═══ 1. Extended Help for Clip Edit ═══ Clip Edit is an OS/2 Presentation Manager (PM) tool that allows you to view, print, alter and save the contents of the OS/2 PM clipboard. These help panels will help you get started with Clip Edit, and find out how much power it adds to your applications. Select one of the following topics by double clicking or selecting with the tab key and pressing enter. The OS/2 PM clipboard Description of Clip Edit What can I do with Clip Edit? Other information Clip Edit is Shareware. Please Register! ═══ 1.1. The OS/2 PM clipboard ═══ The clipboard is a place for storing data. The data on the clipboard is available for use by the application that placed it there, and it is also available for other applications. You might expect that it only holds one type of data, but it is capable of holding many different types of data concurrently. For example, the clipboard for a spreadsheet might hold textual data of the selected cells, a picture (metafile or bitmap) of the graph, and some private data that contains the formulas in the selected cells. There are 7 types of data or formats that the clipboard can hold: CF_TEXT Plain ascii textual data CF_DSPTEXT Private textual data CF_BITMAP Picture data in bitmap format CF_DSPBITMAP Private bitmap data CF_METAFILE Picture data in metafile format CF_DSPMETAFILE Private metafile data PRIVATE Private data of virtually any type. The application that created the data names the format, and it is shown in the Clip Edit details area. Applications put data into the clipboard when you do a CUT or a COPY. Applications may put several of the formats listed above into the clipboard. When you do a PASTE into an application, the application uses ONE of the formats, usually using the format that is most appropriate. Some (very few) applications let an operator specify which format to paste. Clip Edit allows you to clear the clipboard (see Clear Others ) of unwanted formats so that your application only sees the type that you want PASTED. ═══ 1.2. Description of Clip Edit ═══ Clip Edit looks very similar to other Presentation Manager programs. It has a client area or presentation area that is divided into 3 sections, and an action bar with menu pull downs. The presentation area is divided into 3 sections. The sections are shown in the picture below: The Format Listbox lists the different formats that are currently in the clipboard. The list is updated automatically when any changes to the clipboard are made (OS/2 sends a message to Clip Edit when other applications update the clipboard). The list will have one item that says Clipboard Empty when it does not contain any data. The formats in the Format Listbox may be selected with the mouse or up/down cursor keys. When a format is selected, two things happen: 1. The data for the format is presented in the Display Area 2. Information about the data in the format is presented in the Format Details area. An explanation of the information presented in the Format Details area can be found in: Fields in Format Details The action bar has 5 menu pull downs. The menu options on these pull downs are each described in the following sections of Clip Edit help. File Pull Down Clipboard-Edit Pull Down Options Pull Down Bitmap-Options Pull Down Help Pull Down ═══ 1.3. What can I do with Clip Edit? ═══ Clip Edit lets you control the clipboard like no other program does. Need to get a text file into the clipboard so you can paste it into a Lotus 123/G spreadsheet? Try Load File into Clipboard. Want to save a bitmap image to a file of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet? Try Save Selected Format As. How about printing the clipboard? Clip Edit lets you Print the selected format to your default printer. Here's a real life example of what Clip Edit can do: Let's say you are using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word (OS/2 versions). Your spreadsheet has some data that you want to insert into your document via the clipboard. If you copy the Excel data and paste it into Word, Word decides to paste the metafile format, so you get a picture of the area of the spreadsheet. That's great if you want the metafile. But what if you're printer doesn't print metafiles? Or what if you wanted the text from the spreadsheet instead of the picture? That's where Clip Edit comes in. Just select the format you want to keep, and use the Clear Others option. Try pasting into Word now, and you'll see that Word gladly accepts the text or the bitmap. Even better, try doing a Clear Others on the private type Rich Text Format, and paste it into Word. You'll see that you get the text and the column formatting. So you've just now given Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word a synergism that not even Microsoft had allowed you. (if that's not enough to motivate you to sending in your $20, we don't know what is). There are many more examples like this in the world of OS/2 applications and tools. If you have one that is especially good, let us