Archive Name: BLENDGIF.ZIP Short Description: BlendGif: Create a multi-framed animated GIF (beta) Long Description: BlendGIF (ver 1.15) is a free, REXX application that will create a multi-frame animated GIF file from several single image GIF files. In addition to merely appending images together, BlendGif will create intermediate images -- thereby supporting a variety of fade, pan, and dissolve effects. BlendGIF can be run from an OS/2 command prompt,as a CGI-Bin script, or an an addon for the SRE-http web server Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/apps/graphics/animate Your name: Daniel Hellerstein Email address: Program contact name: (same) Program contact email: (same) Program URL: Would you like the contact email address included in listings? yes Operating System/Version: OS/2 3.0 Additional requirements: RXGDUTIL.DLL and REXXLIB.DLL (available seperately) Replaces: BLENDGIF.ZIP (this is an upgrade)