide Utilis License Agreement Any use whatsoever of the software provided indicates your acceptance of the following license agreement between you (the user) and Utilis Inc. 1. Utilis grants you (the single user) the right to use the provided software on a single computer. The software may not be simultaneously accessible to any other users or any other computers (i.e., can not be used from a network). 2. Utilis grants you the right to copy the software to your hard disk and you may make a single backup copy of the software. These copies may not be used on any other computers. 3. Utilis grants you the right to distribute up to twenty (20) copies of the pmademo.exe demonstration utility and pmasst.dll dynamic link library for the sole purpose of running demonstrations you create with PM Assistant. Contact Utilis for information regarding licenses to distribute more than twenty copies of pmademo.exe. 4. No materials provided in this package (software or manuals) may be copied, loaned, rented, or otherwise distributed by any means except as specified in items (2) and (3). 5. You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise observe the internal workings of the provided software. Satisfaction Guarantee The provided materials are guaranteed to work to your satisfaction. If you are not satisfied, return the program and documentation to Utilis, along with proof of purchase, no later than 90 days after purchase for a full refund. No Other Warranties Utilis disclaims all other warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to any of the provided materials. In no event shall Utilis, its suppliers, distributors or employees, be liable for any damage whatsoever (including but not limited to damages for loss of business profits, loss of data or software, damage to hardware, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Utilis product. State laws vary regarding the limitation of warranties and liability, so not all these restrictions may apply to you. Copyright c 1991, Utilis Inc. All Rights Reserved. Utilis Inc., P.O. Box 15905, Seattle, Washington 98115 PM Assistant User's Guide iii PM Assistant and Advanced Tools Now are trademarks of Utilis Inc. OS/2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. iv PM Assistant User's Guide Contents 1 1 1 Introduction Introduction Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................................. ................. .................1 1 1 Installing PM Assistant ......................................1 Starting And Exiting PM Assistant ............................2 The PM Assistant Display .....................................3 The Status/Help Line .........................................3 On-line Help .................................................4 Keyboard Interface ...........................................5 Mouse Interface ..............................................5 Document Notes ...............................................5 Terms ........................................................6 2 2 2 Macros Macros Macros ................................ ................................ ....................................................... ....................... .......................9 9 9 Creating Macros ..............................................9 Changing Macro Settings .....................................10 Executing Macros ............................................10 Start Program Macro .........................................11 Position Window Macro .......................................13 Mouse & Keyboard Input Macro ................................15 Keyboard Input Macro ........................................19 Group and Compound Macros ...................................20 Customize Menu Macro ........................................21 Building Sets of Macros .....................................24 Macro Execute Command .......................................26 Disabling Macros ............................................26 Macro Options ...............................................27 3 3 3 Editing Macro Listings Editing Macro Listings Editing Macro Listings ................................ ................................ ...................................... ...... ......29 29 29 Moving Macros ...............................................29 Copying Macros ..............................................30 Deleting Macros .............................................30 4 4 4 Viewing Macros Viewing Macros Viewing Macros ................................ ................................ .............................................. .............. ..............31 31 31 Expanding and Collapsing Macros .............................31 Finding Macros ..............................................32 Suppressing the Status/Help Line ............................33 Viewing Memory Statistics ...................................33 5 5 5 Macro Files Macro Files Macro Files ................................ ................................ ................................................. ................. .................35 35 35 Opening Macro Files .........................................35 Merging Macro Files .........................................36 Saving Macro Files ..........................................36 New Macro Files .............................................36 Printing Macro Lists ........................................37 6 6 6 Control Features Control Features Control Features ................................ ................................ ............................................ ............ ............39 39 39 Process Priorities ..........................................39 Password Protection .........................................41 Screen Saver ................................................42 Invoking Password Protection, Screen Saver, or Both .........43 Speed Button ................................................44 PM Assistant User's Guide v 7 7 7 Demonstration Utility Demonstration Utility Demonstration Utility ................................ ................................ ....................................... ....... .......45 45 45 Demo Files ..................................................45 Control Directives ..........................................46 Text Formatting Directives ..................................47 Index Index Index................................ ................................ .......................................................... .......................... ..........................49 49 49 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1 1 1 Introduction Introduction Introduction Welcome to Utilis Presentation Manager Assistant. PM Assistant is designed to make working with Presentation Manager more con- venient and more efficient. Using PM Assistant, you can: - - -Automate repetitive tasks using macros. - - -Start, position, and initialize your PM applications automatically. - - -Switch to Presentation Manager applications and full-screen sessions with a single keystroke. - - -Customize the menus of your favorite applications. - - -Set, view, and change the process priorities of programs under OS/2. - - -Protect your screen with the Screen Saver feature. - - -Prevent unauthorized access to your machine with Password Protection. - - -Speed up dialog box interaction with Speed Button. - - -Create automated demonstrations of your programs and procedures. Installing PM Assistant Installing PM Assistant Installing PM Assistant To install PM Assistant: 1. Insert the PM Assistant disk into drive A: 2. Type a:install at the OS/2 command prompt. 3. The installation program will prompt you through the installation process. NOTE: The files on the distribution disk are not compressed and can be copied using the OS/2 copy command. The Dynamic Link Library file pmasst.dll must be placed in a directory specified on the LIBPATH line of your config.sys file (the installation program will do this for you). Starting And Exiting PM Assistant Starting And Exiting PM Assistant Starting And Exiting PM Assistant You can start PM Assistant in three ways: through the Start Programs application, through the File System application, or at the OS/2 prompt. You can run only one instance of PM Assistant at a time. 2 PM Assistant User's Guide To start PM Assistant through the Start Programs application: > > > Double-click the PM Assistant line in the Start Programs window. The PM Assistant installation program will add PM Assistant to the Start Programs Main Group if requested. To start PM Assistant through the File System: > > > Double-click the ` ` pmasst.exe' ' file. To start PM Assistant at the OS/2 prompt: > > > Type pmasst [filename] [/e macroname] [/q] at the OS/2 prompt. The command line arguments are optional: filename - The name of a macro file. PM Assistant loads the specified file on startup. /e macroname - A macro to execute. PM Assistant executes the named macro on startup. You can have any number of /e arguments on the command line; they will be executed in order from left to right. When using this argument, you must also specify with the filename argument a macro file which contains the named macro. /q - Quit. PM Assistant quits after any macros have been executed using the /e argument. To Exit PM Assistant: > > > Choose File Exit File Exit File Exit. The PM Assistant Display The PM Assistant Display The PM Assistant Display ---------------------------------------- | PM Assistant | |---------------------------------------| |F9 PW Macroname Macro comment| | ^ ^Macro Type | | ^Hot-key | | | | | |_______________________________________| |Status/Help Line | --------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Elements of the PM Assistant display: Elements of the PM Assistant display: Elements of the PM Assistant display: Macro type Macro type Macro type - An abbreviation for one of the seven types of macros: SP Start Program PW Position Window MK Mouse & Keyboard Input KI Keyboard Input CO Compound GR Group CM Customize Menu Hot-key Hot-key Hot-key - A series of one or more keystrokes used to execute the macro. Status/Help line Status/Help line Status/Help line - Displays PM Assistant's Status and Help messages. Macro name Macro name Macro name - The name by which a macro is referred. Macro comment Macro comment Macro comment - Your descriptive comment. The Status/Help Line The Status/Help Line The Status/Help Line The Status/Help line at the bottom of the PM Assistant display informs you of PM Assistant's current status when executing a macro or provides help information when accessing a pull-down menu. While macros are executing, the status message ` ` Executing macro `macroname'' ' is displayed. When PM Assistant is idle, the Status line displays the message ` ` Ready' ' . When loading a macro file into PM Assistant, the Status line displays ` ` Loading macro file `filename'' ' and the percentage of the file loaded. When searching for a macro with the View Find command, the status line reports on the success or failure of the search. When you are accessing a pull-down menu, the Help line displays the accelerator key for that command (if it has one), and a brief descriptive message about the menu command. Help lines are displayed in the standard Help text color as set through PM Control Panel. (The default is blue.) Status strings in the Status/Help line are displayed in the standard foreground text color as set through PM Control Panel. (The default is black.) The Status/Help line can be suppressed to free up screen space for the macro display; see Suppressing