know. A less obvious benefit is that since Clip Edit can read and write both the old (PM 1.1) and new (PM 1.2+) bitmap formats, you should be able to solve any compatibility problems related to this format change. For example, let's say you have a new (PM 1.2+) bitmap that you want to use with IBM's Image Support program, which, the last time we saw it, only reads the old format. You can either do a Load file into clipboard and then paste it into Image Support, or you can Load it and then Save it in the PM 1.2+ format. The latter turns Clip Edit into a bitmap converter! ═══ 1.4. Other Information ═══ Why doesn't my metafile print on my dot matrix printer? Why do some formats take so long to display? What is a bitmap? What is a metafile? What do the fields in Format Details mean? ═══ 1.4.1. Why doesn't my metafile print? ═══ It appears that some printer drivers, mostly the ones for small dot matrix printers like the EPSON or the IBM5152, do not print most vector graphics instructions from metafile, hence they don't print metafiles. These printers seem to be able to print bitmaps, so if you use one of these printers and find that your metafiles don't print, all we can do is suggest that you try a bitmap instead. ═══ 1.4.2. Delayed Rendering ═══ Delayed Rendering is a technique that OS/2 applications can use to aid performance when doing clipboard operations. When an application performs a CUT or COPY, it can either copy data to the clipboard now, or delay copying it. The advantage of delaying it is that if it is never pasted anywhere, the application never has to take the time to produce it. When you ask to PASTE the information, the application gets a message that says produce the data; for some applications (like Microsoft Excel) this can take a moment, especially for larger metafiles. When Clip Edit displays a format, it also asks the application to produce the data, hence the delay for applications that use this technique. As an interesting comparison, Lotus 123/G does not use delayed rendering, while Microsoft Excel does. Excel is noticeably quicker for cut and paste within itself, but when pasting to other applications the delayed rendering is noticeable (although the delay shows up in the other application). ═══ 1.4.3. What is a bitmap? ═══ A bitmap is an image that is constructed by dividing the picture into a large number of very small pieces. Each piece has a different color or shade of gray. When the pieces are put together, it forms an image you can see. Bitmaps usually come from paint programs or scanners. Small bitmaps draw very fast (provided they are not scaled) and can be printed on dot matrix printers. However, bitmaps are device dependent, (i.e. they look different on a VGA vs. an EGA display) and they do not scale quickly. When they are scaled, resolution tends to be reduced. Note: See also metafile. ═══ 1.4.4. What is a metafile? ═══ A metafile is a picture that is composed of graphics instructions. For example a metafile might consist of: 1. Paint the background white 2. Draw a blue circle of radius x at some position 3. Draw a red line from a position to another position 4. Draw some text at some position (It is actually a little more complicated, but this gives you an idea.) Metafiles are for the most part device-independent; that is, it should look the same on a VGA display as it does on the EGA display (subject to the limitation that the EGA has lower resolution). Metafiles are a good choice for Postscript graphics, because the printed metafile will seek the higher resolution of your printer, regardless of the resolution of your display. Note: See also bitmap. ═══ 1.4.5. Fields in Format Details ═══ Definitions of Fields in Format Details... CF_TEXT and CF_DSPTEXT Selector is essentially a pointer to the start of the text data. The length of the text string in bytes is also shown. CF_BITMAP and CF_DSPBITMAP Data size is the logical size in bytes of the bitmap data, not including the color palette and the header data. The dimensions of the bitmap are also shown. The width (x) and height (y) in pels (or pixels) are shown, as is the number of planes and the number of bits per plane (bit count). CF_METAFILE and CF_DSPMETAFILE The handle is a logical address to the metafile data. The return code is the code that OS/2 returned after playing the metafile (drawing it to the screen). If there was an error detected when playing the metafile, a non-zero error code will be shown. The size of the metafile data in bytes is also shown. PRIVATE The first item shown in the details box for private types is the name given to the type by the application. The clipboard format code and format information is shown (This information is directed more to programmers than users). The size of the data in bytes is also shown. Note: When Clip Edit displays private data, it tries to show it as text. If the data is a binary format, the display will not show much. That's the problem with private types, Clip Edit doesn't know how to properly display them