MKMSGF %`&$' 1!2&3h3 435u5 5;6X6 8k9/:q:v;:< ?m@rA GWHtH K*LGLdL M/MLMiM M'NiN N.OpO X+YmY Y2ZtZ Zz[>\ bfc*d/e iEi j rvs{t z {%| HVisualGen Developer Version 1 Release 0 EZE001H.MSG 5648-040 HAll open blocks are closed at the PA tag. You should insert the appropriate closing tag in your tutorial and restart. HThe given tag is not allowed in the startup file. You should remove the tag from the startup file and restart. HA wrong tag was used to close the currently active block. You should correct the tag and restart. HThe currently active type of menu does not match the specified end tag. You should correct the tag and restart. HUse the correct Tutorial Manager/2 version, or compile the package again. HSupply the correct tutorial name when you start the tutorial. HDelete the PRESPARAM statement(s) in the resource and try again. HCheck the LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS, and make sure the indicated DLL is located in one of the directories listed in the LIBPATH statement. HProvide a valid startup file and restart Tutorial Manager/2. HThe specified package does not contain a startup file. Check the contents of the package and re-compile the tutorial. HTutorial file(s) are required in author's mode. Supply at least one tutorial file in startup file, and restart the tutorial. HTutorial file(s) are required in author's mode. Provide the tutorial file tag (:TUTFILES), and at least one tutorial file in the startup file. HThe Tutorial Manager/2 needs a profile file. Provide the profile tag (:PROFILE), and the profile file name in the startup file. HUnused HUse a smaller set of directories where your tutorial files are located. HFree system memory by reducing the amount of currently active sessions. Check if memory swapping is active and if the swapper has enough disk space left to do swapping. HSpecify correct directory or DPATH and try again HPlease contact your IBM representative and tell him the conditions and error code ! HSpecify the startup file name in the command line HSpecify the name of a valid package file HSpecify the name of an existing package and retry. HRemove some windows or window controls from the current PA section and restart the tutorial. H!! no help text defined !! HYou specified an incorrect value or more than one value. The tag is ignored. You should correct the error and restart. HYou specified an incorrect value or more than one value. The tag is ignored. You should correct the error and restart. HYou should remove the duplicate attribute and restart. HThe given tag accepts no attributes. You should remove the attribute and restart. HYou specified an attribute without a value. You should either specify a value or remove the attribute and restart. HYou should check the tag for conflicting attributes, remove one attribute and restart. HAn ID was specified which does not exist or cannot be used with this tag. You could use the Debug Panel to check, if the ID exists and if the object, the ID refers to, has the correct type. Then correct the error and restart the tutorial. HThe referenced ID exists more than once. You should either use unique IDs or add the ID of the owning window to the reference. HYou specified an ID which already exists. If you select OK, the previous definition will be deleted. HYou should either correct the specified ID or remove the invalid attribute and restart. HYou specified an attribute which is not allowed with this tag. You should correct the tag and restart. HSuperfluous attributes are ignored. You should remove the attributes and restart. HThe tag was already specified in the startup file and will be ignored. You should correct the startup file and restart. HEither correct the file name, or remove it. If the tutorial may be continued, a continue button is offered as a choice. If you continue the tutorial, the file specified cannot be loaded HAll files, except bitmap files and metafiles, must not exceed 64K in size. Split the file, if possible. If the tutorial can be continued, the Continue push button is available. If you continue the tutorial, the file specified cannot be loaded. HEither correct the file name, remove it, or supply the file. If you continue the tutorial, the file specified cannot be loaded. HYou can use the FULLSCREEN style in SIMULATE or MAXIMZE mode. HSpecify the number of an existing menu resource or remove the MENU style. HIf you continue, the menu will be created without the specified item or pulldown. Please refer to the documentation for all supported styles. HThe tag will be ignored. You should correct the styles and restart. HYou should provide a numeric value for the ENDRC statement and restart. HThe tag accepts only one filename. You should correct the tag and restart. HEither you specified a wrong filename or the file is damaged. HThe given tag is unknown to Tutorial Manager/2. Check the tag for correct spelling or remove it and restart. HThe given tag was used out of context. The tag will be ignored. Example: a :HP tag may only be used within