the Status/Help Line on page 31. On-line Help On-line Help On-line Help Help is always available on-line. You can get help in two ways: 4 PM Assistant User's Guide > > > While viewing the PM Assistant display, press F1 or choose the Help Help Help menu commands. This brings up the PM Assistant Help window with the help index displayed. The different Help Help Help menu commands take you directly to different portions of the help index. > > > While viewing a dialog box, press F1 or click the Help Help Help button. This brings up context-sensitive help on the dialog box you are viewing. The Help system is a single-level list of help topics. You can browse through it using the index or the Help window's Next Next Next and Prev Prev Prev menu commands. Keyboard Interface Keyboard Interface Keyboard Interface The following keystrokes are recognized by PM Assistant: Press: Press: Press: To do this: To do this: To do this: F1 Bring up on-line Help. ENTER Execute the selected macro. PG UP Scroll the macro list back one page. PG DOWN Scroll the macro list forward one page. HOME Scroll to the beginning of the macro list. END Scroll to the end of the macro list. UP ARROW Move the macro selection up one line. DOWN ARROW Move the macro selection down one line. LEFT ARROW Select the first displayed macro. RIGHT ARROW Scroll to the selected macro. PM Assistant's menu commands have accelerator keys associated with them. A command's accelerator key is displayed on the Status/Help line while the menu command is selected. Mouse Interface Mouse Interface Mouse Interface The following mouse actions are recognized by PM Assistant: Do this: Do this: Do this: To do this: To do this: To do this: Click the left button Select the macro under the mouse pointer. Double-click left button Execute the macro under the mouse pointer. Click the right button Execute the Macro Settings command on the macro under the mouse pointer. Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Document Notes Document Notes Document Notes This document assumes you are familiar with Presentation Manager and how to use the various Presentation Manager controls such as menu commands and dialog box buttons. See your Presentation Manager and OS/2 documentation for more information about Presentation Manager. Terms Terms Terms The following terms are used in this manual and in PM Assistant: Accelerator key Accelerator key Accelerator key - A single keystroke which executes a menu command. Accelerator keys are provided by each application and are not recognized outside the application. (Contrast with Hot-key). Choose Choose Choose - You choose menu commands. For example: Choose File File File Open Open Open means to click the File File File menu on the menu bar, then click the Open Open Open menu command in the displayed menu. (Contrast with Click and Select). Click Click Click - You click on buttons within dialog boxes to perform actions. You click by placing the mouse pointer over the button and pressing the left mouse button. You can also ` ` click' ' a button by pressing the TAB key until it gets the focus (as indicated by a dotted line around the text of the button) and pressing the SPACE bar. You also click on other areas of the screen to select or indicate items such as macros in PM Assistant's display or other application's windows. (Contrast with Choose and Select). Desktop Desktop Desktop - The screen area when in the Presentation Manager session (see Session). Application's windows and icons are said to be `` on top of' ' and ` ` moved about' ' the desktop. Dialog box Dialog box Dialog box - A rectangular box that requests information such as the settings for a macro. (Contrast with Message box). Edit clipboard Edit clipboard Edit clipboard - A temporary storage area for macros being moved with the Edit menu commands. (Contrast with Menu clipboard). Environment Variable Environment Variable Environment Variable - These are settings which control various aspects of OS/2. They can be set in the config.sys file or with the SET command at an OS/2 command prompt. For example, the PATH environment variable tells OS/2 where to look on your disk for programs to run. Foreground window Foreground window Foreground window - Also known as the active window active window active window, the window you are currently using. Full-screen session Full-screen session Full-screen session - See Session. 6 PM Assistant User's Guide Full pathname Full pathname Full pathname - Specifies the drive, directory and name of a file. For example, C:\pmasst\a_sample.pma is a full pathname, whereas a_sample.pma is a filename. Hot-Key Hot-Key Hot-Key - A sequence of one or more keystrokes used to invoke PM Assistant macros. Hot-keys are provided by PM Assistant and are recognized at all times, regardless of what window is in the foreground. (Contrast with Accelerator key). Icon Icon Icon - A graphic symbol that represents an application in its minimized state. Input focus Input focus Input focus - Where keystrokes are sent. The window with the input focus is the Foreground window. Macro Macro Macro - A recorded action, or series of actions, that can be activated by a hot-key or through the PM Assistant window. Menu Menu Menu - A list of commands found in the menu bar at the top of the window. Menu clipboard Menu clipboard Menu clipboard - A temporary storage area for menu items being moved from one menu to another with a series of Customize Menu macros. Message Box Message Box Message Box - A rectangular box that displays information such as warning messages. PM PM PM - An abbreviation for Presentation Manager. Presentation Manager is the windowing system running on top of OS/2 and provides a consistent interface to applications designed for it. Process Process Process - Each program running on OS/2 is a process. Each process can be composed of one or more threads to handle different computational tasks such as servicing user input, reading the disk or paginating a document. Select Select Select - You select items to be operated upon by commands, such as macro lines and check-boxes. Session Session Session - The environment in which you run your application. The Presentation Manager session is where all Presentation Manager applications run. A full-screen session is a program started with a run mode = Full-Screen, and takes the entire screen such as an OS/2 Full-Screen command prompt. Thread Thread Thread - The smallest unit of allocatable computational resource. Each program running in OS/2 is made up of one or more threads to handle different computational tasks such as servicing user input, reading the disk or recalculating a spreadsheet. Chapter 1: Introduction 7 Window Window Window - A bordered rectangular area on the screen which represents an application's workspace. Chapter 2: Macros 9 2 2 2 Macros Macros Macros A macro is the basic unit of operation in PM Assistant. A macro records various actions you perform in Presentation Manager. You create, edit, rearrange and execute macros. There are five types of basic macros: Start Program, Position Window, Mouse & Keyboard Input, Keyboard Input, and Customize Menu. There are two types of macros that are made of other macros: Compound and Group. This chapter first describes how to create, change and execute macros in general, then describes each of the seven types of macros. Creating Macros Creating Macros Creating Macros To create any type of macro: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. A menu appears with the list of macro types. 2. Choose the type of macro you want to create from the menu. The Macro Information dialog box appears. 3. In the Name Name Name box, enter the name of your macro (optional). Since macros are sometimes referred to by name from other macros or the command line, you should enter a unique name for every macro. 4. In the Comment Comment Comment box, enter your own descriptive comments about the macro (optional). 5. In the Hot-key Hot-key Hot-key box, enter the keystrokes you will use to execute the macro (optional). The hot-key can be any number of keystrokes long. Type the keystrokes just as you would enter them when executing the macro, i.e. press the CTRL key and the F5 key together to create the combination CTRL+F5. The BACKSPACE key will clear the Hot-key Hot-key Hot-key box, as does the Clear Hot-key Clear Hot-key Clear Hot-key button. The TAB key moves the focus to the next dialog box item (the Settings Settings Settings button). You can include the BACKSPACE and TAB keys in a Hot-key if desired, see Macro Options on page 25. 6. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. 7. Set the settings for the particular type of macro. 8. Click the OK OK OK button. The macro appears selected in the PM Assistant display. 10 PM Assistant User's Guide When creating or changing the settings of any macro, the Macro Information dialog box appears first where you enter the name, comment and hot-key attributes. Next, click the Settings Settings Settings button to set attributes specific for each type of macro. Group and Compound macros have no other attributes, thus the Settings Settings Settings button will be grayed. Click the Done Done Done button to dismiss the Macro Information dialog box and return to the PM Assistant display. Changing Macro Settings Changing Macro Settings Changing Macro Settings You can view or change the attributes associated with a macro (its name, the action it records...) in two ways: 1. Select the macro to change. 2. Choose Macro Settings Macro Settings Macro Settings. or > > > Click on the macro to change with the right mouse button. The Macro Information dialog box will appear with the macro's current settings. Make any changes you desire. Click the Settings Settings Settings, Done Done Done or Cancel Cancel Cancel buttons to view more settings, return to PM Assistant, or discard any changes, respectively. Executing Macros Executing Macros Executing Macros You can execute a macro in three ways: from the PM Assistant display, with the Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute command, or by typing the macro's hot-key. To execute a macro from the PM Assistant display: > > > Double-click the macro display line for the desired macro. or 1. Select the macro you want to execute. 2. Press ENTER. To execute a macro with a hot-key: > > > Type the hot-key assigned to the macro. Hot-keys can be used in the Presentation Manager session or in any full-screen session started by PM Assistant with a Start Program macro. To execute a macro with the Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute command: 1. Select the macro you want to execute. Chapter 2: Macros 11 2. Choose Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute. The Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute command has several options such as executing a macro repeatedly. See Macro Execute Command on page 24. Start Program Macro Start Program Macro Start Program Macro A Start Program macro starts a program similarly to the Start Programs application provided with PM. The advantage to using the Start Program macro rather than the Start Programs application is that in one step you can start the program, specify the initial process priority, and size and place the program's window. To create a Start Program macro: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Start Programs Start Programs Start Programs. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. The Start Program dialog box appears. 