& help This is the MUSH online help facility. Notes on help descriptions: [text] - Text enclosed in []'s is optional. The []'s are never typed in as part of the command. - Information parameter for a command. The <>'s are never typed in as part of the command. Syntax of help command: help [] Some things to start with: help topics (Main help topics) help command list (List of commands) (@list commands) help flag list (List of flags) (@list flags) help function list (List of functions) (@list functions) Also see "help About TinyMUSH". & COMMANDS Flag: COMMANDS ($) When set on an object, when a command match is done, it checks the object for attributes of the form '$:'. If the command matches the pattern, then is executed. In other words, it checks the object for arbitrary user-defined $commands. Depending on your MUSH configuration, this flag might or might not be necessary for Arbitrary Commands to be checked. See 'help Arbitrary Commands' for more details. & command list Help available for MUSH Commands: drop enter examine get give goto help inventory kill leave LOGOUT look move news OUTPUTPREFIX OUTPUTSUFFIX page pose PUEBLOCLIENT QUIT read say score SESSION take throw use version whisper WHO " : ; & # \\ @@ @chown @clone @create @decompile @destroy @dig @doing @dolist @drain @edit @emit @entrances @femit @find @force @fpose @fsay @halt @last @link @list @listmotd @lock @mvattr @name @notify @oemit @open @parent @password @pemit @program @ps @quitprogram @quota @robot @search @set @stats @sweep @switch @teleport @trigger @unlink @unlock @verb @wait @wipe { 'help commands2' for more } & commands2 Help available for MUSH Commands (continued): @aahear @aclone @aconnect @adescribe @adfail @adisconnect @adrop @aefail @aenter @afail @agfail @ahear @akill @aleave @alfail @alias @amhear @amove @apay @arfail @asuccess @atfail @atport @aufail @ause @away @charges @conformat @cost @describe @dfail @drop @ealias @efail @enter @exitformat @fail @filter @forwardlist @gfail @idesc @idle @infilter @inprefix @kill @lalias @leave @lfail @listen @move @odescribe @odfail @odrop @oefail @oenter @ofail @ogfail @okill @oleave @olfail @omove @opay @orfail @osuccess @otfail @otport @oufail @ouse @oxenter @oxleave @oxtport @pay @prefix @reject @rfail @runout @sex @startup @success @tfail @tport @ufail @use & topics Help available on the following Topics: ARBITRARY COMMANDS ATTRIBUTE OWNERSHIP BEING KILLED BOGUS COMMANDS BOOLEAN VALUES COMMAND EVALUATION CONTROL COSTS CREDITS DELIMITERS DROP-TO ENACTOR EXITS FAILURE FLAG LIST FLAGS FUNCTION LIST FUNCTIONS GENDER GOALS HERE HOMES LINKING LISTENING LISTS LOOPING ME MONEY MOVING OBJECT TYPES PARENT OBJECTS PATCHLEVEL PIPING PUPPETS REGEXPS ROBBERY SEARCH CLASSES SEMAPHORES SPOOFING STACK SUBSTITUTIONS SUCCESS SWITCHES TCL VERBS WIZARDS & drop Command: drop[/] drop[/] The first form removes from your inventory and puts it in your location, except for the following special cases: Dropping a STICKY thing sends it home, and dropping a thing in a room with a drop-to sends the thing to the drop-to location. The second form removes from your list of exits and adds it to the list of exits for the current location. Anyone in the same location as you may then use the exit to travel to the exit's destination. You can only drop exits when you own the location where you are dropping them. The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @odrop/@adrop attributes on the dropped object. This switch only works if you control the object. 'throw' is the same as 'drop'. See also: get, @adrop, @drop, @odrop, DROP-TO, STICKY. & enter Command: enter[/] The enter command is used to enter an object. Insides of objects are best used for vehicles, or storage spaces when you don't have a home (or even as a floating home). In order to enter an object you must either own it or it must have its ENTER_OK flag set, and you must also pass the object's EnterLock (if it has one). The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @oenter/@aenter or @oefail/@aefail attributes on the entered object, and don't perform the @oxleave attribute on your current location. This switch only works if you control the object being entered. See also: leave, @aefail, @aenter, @efail, @enter, @idesc, @lock, @oefail, @oenter, @oxleave, ENTER_OK. & examine Command: examine[/] [/] Displays all available information about . may be an object, 'me' or 'here'. You must control the object to examine it, or it must be set VISUAL. If you do not own the object, you will just see the name of the object's owner, and optionally any public attributes and attributes owned by you set on the object. If an attribute is owned by a player other than the owner of the object, the number of the attribute owner is shown in