a text section. Either remove the tag or put it in the correct context. HThe tag will be ignored. You should correct the styles and restart. H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! HEither no file has been specified or the specified file is not a valid imbed file. The tag is ignored. You should correct the tag and restart. HThere was no valid FILE and/or REFID attribute specified. You should add the missing attribute or correct the tag and restart. H!! no help text defined !! HUnused HYou specified an incorrect condition that cannot be evaluated. You should correct the condition specification and restart. HUnused HYou specified a LEAVE tag, but no loop was active. You should either remove the LEAVE tag or check the position of the tag and restart. HAn error occurred when opening the file. Check if the file exists or if it is locked by another process and restart. HAn error occurred when reading the file. Check if the file exists or if it is locked by another process and restart. HAn error occured while processing a file. This is probably an internal error. HAn error occurred when reading a file. Check if the file exists or if it is locked by another process and restart. HAn error occured while writing to a file. Check if there is enough space on the disk/diskette or if the file is locked by another process. HAn error occured while closing a file. This is probably an internal error. HYou tried to use a tag which is only allowed within a window definition. The tag will be ignored. Check the position of the tag or remove it and restart. HYou used a DEFWINDOW tag inside a window definition. The tag will be ignored. You should check the position of the tag or remove it and restart. HAn attribute which is mandatory for this tag was not specified. The tag will be ignored. You should specify the missing attribute and restart. HYou specified an ACTIONBAR tag, even though actionbar is already active. Correct your tag and try again HThe specified menu item ID is not a predefined one. Correct your tag and try again HThe system detected a menu type which is not allowed. Report the error conditions. HNot all required attributes for a specific style were specified. Change the style or add the missing attribute and retry. HThe string pool is full. HThere is no character message which can be passed to the system, or it is not safe to pass the message because there has been other message processing in between HCorrect the size/position value and try again. HAn EDEFWINDOW is detected before all opened structures are closed. Correct the error and try again. HYou specified an incorrect value or more than one value. Correct the error and try again. HYou specified an incorrect value or more than one value. Correct the error and try again. Hyou specified a start of a list ("(") within an already opened list. Correct the error and try again. If you decide to continue, the attribute value will be ignored. Hyou specified an end of a list (")"), but no list is opened. Correct the error and try again. If you decide to continue, the attribute value will be ignored. HAn opened list is pending. Correct the error and try again. If you decide to continue, the attribute value will be ignored. HThe specified value of an attribute is longer than allowed. Correct the error and try again. If you decide to continue, the attribute value will be ignored. HThe specified value of an attribute is not recognized. Correct the error and try again. If you decide to continue, the attribute value will be ignored. HThe specified main window type is not recognized. Correct the error and try again. HUnused HThe specified string is not a valid ID. Change the error and try again. HYou used a tag which would produce unpredictable results during processing of an INITMENU event. Please use only tags that change the enabled/disabled or checked/unchecked style of menu items. HThe system detected an internal error. HMove the DEFHP tag to the profile or remove font attributes. HThe specified end tag is not at the end of a list or a lines section. The end tag will be ignored. Recovery: Remove the end tag or insert the approbiate start list tag. HAdd the font name or remove the font style or size attribute. HCorrect the sequence of TEXT and ETEXT tags and retry. HCorrect the font name or load the font using the load font tag. HCorrect the tag and retry. HCorrect the tag and retry. HCorrect the tag and retry. H!! no help text defined !! HCorrect the tag and retry. HYou cannot define a child window as the parent of another window. Change or remove the PARENT= attribute. HAdd the missing number and retry. HCorrect the tag and retry. HEnsure that the file is in the search path. HNo closing parenthesis found for the called function entry. If you want to continue, an empty string is used as result of function call. HYou have entered a function name which is not known to the system. If you want to continue an empty string will be used as a result of function. HYou have not called the