5. Enter in the Command line Command line Command line box the name of the program file you wish to execute followed by any parameters. As with the Start Programs application, if the parameters are a question mark (?) you will be prompted to supply the parameters each time the macro is executed. If the program is not in a directory included in the Path environment variable, you must supply the full pathname for the program. 6. Enter in the Initial directory Initial directory Initial directory box the directory in which to start the program (optional). 7. Select in the Program run method Program run method Program run method box how PM Assistant should start the program (optional). After you have entered the command line, PM Assistant determines how the program may be run and enables those buttons: * * * PM program PM program PM program - A program which uses the Presentation Manager interface such as PM Assistant or the File System application. * * * PM text window PM text window PM text window - A program which uses a character oriented interface and can run in a PM text window such as the windowed OS/2 command prompt. These programs can also be run in a full-screen session if you prefer. * * * full-screen full-screen full-screen - A program which must run in a character oriented full-screen session. 12 PM Assistant User's Guide 8. Select in the Initial process priority Initial process priority Initial process priority box the priority level PM Assistant should assign the program (optional). For a discussion of these attributes, see Process Priorities on page 37. 9. Enter in the Macro specifying initial position Macro specifying initial position Macro specifying initial position box the name of the Position Window macro which specifies the initial position of the program being started (optional). If this setting is left blank, PM assistant starts the program in a default position, filling most of the screen. 10.Select the Wait for program to end before continuing Wait for program to end before continuing Wait for program to end before continuing box to cause PM Assistant to wait for the program to end before executing more macros. In general, this box should be left unchecked. If checked, PM Assistant will stop executing macros until the program terminates (if you direct PM Assistant to execute a macro that macro will be queued). This is typically used when the Start Program macro is in the body of a Compound macro and execution of the rest of the Compound macro needs to be delayed until the program ends. You can create Start Program macros directly based on program information stored in the Start Programs application, see Building Sets of Macros on page 23. HINT: You can have a Position Window macro (see following section) execute a Start Program macro to start a program if it's not already running. This way you can have a hot-key associated with a Position Window macro which brings a program to the foreground, and if the program is not running it is started automatically. Position Window Macro Position Window Macro Position Window Macro A Position Window macro can move, size, minimize, maximize, or put in the foreground any window or session just as the commands of the system menu do. A Position Window macro is typically used to move program windows where you want them. You can use hot- keys to quickly switch between applications by creating a Position Window macro for each application. You can create a set of Position Window macros which save and restore the positions of all windows automatically, see Building Sets of Macros on page 23. To create a Position Window Macro: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. Chapter 2: Macros 13 2. Choose Position Window Position Window Position Window. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. The Position Window dialog box appears. 5. Select a combination of the following options: * * * Size window Size window Size window - Sizes the indicated window to the desired size. * * * Move window Move window Move window - Moves the indicated window to the desired position. * * * Give window the input focus Give window the input focus Give window the input focus - Brings the indicated window to the foreground. * * * Restore window Restore window Restore window - Restores the indicated window to its non-iconic, non-maximized size and position. * * * Minimize window Minimize window Minimize window - Replaces the indicated window with its icon at the bottom of the PM desktop. * * * Maximize window Maximize window Maximize window - Positions and sizes the indicated window so that it takes up the entire PM desktop. 6. Select the If window does not exist If window does not exist If window does not exist settings to tell PM Assistant what to do if it cannot find the window to position. For example, it would not be able to find the window if you were not running the program when you executed the Position Window macro. * * * First wait...seconds, then First wait...seconds, then First wait...seconds, then - PM Assistant waits the specified number of seconds for the indicated window to appear. This is useful when this Position Window macro is called by a Start Program macro that requires some time to draw the application's window. * * * Start program with macro: Start program with macro: Start program with macro: - PM Assistant starts the program with the named macro. The macro need not be a Start Program macro but could be a Compound macro that performs various initializations as well as just starting the desired program. * * * Give a warning Give a warning Give a warning - PM Assistant brings up a warning message box. * * * Continue without warning Continue without warning Continue without warning - PM Assistant ignores the error and does not give a warning message box. 7. Select one of the two options in the Window to position Window to position Window to position box: * * * Foreground window Foreground window Foreground window - PM Assistant positions the window which is in the foreground at the time the macro is executed. * * * Indicated window Indicated window Indicated window - PM Assistant positions the window which is pointed to in step 8. 14 PM Assistant User's Guide 8. If the Move Move Move, Size Size Size or Indicated window Indicated window Indicated window boxes are checked, click the Point Point Point button and click on a window to indicate which window you want positioned. You can also click on the icon of a window. Clicking on the icon of a full-screen session makes that session the window to position. In this way you can create a Position Window macro which brings a particular full- screen session to the foreground. If you do not have a mouse, the window just below PM Assistant is treated as the window to position. NOTE: If more than one copy of the same program is running, PM Assistant assigns a number to each copy and uses that number to identify the corresponding window. You can make sure the numbering is consistent each time the programs are run by starting the programs with PM Assistant. If the programs are already started when PM Assistant is run, the numbers are assigned arbitrarily. The numbering may cause apparently spurious ` ` Cannot find window' ' error messages when executing Position Window macros which target multiple copies of the same program. For example, you might have two copies of the OS/2 windowed command prompt running and create a Position Window macro to position one of the copies. If you later execute the macro with only one copy of the OS/2 windowed command prompt running, PM Assistant might report a ` ` Cannot find window' ' error because it had identified the OS/2 command prompt window to position as the 2nd copy. Mouse & Keyboard Input Macro Mouse & Keyboard Input Macro Mouse & Keyboard Input Macro A Mouse & Keyboard Input macro allows you to record your mouse and keyboard input and then play back those same mouse movements and keystrokes. A frequent use of these macros is to record your initial operations to set up an application prior to using it. For example, you may record the actions necessary to load your usual file into an application and to initialize options the way you like. The playback of these macros can be sped up so it takes very little time to initialize your application. Mouse & Keyboard Input macros can only be used in the PM session. PM Assistant cannot record or play back mouse movements in a full-screen session. Keyboard Input macros can play keystrokes in a full-screen session, see Keyboard Input Macro on page 17. To create a Mouse & Keyboard Input macro: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Mouse & Keyboard Input Mouse & Keyboard Input Mouse & Keyboard Input. Chapter 2: Macros 15 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. The Mouse and Keyboard Input dialog box appears. 5. Enter a setting in the Playback rate Playback rate Playback rate box. This is the speed at which the mouse movements and keystrokes are to be played back. A setting of 1 means the same speed as recorded. A setting of .5 means at one half the recorded speed, a setting of 3 means speeded up to three times the recorded speed. A setting of Max Max Max plays it back as fast as possible. You can use either the scroll-bar to set the speed or you can enter any number in the edit field. 6. Check the Discard button-up mouse movements Discard button-up mouse movements Discard button-up mouse movements box if you do not wish to record movement of the mouse made with the button up. This check box indicates not to bother recording the often unnecessary movements of the mouse made with the buttons unpressed. Enabling this option can save significant space for recording the macro and can make the maximum playback rate much higher. Some applications, however, may require these movements to be recorded to play back correctly; and if the playback is to be used as a demo, the playback will be more intuitive to the audience if they can see all of the mouse movements. 7. Check the Confirm window receiving button clicks Confirm window receiving button clicks Confirm window receiving button clicks box if you want PM Assistant to monitor what windows are clicked on when the macro is recorded and executed. PM Assistant will then abort any macro which plays a button click back to a different window than when the macro was recorded. This can prevent macros from ` ` running amok' ' if conditions change during execution. For example, if a window the macro intends to access is obscured during execution, this option will abort the macro before it sends the button clicks to the (unintended) obscuring window. 8. Click the Record Record Record button to begin recording mouse & keyboard input. The Recording `macroname' dialog box appears at the lower left of your screen. 16 PM Assistant User's Guide 9. To pause recording your macro at any time, click the Pause Pause Pause button. While in Paused mode, you can enter a prompt into the entry field of the dialog box. Then when you execute the macro that text will be displayed in the dialog box when the pause is reached. Such pauses are generally used to let the user enter some information to an application which may change each time the macro is executed. Or the pause can be used to let the user inspect a graph or data in the application prior to continuation. 