parentheses immediately following the attribute name. Flag letters may appear in parentheses also, to indicate the status of the attribute; see 'help @set2' for details. { 'help examine2' for more } & examine2 If you specify a wildcarded attribute name, then only those attributes that match are shown. So, 'exam me/v?' will show all your attributes that start with v and are two characters long. The following switches are available: /brief - When examining an object you don't control, show only the owner's name. /full - When examining an object you don't control, show any public attributes set on the object in addition to the owner's name. /parent - Includes attributes that are not present on the object itself but which are inherited from the object's parent. See also: look, @decompile, VISUAL, ATTRIBUTE OWNERSHIP. & get Command: get[/] get[/] get[/] 's The first form picks up from your location and adds it to your inventory. It will fail if the object is locked against you, or if you are inside a player or object that you don't control and which isn't set ENTER_OK. The second form takes an exit from your location and adds it to you. Anyone inside you may then use the exit to travel to the exit's destination. You may take exits that you own, and exits owned by others in locations that you own. The third form takes from and adds it to your inventory. must be ENTER_OK and must not be locked against you for this to work. The lock on is not checked. { 'help get2' for more } & get2 The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @osucc/@asucc or @ofail/@afail attributes on the target object. This switch only works if you control the object. and may be either players or things. 'take' is the same as 'get'. See also: drop, @afail, @asucc, @fail, @ofail, @osucc, @succ, ENTER_OK, FAILURE, SUCCESS. & give Command: give = Gives player the specified amount of money or . You can't give someone money if their new total would be greater than 10000 (No reason to get greedy). You may also give players objects, but the other player must be set ENTER_OK to receive something you give. See also: @apay, @cost, @opay, @pay, ENTER_OK. & goto Command: goto[/] goto[/] home home Moves you in the specified direction, assuming that the direction is not locked against you. 'move home' is a special command that returns you to your home. The word 'move' may be omitted. The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @osucc/@asucc/@odrop/@adrop or @ofail/@afail attributes on the exit being used. This switch only works if you control the exit. 'move' is the same as 'goto'. See also: enter, home, leave, & inventory Command: inventory Lists what you are carrying and how much money you have. & kill Command: kill [=] Attempts to kill the specified player. Killing costs coins, which gives you a % chance of killing the player. Thus, spending 100 coins always works (except against wizards and immortals, who can never be killed). Players cannot be killed in rooms which have been set HAVEN or which they control. If you don't specify a cost, the default is 10 (for a 10% chance of success). The player, if killed, receives /2 coins in insurance. See also: @akill, @kill, @okill, BEING KILLED, IMMORTAL, WIZARD. & leave Command: leave[/] This command leave allows you to exit an object you have entered, arriving in the same location as the object. You may not leave an object if you fail that object's LeaveLock (but you may still @teleport out, use an exit inside the object, or go home). The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @oleave/@aleave or @olfail/@alfail attributes on the entered object, and don't perform the @oxenter attribute on your new location. This switch only works if you control your current location. See also: enter, @lock, ENTER_OK, @aleave, @alfail, @leave, @lfail, @oleave, @olfail, @oxenter. & LOGOUT Command: LOGOUT Disconnects you from your character without breaking the network connection to the game. You may then log in to another character. The LOGOUT command must be entered in all capitals. See also: QUIT. & look Command: look[/] [] Displays the description of , or the room you're in if you don't specify an object. Specifying object as or # or 'me' or 'here' is legal. You can also use look to look at objects held by other people, just use 'look 's '. You may use the /outside switch to look at the location of your current location (useful if you are inside a vehicle or other object). You may also look at other objects in the 'outer' location, but you may not use the possessive form with the /outside switch (ie: "look/outside 's " won't work). 'read' is the same as 'look'. See also: @adesc, @describe, @odesc. & move Command: move[/] move[/] home home Moves you in the specified direction, assuming that the direction is not locked against you. 