function ASC(character) with exactly one argument. If you want to continue result "0" is assumed the function. HUnused HYou cannot delete a system variable or a default value. System variables can never by changed by the :SET or :DEL command. Default values (variable name starting with $DEF) can be changed using the :SET command. HDefault values cannot be changed using a generic key in the :SET command. System variables can never be changed. If you want to continue the command is ignored. HSystem variables can never be changed by the :SET command. If you want to continue the command is ignored. HYou have entered an unknown default name in the :SET command. If you want to continue the command is ignored. HYou have entered a generic name in the :SET command, but there is no variable name starting with the given characters. If you want to continue the command is ignored. H!! no help text defined !! HA variable name must start with a letter and consists only of letters, digits, and underscores HThe program has detected a variable name during replace, which is not known to the program. The value vor the variable is assumed to be an empty string, if you want to continue. HThe length of the output string would be exeeded when the rest of the input string is added. The rest of the string is ignored. HYou cannot delete all user variables using the :DEL command. Use terminate and init to delete all variables and reallocate the user variable area. You may delete a group of variables using ":DEL xxx*". HSet is called without any variable or value. The input may contain a superfluous period. HSet is called with more than two arguments. HYou have called the function ASC(character) with an argument which is longer than one character. "0" will be used as result of function call. HYou have called the function CHAR(number) with an argument which is not numeric or not a value from 1 to 255. An empty string will be used as resul for function call. HYou have called the function NUM(expression,prec) with an incorrect argument for precision. 0 will be used for precision HYou have called the function POS(string,character) with a second argument which is longer than one character. "0" will be used as result of function call HYou have called the function ROT(string,number) with a second argument which is not numeric. The original string will be used as result of function call HYou have called the function STR(string,position[,length]) with a third argument which is not unsigned numeric. The substring from position to the be used as result of function call. Hyou have called the function STR(string,position[,length]) with a second argument which is not unsigned numeric. The position is assumed to be 1 when building the result of function call.: HThe variable you want to delete is not available. The name you have entered is perhaps not correct. H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! HCorrect the tag and retry HCorrect the tag and retry HUnused HCorrect the tag and retry HCorrect the tag and retry HCorrect the tag and retry HCorrect the tag and retry HCorrect the tag and retry HThere is no DLL with the given name, the DLL is not in the LIBPATH or the DLL is locked. Check the DLL name and the location of the DLL. HThere is no bitmap with the given number in the DLL. Check the number and the DLL name. HIf you continue, default position will be used H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! H!! no help text defined !! HRemove either the refid attribute or the text or id attribute. HUse one of the numbers 1 or 2 for the heading number HAdd the inserted end of block tag or change the start block tag HUnused HCheck the syntax of the REFID, this REFID attribute will be ignored HInternal software error, inform your IBM representative HInternal software error, inform your IBM representative HInternal software error, inform your IBM representative HCheck the syntax of the REFID, this REFID attribute will be ignored HCheck the existence of the field specified HCheck for multiple definitions of the field required HSpecify shorter valid string If you continue, the string will be ignored HSpecify syntactically correct attribute If you continue, the attribute will be ignored HSpecify syntactically correct attribute If you continue, the attribute will be ignored HSpecify syntactically correct ID If you continue, the attribute will be ignored HYou specified more than one attribute defining an event in an ON tag. Please check your statement and correct it. HYou specified more than the allowed number of ON tags. Please check your statements and simplify them. HUnused HThe specified condition does conflict with the allowed syntax Correct the condition and try again. HThe start and end condition of a FOR loop have to be numeric. Correct the condition and try again. HThe specified file could not be executed since it is either not found or not correctly specified. Correct the passed parameters and try again. HThe specified parameterlist is syntactically