The Quoteriser - a quote management application Version 2.10 (C) 1997-1998 Nicholas Paul Sheppard ( The Quoteriser is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence (though it is not an official GNU product), and comes with NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. See the file doc/copying.txt for details. There are two Quoteriser distribution files: - compiled OS/2 binaries - C source code Presumably, the reader has at least one of them to be in the possession of this file. Only one of the packages is required (though will be useless without a C compiler, of course). Refer to doc/intro.htm for further information on installing and using the Quoteriser, and to doc/source.htm for further information on compiling the Quoteriser. If the reader has used earlier versions the Quoteriser, he or she may wish to peruse doc/history.txt for the list of changes. Documentation for this version of the Quoteriser is largely in HTML format and can be viewed with a web browser. The author hopes that the Quoteriser proves useful, interesting, educational or some other worthy adjective. Nicholas Paul Sheppard (