'move home' is a special command that returns you to your home. The word 'move' may be omitted. The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @osucc/@asucc/@odrop/@adrop or @ofail/@afail attributes on the exit being used. This switch only works if you control the exit. 'goto' is the same as 'move'. See also: enter, home, leave. & news Command: news [] Shows you the current news for the MUSH. It is highly recommended that you check the news daily for new information. Otherwise, the wizards will have no pity on you for messing up with the new commands. & OUTPUTPREFIX Command: OUTPUTPREFIX Causes to be output on a line by itself before printing the results of each command. This command is intended for use by external robot programs, and may be restricted to players whose ROBOT flag is set. The OUTPUTPREFIX command must be entered in all capitals. See also; @robot, OUTPUTSUFFIX, ROBOT. & OUTPUTSUFFIX Command: OUTPUTSUFFIX Causes to be output on a line by itself after printing the results of each command. This command is intended for use by external robot programs, and may be restricted to players whose ROBOT flag is set. The OUTPUTSUFFIX command must be entered in all capitals. See also; @robot, OUTPUTPREFIX, ROBOT. & page Command: page [=[]] This command sends to . If you do not specify a message, it tells a player that you are looking for them, and tell the player where you are. You may use either the player's name or alias, and you may also give a string that uniquely matches the start of a player's name on the WHO list. You can format the message one of several ways by specifying ':', ';', or '"' as the first character of the message. ':' and ';' format the message as 'From afar, ', with ';' omitting the space between and . '"' formats the message in normal page format (this is the default). If your Idle attribute is set to something, then it is sent to anyone who successfully pages you. This is useful for when you are away from your terminal for a short while. { 'help page2' for more } & page2 You can selectively disable pages from certain players with the '@lock/page' command (players must pass the lock in order to page you). If someone cannot page you, they will be sent a message including of your Reject attribute if they try. If someone pages you while you are not connected, they are sent a message including your Away attribute. See also: pose, say, whisper, :, ;, ", @pemit, @away, @idle, @reject. & pose Command: pose[/] Displays to everyone in your current room, preceded by your name and optionally a space. Example: the command 'pose jumps for joy' produces ' jumps for joy'. The following switches are available: /default - (default) Put a space between your name and the message (ie, display ' '). /nospace - Don't put a space between your name and the message (ie, display ''). See also: page, say, whisper, :, ;, ". & PUEBLOCLIENT Command: PUEBLOCLIENT This command notifies the MUSH that one is using a client that supports the Pueblo extensions. Such a client normally sends this string automatically; users probably will never need to type this. & QUIT Command: QUIT Logs you out and disconnects you from the game. Must be in all capitals. See also: LOGOUT. & read Command: read [] Displays the description of , or the room you're in if you don't specify an object. Specifying object as or # or 'me' or 'here' is legal. You can also use look to look at objects held by other people, just use 'read 's '. You may use the /outside switch to look at the location of your current location (useful if you are inside a vehicle or other object). You may also look at other objects in the 'outer' location, but you may not use the possessive form with the /outside switch (ie: "read/outside 's " won't work). 'look' is the same as 'read'. & ; Command: ; This command is much like the ':' command, except that no space is inserted between your name and the action. Example: the command ';'s watch beeps.' produces ''s watch beeps.'. Warning: This command does not work in command lists run from an attribute because the ';' is treated as the command separator. Use pose/nospace instead. See also: page, pose, say, whisper, :, ". & : Command: : Displays to everyone in your current room, preceded by your name and a space. Example: the command ':jumps for joy' produces ' jumps for joy'. See also: page, pose, say, whisper, ;, ". & " Command: " Says out loud to everyone in your current room. Example: the command '"Where is the movie theater?' produces ' says "Where is the movie theater>"'. Note that the closing double quote is automatically added. See also: page, pose, say, :, ". & # Command: # Forces the object whose database number is to perform . Example: '#1033 move north' forces object #1033 to go north (assuming that you control it). The same restrictions that apply to @force also apply to this command. See also: @force. & \\ Command: \\ Outputs to everyone in your current room without embellishment. Example: the command '\\A chill falls over the room.' produces 'A chill falls over the room.' See also: @emit, @oemit, NOSPOOF. & say Command: say Says out loud to everyone in your current room. You can also use '"'. See also: page, pose, whisper, :, ;, ". & score Command: score Displays how much money you have. Helpful to see if any machines are looping. See also: @ps, LOOPING. & SESSION Command: SESSION Displays information on how many characters you have sent and received during this session, and which (Internal) port you are connected to on the mush. It must be typed in all uppercase. Example: > SESSION Characters Input---- Characters Output--- Player Name On For Idle Port Pend Lost Total Pend Lost Total Mortal 00:06 0s 16 0 0 44 156 0 2679 2 Players logged in. Pending characters are those waiting to be acted on as commands (for input) or waiting to be sent out over the network (output). Lost characters are due to overflowing either the MUSH's input or output buffers, either as the result of running a single command that produces too much output (such as @find and @search commands that match a large number of objects), or from typing too much on one line. Note: your Pending count for output will always be nonzero, as the output of the SESSION command hasn't been sent out over the network yet. & take Command: take[/] take[/] take[/] 's The first form picks up from your location and adds it to your inventory. It will fail if the object is locked against you, or if you are inside a player or object that you don't control and which isn't set ENTER_OK. The second form takes an exit from your location and adds it to you. Anyone inside you may then use the exit to travel to the exit's destination. You may take exits that you own, and exits owned by others in locations that you own. The third form takes from and adds it to your inventory. must be ENTER_OK and must not be locked against you for this to work. The lock on is not checked. { 'help take2' for more } & take2 The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @osucc/@asucc or @ofail/@afail attributes on the target object. This switch only works if you control the object. and may be either players or things. 'get' is the same as 'take'. See also: drop, @afail, @asucc, @fail, @ofail, @osucc, @succ, ENTER_OK, FAILURE, SUCCESS. & throw Command: throw[/] throw[/] The first form removes from your inventory and puts it in your location, except for the following special cases: Dropping a STICKY thing sends it home, and dropping a thing in a room with a drop-to sends the thing to the drop-to location. The second form removes from your list of exits and adds it to the list of exits for the current location. Anyone in the same location as you may then use the exit to travel to the exit's destination. You can only drop exits when you own the location where you are dropping them. The following switch is recognized: /quiet - Don't perform the @odrop/@adrop attributes on the dropped object. This switch only works if you control the object. 'drop' is the same as 'throw'. See also: get, @adrop, @drop, @odrop, DROP-TO, STICKY. & use Command: use Uses . Some objects will do interesting, useful, or dangerous things when used, for instance, using a camera should result in a picture being taken. See also: @ause, @ouse, @use. & version Command: version Displays the version of MUSH that is running and the date it was last rebuilt. & whisper Command: whisper = Whispers the message to the named person, if they are in the same room as you. No one else can see the message that you whisper. You can format the message one of several ways by specifying ':', ';', or '"' as the first character of the message. ':' and ';' format the message as 'You sense ', with ';' omitting the space between and . '"' formats the message in normal whisper format (this is the default). See also: page, pose, say, :, ;, ". & WHO Command: WHO Displays a list of players currently connected to the MUSH. The WHO report tells you how long a player has been on, how long they have been inactive, and what they are doing (if they have used the @doing command). If is specified, only players whose names start with are listed. The WHO command must be entered in all capitals. See also: @doing. & & Command: & [=] Synonym: @set = :[] Sets the attribute named on to . If is not a predefined attribute (like ofail or va), then it is created. Attributes so created are called user-named attributes. Attribute names may only contain letters, numbers, and the characters < -_.