10.To stop recording, click the Stop Stop Stop button or type CTRL+C. When recording a Mouse & Keyboard Input macro you may want to maximize the application window you are working with. This will obscure the Recording `macroname' dialog box, however, and make it difficult to add pauses to the macro. You can overcome this by giving the Recording `macroname' dialog box a hot-key, which when typed, brings the dialog box to the foreground. For information about setting the Recording `macroname' dialog box hot-key, see Macro Options on page 26. When the macro is executed, an Executing `macroname' dialog box appears in the same place and with the same controls as the Recording `macroname' dialog box. During execution the macro can be aborted at any time by typing CTRL+C. NOTE: When executing a macro with the demonstration utility, the Executing `macroname' dialog box will not appear, so do not put pauses in such macros. For information about the demonstration utility see Demonstration Utility on page 43. Mouse & Keyboard Input macros can operate on PM Assistant with the following restrictions: - - -You may not create, edit or delete any macros. - - -You may not discard the current macro list by choosing File File File New New New or File Open File Open File Open commands. You may disable/enable macros, change any of the Control Control Control settings, or execute other macros (including other Mouse & Keyboard Input macros). To execute another macro while recording/playing a Mouse & Keyboard Input macro you must type the macro's hot-key. Double clicking on a macro in PM Assistant while recording a MK macro will queue the macro to be executed later. HINTS: It is suggested that you break a long Mouse & Keyboard Input macro into several shorter macros which you combine in a Compound macro. In this way, re-recording a portion of a macro will be easier. Chapter 2: Macros 17 Since mouse movements are recorded and played relative to the entire screen, placement of windows operated on by mouse input must be the same when playing the macro as when the macro was recorded. For this reason, it is also suggested that you build a Compound macro which contains Position Window macros to position all the windows which are operated on. By putting the Mouse & Keyboard Input macro at the end of this Compound macro, you can be sure all windows will be in the proper position every time the macro is executed. For an easy way to create such Position Window macros, see Building Sets of Macros on page 23. PM Assistant Mouse & Keyboard Input macros are portable between systems with different screen resolutions. For a macro to work properly, you should never access a portion of the screen outside the area of the lowest resolution screen it is to run on. To facilitate this, PM Assistant can limit the resolution (i.e., the screen area) of recorded mouse movements. See Macro Options on page 26. Also, the position where dialog boxes appear can vary depending on the screen resolution of the system. Dialog boxes are placed such that they are completely within the screen boundaries, which vary between systems with different screen resolutions. Message boxes are placed in the exact middle of the screen. Therefore, for maximum macro portability, keep to the lower left portion of the screen and use the keyboard when interacting with dialog and message boxes. Keyboard Input Macro Keyboard Input Macro Keyboard Input Macro The Keyboard Input macro allows you to record and play back keystrokes. It is more convenient to record keystrokes with the Keyboard Input macro than with the Mouse & Keyboard Input macro since you enter the keystrokes directly into a dialog box rather than starting and stopping a recording. Unlike Mouse & Keyboard Input macros, you can direct the keystrokes to be played to any window, including any full-screen session started by PM Assistant. However, a Keyboard Input macro cannot be used to run another macro with a hot-key. To create a Keyboard Input macro: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Keyboard Input Keyboard Input Keyboard Input. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. The Keyboard Input dialog box appears. 18 PM Assistant User's Guide 5. Enter in the Keystrokes Keystrokes Keystrokes box the keystrokes to be played back. This entry field behaves just like the Hot-key Hot-key Hot-key entry field of the Macro Information dialog box. Type the keystrokes just as you would in entering them in use, i.e. type the ALT key and the Q key together to create the combination ALT+Q. The BACKSPACE key will clear the Keystrokes Keystrokes Keystrokes box, as does the Clear keystrokes Clear keystrokes Clear keystrokes button. The TAB key moves the focus to the next dialog box item (the Indicated window Indicated window Indicated window option). You can include the BACKSPACE and TAB keys in a Keyboard Input macro if desired, see Macro Options on page 25. 6. Set the Play keystrokes to Play keystrokes to Play keystrokes to options: * * * Indicated window Indicated window Indicated window - Allows you to point to a specific window which is to receive the keystrokes when the macro is executed. * * * Foreground window Foreground window Foreground window - Plays the keystrokes to whichever window is in the foreground when the macro is executed. 7. If the Indicated window Indicated window Indicated window option is set, choose the Point Point Point button and point to the window or icon in which you want the keystrokes to be played. If you point to the iconic representation of a full- screen session, the keystrokes are played to that session. You can only play keystrokes to full-screen sessions started with PM Assistant Start Program macros. NOTE: While you can play keystrokes to a full-screen session which is not in the foreground, some applications require access to the screen to process the keystrokes, so they may not react until you switch to that session. For example, you can play the keystrokes to execute an editor, but that editor may not load the file and display itself until you switch to that screen group. Group and Compound Macros Group and Compound Macros Group and Compound Macros There are two types of macros made up of other macros: Group and Compound. A Compound macro contains a set of macros that will play sequentially when the Compound macro is executed. For example, a Compound macro could be used to start and initialize a program by collecting all the necessary macros together: A Start Program macro to start the program, then a Mouse & Keyboard Input macro to load the right file into the program, followed by a set of Customize Menu macros to rearrange and set accelerator keys for that program. A Compound macro can contain other Compound macros. You can stop the execution of a Compound macro at any time by typing CTRL+C. The display of the macros within a Compound macro can be expanded and collapsed, see Expanding and Collapsing Macros on page 29. Chapter 2: Macros 19 A Group macro can be expanded, collapsed, and nested like a Compound macro, but it cannot be executed. A Group macro is used for collecting related macros together which are not intended to be executed sequentially. To create a Group or Compound macro: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Group Group Group or Compound Compound Compound. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. Since Group macros cannot be executed, the hot-key field will be disabled when creating a Group macro. 4. Click the Done Done Done button. Since Group and Compound macros have no other settings, the Settings Settings Settings button of the Macro Information dialog box is disabled. To insert macros into a Group or Compound macro: 1. Select the Group or Compound macro. 2. If it is collapsed, expand it (see Expanding and Collapsing Macros on page 29). If the Group or Compound macro were left collapsed, the inserted macro would be placed after it rather than in it. You don't need to expand newly created Group or Compound macros since they are expanded by default. 3. Create or paste the macro to insert with the Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create or Edit Copy Edit Copy Edit Copy commands (see Editing Macro Listings on page 27). The inserted macro will appear in the macro list display below the Group or Compound macro, slightly indented and bounded by a delimiting bracket. Customize Menu Macro Customize Menu Macro Customize Menu Macro A Customize Menu macro changes the arrangement, text, or accelerator keys of any application's menu. Often applications have your most frequently used commands near the bottom of their menus which can make it more tedious to choose those commands. With a Customize Menu macro you can move menu commands to the top of any pull-down menus. Or perhaps a frequently executed command has an awkward or even no accelerator key associated with it. With a Customize Menu macro you can assign your own accelerator keys to menu commands and you can change the text of any command to be more meaningful to you. In the following discussions menu commands which are being customized are referred to as menu items to distinguish them from PM Assistant's menu commands. 20 PM Assistant User's Guide Changing the arrangement of menu items makes use of the Menu clipboard. The Menu clipboard is a temporary storage location within PM Assistant which records all the information about a menu item. For example, to move a menu item from one menu to another requires a Customize Menu macro to cut the menu item to the Menu clipboard, and another Customize Menu macro to paste the menu item from the Menu clipboard to the new position in the application's menus. PM Assistant's Menu clipboard is not the same as the Presentation Manager clipboard. You can perform the same operations on entire menus (i.e., an entire list of menu items, such as the File File File drop-down menu) as you do menu items (such as the File Open File Open File Open menu item). You can create submenus out of main menus. For example, you could move the entire File File File menu into the Edit Edit Edit menu. You would then choose Edit File Open Edit File Open Edit File Open. PM Assistant's Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create and Control Invoke Control Invoke Control Invoke are examples of submenus. The changes made to an application's menus are only in effect for that instance of the application; the next time you start the application it will have its original menus. Therefore it is suggested you create Compound macros which both start the application and customizes the menus. As an example, we will manipulate the menus of the DiskWatch application provided with PM Assistant. To cut, copy, or delete a menu item: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Customize Menu Customize Menu Customize Menu. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. The Customize Menu dialog box appears. 6. Select the option you wish to perform: * * * Cut Cut Cut - removes the menu item from the application's menu and places it on the Menu clipboard. * * * Copy Copy Copy - copies a menu item to the Menu clipboard. * * * Delete Delete Delete - removes the menu item from the application's menu. 7. Click the Choose Choose Choose button. The Choose Menu Item dialog box appears. 8. Choose the menu item in the application window that you wish to change. Even though you choose the menu command as you normally would to execute the menu command, it will not be executed by the application. Chapter 2: Macros 21 9. Or, to choose an entire menu, display the menu (by clicking on it) and type ESC to dismiss the menu. Click the OK OK OK button in the Choose Menu Item dialog box. The Customize Menu dialog box returns with the selected menu item in the Chosen menu Chosen menu Chosen menu box. 10.Click the OK OK OK button. To insert a menu item: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Customize Menu Customize Menu Customize Menu. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. The Customize Menu dialog box appears. 5. Select Paste menu command from menu clipboard Paste menu command from menu clipboard Paste menu command from menu clipboard. 6. Click the Choose Choose Choose button. The Choose Menu Item dialog box appears. 7. Choose the menu item in the application window after which you wish to insert the menu item from the menu clipboard. Even though you choose the menu command as you normally would to execute the menu command, it will not be executed by the application The Customize Menu dialog box returns with the chosen menu item in the Chosen menu Chosen menu Chosen menu box. 8. Click the OK OK OK button. You must execute a Customize Menu macro which cuts or copies a menu item to the Menu clipboard before executing a Customize Menu macro which pastes a menu item from the Menu clipboard. You can combine the cut/copy macro with the insert macro in a Compound macro to move a menu item in one step. To rename a menu or submenu item: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Customize Menu Customize Menu Customize Menu. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. 22 PM Assistant User's Guide 5. Select Set menu text Set menu text Set menu text and enter the new menu item text. 6. Click the Choose Choose Choose button. The Choose Menu Item dialog box appears. 7. Choose the menu item in the application window that you wish to change. Even though you choose the menu command as you normally would to execute the menu command, it will not be executed by the application. The Customize Menu dialog box returns with the selected menu item in the Chosen menu Chosen menu Chosen menu box. 8. Click the OK OK OK button. 9. Execute the macro and examine the application menu to see that the menu has been changed. To assign an accelerator key to a menu item: 1. Choose Macro Create Macro Create Macro Create. 2. Choose Customize Menu Customize Menu Customize Menu. 3. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box. 4. Click the Settings Settings Settings button. 5. Select Set accelerator key Set accelerator key Set accelerator key and enter the new accelerator key. Press the actual key, just as you would type it in actual use. Unlike hot-keys, an accelerator key can only be one keystroke long. 6. Click the Choose Choose Choose button. The Choose Menu Item dialog box appears. 7. Choose the menu item in the application window that you wish to change. Even though you choose the menu command as you normally would to execute the menu command, it will not be executed by the application. The Customize Menu dialog box returns with the selected menu item in the Chosen menu Chosen menu Chosen menu box. 8. Click the OK OK OK button. Chapter 2: Macros 23 Building Sets of Macros Building Sets of Macros Building Sets of Macros The Macro Build Macro Build Macro Build commands create common sets of macros automatically. The Macro Build Macro Build Macro Build commands are Desktop Arrangement Desktop Arrangement Desktop Arrangement and Start Programs Group Start Programs Group Start Programs Group. A Desktop Arrangement macro is a Compound macro made up of Position Window macros for each window currently on the desktop. In this way you can save the current desktop arrangement and restore it later by executing the Compound macro. To build a Desktop Arrangement Compound macro: 1. Arrange the desktop the way you want it. 2. Choose Macro Build Macro Build Macro Build. 3. Choose Desktop Arrangement Desktop Arrangement Desktop Arrangement. 4. Enter the macro name, comment, and hot-key in the Macro Information dialog box for the Compound macro to be built. 5. Click the OK OK OK button. The body of the Compound macro is filled with Position Window macros, one for each window on the desktop. A Start Programs Group macro is a Group macro composed of Start Program macros created from the Start Programs application provided with PM. With this command you can import into PM Assistant all the program information you have stored in the Start Programs application. To build a Start Programs Group macro: 1. Choose Macro Build Macro Build Macro Build. 2. Choose Start Programs Group Start Programs Group Start Programs Group. The Select Group dialog box appears. 2. Select the group you want from the list box. 3. Click the OK OK OK button. The body of the Group macro is filled with Start Program macros. You can view and change the macro settings of macros created with the Macro Build Macro Build Macro Build commands just like any other macro. 24 PM Assistant User's Guide Macro Execute Command Macro Execute Command Macro Execute Command Of the several ways to execute macros (see Executing Macros on page 10), the Macro Execute command gives you the most control. You can execute macros repeatedly, in random order, or with keyboard input blocked to prevent stray input. To execute a macro with the Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute command: 1. Select the macro to execute. 2. Choose Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute. The Macro Execute dialog box appears. 3. Select the options you wish to use: * * * Execute once Execute once Execute once - Execute the macro once. * * * Execute ... times Execute ... times Execute ... times - Executes the macro the specified number of times. * * * Execute indefinitely Execute indefinitely Execute indefinitely - Executes the macro repeatedly until stopped by typing CTRL+C. * * * Execute Compound macro in random order Execute Compound macro in random order Execute Compound macro in random order - Executes the macros in the body of the selected CO macro in random order. This is useful for PM application tests designed to ` ` stress '' an application by repeating input randomly. * * * Block all input during execution Block all input during execution Block all input during execution - Blocks mouse and keyboard input while executing the macro. This is useful when the macro is part of a demonstration to be run unattended. 4. Click the Execute Execute Execute button to execute the macro. HINT: If you always want to execute macro `XX' using options available with the Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute command, you can create a Mouse & Keyboard Input macro which invokes the Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute command to execute macro `XX'. This way you can effectively execute macro `XX' by simply double-clicking on the Mouse & Keyboard input macro. Disabling Macros Disabling Macros Disabling Macros With the Macro Disable Macro Disable Macro Disable and Macro Disable All Macro Disable All Macro Disable All commands you can temporarily disable the hot-keys of macros so that you may enter those keystrokes into a PM application. You can still execute a macro whose hot-keys are disabled by double-clicking on it or with the Macro Execute Macro Execute Macro Execute command. To disable the hot-key of a macro: 1. Select the macro to disable. Chapter 2: Macros 25 2. Choose Macro Disable Macro Disable Macro Disable. The display of the hot-key of the selected macro changes from red to blue indicating it is disabled. A check mark appears on the Macro Disable Macro Disable Macro Disable menu item. To re-enable the hot-key of a macros: 1. Select the macro to re-enable. 2. Choose Macro Disable Macro Disable Macro Disable again. The display of the hot-key of the selected macro changes from blue to red indicating it is enabled. The check mark disappears from the Macro Disable Macro Disable Macro Disable menu item. To temporarily disable the hot-keys of all macros: > > > Choose Macro Disable All Macro Disable All Macro Disable All. The display of the hot-keys of all macros changes from red to blue indicating they are disabled. A check mark appears on the Macro Disable All Macro Disable All Macro Disable All menu item. To re-enable the hot-keys of all macros: > > > Choose Macro Disable All Macro Disable All Macro Disable All again. The display of the hot-keys of all macros change from blue back to red indicating they are enabled. The check mark disappears from the Macro Disable All Macro Disable All Macro Disable All menu item. Macro Options Macro Options Macro Options Through the Macro Options Macro Options Macro Options command you can customize many elements of PM Assistant's display and behavior. To set the macro options: 1. Choose Macro Options Macro Options Macro Options. The Macro Options dialog box appears. 2. Select the options you wish to enable: * * * Display column widths Display column widths Display column widths - Enter the widths of the hot-key and macro name columns in PM Assistant's display, measured in characters. * * * Keystroke treatment while entering hot-keys Keystroke treatment while entering hot-keys Keystroke treatment while entering hot-keys - Normally TAB, SHIFT+TAB and BACKSPACE keys are treated specially and cannot be entered as hot-keys (or as keystrokes in a KI macro). Selecting these options allow you to enter those keys as part of hot-keys (or keystrokes in a KI macro). 26 PM Assistant User's Guide * * * Minimize PM Assistant while pointing to a window Minimize PM Assistant while pointing to a window Minimize PM Assistant while pointing to a window - Normally PM Assistant minimizes itself when performing the Point operation when creating Position Window or Keyboard Input macros. This is done to unclutter the screen. You can prevent this by clearing this option. * * * Minimize PM Assistant while recording MK macro Minimize PM Assistant while recording MK macro Minimize PM Assistant while recording MK macro - Normally PM Assistant minimizes itself when recording a Mouse & Keyboard Input macro. This is done to unclutter the screen. You can prevent this by clearing this option. * * * Restrict MK recording resolution to Restrict MK recording resolution to Restrict MK recording resolution to - Prevents the mouse from moving outside the specified area. Restricting the recording resolution of Mouse & Keyboard Input macros can improve the portability of such macros to systems with lower screen resolutions. For a discussion about Mouse & Keyboard Input macro portability, See Hints on page 17. 640 x 480 is standard VGA resolution. 800 x 600 is super VGA resolution. * * * MK Recording dialog box hot-key MK Recording dialog box hot-key MK Recording dialog box hot-key - Sets the hot-key for the Recording `macroname' dialog box which appears when recording a Mouse & Keyboard Input macro. When typed, this hot-key brings the Recording `macroname' dialog box to the foreground so the macro can easily be paused or resumed. For information about recording Mouse & Keyboard Input macros, see Mouse & Keyboard Input Macro on page 14. 3. Click the Save Save Save button to save these settings for future invocations of PM Assistant. or 4. Click the OK OK OK button to accept these settings for just the current invocation of PM Assistant. Chapter 3: Editing Macro Listings 27 3 3 3 Editing Macro Listings Editing Macro Listings Editing Macro Listings Using the Edit Edit Edit commands, you can: - - -Rearrange the order in which macros are displayed in the macro list. - - -Duplicate macros. - - -Move macros in and out of Group and Compound macros. - - -Move entire Group and Compound macros. - - -Move or copy macros from one macro file to another. The Edit Edit Edit commands make use of a temporary macro storage area called the Edit clipboard. Macros are cut or copied to, and pasted from, the Edit clipboard. The name of the macro currently on the Edit clipboard is displayed at the bottom of the Edit Edit Edit menu. The macro on the Edit clipboard cannot be executed and will not be found with the View Find View Find View Find command. PM Assistant's Edit clipboard is not the same as the Presentation Manager clipboard; you cannot transfer macros to other PM applications. When an Edit Edit Edit command is applied to a Group or Compound macro, it effects both the macro and the macros it contains. Thus you can move or copy many macros at once by collecting them in a Group or Compound macro. Moving Macros Moving Macros Moving Macros 1. Select the macro you wish to move. 2. Choose Edit Cut. Edit Cut. Edit Cut. The selected macro is removed from the macro list display and placed on the Edit clipboard. 