because they're private. ═══ 1.4.6. Clip Edit Registration Information ═══ This version of Clip Edit is Shareware. Please support the shareware concept (not to mention the authors of Clip Edit) by registering your copy. If you received this program via a Bulletin board or on-line service, you should have received 4 files all together. CLIPREAD.ME - description, information, installation instructions CLIPEDIT.EXE - executable file CLIPEDIT.HLP - these help panels CLIPEDIT.LIC - license agreement and ordering information Please look at CLIPEDIT.LIC and follow the instructions in it to get your copy registered. If you are missing this file, write us and we'll send you a complete package. Include the $20 registration fee, $3.50 for shipping, handling, and diskette cost, and the size of diskette you need (3.5 or 5.25 inch). Our address is: Solaris Precision Software 203 South Blvd. Gunnison, CO 81230 Support for Clip Edit is available by sending a letter to the above address or sending a note to 70304,126 at CompuServe. We'll try to respond as soon as we can. For those of you who register your copy of Clip Edit - THANK YOU! ═══ 2. Help for Menu Pull Downs ═══ The following panels provide help for each menu pull down. File Clipboard-Edit Options Bitmap-Options Help ═══ 2.1. Help for File ═══ Use the File pull-down choice to select the following options: Save Selected Format As Load File into Clipboard Print Selected Format Exit ═══ 2.2. Help for Save Selected Format As... ═══ Help for Save Selected Format As... This option allows you to save the contents of the clipboard in a file. The format that it is saved in is dependent on the format that is currently selected. When this option is selected, Clip Edit displays a File Dialog Box with which you select the file name for the clipboard format to be saved as. Note: For bitmaps, the default is to save the file in the 1.2+ format. Optionally, you can save it in the 1.1 format. See Save Bitmaps in PM 1.1 Format for details. ═══ 2.2.1. Help for File Dialog Box ═══ The file dialog box is a standard (CUA compliant) dialog box for selecting a file. Double click on the drive id that you want to change to (e.g. A: ) and/or the path that you want to change to (e.g. CLIPEDIT or ..). To select a file, double click on the file name, or single click on it and then select LOAD or SAVE. To select a file (for SAVE) that doesn't yet exist, you can type in the name in the entry box at the top, and then select SAVE. ═══ 2.3. Help for Load File into Clipboard... ═══ Help for Load File into Clipboard... This option allows you to alter the contents of the clipboard by reading a file and inserting it into the clipboard. Select a file using the File Dialog Box. The dialog box starts out only showing valid file names (extension is as shown below) for Clip Edit to load. The format that Clip Edit will attempt to load it as depends on the extension of the file that you have selected. BMP - Bitmap Will load an OS/2 1.1 or 1.2+ bitmap as CF_BITMAP MET - Metafile Will load an OS/2 metafile as CF_METAFILE TXT - Text Will load a text file as CF_TEXT DOC - Text Will load a text file as CF_TEXT DSP - Text Will load a text file as CF_DSPTEXT Note: Clip Edit will determine whether a bitmap is a PM 1.1 format or a PM 1.2+ format, and read it accordingly. ═══ 2.3.1. Help for File Dialog Box ═══ The file dialog box is a standard (CUA compliant) dialog box for selecting a file. Double click on the drive id that you want to change to (e.g. A: ), the path that you want to change to (e.g. CLIPEDIT or ..). To select a file, double click on the file name, or single click on it and then select LOAD or SAVE. To select a file (for SAVE) that doesn't yet exist, you can type in the name in the entry box at the top, and then select SAVE. ═══ 2.4. Help for Print Selected Format ═══ The print option prints the selected clipboard format on your default printer queue. If you have not set up a default queue, you can use the OS/2 Print Manager to do so. Clip Edit prints CF_TEXT, CF_DSPTEXT, and private types as plain ASCII text. Clip Edit prints metafiles and bitmaps graphically. Some printers may not be capable of printing metafiles, while others (especially plotters) may not be capable of printing bitmaps. Note: While it is true that you need a default queue, you do not need to have the spooler enabled for Clip Edit to print. ═══ 2.5. Help for Exit ═══ Use this choice to end the Clip Edit program. Since Clip Edit doesn't keep any of your data in memory, you are not asked to confirm whether you want to quit or not. If you inadvertently exit when you don't want to, just re-start Clip Edit and you'll be back to where you were. ═══ 2.6. Help for Clipboard-Edit ═══ Use the Clipboard-Edit pull-down choice to select the following options: Edit Text Clear Others Clear All ═══ 2.7. Help for Edit Text ═══ The Edit Text option allows you to edit the clipboard text data (CF_TEXT). Selecting this option brings up a dialog box with an editor. The editor functions essentially