@#$^&*~?=+| >, and must start with a letter. The names of user-named attributes may not be abbreviated (an attempt to get the value of the attribute will fail, and an attempt to set will create a new attribute). The & command may be used to set predefined attributes (in this instance, '& =' is equivalent to '@ ='). See also: @set. & @@ Command: @@ This command does nothing, therefore it is useful for putting comments into a MUSH program. Be careful that ()'s and {}'s in the (otherwise ignored) arguments are nested correctly, lest your command-ending ; be trapped inside. Example: @va me=$foobar *:@fo #1234=%0;@@ This controls my foobar puppet. & @chown Command: @chown [=] @chown /[=] The first form changes the ownership of to (default is to yourself). Objects may be things, rooms or exits. To chown things, you have to be carrying the thing. For rooms or exits, you have to be in the room. Objects must have the CHOWN_OK flag set before they may be @chowned. In a room, the command used must be @chown here = , and for an object, you must be very specific. The second form changes the ownership of the indicated attribute on to (default is the owner of the object). You may only @chown unlocked attributes. You may @chown unlocked attributes on objects that you own to yourself, and you may also @chown attributes that you own on objects owned by others to the owner of the object. When an object is @chowned, all unlocked attributes on the object are automatically @chowned as well, locked attributes remain owned by their original owners. The HALTED flag is automatically set on the new copy of the object. Players can't be @chowned; they always own themselves. See also: @lock, @Unlock, CHOWN_OK, ATTRIBUTE OWNERSHIP. & @clone Command: @clone[/] [=] Creates an exact duplicate of that is owned by you and (for things and exits) puts it in your current location. You may have the object put in your inventory (or your exitlist in the case of cloning exits) by using the /inventory switch. You may clone your own objects, plus VISUAL objects owned by others. The INHERIT and WIZARD bits of the (new) object are cleared when the object is cloned. If is specified, it is used as the name instead of the original name. If you clone a linked exit, an attempt is made to link the clone to the same location. Except when using the /inventory switch, you can only clone exits when you own your current location. If you clone a room with a drop-to, an attempt is made to link the drop-to to the same location. If the original object was owned by you, then the ACLONE attribute is run in the new attribute, otherwise the new object is set HALTED. Exits and contents of cloned objects are not cloned. { 'help @clone2' for more } & @clone2 The following switches are available: /cost - Treat the argument after the = as the cost of the new object, not the name. /inherit - Don't reset the INHERIT bit on the new object. /inventory - Create the new object in your inventory (or your exitlist, in the case of cloning exits). /location - Create the new object in your location (default). /parent - Set the new object's parent to be the template object and don't copy the attributes. See also: @create, @decompile, @destroy, VISUAL. & @create Command: @create [=] Creates a thing with the specified name. Creation costs either or 10 coins, whichever is greater. The value of a thing is proportional to its cost, specifically, value=(cost/5)-1. The value may not be greater than 100, values that would be greater than 100 are rounded down to 100. See also: @destroy, TYPES OF OBJECTS. & @decompile Command: @decompile [/] [=] This dumps the sequence of commands needed to recreate that object. It is useful for keeping off-MUSH records of your valuable objects, and for transferring code from one MUSH to another. If you specify , then the commands dumped will set attributes, locks, and flags on an object named and will omit the command to create the object. If are specified, only the specific attributes for the object will be printed in decompile format. This allows you to decompile objects that are larger than the output buffer limit, as well as simply decompile parts of objects; if a wildcard pattern is given, only attributes will be dumped (no flags, etc.) The wildcard pattern is identical to the type used by the 'examine' command and the 'lattr()' function. & @destroy Command: @destroy[/] This command destroys and refunds its cost of creation to its owner. You must own in order to @destroy it, unless its DESTROY_OK flag is set, in which case anyone holding it may @destroy it. Rooms, exits, and objects may be destroyed, although the the actual destruction of rooms is delayed for up to ten minutes and the GOING flag is set