═══ 1. Description ═══ Virtual Keychain Remote ver. 1.1 - Requires HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or the CM17A FireCracker Comm Engine, a series of home automation programs for OS/2 using X10 devices. Virtual Keychain is a software duplication of the real SlimFire keychain remote available through X10. With Virtual Keychain you can turn two user defined modules on, off or dim them right from your desktop. By running multiple copies of Virtual Keychain, you can expand the number of modules to be controlled. Virtual Keychain also works over a network. Requirements for the Virtual Keychain are: CM11A (ActiveHome), CM17A (FireCracker) or CP290 Comm Engine running and connected to the corresponding X10 controller. These Comm Engines are part of HOUSE/2 ver. 2.0, HOUSE/290 ver 2.0. or CM17A FireCracker. Unlike the real keychain remote, Virtual Keychain does not require batteries :) Virtual Keychain is a concept application and was developed to show what OS/2, and specifically Vispro/REXX, is capable of. To access the menus in Virtual Keychain, simply right-click anywhere on the application. See the section How To Use Virtual Keychain Remote for operating details. For hotkey assignments, see the section Hotkeys for details. Virtual Keychain is free, but requires HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or the CM17A Comm Engine. These programs are shareware and registration is available through BMT Micro at www.bmtmicro.com or through Lone Peak Automation directly. See the section How To Register for details. ═══ 2. Important Notes ═══ Note 1: Because this program does not have a title bar, it will NOT appear in the task list. This may pose a problem if you "loose" the Virtual Keychain behind other windows. KILLPROC.EXE, which comes with the shareware File Manager/2 will list it and allow you to terminate it. Other KILL programs may do the same. ═══ 3. How To Use Virtual Keychain Remote ═══ You must have HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or CM17A Comm Engine versions 2.0 or later installed for Virtual Keychain to activate X10 modules. Load one of the Comm Engines and establish a connection to your X10 controller. See the documentation of each of the Comm Engines on how to start-up and make a connection. Make sure the HOUSE/2 or HOUSE/290 GUI clients are disconnected from the Comm Engine (use Interface - Disconnect from Comm Engine pull-down menu). Do not confuse this with the connection between the Comm Engine and the X10 controller. Configure the house and device codes of Virtual Keychain Remote for two of your modules by opening the Settings window. Access it by pressing F8 or by right-clicking on the program and selecting Settings. Once Virtual Keychain has been configured, it is ready to be used. When you click on any button, the Virtual Keychain will connect to the Comm Engine and send out a corresponding X10 command, get confirmation and disconnect from the Comm Engine to free it up for the next connection. This may be another instance of Virtual Keychain or the HOUSE/2 or HOUSE/290 GUI client. The LED indicator on the Virtual Keychain will flash green once if the command was successfully executed. If the LED flashes only red once, it is indicating that the Comm Engine is not loaded. If the LED flashed green and then red, it indicates that the command was sent to the Comm Engine but an error occurred. The Comm Engine may be offline in this case. The exact error can be viewed in the Comm Engine window in this case. Only one keychain button may be pressed at once, all others are locked out as the Comm Engine commands are executed. Remember that X10 command execution is slow, especially dimming instructions. Give it enough time to execute commands. The Virtual Keychain may be run without a Comm Engine if you just want to look at the program. It does not access a serial port directly and no actions will take place except flashing the LED red. ═══ 4. Hotkeys ═══ The following keys are assigned to specific tasks: F1 Show Help file. F5 Rotate program around screen corners and to center. F8 Open Settings window. F12 Exit program. Alt - up arrow Move program window up by 20 pixels. Alt - down arrow Move program window down by 20 pixels. Alt - left arrow Move program window left by 20 pixels. Alt - right arrow Move program window right by 20 pixels. Shift - Alt - up arrow Move program window up by 80 pixels. Shift - Alt - down arrow Move program window down by 80 pixels. Shift - Alt - left arrow Move program window left by 80 pixels. Shift - Alt - right arrow Move program window right by 80 pixels. ═══ 5. Menu Description ═══ Describes all menu items available for this program. ═══ 5.1. Exit ═══ Exit the program. The function key F12 will also terminate the Virtual Keychain. ═══ 5.2. Settings ═══ You can also use the function key F8 to bring up this window. Very few settings are necessary to make the Virtual Keychain work. The default settings are set to use the Comm Engine of HOUSE/2, button 1 is set to address A1 and button 2 for A2. You can configure this program to use either the Comm Engine for HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or FireCracker. In the text input box you can enter the name of