incorrect. Correct the passed parameters and try again. HThe nesting of ON structures is not allowed. Correct your flow and try again. HThe specified style attribute for the default variable is not a valid one. Change the error and try again. HUnused HThe referenced command line argument exceedes the maximum length of a command line argument processed by the packager / compiler. HThe referenced command line argument is invalid and was skipped. HCorrect the command line and retry. HCorrect the command line and retry. HYou can specify only the package name and the startup file name any additional input is ignored. HSpecify the package name where you started the tutorial. HCancel if you want to keep the package, else continue. HSelect Cancel if you want to correct the package name. Select Continue if you want to create a package with the specified name. HSelect Yes to update the file in the package. Select No to leave the package file as it is. Select Cancel to stop the package processing. HRemove one of the conflicting styles. HUnused HThe number of arguments in the definition of a column is incorrect. Correct the definition and retry. HCheck and correct the definition of the given column. HA slider or value set definition was found in a resource that has no control data associated. The control cannot be imported. HTo use the SUMMBUTTON or MENUBUTTON tag in the profile, you must include a SUMMARY or MENU tag in the startup file.\n The tag will be ignored. Either correct your startup file or your profile and restart the tutorial. HReduce the number of index entries and start the tutorial again. HThe version of the named DLL file is not compatible with the Tutorial Manager/2 version you are using. Check the DLLs in your LIBPATH directories and, make sure that the correct DLL is located in one (and only one) of the directories. HCheck the tutorial part currently processed for endless loops HThe referenced file is not known to Tutorial Manager/2 Probably the file is not listed in the startup file or it does not exist. Check the name of the file and its existence. HYou used a tag which is not yet implemented in the Tutorial Manager/2 version you are using. Check if you have the latest version of Tutorial Manager/2 or contact Tutorial Manager/2 development. HThe first tutorial file might be damaged or locked by another process. HThe style NOCURSORSELECT may only be used for autoradio buttons, STYLE=AUTORADIO. Correct the tag and retry. HThe referenced style value does not belong to the styles which can be specified for this tag or another style value was specified which can not be used together with the referenced style value. HOnly button styles CHECKBOX, AUTOCHECKBOX, RADIO, AUTORADIO, THREESTATE, and AUTOTHREESTATE may be used as arguments for the BUTTONCHECKED call. Correct the tag and retry. HAttribute which is mandatory was not specified. Correct your tag and try again HID used in DELIT tag may not be deleted. Tag will be ignored. HThe specified ID is not unique. A window definition and a window instance exist with the same ID, because you used the WINDOW tag without specifying the ID= attribute. If you press enter, the window instance will be deleted and the window definition remains available. HThe file specified with the /PA option does not exist. Make sure that the file is specified in your startup file and that the file exists. HCorrect the syntax of the /PA option and retry. HYou have called the function LEN(string) with an invalid option. The only valid option is 'C' and is only evaluated on a DBCS system. Either remove or correct the option. HYou have insufficient memory to proceed.\n Action:\n Try each of the following in order:\n 1. Close other active applications\n 2. Close and reopen Tutorial Manager/2.\n 3. Change the drive named in the SWAPFILE statement in your CONFIG.SYS file, then shut down the system and start it again. HThe HELPID attribute may only be used for pulldown and actionbar items. The attribute will be ignored.\n\n Action: remove the HELPID attribute for the ITEM tag. HYou defined a message box without the HELP style and specified a HELPID. Since no help action is possible for this type of message box, the HELPID attribute is ignored.\n\n Action: remove the HELPID attribute for the MSGBOX tag or use the HELP style for the MSGBOX tag. HThe tutorial you selected from the HELP pulldown could not be started. Maybe you are running out of memory.\n\n Action: close other programs and try again. If the problem persists, please contact Tutorial Manager/2 development. HText formatting is not supported for the codepage currently active on your system. You may continue the tutorial but text formatting will not work properly.\n\n Action: If you want text formatting to work properly, switch to one of the codepages given in the error message and restart the tutorial. HThe DLL needed for text formatting on a DBCS system could not be found. Text formatting may give strange results.