on the victim room. Clearing the GOING flag on the room spares it from destruction. The @destroy command will not destroy objects with the SAFE flag set unless the /override switch is specified. The DESTROY_OK flag overrides the protection given by the SAFE flag. The following switches are available: /override - Negate protection offered by the SAFE flag. See also: DESTROY_OK, SAFE. & @dig Command: @dig[/] [= [, ] ] Creates a new room with the specified name and displays its number. This command costs 10 coins. If the [= ] option is used, an exit will be opened from the current room to the new room automatically. If the second option (after the comma) is specified, an exit from the new room back to the current room with the specified [Exits] name is opened. Either exit creation may fail if you do not have sufficient rights to the current room to open or link the new exit. Example: The command @dig Kitchen = Kitchen;k;north;n,south;s will dig a room called Kitchen, and open an exit called 'Kitchen' in your current room. The ; symbol means that you may enter the exit by typing 'k', 'north' or 'n' also. This command also opens the exit 'south;s' from 'Kitchen' back to where you are. Only the first Exit name is displayed in the Obvious exits list. If you specify the /teleport switch, then you are @teleported to the room after it is created and any exits are opened. See also: @destroy, @link, @open, LINKING, TYPES OF OBJECTS. & @doing Command: @doing[/] [] Sets your doing message, which appears after your name in the WHO report. The following switches are available: /message - Sets your Doing string in the WHO report. (default) /poll - Displays the current Doing poll from the WHO report. See also: WHO. & @dolist Command: @dolist[/] [] = is a list of strings, which can be object numbers, attributes, or arbitrary words. is a command to perform once for each item in , replacing the special symbol ## with the corresponding item from , and the special symbol #@ with the position of the item in the list. . By default, @dolist considers each item in to be separated with spaces. If you specify the /delimit switch, then each item is considered to be separated by . must be a single character. If present, can be any of: /space - (Default) List elements are separated by spaces. /delimit - List elements are separated by . /notify - Queues a "@notify me" after all the @dolist'd commands. Continued in 'help @dolist2'. & @dolist2 This command is particularly handy with lcon() and lexits(). A few examples: @dolist [lcon(here)] = "[name(##)](##) @dolist [lcon(here)] = @switch [get(##/last)]=*1990*,"[name(##)] @va me = va vb vc @dolist [get(me/va)] = @emit [get(me/##)] @dolist 2 3 4 5=@emit [add(#@,##)] @dolist Frodo Bilbo Gandalf = page ## = HELP!!!! I've fallen into a pit. @dolist/delimit , {Frodo, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf} = page ## = HELP!!!! See also: iter(). & @drain Command: @drain Discards all commands waiting on the semaphore and resets the semaphore to its initial state. See also: @notify, @ps, SEMAPHORES & @edit Command: @edit / = , @edit / = ^, @edit / = $, This command edits the contents of one or more attributes of an object, eliminating the need to retype a long attribute in order to make a simple change. In the first form, all occurrences of in the specified attribute of the named object are replaced with . Use curly braces ({ and }) around or if they contain commas. The second and third form prepend and append to the selected attributes, respectively. If contains wildcard characters, then all attributes that match are edited. & @emit Command: @emit[/] Sends to everyone in your current location without prefixing it by your character name. You can also send the message to everyone in the room that contains the object you are inside with the /room switch. The following switches are available: /here - Sends the message to everyone in the same location as you. /room - Sends the message to everyone in the room that contains the object you are in. Starting from your location, this switch 'leaves' objects until it reaches a room, and @emits the message there. If both switches are specified, the message is sent to both places. If neither is specified, /here is assumed. There is an also an '/html/' switch, which sends the output in HTML format. (Pueblo support only.) Some MUSHes may restrict the use of this command. See also: @femit, @oemit, @pemit, SPOOFING. & @entrances Command: @entrances [[][,[,]]] Lists links from elsewhere to the specified object (default: your current room). For rooms, exits and drop-to's, leading to the room and players and objects whose home is in the room are listed. For players and objects, lists exits leading to them. Because this command is