the same as the OS/2 System Editor. Note: This version of Clip Edit empties the other clipboard data when you edit the CF_TEXT. If you don't like this behavior, let us know and we'll put it on our list of potential changes. ═══ 2.8. Help for Clear Others ═══ The Clear Others option is probably the most powerful feature of Clip Edit. It will retain the selected format and delete all the others from the clipboard. This feature allows you to "force" applications to paste the type of data that you select, instead of the default for the application. An application may not accept the format that you try to paste, but it will not cause any harm if this is the case. Just copy the data again and try another format. Note: Clear Others will currently not support private types that are larger than 64Kbytes in size. Most private types are not nearly this large, so it should not pose too much of a problem. If it does, let us know, and we will put it on our list of potential changes. ═══ 2.9. Help for Clear All ═══ The Clear All option empties the clipboard. ═══ 2.10. Help for Options ═══ Use the Options pull-down choice to select the following options: Beep on Clipboard Update Window Background Color ═══ 2.11. Help for Beep on Clipboard Update ═══ The Beep on Clipboard Update option tells Clip Edit to sound a tone when the clipboard is updated. Select once to enable beeping (a check mark will appear on the menu item); select it again to disable the feature. ═══ 2.12. Help for Window Background Color ═══ Use the Window Background Color option to set the background color of the display window. Note: The Window Default option sets the color back to your default color. This color corresponds to the "Window Background" color on the OS/2 control panel. ═══ 2.13. Help for Bitmap-Options ═══ Use the Bitmap-Options pull-down choice to select the following options: Bitmap Fit to Window Don't Fit to Window Save Bitmaps in PM 1.1 Format ═══ 2.14. Help for Bitmap Fit to Window ═══ Selecting the Bitmap Fit to Window option tells Clip Edit that you would like bitmaps to be displayed by scaling them to fit within the display area window. A check mark will appear next to this item when it is enabled. To revert back to the option of not scaling the bitmap, select Don't Fit to Window. ═══ 2.15. Help for Don't Fit to Window ═══ Selecting the Don't Fit to Window option tells Clip Edit that you would like bitmaps to be displayed without scaling. If the bitmap is larger than the window, it will be clipped. A check mark will appear next to this item when it is enabled. To change to the option of scaling the bitmap, select Bitmap Fit to Window. ═══ 2.16. Help for Save Bitmaps in PM 1.1 Format ═══ The default for saving bitmaps is the PM 1.2+ format. Save Bitmaps in PM 1.1 Format tells Clip Edit to save bitmaps in the old format. A check mark will appear next to this item if it is enabled. ═══ 2.17. Help for About Clip Edit ═══ Use this choice to see some fascinating details about Clip Edit. ═══ 3. Help for Clip Edit Help ═══ Use these choices to find out how to use help, to get extended help, to go to a list of keys, or to go to the help index. Help for help Provides detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to use help. Extended help Displays general help. Keys help Displays a list of keys. Help index Displays the help index. Note: Clip Edit has a fairly extensive amount of information available in this help text. Please feel free to rummage through this data in pursuit of information about Clip Edit and the OS/2 PM clipboard. ═══ 4. Help for Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 5. Help for Extended Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain general information on the tasks you can perform while you are viewing a help window. ═══ 6. Help for Help Index ═══ Use this choice to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 7. Help for Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 8. Help for Key Assignments ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. ACCELERATOR KEYS Alt+a Clear All - This selection clears the contents of the clipboard. Select Clear All for more detail. Alt+c Clear Others - This selection clears the contents of the clipboard except for the format that is currently selected. Select Clear Others for more detail. Alt+e Edit Text - If there is currently text data (CF_TEXT) in the clipboard, this selection allows you to edit it. If there is no text data in the clipboard, Edit Text allows you to add text data to the clipboard. Select Edit Text for more detail. Ctrl+S Save Selected Format As - This selection save the selected clipboard format to a disk file. Select Save Selected Format As for more detail. Ctrl+L Load File into Clipboard - This selection loads a disk file into the clipboard. Select Load File into Clipboard for more detail. Ctrl+P Print Selected Format - This selection prints the selected clipboard format to your default printer. Select Print Selected Format for more detail. F3 Exit - Exit