the networked computer where the Comm Engine is running at. Only enter the name, DO NOT add any back-slashes. See the section Network Operation for information on how to run Virtual Keychain over a network. Note: The computer name of a system can be found in the file IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI which is a text file. Under the [requester] section you will find Computername = CLIENT527 for example. Simply type in the name CLIENT527 in the text field to indicate on which computer the Comm Engine is running at. Buttons 1 and 2 can be configured for any house and device code, unlike the real keychain, which is limited to adjacent codes. The ON buttons will issue the ON command and the OFF buttons the OFF commands of the assigned house and device codes. The dim buttons will issue the dim and bright commands for the ON/OFF button last pressed. Extended X10 dim codes are used if the Ext. Command boxes are checked and provides for more accurate dim settings. You must have a two-way module like the LM14A for this to work correctly. Initial default for the dim buttons is the address assigned for button 1. If the selected modules support the extended X10 command set, simply check the Ext. Command boxes. Among the few modules supporting extended codes are the LM14A, AM14A and RR501. Only for dimming the LM14A (or any other dim-capable two-way modules) is it really advantageous to check the Ext. Command If you have multiple keychains running, you can give each program an ID number which will be displayed in the lower left corner of the program window. Valid entries are numbers 0-99. The Save button will save all the settings and the Cancel will abort any changed settings. ═══ 5.3. Product Information ═══ Product information. ═══ 5.4. Help Contents ═══ Displays the help contents (but uses the OS/2 index feature). Note that help is organized in sections and Help Contents brings up the section headings in alphabetical order. This is a more logical way to organize help even if it goes against common OS/2 convention. ═══ 6. Start-up Options ═══ If you run Virtual Keychain over a network, you may redirect the ini file to another drive or directory that is not write protected. Simply use the -i start-up option as show below. -i d:\path\inifile.ini used for redirecting the ini file to another drive, directory or file. To enter the startup options do the following: ■ For Warp 3.0: Right-click on the Virtual Keychain icon and select Settings. Under the Program tab in Optional Parameters enter the startup option. ■ For Warp 4.0: Right-click on the Virtual Keychain icon and select Properties. Under the Program tab in Optional Parameters enter the startup option. ═══ 7. Network Operation ═══ HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 and the CM17A Comm Engine use a named pipe to communicate with the Comm Engine and thus allows it to run over a LAN or peer-to-peer network. The requesters on both machines must be running for proper network operation. To run Virtual Keychain with HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or CM17A Comm Engine over a network, do the following: Connect the X10 controllers to one of the peer stations or the server. Install HOUSE/2 or HOUSE/290 on that machine and only start-up the Comm Engines (CM11A.EXE, CP290CE.EXE, CM17CE.EXE) and configure the serial port for the CM11A, CP290 or CM17A controller. It is necessary to have the Comm Engine set to Connect for the Virtual Keychain to work. You can use the main GUI programs of HOUSE/2 or HOUSE/290 over the network to set the Comm Engines to connect. Install Virtual Keychain on any workstations. In the settings page (press F8 or right-click and select Settings...), enter the computer name where the Comm Engine and X10 controllers are connected to. Do not use any back slashes when entering the name. The computer name of a system can be found in the file IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI which is a text file. Under the [requester] section you will find Computername = CLIENT527 for example. Simply type in the name CLIENT527 in the text field to indicate on which computer the Comm Engine is running at. Save the settings and you can now use the keychain to communicate with the Comm Engine to control modules. Several Virtual Keychains can communicate with the Comm Engine, but only one at a time may send out X10 commands. Make sure that any of the HOUSE/2 GUI clients on the networks are disconnected from the Comm Engine or the Virtual Keychain will not be able to access the Comm Engine. It may be necessary to redirect the Virtual Keychain ini file to another drive or directory that is not write protected. Simply use the -i start-up option to set which drive, path or ini file to use. Example: -i d:\path\inifile.ini It is not necessary to map any drives to workstations, nor is it necessary to redirect any serial ports. Below is an illustration that shows HOUSE/2 or HOUSE/290 running over a network. ═══ 8. Quick Help ═══ Quick Help Basic operation of Virtual Keychain is divided into these simple steps: - Define which Comm Engine is being used. - Assign house and device codes to the two buttons. - Start pushing buttons to control your lights. For information