computationally expensive, it costs 100 coins. and can be used to indicate where to start and stop the search, respectively. You may only use this command on objects that you control. Examples: > @entrances <- all links to here > @entrances object <- all links to object > @entrances ,100,200 <- all links to here from #100 to #200 > @entrances me,1000 <- all links to me from #1000 and above. See also: @link, @unlink. & @femit Command: @femit[/] = Forces to emit . This command is similar to the command '@force = @emit ', except that it will work so long as you own the object, whereas @force may fail if the object has its INHERIT flag set and the object performing the @force does not. The following switches are available: /here - Sends the message to everyone in the same location as . /room - Sends the message to everyone in the room that contains the object that is in. Starting from your location, this switch 'leaves' objects until it reaches a room, and @emits the message there. If both switches are specified, the message is sent to both places. If neither is specified, /here is assumed. Some MUSHes may restrict the use of this command. See also: @emit, @fpose, @fsay, INHERIT, SPOOFING. & @find Command: @find [,[,]] Displays the name and number of every room, thing, or player that you control whose name matches . Because the command is computationally expensive, it costs 100 coins. and may be used to restrict the range of objects that are searched, if they are given then the search starts at object # and ends at object #. Examples: > @find Lost Room > @find Secret Device,12000,14000 See also: @search. & @force Command: @force = Forces the game to act as though had entered . You may only force objects that you control. Objects may not force players unless either the object or the player has their INHERIT flag set, and objects that do not have their INHERIT flag set may not force objects that do. If the victim is specified by number, you may use an alternate form of the command, '# '. See also: puppets. & @fpose Command: @fpose[/] = Forces to pose . This command is similar to the command '@force = :', except that it will work so long as you own the object, whereas @force may fail if the object has its INHERIT flag set and the object performing the @force does not. The following switches are available: /default - (default) Put a space between the name of the object and the message (ie, send ' '). /nospace - Don't put a space between the name of the object and the message (ie, send ''). See also: @femit, @fsay, pose, :, ;, INHERIT. & @halt Command: @halt [] Halts all commands being run by , or by the object running the command if no is given. If the object to be halted is a player, then all commands being run by objects owned by that player are halted. Use this command to stop runaway objects and infinite loops. The process of halting an object involves removing all commands waiting to be run by the object from the queue and refunding the queue deposit. Halting an object does not affect commands waiting on it as a semaphore. See also: @drain, @notify, kill, HALTED, SEMAPHORES. & @last Command: @last This command displays a short 'connection history' for , showing recent successful and failed connection attempts, as well as the total number of successful and failed connections. You can only display information about yourself. & @link Command: @link =#/here/home When used on a player or a thing, this command sets the object's home to the indicated location. The destination must be owned by you or be an ABODE room. When used on a room, this command sets the room's drop-to, where objects dropped in the room go. The destination must be a room that is either owned by you or is LINK_OK. For exits, this command sets the destination if the exit is currently unlinked, and you control the destination or it is set LINK_OK. You can @link an unlinked exit regardless of who owns it or the lock set on it; you are made the owner if you successfully link to the destination. Linking an exit costs 1 coin, and if the exit was owned by someone else, you also reimburse the the former owner 1 coin (making the total cost to you 2 coins). { 'help @link2' for more } & @link2 If you are not a Wizard, in order to link to a destination, you must pass its LinkLock (even if you are the owner of that destination). Note that in all the above cases that it is the player performing the @link command that must pass the LinkLock, not the object being linked. Therefore, you should use the '$' lock qualifier if you want to prevent specific players from linking to your LINK_OK locations, as simply locking against '*' does not lock out their puppets. See also: @dig, @open, @unlink, DROP-TOS, HOMES, LINKING. & @list Command: @list [