3. Select the macro in the list after which you want to paste the cut macro. 4. Choose Edit Paste Edit Paste Edit Paste. The cut macro appears in the display after the selected macro. Copying Macros Copying Macros Copying Macros 1. Select the macro you wish to copy. 28 PM Assistant User's Guide 2. Choose Edit Copy. Edit Copy. Edit Copy. A copy of the selected macro is placed on the Edit clipboard. The name of the duplicate macro will have a number 2 appended to it. Since macros should generally have unique names, PM Assistant ` ` increments '' the name when a macro is copied. 3. Select the macro on the list after which you want to paste the copied macro. 4. Choose Edit Paste Edit Paste Edit Paste. The copy of the macro appears in the display after the selected macro. Deleting Macros Deleting Macros Deleting Macros 1. Select the macro you want to delete. 2. Choose Edit Delete Edit Delete Edit Delete. You can delete all macros at once with the File New File New File New command. To undo the last editing command: > > > Choose Edit Undo Edit Undo Edit Undo. With this command you can recover a deleted macro. Chapter 4: Viewing Macros 29 4 4 4 Viewing Macros Viewing Macros Viewing Macros With the View View View commands, you can change the way macros are displayed and search for a macro by name, comment or hot-key. You can change the widths of the hot-key and name columns in the macro display with the Macro Options Macro Options Macro Options command, see Macro Options on page 25. Expanding and Collapsing Macros Expanding and Collapsing Macros Expanding and Collapsing Macros The display of the body of Compound and Group macros can be expanded and collapsed. Collapsing the contents unclutters the display and lets you concentrate on the surrounding macros. There are two ways to expand and collapse the display of Compound and Group macros: the View Expand View Expand View Expand command and the Expand/Collapse button. To expand a macro with the View Expand View Expand View Expand command: 1. Select the macro to be expanded. 2. Choose View Expand View Expand View Expand. The selected macro will expand to show its contents. To collapse a macro with the View Expand View Expand View Expand command: 1. Select the macro you wish to collapse. 2. Choose View Expand View Expand View Expand. The selected macro will collapse. To expand or collapse a macro with the Expand/Collapse button: > > > Click on the (+) or ( -) symbol in front of the macro name in the macro display. The (+) symbol is displayed if the macro is collapsed, the ( -) symbol is displayed if the macro is expanded. To temporarily expand all macros: > > > Choose View Expand All View Expand All View Expand All. All of the Group and Compound macros will expand to show their contents. A checkmark appears next to the View View View Expand All Expand All Expand All command. Expanding and collapsing individual macros with the View Expand View Expand View Expand command or the Expand/Collapse buttons has no effect while the View Expand All View Expand All View Expand All command is in effect. 30 PM Assistant User's Guide To return macros to their prior state after viewing them with View Expand All View Expand All View Expand All: > > > Choose View Expand All View Expand All View Expand All. The macros will return to their prior expanded or collapsed state. The checkmark next to the View Expand View Expand View Expand All All All command disappears. Finding Macros Finding Macros Finding Macros To search for a macro by name, comment, or hot-key: 1. Select the first macro in the macro list you want to search. Find always starts from the currently selected macro. You can quickly move to the beginning of the macro list by pressing the HOME key. 2. Choose View Find Macro View Find Macro View Find Macro. The Find Macro dialog box appears. 3. Enter the search string in the Search string Search string Search string text box. The string can be a substring of any of the three macro attributes. In the case of hot-key combinations, type the strings that appear as you entered the hot-key, that is, spell out Ctrl+y to search for the CTRL+Y combination. 4. Select any of the Name Name Name, Comment Comment Comment, or Hot-key Hot-key Hot-key check boxes. You can search for a macro by name, comment, and hot- key simultaneously. 5. Select Case sensitive Case sensitive Case sensitive or Case insensitive Case insensitive Case insensitive. Case sensitive Case sensitive Case sensitive will find only those strings that match upper-lower case; Case-insensitive Case-insensitive Case-insensitive will find strings regardless of capitalization. 6. Click the Search Search Search button to begin the search. The Find Macro dialog box disappears. The PM Assistant display appears with the found macro selected. If the found macro is within a collapsed Group or Compound macro, the Group or Compound macro will be expanded to show the found macro. A message appears in the Status/Help line reporting the success or failure of the search. To search for the next matching macro using the same search criteria: > > > Choose View Find Next View Find Next View Find Next. The PM Assistant display appears with the next macro matching the search criteria selected. Chapter 4: Viewing Macros 31 Suppressing the Status/Help Line Suppressing the Status/Help Line Suppressing the Status/Help Line The Status/Help line can be removed to provide more space to display macros. To suppress display of the Status/Help line: > > > Choose View Status/Help Line View Status/Help Line View Status/Help Line. The checkmark next to the Status/Help Line Status/Help Line Status/Help Line menu item disappears. The Status/Help line is removed. To restore display of the Status/Help line: > > > Choose View Status/Help Line View Status/Help Line View Status/Help Line. A checkmark appears next to the Status/Help Line Status/Help Line Status/Help Line menu item. The Status/Help line appears in the PM Assistant display. Viewing Memory Statistics Viewing Memory Statistics Viewing Memory Statistics You can determine how much memory the macro list occupies with the View Memory Stats View Memory Stats View Memory Stats command. To display memory statistics in the Status/Help line: > > > Choose View Memory Stats View Memory Stats View Memory Stats. The message: ` ` Macro list in memory: bytes, in a file: bytes' ' appears in the Status/Help line. The first number is the size of the macro list in main memory while loaded into PM Assistant. The second number is the size of the macro list on disk when saved to a file. These values include the macro on the Editing clipboard and the last macro deleted. Chapter 5: Macro Files 33 5 5 5 Macro Files Macro Files Macro Files A macro file contains a list of macros that are loaded simultaneously into PM Assistant and appear in the PM Assistant display together. You can have several macro files containing different lists of macros, such as different lists for two users of the same workstation. Macro files usually have the extension .pma. Opening Macro Files Opening Macro Files Opening Macro Files To open a macro file and load the macros into PM Assistant: 1. Choose File Open File Open File Open. The Load Macros From File dialog box appears. 2. Enter the name of the macro file you wish to open in the Filename Filename Filename box. You can type in the filename or select it using the Directories Directories Directories and Files Files Files list boxes. 3. If you do not want to change the file, check the File is File is File is read only read only read only option. This will prevent you from accidentally overwriting the file with the File Save File Save File Save command. 4. Select either of the Replace Replace Replace or Insert Insert Insert options: * * * Replace current list of macros Replace current list of macros Replace current list of macros - will replace the current list of macros with the contents of the new macro file. * * * Insert into current list of macros Insert into current list of macros Insert into current list of macros - will insert the contents of the file into the current macro list just after the selected macro. 5. Click the Load Load Load button. The PM Assistant display returns with the contents of the opened macro file. You can also load a macro file when starting PM Assistant with a command line argument, see Starting and Exiting PM Assistant on page 1. NOTE: If you have modified the current macro list and choose a command that would discard the current list of macros (such as File New File New File New), PM Assistant will ask if you wish to save the current list of macros before performing the command. Click the Yes Yes Yes button to save to the proposed filename. Click the No No No button to continue without saving. Click the Cancel Cancel Cancel button to cancel the command. 34 PM Assistant User's Guide To find out if you've modified the current macro list, activate the File File File menu (press ALT F). The Status/Help line will report whether the macro list has been modified. Merging Macro Files Merging Macro Files Merging Macro Files To merge a macro file with the current list of macros, choose File Open File Open File Open, select Insert into current list of macros Insert into current list of macros Insert into current list of macros, and load the desired file. The macros will be inserted just after the currently selected macro. Saving Macro Files Saving Macro Files Saving Macro Files To save changes to the current macro file: 1. Choose File File File. The File File File menu appears. The name of the current macro file (if there is one) appears in the Save `filename' Save `filename' Save `filename' menu item. 2. Choose Save `filename' Save `filename' Save `filename'. The current macro list is saved to the given file. To save the current macro list to a macro file of another name: 1. Choose File File File. The File File File menu appears. The name of the current macro file appears in the Save `filename' Save `filename' Save `filename' command. 2. Choose Save As Save As Save As. The Save Macros To File dialog box appears. 3. Enter the name of the file to save to in the Save macros to Save macros to Save macros to file file file text box. 4. Click the Save Save Save button. New Macro Files New Macro Files New Macro Files To create a new empty macro file: > > > Choose File New File New File New. PM Assistant discards the current macro list and displays ` ` No macros.' ' Chapter 5: Macro Files 35 Printing Macro Lists Printing Macro Lists Printing Macro Lists You can print the text of a macro list to a file. The hot-key, abbreviation of the macro type, macro name and comment of all macros in the current list of macros are printed. To print the current list of macros: 1. Choose File Print File Print File Print. The Print Macro List To File dialog box appears. 