on how to get started with Virtual Keychain, see How To Use Virtual Keychain Remote. ═══ 9. Installation ═══ Note: REXX (classic or Object REXX) must be installed on your system for this program to work. REXXUTIL.DLL is required. Virtual Keychain is distributed as a self-installing executable using PillarSoft's SFX Installer. See http://www.pillarsoft.net for more information on that product. When installing Virtual Keychain, simply execute KEYCHAIN and follow the prompts given. If you want to run more than one Virtual Keychain, copy all program files into a different subdirectory. Then create a shadow of the Virtual Keychain object on the desktop. DO NOT USE THE SUPPLIED INSTALLER PROGRAM, as it will simply update the existing object and not put a second Virtual Keychain on your desktop. Copying the program files to a different directory is necessary to retain the different button settings for each individual program. Installing this program on your system does not change any of the INI or CONFIG.SYS files. In rare instances, it may be possible that Virtual Keychain may not find the DLL files and abort on start-up. To fix this, simply add the directory where you installed Virtual Keychain to the LIBPATH in your CONFIG.SYS. A reboot is necessary for the changes to take effect. The following files belong to this program: VIRKEY.EXE The executable main program. VIRKEY.HLP The main help file. VIRKEY.INI Configuration file for Virtual Keychain. This file will be created the first time Virtual Keychain is run. X10MHDLL.DLL Dynamic Link Library required by main program. UNINSTAL.CMD Uninstallation program. Removes Virtual Keychain completely from your system. HISTORY.TXT History of changes to the program. README.1ST Program description and installation instructions. BMTORDER.TXT Order form to register HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or the CM17A Comm Engine through BMT Micro. KEYCHAIN.EXE The executable self-installer program containing all files listed above except README.1ST. To remove this program from your system, close the program and execute UNINSTAL.CMD from the Virtual Keychain directory. This removes all Virtual Keychain files and subdirectory where Virtual Keychain was located in. ═══ 10. License Agreement ═══ This program is free; however, because it requires HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or the CM17A Comm Engine, you are asked to register one of these three programs after a trial period of 30 days. See How To Register section on ways to register. Non-registered users are granted a limited license to use the Virtual Keychain Remote on a trial basis for the purpose of determining whether it is suitable for their needs. Use of the Virtual Keychain Remote, except for this limited purpose, requires registration of HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or the CM17A Comm Engine. Use of non-registered copies of the Virtual Keychain Remote beyond a 30 day evaluation period by any person, business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity or institution is strictly forbidden. Use of registered copies of the Virtual Keychain Remote by any business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity or institution is strictly forbidden without prior licensing arrangements and written consent of Lone Peak Automation, LLC. Registration grants a user the right to use the Virtual Keychain Remote on any number of computers provided the single computer limit of the CM11A, CP290 or CM17A Comm Engines is maintained. You may not modify the Virtual Keychain Remote in any way, including but not limited to, decompiling, disassembling or otherwise reverse engineering the program. No part of the Virtual Keychain Remote documentation may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing form from Lone Peak Automation, LLC. All users are granted a limited license to copy the unregistered version of the Virtual Keychain Remote only for the trial use of others subject to the above limitations. The following limitations apply for copying unregistered versions: The Virtual Keychain Remote must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing license and ordering information. The full documentation for the Virtual Keychain Remote must be included in the archive. No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by any licensee beyond a reasonable price for the media the Virtual Keychain Remote is transferred on. Operators of electronic bulletin board systems and internet web/ftp sites may post the unregistered version of the Virtual Keychain Remote for downloading by their users as long as the above conditions are met. Distributors of public domain or user supported software may distribute copies of the unregistered version of the Virtual Keychain Remote subject to the above conditions. DISCLAIMER Lone Peak Automation, LLC accepts no responsibility for damages to property or personal injury that may be caused by the use of the Virtual Keychain Remote. The Virtual Keychain Remote is provided "AS IS" and you as its user assumes the entire risk when you use it. Because of potential fire hazards, Lone Peak Automation, LLC does NOT recommend using the Virtual Keychain Remote for controlling