\n\n Action: Check that the DLL is in a directory specified on the LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. HThe DLL needed for text formatting on a DBCS system is damaged. Text formatting may give strange results.\n\n Action: Check that the correct DLL is in a directory specified on the LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. HThe first tutorial file must contain at least one :PA or :BRANCH tag.\n\n Action: Correct the tutorial file and restart the tutorial. HYou specified a new default value for the multiple/single substitution symbol. This value may contain only one single character.\n\n Action: Correct the :SET tag and restart the tutorial. HCheck whether file specified does contain valid graphical information. HSpecify the number of an existing dialog resource. HIf you continue, the dialog will be created without the specified control. Please refer to the documentation for all supported controls. HYou already specified the given tag. This tag is allowed only once. Remove the incorrect tag and restart the tutorial. HCorrect the referenced ID and/or tag. HEither the ICON= attribute is missing or the graphic specified with the ICON= attribute could not be loaded.\n Add/correct the ICON= attribute and retry. HEither change the button style to STYLE=USER or remove the ICON= or DEPICON= attribute. HContact your IBM representative for the correct version of Tutorial Manager/2. HThe number of data elements given with the DATA= attribute is greater than the number given with the ELEMENTS= attribute.\n The data entries will be ignored.\n Either increase the number of elements or remove some of the data entries. HChange the POS= attribute or the TO= attribute. HThe value has to be in the range specified for the spinbutton.\n Either change the range on the RANGE= attribute or change the VALUE= attribute. HThe value has to be in the choicelist specified for the spinbutton.\n Either change the choicelist on the CHOICE= attribute or change the VALUE= attribute. HYou may not specify Tutorial Manager/2 tag names with the :IGNORETAG tag.\n Remove the tag name and retry. HIf RC was:\n -3 the external REXX file was not found.\n 48 the REXX statements could not be executed. HSpecify a non-zero value for the number of elements. HCurrently only fields and buttons are supported for the copy operation. The window element will be ignored. HSpecify a correct REXX procedure. HAttributes COLOR=, BACKCOLOR= and FONT= are not valid for buttons with the USER style.\n Either remove the USER style for the button or the invalid attribute and restart the tutorial. HCurrently only fields and buttons are supported for the print operation. The window element will be ignored. HYou tried to set the focus to an inactive window or to a control in an inactive window. Tag will be ignored. HValid combinations of Notebook styles are:\n\n MAJORTABRIGHT with BACKPPAGEBOTRIGHT or BACKPAGETOPRIGHT,\n MAJORTABLEFT with BACKPPAGEBOTLEFT or BACKPAGETOPLEFT,\n MAJORTABTOP with BACKPAGETOPRIGHT or BACKPAGETOPLEFT and\n MAJORTABBOT with BACKPAGEBOTRIGHT or BACKPAGEBOTLEFT. HYou tried to define a page with the minor tab style but no page with the major tab style was defined before. HThe specified file name is too long. It will be ignored. HThe specified file %1 does not exist. The system will start from the beginning. HThe specified file %1 already exists. Select OK to overwrite it or CANCEL to cancel bookmark. HUnable to write to bookmark file %1. Disk full ? HUnable to read from bookmark file %1. HThe file %1 is not a valid bookmark file. HThe file %1 is not a valid file. HThe file %1 is not a takenized. HUnexpected end of file reached in file %1. HSpecifiy ONE of (BOOKMARK and /NOBOOKMARK. HYou used a DEFANIMATE tag inside a animation definition. The tag will be ignored. You should check the position of the tag or remove it and restart. HYou tried to use a tag which is only allowed within a animation definition. The tag will be ignored. Check the position of the tag or remove it and restart. HRemove some animation ebtries from the current DEFANIMATE section and restart the tutorial. HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HNo help available HRemove the TRANSPARENT style and retry HRemove the SAVE style and retry HCorrect the error and try again HCheck if the working directory exists and correct the tag. HValues for the ELEMENT= attribute have to be numeric and greater 0. Please correct the values and restart the tutorial. HThe CELLSIZE= value has to be greater or equal than 11. Please correct the cellsize and restart the tutorial. HThe item exceeds the number of elements specified in the valueset. Please change the number of elements and restart the tutorial. HThis function can only be used for valuesets that are defined with the CREATECOLORS style. HEither change the valueset-style or remove the items and restart the tutorial. HThe number of elements exceeds the maximum of 16. The elements are changed to (4,4). HHelp not available. HAn error occurred while proccessing MultiMedia Commands. H