2. Enter the name of the file to print to in the Print macros to Print macros to Print macros to file file file box. 3. Click the Print Print Print button to print to the named file. Chapter 6: Control Features 37 6 6 6 Control Features Control Features Control Features As well as creating and executing macros, PM Assistant has four control features to further customize your computer use: Process Priorities, Password Protection, Screen Saver, and Speed Button. The settings for these features can be preserved across invocations of PM Assistant. Process Priorities Process Priorities Process Priorities With the Process Priorities command, you can set the OS/2 process prioritization of programs started with PM Assistant Start Program macros. OS/2 is a multitasking operating system, so it must distribute the computer's resources between the various processes running on the system. OS/2 determines priority between processes based on two characteristics assigned to each process: the priority class and the priority number. There are three priority classes which may be assigned to a process: - - -Idle-time - Processes in this class receive spare CPU time only when processes of the other two classes are idle. This is the lowest class of process priority. - - -Normal - Most processes fall into this category. They use CPU time available after the running of Time Critical processes. - - -Time Critical - These processes absolutely must run quickly for the correct functioning of the computer. Processes in this class always get as much time as they require, ahead of those in the normal and idle-time classes. This class is generally reserved for special processes - such as a low- level disk system that must quickly read information out of the disk buffers. Processes are also assigned priority numbers between 0 and 31. The process priority number is a measure of how much time a given process receives relative to other processes in its same class. If several processes in the same priority class are running at once, a process with a priority of 31 will run very fast, while a process of value 0 will run slowly. To set Process Priorities: 1. Start with a PM Assistant Start Program macro the program whose process priority you wish to change. 38 PM Assistant User's Guide 2. Choose Control Process Priority Control Process Priority Control Process Priority. The Process Priority Control dialog box appears showing a list of programs started with PM Assistant. 3. Choose the process from the list box. The Current process priority Current process priority Current process priority box shows the process' priority class and level. 4. Select the priority class for your process from the Normal Normal Normal, Idle-time Idle-time Idle-time and Time-critical Time-critical Time-critical check boxes. Before setting a process as Time-critical Time-critical Time-critical, please read the note following this section. 5. Set the priority level at a value between 0 0 0 and 31 31 31 with the scroll-bar. 6. Click the Set priority Set priority Set priority button to set the priority. 7. Click the Done Done Done button to dismiss the dialog box. NOTE: Before setting process priorities as Time-critical Time-critical Time-critical: Assigning a process priority class of Time-critical Time-critical Time-critical to a user- level process can disrupt or even stop the correct functioning of OS/2 by preempting time needed for more critical processes. If this happens, reset the process priority back to Normal Normal Normal or Idle- Idle- Idle- time time time. Also, some programs which are multithreaded control the process priorities of their threads of execution themselves for better performance. These programs are typically special hardware-managing programs such as print spoolers, or keyboard and mouse monitoring programs (such as PM Assistant!). You may experience system degradation such as poor keystroke responsiveness after setting such a program's process priority. Also note that if you click the mouse on a very busy process (or one with an idle-time class), you must wait for it to process that mouse click before you can interact with a different process. (This is because the mouse and keyboard input to PM applications must be strictly serialized for Presentation Manager to work properly). Password Protection Password Protection Password Protection When the Password Protection control feature is invoked, PM Assistant will block keyboard and mouse input until the correct password is entered. Password Protection can be set to be automatically invoked after a certain period of keyboard and mouse inactivity. Since Password Protection is a software rather than a hardware security device, it can be overcome by someone determined to do so. You will probably know when somebody has forced access, however, since the only way to break in is by rebooting your computer. Chapter 6: Control Features 39 To set Password Protection options: 1. Choose Control Password Control Password Control Password. The Password Protection dialog box appears. 2. Enter in the Time delay Time delay Time delay fields the hours, minutes, and seconds you want the keyboard and mouse to be idle before requiring a password entry. 3. Select the Enabled Enabled Enabled button to enable automatic invocation of Password Protection after the time set in Time delay Time delay Time delay. A checkmark will appear next to the Password Password Password menu item in the Control Control Control menu to indicate automatic invocation is enabled. 4. Click the Password Password Password button. The Password Entry dialog box appears. 5. Enter your password. Password Protection accepts passwords as case- sensitive. The Password Entry dialog box reappears to verify your password. 6. Enter your password again to verify it. If you fail to reenter your password correctly, a warning box appears and the password change is canceled. 7. Click the Save Save Save button to save these settings for future invocations of PM Assistant. or 8. Click the OK OK OK button to accept these settings for just the current invocation of PM Assistant. To disable automatic invocation of Password Protection: 1. Choose Control Password Control Password Control Password. The Password Protection dialog box appears. 2. Select the Disabled Disabled Disabled option. The checkmark disappears from the Password Password Password menu item in the Control Control Control menu. If you forget your password: 1. Reboot your machine by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL. 2. Reset Password Protection as described above. 40 PM Assistant User's Guide Screen Saver Screen Saver Screen Saver Leaving the same image on your screen for an extended period of time can ` ` burn' ' that image into the screen. The Screen Saver prevents the screen from being damaged by blanking the screen. With Screen Saver, you do not need to turn your monitor off when you leave your workstation. After a period of mouse and keyboard inactivity, the screen saver is automatically invoked - the screen goes black and a message of your choice moves around it in different colors. When you wish to use your computer again, move the mouse or press any key to restore the display. To set the Screen Saver: 1. Choose Control Screen Saver Control Screen Saver Control Screen Saver. The Screen Saver dialog box comes up. 2. Enter in the Time delay Time delay Time delay boxes the hours, minutes, and seconds you want the keyboard and mouse to remain idle before automatically invoking the screen saver. 3. Enter in the Text to display Text to display Text to display box the string you want your screen to display (optional). 4. Select the Enabled Enabled Enabled button to enable the automatic invocation of the Screen Saver. A checkmark will appear next to the Screen Saver Screen Saver Screen Saver menu item in the Control Control Control menu. 5. Click the Save Save Save button to save these settings for future invocations of PM Assistant. or 6. Click the OK OK OK button to accept these settings for just the current invocation of PM Assistant. To disable automatic invocation of the Screen Saver: 1. Choose Control Screen Saver Control Screen Saver Control Screen Saver. The Screen Saver dialog box appears. 2. Select the Disabled Disabled Disabled option in the Automatic Invocation section. The checkmark disappears from the Saver Saver Saver menu item in the Control Control Control menu. Chapter 6: Control Features 41 NOTE: PM Assistant does not monitor keyboard input in full-screen sessions not started by PM Assistant. Therefore, automatic invocation of Password Protection and Screen Saver will never occur when such a full-screen session is in the foreground. Invoking Password Protection, Screen Saver, or Both Invoking Password Protection, Screen Saver, or Both Invoking Password Protection, Screen Saver, or Both In addition to, or instead of, setting Password Protection or Screen Saver to be invoked automatically after the keyboard has been idle for a period, you can immediately invoke one or both through the Control Control Control menu. To immediately invoke Password Protection: 1. Choose Control Invoke Control Invoke Control Invoke. 2. Choose Password Protection Password Protection Password Protection. The Password Entry dialog box appears. To immediately invoke the Screen Saver: 1. Choose Control Invoke Control Invoke Control Invoke. 2. Choose Screen Saver Screen Saver Screen Saver. The screen goes black, and your phrase appears. To immediately invoke both Password Protection and the Screen Saver: 1. Choose Control Invoke Control Invoke Control Invoke. 2. Choose Both Both Both. The screen goes black. If a keystroke is entered, the Password Entry dialog box appears. Speed Button Speed Button Speed Button The Speed Button feature makes the right mouse button behave like the ENTER key when a dialog box is in the foreground. This way you can quickly click the default button of the dialog box without moving the mouse pointer over the button and without taking your hands off the mouse to press the ENTER key. The default button of a dialog box has a thicker border. By convention, the default button usually dismisses the dialog box, accepting the new settings. Often the OK OK OK or Done Done Done button is the default button. By making it easier to dismiss a dialog box, Speed Button can speed dialog box interaction significantly. 42 PM Assistant User's Guide To enable the Speed Button feature: > > > Choose Control Speed Button Control Speed Button Control Speed Button. A check mark appears next to the Speed Button Speed Button Speed Button menu item in the Control Control Control menu indicating Speed Button is enabled. To disable the Speed Button feature: > > > Choose Control Speed Button Control Speed Button Control Speed Button. The check mark next to the Speed Button Speed Button Speed Button menu item in the Control Control Control menu disappears, indicating Speed Button is disabled. The current setting of the Speed Button feature (enabled or disabled) is preserved when you save the Macro Options Macro Options Macro Options settings with the Save Save Save button. This way you can save the setting across invocations of PM Assistant. See Macro Options on page 25. Chapter 7: Demonstration Utility 43 7 7 7 Demonstration Utility Demonstration Utility Demonstration Utility This utility allows you to design automated demonstrations and tutorials for your software or business procedures. A demonstration is made up of PM Assistant macros being run in concert with textual explanations of what is being demonstrated. The PM Assistant demonstration (run with demo.cmd) is created this way. A demonstration consists of two files: 1. A PM Assistant macros file containing macros to be executed to perform the demonstration. 