coffee pots, space heaters or similar heat-creating appliances. Lone Peak Automation, LLC is not connected to any companies mentioned nor do they endorse any of the products mentioned. All product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. The HOUSE/2 series of programs are shareware products and can be registered through BMT Micro at www.bmtmicro.com. The Virtual Keychain Remote is copyright (C) 1999 - 2000 Lone Peak Automation, LLC ═══ 11. How to Register ═══ The Virtual Keychain Remote is free, however, because it requires HOUSE/2, HOUSE/290 or the CM17A Comm Engine, you are asked to register one of these three programs after a trial period of 30 days. All registered users of the HOUSE/2 series of programs will receive a registration key to fully unlock the programs. Registration of these programs is for life-time and any new versions will not require any re-registration. A registered user may not make registration key information public nor pass it on to third parties. Here is how the HOUSE/2 series of programs can be registered: Send e-mail to LPASales@worldnet.att.net to request Lone Peak Automation's mailing address. You may then send a check or money order and Lone Peak Automation will return the registration key. There are two options you can choose from: If you want the HOUSE/290 program only, the cost is $15.00. If you plan to eventually add the newer CM11A to your CP290 controller, you can purchase HOUSE/2 together with HOUSE/290 for the price of $30.00 total. The cost of the CM17A Comm Engine for the Firecracker interface is $15.00. Please indicate which option you like when requesting mailing address. Register through BMT Micro at www.bmtmicro.com. BMT Micro offers a variety of purchasing methods, see the file BMTORDER.TXT for details. A registration key will be sent to you within usually one day of purchasing these programs. These options are available: Purchase HOUSE/290 only for $20.00 or purchase HOUSE/2 together with HOUSE/290 for $35.00 total. See the BMT Micro site for more information. The CM17A Comm Engine can be registered at BMT Micro: Register through BMT Micro at www.bmtmicro.com. BMT Micro offers a variety of purchasing methods, see the file BMTORDER.TXT for details. A registration key will be sent to you within usually one day of purchasing the CM17A Comm Engine. Purchase price is $20.00 See the BMT Micro site for more information. Quantity discounts are available. Please e-mail Lone Peak Automation for details. Registration key and instructions on how to enter the key to enable the registered features will be given out at registration time. ═══ 12. Contact ═══ The HOUSE/2 series of programs, UPS Monitor and DP Show are written by Lone Peak Automation, LLC of Sandy, Utah, USA. For general inquiry, contact Lone Peak Automation, LLC via e-mail at: LPASales@worldnet.att.net For support of the HOUSE/2 series of programs, UPS Monitor and DP Show, contact Lone Peak Automation, LLC directly via e-mail at: LPASupport@worldnet.att.net Visit the Lone Peak Automation, LLC home page, "The Warped Code Cellar" at: http://home.att.net/~ASchw for other information and applications for OS/2. Monitor this web page regularly for future upgrades of the available programs. Lone Peak Automation programs are also available at the following sites: http://www.bmtmicro.com http://hobbes.nmsu.edu http://www.os2ss.com ═══ 13. Internet Links for Home Automation ═══ To get more information on home automation, you can visit any of the sites listed here: www.x10.com Homepage of X10. This is the manufacturer of X10 products. www.x10.com/x10euro.htm Links to European Representatives of X10. www.smarthome.com Home Automation System, Inc. Vendor carrying large selection of home automation devices. Download catalog in PDF format, search for part numbers online. www.smarthome.com/foreign.html Home Automation Systems, Inc. 220-240VAC (50Hz) Components. Mail order company carrying some 220-240VAC (50Hz) X10 products for international markets. www.hwg-telekom.de HWG Telekommunikations Systeme GmbH. X10 Representative of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The CM11A is available as PowerHaus-II in these countries. www.automationplus.com Mail order company for home automation devices. www.asihome.com Mail order company for home automation devices. support.tandy.com/support_security/ Radio Shack Support. Follow the X10 links. Contains FAQ for home automation devices. www.hometoys.com Mailing lists, newsletters, articles and product reviews of home automation products and services. www.hometeam.com Information about products and services for home automation. www.homecontrols.com Large product catalog for home automation devices. Also carries 220-240V models for international markets. www.io.com/~lbs/ Laser Business Systems Ltd. Home Automation dealer in the United Kingdom. Lists controllers and modules for many other European countries. www.homecontrol.co.uk/ Home Control. X10 home automation representative in the United Kingdom. www.eon3.com Eon3 Home Automation Pty. Ltd. Home Automation dealer in Australia. www.X10BRASIL.com.br/ X10 Representative in Brasil. www.infinet.com/~dhoehnen/ha/list.html Comprehensive index of home automation related sites.