═══ 1. Table of Contents ═══ Table of Contents About Escape GL Instructions Module Hints OpenGL Help Legal Issues Support/Licensing ═══ 2. About Escape GL ═══ Escape GL expands the already powerful dynamic imaging system previously available in 'Escape', to include a collection of OpenGL 3D animations. This combination is integrated with the Workplace Shell Lockup system to provide an impressive screen saver for OS/2. Simple to Use Once a module is selected, Escape GL is automatically enabled. Once your normal Workplace Shell lockup sequence has started, Escape GL will be initiated. Wide Variety of 3D Animations 3D animations utilize some of todays most impressive 3D effects, including 3D smoothing, particle explosion, atmospheric dispersion, interactions, soft body objects, local lighting, color blending, antialiasing, piloting, dramatic perspective and much much more. Extensive Imaging Formats Escape GL's Slide Show has all of the powerful imaging support of 'Mirage' (also from Snow Storm Software) enabling a wide variety of images to be utilized, including: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, Photo CD, BMP, PICT, SNX, PCX, TGA, ICO, XBM, PSEG, as well as many varients. If these formats are not sufficient, Escape GL will support all MMOS/2 imaging IOPROCS, so you can expand Escape GL's support at will. Copyright (C) Snow Storm Software 1996-1998, all rights reserved ═══ 3. Instructions ═══ Activation Escape GL is activated by simply selecting a module from the combo box. Deactivation is achieved by selecting << Inactive >> from the module combo box. Once a module is selected, Escape GL will activate anytime your normal Workplace Shell Lockup would activate. Settings This button allows you to modify the settings used by individual modules. Help for the different settings is found on the help page of the settings notebook. Test Module This button will switch the module to a full screen test window reflecting the current settings defined for this module. You may also use this mode to start the screen saver manually without using the Workplace Shell Lockup. Help Selecting Help or pressing F1 will bring up this document. NOTE In order for the Escape GL screen saver to operate correctly, your lockup settings should be set to 'Full Screen' and NO 'autodim'. You may get into your Workplace Shell Lockup settings by pressing the right mouse button on the desktop background to get the pop-up menu and selecting 'Properties'. Click on the 'Lockup' tab and set the desired settings as above. The password used for the Workplace Shell Lockup still applies when Escape GL locks up. Refer to OpenGL Help for more information. For more information on individual modules please refer to Module Hints. ═══ 4. Module Hints ═══ General Hints For all modules, the smaller the window size the smoother the animations. It is recommended that you use window sizes of 4 or smaller for floating windows. Random When chosen, a random module will be selected each time the screen saver is started. You may control which modules will be used by checking the "Active in Random Mode" setting for each individual module. The individual module settings are used for each module loaded, therefore, use the settings page for each module. The time delay between loaded modules may also be changed on the 'MISC' settings page. VRML V1.0 and VRML V2.0 Escape GL now has the ability to read and animate Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) V1.0 and V2.0 models. The two modules provided allow their respective versions to be displayed. Escape GL will read in all 100% compliant VRML V1.0 and V2.0 models, ignoring any functions which Escape GL does not support. The newer VRML V2.0 models are recommended as Escape GL provides enhanced support for these models. Models which have defined cameras, and lighting will provide the best results. If a VRML model does not display it likely contains features which Escape GL does not support. Model sizes are currently only limited by system resources. Models > 1MB in size have been rendered successfully. For more details on VRML settings, refer to the help page for that module. VRML models are available both free and for cost through many points on the internet. Refer to the Snow Storm Software web site for some starting points. Other Modules For details on the individual settings for each module, refer to the help page in the settings notebook. ═══ 5. OpenGL Help ═══ OpenGL Help Refer to OpenGL.DOC included with this package for details. ═══ 6. Legal Issues ═══ All code, graphics and samples included within this package are Copyright (C) Snow Storm Software 1996-1998, all rights reserved. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Escape GL's is in part (c) Copyright 1993 - 97, Silicon Graphics, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Escape GL is provided "AS IS" without any Snow Storm Software warranties (or conditions), expressed or implied with respect to the Escape GL product, including the implied warranties (or conditions) or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the program and documentation remains with you. In no event will Snow Storm Software be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, incidental or indirect damages or other economic consequential damages, even if Snow Storm Software or its authorized suppliers has been advised of the possibility of such damages, in addition, Snow Storm Software will not be liable for any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim. Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; Snow Storm Software accepts NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. ═══ 7. Support/Licensing ═══ To purchase Escape GL, obtain additional licenses, or for more information contact Snow Storm Software: (403) 547 0669 WorldWide (403) 547 1018 FAX snowstm@ibm.net http://www.snowstormsoftware.com or contact various OS/2 retailers Copyright (C) Snow Storm Software 1996-1998, all rights reserved