2. An ASCII text ` ` demo file' ' containing the text to display during the demonstration and directives controlling text formatting and the execution of PM Assistant macros. Demo files usually have the extension .pmd. The macros are created with PM Assistant and referred to by name in the demo file. To execute the demonstration utility: > > > Type pmademo demofile[.pmd] at the OS/2 prompt. The rest of this chapter describes the demo file. See the PM Assistant demonstration files pmademo.pma (macro file) and pmademo.pmd (demo file) for examples. Demo Files Demo Files Demo Files A demo file is made of up ASCII text intermingled with directives which look like: {directive:value,directive2:value2...}. One or more directives can be combined within the {}. Not all directives take a value. Directives are case insensitive. A brief demo file might look like: 44 PM Assistant User's Guide ____ _________ File contents: ____ _________ File contents: ____ _________ File contents: ____________ Explanation: ____________ Explanation: ____________ Explanation: {mfile:ademo.pma} Gives the name of the macro file. {lmgn:20,rmgn:20,font:helv,pt:14} Text formatting directives. Loading data... Text to display during file read. {macro:posdemo} PW macro to position the demo window. {page} Teparate next page. {lmgn:20,rmgn:20,font:helv,pt:14} Text formatting directives for new page. This is the beginning of a demo. Text to display. {macro:firstmacro} A macro to execute after this page. The user steps through the pages by clicking the Continue Continue Continue button at the bottom of the demonstration display. The macros specified by {macro:name} are executed after the user clicks Continue Continue Continue. The next page is not displayed until that macro finishes. After a macro file specified by {mfile:filename} is loaded, the next page is automatically advanced. Thus the Loading data... text in the example is displayed while the macro file ademo.pma is being loaded. Text is word wrapped automatically to fill the demonstration display window. Newlines in the text file are treated as spaces. Explicit newlines are entered with the newline directive: {n}. The escape char '\' is used to prevent the '{' character from introducing a directive, for example: some text \{after curly is displayed as: some text {after curly Similarly, the escape character '\' escapes a newline - causing it to be discarded rather than turned into a space. It also escapes itself: long\\text\ nospace is displayed as: long\textnospace Control Directives Control Directives Control Directives comment:text A comment in the demo file. Is not displayed when the demonstration is run. mfile:filename Macro file to load if the demo is run on a computer with a mouse installed. Chapter 7: Demonstration Utility 45 kfile:filename Macro file to load if the demo is run on a computer without a mouse installed. Any kfile directives should precede mfile directives. This way, if the demo utility encounters an mfile directive without having seen a kfile directive on a computer without a mouse installed, it displays a ` ` this demo requires a mouse '' message and exits. macro:macroname Macro to execute after the current page (after user clicks the Continue Continue Continue button). smacro:macronameMacro to execute prior to the current page (as soon as the current page is displayed). page Separates pages (screens) of the demo. title:a title The title of the demo to display on the title bar of the demo window. Text Formatting Directives Text Formatting Directives Text Formatting Directives By default, text is displayed in the system font with no margins and word wrapping turned on. n A newline. font:fontname Font to use to display subsequent text. Recognized fonts are: TmsRmn, helv, courier, sys. style:stylename Typeface style to use to display subsequent text. Recognized styles are: normal, italic, bold. pt:number Point size. Recognized sizes are: 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24. Not all fonts are available in all point sizes. fclr:color Foreground color. Colors are: white, black, palegrey, blue, red, pink, green, cyan, yellow, darkgrey, darkblue, darkred, darkpink, darkgreen, darkcyan. You can also use the following special colors which correspond to the settings of the Presentation Manager Control Panel: fstd foreground standard color. bstd background standard color. fhelp foreground help color. bhelp background help color. hhelp help highlight color. bclr:color Background color. Same colors as fclr are available. wrap:on/off Turn automatic word wrapping on or off. lmgn:size Left margin size. Size is a number in units of tenths of the system font width. 20 is a recommended margin. rmgn:size Right margin size, measured in same units from the right border. 46 PM Assistant User's Guide col:position Column. Starts display of subsequent text at the specified position regardless of current margins. Position is tenths of the system font width from left border. You are allowed to distribute up to twenty copies of the demonstration utility pmademo.exe and pmasst.dll dynamic link library to be used to run your demonstration or tutorials. For more information see Utilis License Agreement on page ii. Index 47 Index Index Index /e argument, 2 Demonstration Utility, MK /q argument, 2 macros, 17 Accelerator key Demonstration, PM Assistant's, changing with CM macro, 24 45 definition, 6 Desktop Arrangement, 25 display of PM Assistant's, Desktop, definition, 6 4 Dialog box, definition, 6 Arguments, PM Assistant's, 2 Display Arguments, prompting for, 12 hot-key and name column Arranging macros, 29 widths, 27 Automated demonstrations, 45 PM Assistant's, 3 Build Desktop Arrangement Document Notes, 5 command, 18 down arrow key, 5 Cannot find window error Duplicating macros, 30 message, 15 Edit clipboard, 6,29 Changing macro settings, 10 Edit Copy command, 30 Choose Menu Item dialog box, Edit Cut command, 29 22 Edit Delete command, 30 Choose, definition, 6 Edit menu commands, 29 Click, definition, 6 Edit Paste command, 29 CM macro type, 3,21 Edit Undo command, 30 CO macro type, 3,20 Editing a macro's settings, 10 Command line, PM Assistant's, Editing macro listings, 29 2 end key, 5 Command line, SP macro, 12 enter key, 5 Comment, macro's, 9 Environment Variable, Compound macro, expanding and definition, 6 collapsing, 31 Executing `macroname' dialog config.sys, 1,6 box, 17 Control Invoke Both command, Executing macros, 10,26 43 Executing PM Assistant, 2 Control Invoke Password Exiting PM Assistant, 2 Protection command, 43 Expand/Collapse button, 31 Control Invoke Screen Saver Expanding and Collapsing command, 43 macros, 31 Control menu commands, 39 F1 key, 4,5 Control Password command, 41 File commands, 35 Control Process priority File New command, 36 command, 40 File Open command, 35 Control Screen Saver command, File Print command, 37 42 File Save As command, 36 Control Speed Button command, File Save command, 36 44 File size, 33 Copying macros, 30 Filename argument, 2 Current macro file, 36 Finding macros, 32 Customizing menus, 21 Foreground window Deleting all macros, 36 definition, 6 Deleting macros, 30 positioning, 14 Demonstration Utility, 45 sending keystrokes to, 19 48 PM Assistant User's Guide Full pathname, definition, 6 Macro Full-screen session building automatically, 24 bringing to the foreground comment, 3,9 with a PW macro, 15 copying, 30 definition, 7 creating, 9 delay in responding, 20 Customize Menu type, 21 executing macros in, 11 definition, 7 monitoring and automatic deleting, 30 invocation of Password editing commands, 29 Protection or Screen executing, 10,26 Saver, 43 files, 35 pointing to, 20 Group and Compound types, sending keystrokes to with 20 a KI macro, 19 hot-key, 3,9 starting with SP macro, 12 Keyboard Input type, 19 GR macro type, 3,20 Mouse & Keyboard input Group macro, expanding and type, 15 collapsing, 31 name, 3,9 Guarantee, ii name, display column width, Help, 4 27 home key, 5 options, 27 Hot-key Position Window type, 13 accepting Tab... while printing, 37 entering, 28 scrolling, 5 definition, 7 selecting, 5 display of, 3 settings, 10 entering, 9 size in bytes, 34 executing a macro with, 11 Start Program type, 11 searching for, 32 type, 3 use in an MK macro, 18 viewing, 31 Icon, definition, 7 waiting, 13,14 Indicated window, positioning, Macro Build Desktop 14 Arrangement command, 25 Initial directory, 12 Macro Build Start Programs Initial process priority, 12 Group command, 25 Input focus Macro Create command, 9 definition, 7 Macro Execute command, 26 giving to window, 13 Macro Information dialog box, install.exe, 1 9,10 Installing PM Assistant, 1 Macro menu commands, 9 Introduction, 1 Macro Options command, 27 Keyboard Interface, PM Macro Settings command, 5,10 Assistant's, 5 Macro specifying initial Keystrokes, recording and position box, 12 playing Memory statistics, 33 with a Keyboard Input Menu clipboard, 21 macro, 19 definition, 7 with a Mouse & Keyboard Menu, definition, 7 input macro, 15 Merging Macro Files, 36 KI macro type, 3,19 Message Box, definition, 7 left arrow key, 5 Minimizing PM Assistant, 28 LIBPATH config.sys setting, 1 MK macro portability, 18,28 License agreement, ii MK macro recording resolution, Loading macros from a file, 35 28 Index 49 MK macro type, 3,15 Saving macro files, 36 MK Recording dialog box hot- Screen resolutions, 18,28 key, 17,28 Screen Saver, 42 Mouse Interface, PM Scrolling macro list, 5 Assistant's, 5 Searching for macros, 32 Mouse, recording & playing Securing your computer with movements with a Mouse & Password Protection, 41 Keyboard input macro, 15 Select Group dialog box, 25 Moving macros, 29 Select, definition, 7 Moving windows, 13 Selecting a macro, 5 New macro files, 36 Session, definition, 7 On-line help, 4 SP macro type, 3,11 Opening macro files, 35 SP macros, building sets of, Parameters, PM Assistant's, 2 25 Parameters, SP macro, 12 Speed Button, 44 Password Protection, 41 Start Program dialog box, 11 Pasting macros, 29 Start Program macro, 39 Path environment variable, 12 Start Program macro, called Pausing a MK macro, 17 from Position Window macro, pg down key, 5 14 pg up key, 5 Start Programs application Playback rate, MK macro, 16 compared with SP macro, 11 PM program, starting with SP importing information from, macro, 12 25 PM text window, 12 Starting PM Assistant, 2 PM, definition, 7 Starting programs with PM Pointing to window, 15 Assistant, 11 Position Window dialog box, 13 Status/Help line, 3,34,36 Position Window Macro, 13 suppressing, 33 Presentation Manager Switching between windows, 13 clipboard, 29 Terms, 6 Printing macro lists, 37 Thread, definition, 7 Priority class, 39 Undoing edit commands, 30 Priority number, 39 up arrow key, 5 Process priorities, 39 View Expand All command, 32 Process priority, setting with View Expand command, 31 SP macro, 12 View Find command, 29 Process,definition, 7 View Find Macro command, 32 Program run method, 12 View Find Next command, 33 PW macro type, 3,13 View Memory Stats command, 34 PW macros, building sets of, View menu commands, 31 25 View Status/Help command, 33 Question mark (?) argument, 12 Window Quitting PM Assistant, 2 appearing, 14 Recording `macroname' dialog definition, 8 box, 17 moving, 13 Recording keystrokes, 19 not finding, 14 Recovering deleted macro, 30 pointing to, 15 Removing the Status/Help line, 33 Renaming menu items, 23 Restoring windows, 13 right arrow key, 5 Running PM Assistant, 2