the Clip Edit program. Select Exit for more detail. HELP KEYS F1 Get help F2 Get extended help (from within any help window) Alt+F4 End help F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+F6 Switch to the next windowed program Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a window F10 Go to/from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt+F10 Go to/from the action bar Alt+F4 or F3 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Ctrl+PgDn or Shift+F8 Scroll the contents of the window right one page Ctrl+PgUp or Shift+F7 Scroll the contents of the window left one page Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window ═══ 9. Help for messages ═══ The panels in this section relate to error and information messages that may occur while using Clip Edit. ═══ 9.1. Help for messages ═══ 9000 An error occurred trying to query the clipboard for the format information for the selected private type. This probably means that the private type in the clipboard is faulty. ═══ 9.2. Help for messages ═══ 9001 The file that you selected to save the clipboard format as currently exists. Clip Edit verifies that you want to overwrite the file before the contents are lost. If you want to replace the contents of the file with the selected clipboard format, select Yes. If you do not, select No, and the file will remain intact, and the save operation will be cancelled. ═══ 9.3. Help for messages ═══ 9002 Clip Edit received an indication that the operation to replace the bitmap during a "Clear Others" failed. This error should not occur in normal operations. It may indicate a faulty bitmap, or that Clip Edit is corrupted. You may want to try another bitmap or re-start Clip Edit, or even OS/2. ═══ 9.4. Help for messages ═══ 9003 Clip Edit received an indication that the operation to replace the metafile during a "Clear Others" failed. This error should not occur in normal operations. It may indicate a faulty metafile, or that Clip Edit is corrupted. You may want to try another metafile or re-start Clip Edit, or even OS/2. ═══ 9.5. Help for messages ═══ 9004 Clip Edit received an indication that the operation to replace the text during a "Clear Others" failed. This error should not occur in normal operations. It may indicate faulty text or memory allocation, or that Clip Edit is corrupted. You may want to clear the clipboard and try different text or re-start Clip Edit, or even OS/2. ═══ 9.6. Help for messages ═══ 9005 Clip Edit received an indication that the operation to replace the DSP text during a "Clear Others" failed. This error should not occur in normal operations. It may indicate faulty text or memory allocation, or that Clip Edit is corrupted. You may want to clear the clipboard and try different DSP text or re-start Clip Edit, or even OS/2. ═══ 9.7. Help for messages ═══ 9006 Clip Edit received an indication that the operation to replace the private type during a "Clear Others" failed. This error should not occur in normal operations. It may indicate a faulty atom table entry or memory allocation, or that Clip Edit is corrupted. You may want to clear the clipboard and try a different private type or re-start Clip Edit, or even OS/2. ═══ 9.8. Help for messages ═══ 9007 This is an informational message that is telling you how many bytes and in what format the bitmap has been saved. The number of bytes shown should correspond exactly with the number of bytes OS/2 reports for the file size. ═══ 9.9. Help for messages ═══ 9008 This is an informational message that is telling you that the metafile has been properly saved. ═══ 9.10. Help for messages ═══ 9009 This is an error message that is telling you that the save operation for the metafile has returned an error. This may be due to several causes, the most common of which may be not enough room on the disk, disk is read only, device not ready, etc.. ═══ 9.11. Help for messages ═══ 9010 This is an informational message that is telling you that Clip Edit has written the indicated number of bytes to disk. The number of bytes should match exactly the file size indicated by OS/2. ═══ 9.12. Help for messages ═══ 9011 This is an informational message that is telling you that Clip Edit cannot Save the selected format. Clip Edit currently does not allow you to load or save private types. This may be supported in future releases. ═══ 9.13. Help for messages ═══ 9012 This is an error message that is telling you that Clip Edit cannot Open the selected File. In this case, Clip Edit is trying to read the file, and if it doesn't exist, this error occurs. ═══ 9.14. Help for messages ═══ 9013 This is an error message that is telling you that Clip Edit cannot Open the selected File. In this case, Clip Edit is trying to read the file, and if it doesn't exist, this error occurs. ═══ 9.15. Help for messages ═══ 9014 This is an error message that is telling you that Clip Edit cannot find the start of the bitmap data. The file looks like a bitmap, but does not contain an indication of where the bitmap "bits" start. ═══ 9.16. Help for messages ═══ 9015 This is an error message that is telling you that Clip Edit does not recognize the format of the bitmap that has been selected. OS/2 bitmaps contain a code in the header that tells the reader how to read/interpret the bitmap data that follows. The selected file does not contain this code. ═══ 9.17. Help for messages ═══ 9016 This is an error message that is telling you that the bit count for the bitmap is greater than 24. Clip Edit cannot read this bitmap, and in fact the bitmap is probably in error. ═══ 9.18. Help for messages ═══ 9017 This is an error message that is telling you Clip Edit cannot create a new bitmap to read this bitmap data into. This error should not occur during normal operations. It may indicate that OS/2 is out of memory or resources. ═══ 9.19. Help for messages ═══ 9018 This is an error message that is telling you Clip Edit cannot allocate enough memory to create a new bitmap to read this bitmap data into. ═══ 9.20. Help for messages ═══ 9019 This is an error message that is telling you Clip Edit received an error trying to place the bitmap into the clipboard. This may indicate a faulty bitmap. ═══ 9.21. Help for messages ═══ 9020 This is an error message that is telling you Clip Edit received an error trying to read a metafile. This may indicate a faulty metafile. ═══ 9.22. Help for messages ═══ 9021 This is an error message that is telling you Clip Edit received an error trying to place the metafile into the clipboard. This may indicate a faulty metafile. ═══ 9.23. Help for messages ═══ 9022 This is an error message that is telling you Clip Edit received an error trying to place the text data into the clipboard. This may indicate faulty text or memory allocation. ═══ 9.24. Help for messages ═══ 9023 This message occurs when you ask to load a file into the clipboard and the selected file does not have one of the following extensions: BMP MET TXT DSP DOC Clip Edit uses the extension to understand what type of file you are loading into the clipboard. For example a file extension of .BMP tells Clip Edit to read the file as a bitmap and place it into the clipboard as CF_BITMAP. See the Load File into Clipboard section for more detail of how this function works. ═══ 9.25. Help for messages ═══ 9024 Clip Edit can only perform the "Clear Others" operation on private types that are less than 64Kbytes. This message indicates that the selected private type is greater than 64K. Clip Edit does not alter the clipboard in this case. ═══ 9.26. Help for messages ═══ 9025 Clip Edit received an error when trying to open (create) the selected file. This may be due to several causes, the most common of which may be not enough room on the disk, disk is read only, device not ready, etc.. ═══ 9.27. Help for messages ═══ 9026 Clip Edit received an error when trying to open (read) the selected file. This error should not occur in normal operations, and may indicate that OS/2 is out of memory or resources. ═══ 9.28. Help for messages ═══ 9027 The handle (logical address) for the bitmap in the clipboard is NULL. This error should not occur in normal operations, and indicates a faulty bitmap. ═══ 9.29. Help for messages ═══ 9028 Clip Edit cannot open your default printer. You may want to use the OS/2 Print Manager to ensure that you have an "Application Default" printer and queue. ═══ 9.30. Help for messages ═══ 9029 An error occurred while trying to print the selected bitmap. It may be a faulty bitmap, a printer device or setup problem, or a memory or resource shortage problem. ═══ 9.31. Help for messages ═══ 9060 An error occurred while trying to find the requested drive. The drive may not exist on this system, or the operating system may not be properly configured. ═══ 9.32. Help for messages ═══ 9061 Clip Edit does not currently support mode than 8 character file name and 3 character extensions. Upgrading to support long HPFS filenames is planned for the next release of Clip Edit. ═══ 9.33. Help for messages ═══ 9062 Clip Edit detected that a drive is not ready. Insert a diskette and close the drive door if your drive has one. ═══ 9.34. Help for messages ═══ 9063 Clip Edit detected a "sector not found" error. This probably indicates that the disk or diskette is not formatted, or has a bad sector. ═══ 9.35. About Dialog Box ═══ This dialog box is a little free advertising for Solaris. While we're at it, we'd just like to say to you registered users, THANK YOU and to you non-registered users, PLEASE REGISTER. ═══ 9.36. Help for Edit Text Dialog Box ═══ This dialog box enables you to edit the clipboard textual data (CF_TEXT). Just use it like you would any other editor (it behaves very much like E.EXE, the OS/2 System Editor). Select Done to have your changes applied to the clipboard. Select Cancel to return to Clip Edit without affecting changes to the clipboard. Use the Word Wrap option for paragraph based text, turn it off if you want the text to appear as lines strictly with carriage returns.